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Nome do aluno: Felipe Vieira de Oliveira Sousa

Componente Curricular: Inglês Instrumental

Professor: Robson Turma: LOGISTICA A

greetings / introducing yourself

1. Complete os diálogos abaixo:

A: Good morning sir. Are you a new principal?
B: Of course I am.
A: ____________________________ name, sir?
B: My name is Andrew!
A: Nice ____________________________! Andrew. Welcome to our school!

A: Mary, I would like to introduce my new boyfriend. ____________________________ Michael, my new
B: Hi! Nice to meet you, Michael.
C: ____________________________, Mary.

2. Abrevie adequadamente os sobrenomes de família com os titles estudados (Mr., Mrs., Ms. and Miss),
conforme os dados fornecidos em cada alternativa.
a) José Henrique Fernandes / Estado civil: Solteiro
Mr. Fernandes

b) Maria Rosana Conceição / Estado civil: Casada

Mrs. Conceição

c) Amélia Julia Sousa / Estado civil: Não informado

Ms. Sousa

d) Jackeline Andressa Silva / Estado civil: Solteira

Miss. Silva

e) Marcos F. Silva / Estado civil: Casado

Mr. Silva

f) Fernando Pereira Gonçalves / Estado civil: Não informado

Mr. Gonçalves

Rua Capitão Lourival Mey, 750 • Jardim Santana • 13.184-470 • Hortolândia • SP • Tel.: (19) 3897-3727

3. Look at these statements. Which statements say “hello”? Which statements say “good-bye”?

Saying “hello” Saying “good-bye”

a) How are you? X

b) See you later. X

c) Take care. X

d) Have a great weekend! X

e) Good evening. X

f) Good night. X

g) How are things? X

4. Order the sentences in order to form a dialogue:

( ) Nice to meet you too, Julie.

( ) Nice to meet you, Kelly. My name’s Julie.

( ) Hi! I’m Kelly, what’s your name?

( ) My name’s Mike.

( ) Hi, what’s your name?

( ) Good to meet you too, Bruna.

( ) Good to meet you, Mike. I’m Bruna.

( ) Pleased to meet you too, Peter.

( ) Hello! I’m Peter! What’s your name?

( ) Pleased to meet you, Rick.

( ) Hi, Peter! I’m Rick.

5. Assinale a alternativa que contém expressões em inglês, as quais podem ser utilizadas em qualquer
momento do dia:

a) Hi!, Hello!, See you!

b) Good afternoon!, Good night!, Good evening!
c) Good afternoon! See you later! Good evening!
d) So long! Good afternoon!, Good morning!

Rua Capitão Lourival Mey, 750 • Jardim Santana • 13.184-470 • Hortolândia • SP • Tel.: (19) 3897-3727

6. You meet John, a new student in your town. Can you answer his questions? (responda sobre você)

- Hello! My name is John. What’s your name?


- My last name is Smith. What’s your last name?


- I’m from England, and you? Where are you from?


- I live in New York. Where do you live?


- I am twenty years old. How old are you?


7. Fill in the form below with information from the text.

First name:
Family name:

Rua Capitão Lourival Mey, 750 • Jardim Santana • 13.184-470 • Hortolândia • SP • Tel.: (19) 3897-3727

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