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Name : Evi Sopiah

NIM : 021220081
Study Programme : D3 Animal Health
Practicum : Writing

The outline
1. Background
a. Definition
b. The importance of health in animals for their productivity
c. What is the effect of animal health on human health?
d. Health problems in animals that often occur
e. What is animal health care today?
2. Body of paragraph
a. What causes livestock disease?
b. What are the characteristics of healthy animals?
c. What are the characteristics of sick animals?
d. How to prevent disease?
3. Conclusion/reaffirmation
a. Importance of animal health
b. The importance of preventing rather than treating

Animal health for human health

The health of livestock is the key to determining the success of a livestock business. The
classic motto remains in place to this day, namely prevention is better than treatment, so
measures such as sanitation, vaccination and the implementation of biosecurity in livestock
environments must be consistently implemented. The meaning of "healthy" for livestock is a
condition in which in the body of livestock normal processes, both normal physical, chemical,
biochemical and physiological processes, on the contrary " sick is the condition of livestock that
is the opposite.
Animals must be maintained in a healthy way so that maximum genetic potential can be
achieved, whether in the form of meat, milk or eggs. Similarly, a beloved animal will give
certain happiness to its owner, if in a healthy and healthy condition. Unhealthy animals can cause
many losses such as decreased weight gain, reduced productivity and for pets the level of
cuteness is reduced, it is not even impossible to interfere with the level of human health.
Some animal health problems can be prevented for example with good sanitation and
hygiene, by vaccination and by being well health management. However, there are some diseases
that cannot be controlled such as anthrax outbreaks. The success of a farmer can be measured by
the success of not applying a health program on his livestock so that livestock will be produced
in a healthy and productive state. Therefore a breeder must have the provision of basic
knowledge of livestock. Although in this case the veterinarian can be used as a consultant /
worker in carrying out livestock health programs, but the success or failure of the program is
entirely the responsibility of breeders (santosa law, 2006).
As is customary in developing countries, the procurement of livestock health services in
Indonesia today is still dominated by the government. Generally, the services provided by this
government face various obstacles such as: the least number of veterinarians available, weak
infrastructure, inadequate budgets, and a very centralistic planning system. Therefore,
privatization is widely applied in various countries in the world to improve the quality, efficiency
and effectiveness of services.
The basic assumption of privatization is that private sector institutions are becoming
more flexible, and competition between service providers can lower service costs. Experience
has shown that private services can thrive in areas with a lot of potential, where livestock farmers
can afford the services they get. But livestock farming in developing countries is generally done
by small farmers, who have little capital and live in remote areas.
The physical characteristics of a healthy animal can usually be recognized by its agile
movements, hair is not dull, eyes shine, natural holes (mouth, nose, ears and anus) do not secrete
clements or blood, normal body temperature (40 degrees Celsius). Conversely, animals that are
not healthy besides being able to be seen from their movements are not agile, the fur looks dull,
the eyes sayu, removing clements or blood from natural holes, body temperature above 40
degrees Celsius.
Three important aspects of effort must be done to prevent disease outbreaks in the
livestock environment, namely (1) efforts to reduce the type and number of microorganisms,
especially those that are pathogens around livestock that are maintained (aspects of
microorganisms) (2) efforts to prevent contact between livestock reared with pathogenic
microorganisms (environmental aspects) and (3) efforts to increase the immune power of the
body of livestock maintained (livestock aspect).
Meanwhile, according to PP no. 47 of 2014, Chapter III Prevention of animal diseases, is
said to be done with thickening measures, optimization of animal fitness, and biosecurity.
Thickening as referred to in article 24 paragraph (2) is carried out through vaccination, antisera
administration, and improvement of animal nutritional status. Optimization of animal fitness as
referred to in article 24 paragraph (2) is carried out by means of the application of animal welfare
principles. And biosecurity as referred to in article 24 paragraph (2) is carried out by means of
temporary separation of new animals from old animals, sick animals from healthy animals,
cleaning and disinfection, restriction of traffic of people, animals, animal products, and other
animal disease-carrying media in business units or livestock companies.
Therefore, animal health is very influential on the business of indonesia's livestock
sector, which is important for the country's economy and very important for human health. As a
veterinarian should raise awareness of the importance of health, because preventing is better than
treating. May we always be given health by God.

Buku ajar: KESEHATAN HEWAN | Berbagi Ilmu Berbagi Manfaat (
Microsoft Word - PP RI 47 TAHUN 2014 _PENGENDALIAN DAN
Holden, S., Ashley S. and Bazeley P. (1996) Improving the Delivery of animal Health
Services in Developing Countries. A literature Review. Report to DFID.
Livestock in Development.
Jones, B.A., Deemer, B., Leyland T.J., Mogga, W. and Stem, E. ‘Communiy-Based
Animal Health Services in Southern Sudan: the experience so far‘, Animal
Health and Production for Development Proceedings of 9th ITYM Conference,
Harare, Zimbabwe, 1998.

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