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Sword and Pen, Both are worthy weapons

Sword and pen are both different weapons. A sword is use for fighting purposes while
pen is used for writing purposes. Sword is always destructive and a weapon of war and violence
while pen is always constructive and a weapon of peace and harmony. Despite that, both of it
has similar purposes and function.

When warriors fight on the battlefield, they would use sword. A sword is a very powerful
weapon. It symbolizes force of arms, horror of violence and honor of the protector. It is powerful
where you can even make people bow down to you and establish your own supremacy. Using
it, you can either destroy or protect people.

On the other hand, it is the same with how writers use pen. When they want to convey
their words on their minds and hearts, they use pen. A pen is also a powerful weapon just like
the sword. It symbolizes force of ideas, desirability of peaceful solutions and the iron rule of the
law. With just the peaceful act of using pen to express your own thoughts, it can blow a bigger
impact to the people and society; just like the sword, a pen can either destroy or protect people.

With their various similarities, sword and pen are both worthy instruments. Both have the
power to accomplish things on their own way. One may create peace during war and the other,
may create war during peace. But both have played a very important role in changing and
bringing huge transformation to the history of mankind.

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