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KCS-ONE Knowledge Centered Support Stefan Haertinger

KCS Procedure Published External/ Customer Viewable

ID KCS019923
Removing a system from unity Created Jun 25, 2019

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Product Categories
Unity Director

Steps to remove a system from unity​


# Deactivate the managed system

system deactivate <system Name>

unityadmin> system deactivate sdt23655;
Operation Number : 11
Operation Name : Deactivating Systems
User : admin
User Name : Main Administration User
Start Time : 06/25 01:05:42
[3] sdt23655
06/25 01:05:42 [-] Info: Beginning deactivation of systems
06/25 01:05:42 [-] Info: Resetting system 3 (sdt23655)
06/25 01:05:42 [-] Info: Reset system 3 (sdt23655)
06/25 01:05:42 [-] Info: Successfully deactivated 1 systems
06/25 01:05:42 [-] Info: Operation finished
Status : Finished (1)
Finish Time : 06/25 01:05:42
[3] sdt23655 - Finished (1)

# Remove the system

Note :: If there a is a routing rule defined with this system , it will have to be deleted before you remove the system.
use # routing list < to list the routing rules >
use # routing delete < to remove the routing rule >

system remove <system name>


unityadmin> system remove sdt23655;

Operation Number : 13
Operation Name : Removing System
User : admin
User Name : Main Administration User
Start Time : 06/25 01:06:56
[3] sdt23655
06/25 01:06:56 [-] Info: Removing system 3 (sdt23655)
06/25 01:06:56 [-] Info: Stopping Dispatchers associated with system sdt23655
06/25 01:06:56 [-] Info: Stopping Dispatcher process: jammu_dsp_sdt23655...
06/25 01:07:01 [-] Info: Dispatcher Process: jammu_dsp_sdt23655 is stopped
06/25 01:07:01 [-] Info: Removing Dispatcher process: jammu_dsp_sdt23655...
06/25 01:07:01 [-] Info: Stopping Dispatcher process: udhampur_dsp_sdt23655...
06/25 01:07:06 [-] Info: Dispatcher Process: udhampur_dsp_sdt23655 is stopped
06/25 01:07:06 [-] Info: Removing Dispatcher process: udhampur_dsp_sdt23655...
06/25 01:07:07 [-] Info: Setting System: 3 State to Buried
06/25 01:07:07 [-] Info: [admin] Successfully Removed system '3 (sdt23655)'
06/25 01:07:07 [-] Info: Operation finished
Status : Finished (1)
Finish Time : 06/25 01:07:07
[3] sdt23655 - Finished (1)

Note ::This will remove the entry for dispatcher process from file

# Run proxyconfig to Remove Teradata database system proxy certificates from the managed Teradata database system

/opt/teradata/unity/bin # ./

# Delete unitymgmt user from the managed system

bteq .logon dbc,dbc

Teradata BTEQ for LINUX. PID: 15970
Copyright 1984-2017, Teradata Corporation. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Enter your logon or BTEQ command:
.logon dbc,
*** Logon successfully completed.
*** Teradata Database Release is
*** Teradata Database Version is
*** Transaction Semantics are BTET.
*** Session Character Set Name is 'ASCII'.

*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.

BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request or BTEQ command:

delete user unitymgmt;
delete user unitymgmt;
*** Database's objects have been dropped.
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.

BTEQ -- Enter your SQL request or BTEQ command:

drop user unitymgmt;
drop user unitymgmt;
*** Database/User has been dropped.
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.

# Even after this you will see the dispatcher information listed under dispatcher info

System 1:
Index 0: Dispatcher: 0x00030002 (dispatcher 2 [udhampur_dsp_sdt20286, sdl37814:5347]). Connected:
yes (1561388335)
isActive: 0, region/sys region: 2/1
Index 1: Dispatcher: 0x00030001 (dispatcher 1 [jammu_dsp_sdt20286, sdl33197:5347]). Connected: yes
isActive: 1, region/sys region: 1/1
System 2:
Index 0: Dispatcher: 0x00030004 (dispatcher 4 [udhampur_dsp_sdt22423, sdl37814:5348]). Connected:
yes (1561388335)
isActive: 1, region/sys region: 2/2
Index 1: Dispatcher: 0x00030003 (dispatcher 3 [jammu_dsp_sdt22423, sdl33197:5348]). Connected: yes
isActive: 0, region/sys region: 1/2
System 3:
Index 0: Dispatcher: 0x00030006 (dispatcher 6 [udhampur_dsp_sdt23655, sdl37814:46535]). Connected:
no (1561389324)
isActive: 0, region/sys region: 2/0
Index 1: Dispatcher: 0x00030005 (dispatcher 5 [jammu_dsp_sdt23655, sdl33197:55373]). Connected: no
isActive: 0, region/sys region: 1/0

# To get rid of that we will need a full restart of unity processes

System 1:
Index 0: Dispatcher: 0x00030002 (dispatcher 2 [udhampur_dsp_sdt20286, sdl37814:5347]). Connected:
yes (1561388335)
isActive: 0, region/sys region: 2/1
Index 1: Dispatcher: 0x00030001 (dispatcher 1 [jammu_dsp_sdt20286, sdl33197:5347]). Connected: yes
isActive: 1, region/sys region: 1/1
System 2:
Index 0: Dispatcher: 0x00030004 (dispatcher 4 [udhampur_dsp_sdt22423, sdl37814:5348]). Connected:
yes (1561388335)
isActive: 1, region/sys region: 2/2
Index 1: Dispatcher: 0x00030003 (dispatcher 3 [jammu_dsp_sdt22423, sdl33197:5348]). Connected: yes
isActive: 0, region/sys region: 1/2
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