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Black Hole Solutions in Rastall Theory

Y. Heydarzade,1, 2, ∗ H. Moradpour,2, † and F. Darabi1, 2, ‡

Department of Physics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, 53714-161, Iran
Research Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of Maragha (RIAAM), Maragha 55134-441, Iran
The Reissner-Nordström black hole solution in a generic cosmological constant background
in the the context of Rastall gravity is obtained. It is shown that the cosmological constant
arises naturally from the consistency of the non-vacuum field equations of the Rastall theory for
a spherical symmetric spacetime, rather than its ad-hoc introduction in the usual Einstein and
Einstein-Maxwell field equations. The usual Reissner-Nordström, Schwarzschild and Schwarzschild-
(anti)de Sitter black hole solutions in the framework of this theory are also addressed as the special
independent subclasses of the obtained general solution.
arXiv:1610.03881v2 [gr-qc] 14 Oct 2016

Keywords: Reissner-Nordström black hole, Rastall theory of gravity.

PACS numbers: 04.50.-h, 04.20.Jb, 04.70.-s

I. INTRODUCTION inhomogeneities in a nonlinear regime which is dif-

ferent from the one in the standard CDM model
In the curvature-matter coupling theory of gravity [15]. Thermodynamical aspects of this model in a
[1–5], the geometry and matter fields are coupled to flat FLRW universe are studied in [16, 17]. This
each other in a non-minimal way meaning that the theory is also studied in the context of the Gödel-
Lagrangian of the system is not a simple summation type universe [18].
of the Lagrangian of geometry and the matter fields.
Due to this non-minimal coupling, the geometry and
matter fields are affected by their mutual changes, Moreover, some static spherically symmetric so-
so the ordinary energy-momentum conservation law lutions of the Rastall field equations have been ob-
may be invalid in this context. In fact, in this theory, tained. For example, by special setting of the pa-
the divergence of the energy-momentum tensor is rameters of the Rastall theory, a vacuum solution
related to the changes of the Ricci scalar [1–5]. possessing the same structure as the Schwarzschild-
The idea of coupling of the matter and geometry de Sitter solution in the general relativity theory ob-
fields in a non-minimal way comes back to P. Rastall tained with a cosmological constant playing the role
[6], who challenged the energy-momentum conserva- of source [19]. In another work, the problem of find-
tion law in the curved spacetime for the first time, ing static spherically symmetric spaces in Rastall’s
a hypothesis supported by the particle creation dur- theory in the presence of a free or self interacting
ing the cosmos evolution [7–11]. In this way, it was scalar field is studied [20]. It is found that some ex-
shown by Smalley that a prototype of Rastall’s the- act solutions can be obtained in which some of these
ory of gravity, in which the divergence of the energy- solutions are the same as the solutions which are ob-
momentum tensor is proportional to the gradient tained in the context of k-essence theory. Also, the
of the Ricci scalar, can be derivable from a varia- asymptotically flat traversable wormhole solutions
tional principle [12]. It was discussed that both the are investigated in [21] where it is shown that the
proportionality factor and the unrenormalized grav- parameters of Rastall theory affect the parameters
itational constant are covariantly constant, but not of the wormhole spacetime.
necessarily constant. In this regard, this theory ap-
pears as a gravitational theory with variable grav-
itational constant. In a cosmological context, this
theory is in agreement with some observational data In this work, our aim is to find general static
and leads to some interesting results [13, 14]. As an spherical symmetric black hole solutions in the con-
instance, the evolution of small dark matter fluctua- text of the Rastall theory of gravity as a special class
tions is identical with that of the ΛCDM model, but of the extended theories of gravity [22]. The paper is
in this theory dark energy is able to be clustered. organized as follows. In the section II, we have a re-
This feature result in an evolution of dark matter view on the Rastall theory of gravity and its general
remarks. In section III, we investigate the spherical
symmetric black hole solutions in the Rastall the-
ory equipped by the electromagnetic sector. Then,
∗ Electronic address:; we obtain the charged black hole in the cosmologi-
Corresponding author
† Electronic address: cal constant background. Finally, in section IV, we
‡ Electronic address: represent our concluding remarks.


Based on the Rastall’s hypothesis [6], for a space-
time with Ricci scalar R filled by a source of T µν we In this section, we construct Rastall-Maxwell the-
have ory in order to find charged black hole solutions.
We consider the following static spherical symmet-
T µν ;µ = λR,ν , (1) ric metric in the context of Rastall theory possessing
the modified field equation (6)
where λ is the Rastall parameter. The Rastall field
equation can be written as ds2 = −eµ(r) dt2 + eν(r) dr2 + r2 dΩ22 , (8)
Gµν + γgµν R = κTµν , (2) with the total energy-momentum tensor given by

where γ = κλ and κ is the Rastall gravitational cou- Tµν = Tµν + Eµν , (9)
pling constant. Equivalently, one can rewrite this
equation in the following form where

Gµν = κSµν , (3) Tµν = (ρ + p)uµ uν + pgµν , (10)

where is the non-vanishing trace part of the total energy

momentum tensor possessing the barotropic equa-
γT tion of state p = ωρ, and Eµν is the trace-free
Sµν = Tµν − gµν , (4)
4γ − 1 Maxwell tensor given by
is the effective energy-momentum tensor in which 1
Eµν = 2 Fµα Fν α − gµν F αβ Fαβ , (11)
(3γ − 1)ρ + γ(pr + 2pt )
S 0 0 ≡ −ρe = − ,
4γ − 1 where Fµν is the antisymmetric Faraday tensor sat-
(3γ − 1)pr + γ(ρ − 2pt ) isfying the vacuum Maxwell equations
S11 ≡ per = ,
4γ − 1 F µν ;µ = 0,
(2γ − 1)pt + γ(ρ − pr ) ∂[σ Fµν] = 0. (12)
S22 = S 3 3 ≡ pet = . (5)
4γ − 1
Using the equations (7) and (9), we obtain the effec-
Here, ρe , per and pet are the effective density and pres- tive energy momentum tensor Sµν as
sures corresponding to the source with the energy-
momentum tensor T µ ν , respectively [21]. The usual ∗ λT ∗
Einstein general relativity can be recovered in the Sµν = Tµν − gµν + Eµν . (13)
4λ − 1
appropriate limit of λ → 0. Also, it is apparent that
for a traceless energy-momentum source, such as the On the other hand, spherical symmetry implies that
electromagnetic source, we have Sµν = Tµν which the only non-zero components of F µν are F 01 =
leads to Gµν = κTµν . This means that the Einstein −F 10 . Then, from the equations in (12), one ob-
solutions for T = 0, or equivalently R = 0, are also tains
valid in the Rastall theory of κ [13, 20]. Moreover, Q
it should be mentioned that both of the parameter F 01 = . (14)
cases γ = 14 and γ = 61 are not allowed as discussed
in [17]. Using the Newtonian limit, it is shown that Using the equations (8), (11) and (14), the only non-
the Rastall parameter λ and Rastall gravitational vanishing components of E µ ν will be
coupling constant κ diverge for γ = 14 and γ = 61 ,
Q2 µ+ν
respectively, which does not make a physical sense Eµν = e diag(−1, −1, 1, 1). (15)
[17]. r4
In the following, we will work in the units where Then, the effective energy momentum tensor com-
κ = 1, leading to γ = λ, and therefore we have the ponents take the following form
following Rastall field equation
(3λ − 1)ρ + 3λp Q2 µ+ν
Gµν = Sµν , (6) S00 = − − 4e ,
4λ − 1 r
(λ − 1)p + λρ Q2 µ+ν
where S11 = − 4e ,
4λ − 1 r
λT (λ − 1)p + λρ Q2 µ+ν
Sµν = Tµν − gµν . (7) S22 = S33 = + 4e . (16)
4λ − 1 4λ − 1 r

Then, the 00 component of the Rastall field equation and

(3) yields
1 ρ(r) 2
− rh′ (r) − r2 h′′ (r) = r . (25)
e (3λ − 1)ρ + 3λp Q µ+ν2 2 4λ − 1
(1 − rν ′ − eν ) = − − 4e ,
r 4λ − 1 r One can consider a general situation where the en-
(17) ergy density ρ(r) consists of two parts, one constant
and 11 component gives part and another asymptotically vanishing part, i.e
ρ(r) = ρ∗ + rσn∗ where ρ∗ and σ∗ are positive con-
e−ν ′ ν (λ − 1)p + λρ Q2 µ+ν
(1 + µ r − e ) = − 4e . (18) stants with the dimension of energy density and en-
r2 4λ − 1 r ergy density times (Length)n , respectively. Then,
Finally, the 22 and 33 components lead to regarding the equation (24), the solution for h(r)
function will be
e−ν 2 σ
(2µ′ − 2ν ′ + rµ′ ν ′ + 2µ′′ r + µ′ r) h(r) = αr2 + m , (26)
4r r
(λ − 1)p + λρ Q2 µ+ν
= + 4e . (19) σ∗
where σ = (m−1)(4λ−1) and α = − 31 4λ−1
ρ∗ are inte-
4λ − 1 r
gration constants. Then, substituting h(r) in (25),
One can consider the usual special class of the spher- one finds two possibilities for m, for the consistency
ical symmetric metrics as ν(r) = −µ(r). Conse- of the equation (25), as m = 1 and m = −2. Be-
quently, by setting ν(r) = −ln(1 − f (r)), the 00 cause σ diverges for the case of m = 1, this case
component of the Rastall field equation (17) yields has no physical meaning and can be discarded. For
the case of m = −2 or equivalently n = 0, one ar-
(3λ − 1)ρ + 3λp 2 Q2 rives at h(r) = Λr2 where Λ is the cosmological con-
− f (r) − rf ′ (r) = − r − 2 , (20)
4λ − 1 r
stant as Λ = − 13 4λ−1 (ρ∗ + σ∗ ) ≡ − 31 4λ−1
ρ0 . Then,
the only possibility is the constant energy density
and 11 component gives ρ = ρ0 representing the vacuum energy or the cos-
mological constant which we previously obtained its
(λ − 1)p + λρ 2 Q2 effective equation of state parameter ω = −1 using
− f (r) − rf ′ (r) = r − 2. (21)
4λ − 1 r the consistency of the field equations (20)-(22) of the
Rastall theory of gravity. Also, note that here the
Finally, the 22 and 33 components lead to
λ = 1/4 parameter leads to a divergent cosmological
1 (λ − 1)p + λρ 2 Q2 constant and then is not physically acceptable as we
− rf ′ (r) − r2 f ′′ = r + 2 . (22) previously mentioned. Finally, the metric will take
2 4λ − 1 r the following form
It is clear that the left hand sides of the equations
2 2M
(20) and (21) are the same. Then, the consistency ds = − 1 − + 2 − Λr dt22

for the right hand sides of these equations requires r r

that 4λ = 1 or the matter field described by (10) dr2
with ρ 6= 0 takes the equation of state parameter + Q2
+ r2 dΩ22 . (27)
1 − 2Mr + r2 − Λr 2
ω = −1. For the case of ρ = p = 0, these equa-
tions are trivially consistent. The first possibility, Then, we summarize our results in the following
i.e 4λ = 1, is ruled out based on the discussions in points:
[21]. Regarding the second possibility, the black hole
surrounding matter has an effective behavior as the • The metric (27) represents the Reissner-
same as the cosmological constant. It is easy to ver- Nordström black hole in the cosmological con-
ify that the equations (20) and (22) are satisfied by stant background which we obtained in the the
the metric function f (r) given by context of the Rastall gravity.
• Note that the cosmological constant arises
2M Q2
f (r) = − 2 + h(r), (23) from the consistency of the non-vacuum field
r r equations of the Rastall theory for a spheri-
where M and Q are the black hole mass and charge cal symmetric spacetime rather than its ad-hoc
respectively, and h(r) is a function which should sat- introduction to usual Einstein and Einstein-
isfy the two following equations resulting from the Maxwell field equations. It is also interest-
equations (21) and (22) ing that in the framework of this theory, the
Rastall coupling λ affects the value of the cos-
ρ(r) 2 mological constant. Regarding the weak en-
− h(r) − rh′ (r) = r , (24) ergy condition, i.e ρ0 ≥ 0, for λ < 41 we have
4λ − 1

positive cosmological constant representing de Rµν = 14 Rgµν which is resulted by the appro-
Sitter space while for the λ > 41 we have a neg- priate setting of the parameters of Rastall the-
ative cosmological constant denoting anti- de ory [19].
Sitter space.
• Regarding the equations (20)-(22), it is easy to
check that for Tµν = 0 or equivalently ρ = p =
0, we arrive at the usual Reissner-Nordström
black hole solution We obtained the general spherical symmetric
Reissner-Nordström black hole in the cosmologi-
Q2 dr2
2 2M cal constant background in the the context of the
ds = − 1 − + 2 dt2 + +r2 dΩ22 .
r r 1 − 2M + Q2
Rastall gravity. In this context, the cosmological
r r
(28) constant arises naturally from the consistency of the
non-vacuum field equations of the Rastall theory for
• Regarding the equations (20)-(22), for the vac- a spherical symmetric spacetime rather than its ad-

uum solution, i.e Tµν = Eµν = 0 or equiv- hoc introduction in the usual Einstein and Einstein-
alently ρ = p = Q = 0, we arrive at the Maxwell field equations. It is also interesting that
Schwarzschild solution in the framework of this theory, the Rastall cou-
pling λ affects the value of the cosmological con-
2 2M stant. For λ < 41 we have positive cosmological
ds = − 1 − dt2 + + r2 dΩ22 . (29)
r 1 − 2Mr constant representing de Sitter space while for the
λ > 14 we have a negative cosmological constant
• Regarding the equations (20)-(22), for the the denoting anti- de Sitter space. We also discussed
case of Tµν∗
6= 0 and Eµν = 0 or equiva- about the usual Reissner-Nordström, Schwarzschild
lently ρ, p 6= 0 and Q = 0, we recover the and Schwarzschild-(anti)de Sitter black hole solu-
Schwarzschild-(anti)de Sitter solution tions as the independent subclasses of the obtained
general solution.
ds = − 1 − − Λr dt2 +
+r2 dΩ22 .
r 1 − r − Λr2
(30) This work has been supported financially by Re-
Such a solution is obtained as the nontrivial search Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
static spherically symmetric vacuum solution of Maragha (RIAAM) under research project No.
of the Rastall theory by solving the equation 1/4165-84.

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