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Introvert vs Extrovert





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Introvert vs Extrovert: A Case of Differing Personalities


People have different personalities; personality defines the nature and character of a person.

The most commonly known or referred to types of personalities are introvert and extrovert; each of

the two main types of personalities depicts particular behavior and mannerism (Amir, Salehi, &

Masoud, 2016). In presenting a clear dichotomy between an introvert and an extrovert, using an

inferential reference to two subjects provides the most appealing and relevant illustration- the two

subjects are my identical twin siblings. Contrary to popular assumption, even though twins bear

similarities in terms of appearance, each member of a set of twins has their own unique personality.

The difference in personalities between two physically similar people justifies that all humans bear


Inter and Intra-personal Relations

Identical twins bear physical similarities but differing personalities. For purposes of

differentiation, in the nomenclature of my identical twin siblings, it is prudent to name twin 1

(Jane) and twin 2 (Joe); the selected subjects are of a different gender. Joe is a rather reserved

child who many claim to be timid but calm in his conduct. As a typical introvert, Joe

constantly tries to avoid any form of social engagement and prefers being secluded.

According to Amir, Salehi, & Masoud (2016), the term introvert is defined in a wide range of

descriptions but all share a common rationale in that an introvert bears a preference for

seclusion. Similar to Jane, Joe is a person who enjoys more being with his own thoughts than

being with other people. In most scenarios, Joe will always prefer sitting alone in his

bedroom and when in school he rarely takes part in extracurricular activities. On the other

hand, Jane is outgoing and frequently takes part in school activities and has many friends.

The opposite of being an introvert is being an extrovert. According to Popova (2018),

an extrovert is a person whose personality is defined as outgoing and presents a preference to

being engaged and involved in intra-personal interactions. An extrovert best describes Jane

who is a lively and active child as compared to Joe. Jane regularly takes part in

extracurricular activities in school and has a strong affiliation for being around people and

inactive conversations. However, if not well understood, Joe’s personality can be

misconstrued as disobedient or cheeky but it is in an actual sense his general personality as an


Mannerism and Behavior

At home, Jane mirrors the exact attributes of an extrovert by being lively and active in

doing chores and relating with the family. Jane, unlike Joe, is not shy; Introverts present as

shy people compared to extroverts who are readily engaging and bold. The same is evident in

the mannerism of Jane and Joe- Jane being an extrovert is not shy while on the other hand,

Joe presents as a shy boy. The world seems to be more appreciative of extroverts than

introverts owing to the lack of proper understanding and appreciation of different personality

attributes. Extroverts are the polar opposite of introverts who are in most contexts deemed as

boring or reserved. It is characteristic for Jane to be appreciated for being outgoing and

outspoken, something that is not apparent in the case of Joe. It is for such reasons that Jane

has more friends than Joe owing to the aspect of social attractiveness- Jane has a higher social

attractiveness than Joe.

Social Engagements and Activity Preference

Introverts, owing to their reserved nature tend to be left out of social engagements,

and for children, being an introvert means that one risks being secluded from the activities

others partake in both at home and school. For instance, it is common for Jane to come home

and ask for permission to go for a sleep-over at her friend Amanda’s home but rarely is the

same scenario presented by Joe. Jane frequently loves outdoor activities that involve other

people and interactions while Joe prefers his own space and company. It is clearly a case of

differing personalities and must be appreciated as such. 


In summation, human uniqueness is attestable through the aspect of difference in

personalities that justifies that all persons have their own mannerisms and preferential

behaviors. Extroverts and introverts are polar opposites of each other with the latter being

considered as significantly limited in socially attractive mannerism and behavior. Regardless

of the difference in personality traits, both extroverts and introverts have appealing attributes

if well understood and appreciated.


Amir, M. Z., Salehi, S., & Masoud, K. S. (2016). The Effect of EFL Teachers’ Extrovert and

Introvert Personality on Their Instructional Immediacy. International Journal of

Applied Linguistics & English Literature, 5(1), 57-64.

Popova, O. V. (2018). Speech behaviour of introvert and extrovert personality types in the

parliamentary discourse. Vestnik Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo

Universiteta.Serii︠︡ a 2, I︠︡ Azykoznanie, 17(2), 134.


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