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Symmetries of Love: Ladder Structure of Static and Rotating Black Holes

Chanchal Sharma,1, ∗ Rajes Ghosh,1, † and Sudipta Sarkar1, ‡

Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Gujarat 382055, India
Black hole solutions of general relativity exhibit a symmetry for the static perturbations around
these spacetimes, known as “ladder symmetry”. This symmetry proves useful in constructing a tower
of solutions for perturbations and elucidating their general properties. Specifically, the presence of
this symmetry leads to vanishing of the tidal love number associated with black holes. In this work,
we find the most general spherical symmetric and static black hole spacetime that accommodates
this ladder symmetry for scalar perturbation. Furthermore, we extend our calculations beyond
spherical symmetry to find the class of stationary Konoplya-Rezzola-Zhidenko black holes, which
also possess a similar ladder structure.
arXiv:2401.00703v1 [gr-qc] 1 Jan 2024

INTRODUCTION the integer ℓ ≥ 0 represents the multipole order of the

perturbing field. Then, motivated by an analogous
The concept of symmetry is arguably the most Newtonian calculation [1, 2, 11, 12], the TLN is defined
profound principle in physics. Symmetry principles as the ratio of the coefficient of the decaying tail to that
often bear important theoretical consequences, which is of the tidal field. Utilizing this definition and considering
greatly exemplified in the construction of both standard the divergence of the static response at the horizon, it
model of particle physics and theory of relativity. The becomes evident that a Reissner-Nordström/Kerr BH
notion of symmetry may also play further important have zero Love number.
role to find physics beyond these established theories.
Apart from the aforesaid standard calculation, it has
In the present era of gravitational wave astronomy, been recently demonstrated that the vanishing of TLN of
when we are equipped with unprecedented technology to BHs in GR can be attributed to a fundamental symmetry,
explore the features of extreme gravity, the implications known as the ladder symmetry [13–17]. As a consequence
of various symmetry principles might lead to far-reaching of this symmetry, the Hamiltonian corresponding to
observational and theoretical consequences. A prime the scalar/vector/gravitational perturbations in both
illustration of this is to understand the response of black Reissner-Nordström and Kerr background enjoys a
holes (BHs) in an external tidal environment. The pres- decomposition in terms of the so-called raising and
ence of a horizon imparts distinct characteristics to BHs lowering operators analogous to that of a quantum
in comparison to other astrophysical objects without harmonic oscillator. Then, vanishing of TLN follows di-
horizons. Unlike such a horizonless compact object, both rectly by repeated application of the raising operator on
Reissner-Nordström and Kerr BH solutions in general the “ground state” solution, which has zero Love number.
relativity (GR) are known to have zero Love number
[1–7], quantifying the vanishing tidal deformation under Inspired by these interesting ideas, our aim is to con-
an external perturbation. This intriguing result can be duct a comprehensive study of the ladder symmetries as-
interpreted as a manifestation of the celebrated no-hair sociated with general static and stationary BH space-
theorems for BHs in GR [8–10], establishing a natural times. In particular, we try to answer the following ques-
connection between the presence of BH hairs and their tion: How the existence of such a ladder structure con-
tidal response. straints the background BH spacetime? For this purpose,
we start with an arbitrary spherically symmetric static
In the conventional method for computing the tidal metric and find the form of the metric components from
Love number (TLN), we study the linear perturbations the imposition of generic ladder symmetry. To keep our
around an asymptotically flat BH spacetime. The radial analysis theory-agnostic, we focus solely on the scalar
component of such a perturbation obeys a second-order perturbations. This allows us to construct the most gen-
differential equation, yielding two linearly independent eral static and spherically symmetric BH spacetime pos-
solutions. At large distances away from the central BH, sessing a ladder structure for such scalar perturbations.
these solutions manifest as the tidal field growing as It turns out such a metric must have a form given by,
rℓ , and the static response decaying as r−ℓ−1 . Here,
∆b (r) 2 h(r)
ds2 = − dt + dr2 + h(r) dΩ2(2) , (1)
h(r) ∆b (r)
∗ where ∆b (r) = r2 − c2 r + c3 with (c2 , c3 ) being some
† constants and h(r) is an arbitrary radial function. We
‡ also extend our analysis to find the most general metric

within the so-called Konoplya-Rezzola-Zhidenko class this translates into two commutation relations with the
that has a similar ladder structure. Hamiltonian,

It is intriguing that the imposition of the ladder sym- Hℓ+1 Dℓ+ = Dℓ+ Hℓ ; Hℓ−1 Dℓ− = Dℓ− Hℓ . (5)
metry leads to such severe constraints on the form of
the BH metric. Moreover, because of ladder symmetry, Also, the Hamiltonian is related to the two ladder oper-
these BHs will have vanishing TLN for scalar perturba- ators as
tions. Considering that astrophysical BHs are rarely iso-
lated and are under constant external influence, our ex- + ℓ2 2 2
Hℓ = Dℓ−1 Dℓ− − (r − 4rQ )
plorations may enhance the understanding of how BHs 4 s (6)
behave in the presence of perturbations—an aspect of (ℓ + 1)2 2

= Dℓ+1 Dℓ+ − 2
(rs − 4rQ ).
central observational importance [18–28]. 4

The above set of relations in Eq. (5) and Eq. (6) define
REVIEW OF LADDER SYMMETRIES IN a ladder structure, which plays a key role in showing
REISSNER-NORDSTRÖM AND KERR CASE the vanishing of Love numbers for Reissner-Nordström
BHs. For this purpose, let us first observe that for
Before we move on to a more general calculation, it is ℓ = 0, φ0 = constant represents an allowed solution to
useful to recall the computation of ladder symmetry in the radial equation Hℓ φℓ = 0. Then, any other solution
the Reissner-Nordström and Kerr BH spacetimes. For with higher ℓ > 0 values can be constructed from φ0
our purpose, we shall only focus on the tidal response of by a repeated application of the raising operator as
+ +
these BHs in a scalar environment. φℓ ∝ Dℓ−1 Dℓ−2 ...D1+ D0+ φ0 . Note that such a solution
yields a growing rℓ branch at infinity, which represents
In the presence of a massless, static scalar field, the rel- the tidal field in Newtonian terminology. Moreover, the
evant perturbation equation takes the well-known Klein- ladder symmetry  leads to a Noether
 current defined as
Gordon form:  Φ(r, θ, φ) = 0. Here, the d’Alembertian Pℓ (r) = ∆ ∂r D1− D2− · · · Dℓ− φℓ , which is conserved
operator is defined with respect to the background met- ∂r Pℓ (r) = 0 on-shell. The utility of this conserved
ric, which for a Reissner-Nordström BH with mass M quantity lies in understanding how the asymptotic
and electric charge Q (M ≥ |Q|) is given by solutions with particular behaviors get connected to
the near horizon ones without explicitly solving the
dr2 differential equation.
ds2 = −fRN (r) dt2 + + r2 dΩ2(2) , (2)
fRN (r)
For example, it is easy to see that φℓ ∝
where fRN (r) = 1 − rs /r + rQ /r2 with rs = 2M and +
Dℓ−1 +
Dℓ−2 ...D1+ D0+ φ0 for φ0 = constant yields Pℓ = 0
rQ = Q. Hence, the horizons are located at r± = and hence, the corresponding φℓ must be regular on the
rs /2 ± [(rs /2)2 − rQ
2 1/2
] . Then, using a mode decompo- horizon. Apart from this regular solution, there is an
sition of the static scalar field in terms of spherical har- independent decaying response proportional to r−ℓ−1
monics Φℓm (r, θ, φ) = φℓ (r)Yℓm (θ, φ), the Klein-Gordon at infinity, which leads to a non-zero Pℓ at infinity.
equation can be reduced to a second-order radial dif- Then, the conservation of Pℓ implies that this decaying
ferential equation: ∂r (∆ ∂r φℓ ) − ℓ(ℓ + 1)φℓ = 0, where 
solution at infinity must diverge as ln r/rs − 1 near
∆(r) = r2 fRN (r). This can be rewritten in a very sug- the horizon, which must be discarded. Hence, the Love
gestive form as Hℓ φℓ = 0, with the following definition number, specified by the ratio of the decaying tail to the
of the Hamiltonian, growing one, should vanish identically.
h  i
Hℓ = −∆(r) ∂r ∆(r)∂r − ℓ ℓ + 1 . (3) A similar line of reasoning follows in the case of a ro-
tating Kerr BH as well. For mass M and spin angular
In analogy to quantum harmonic oscillator, the above momentum a (M ≥ |a|), the Kerr metric is given by
Hamiltonian then supports factorization in terms of two
first-order operators [13, 16], ∆  2 ρ2
ds2 = − dt − a sin θ dϕ + dr2 + ρ2 dθ2
ρ2 ∆
ℓ+1 ′ ℓ (7)
Dℓ+ = −∆(r) ∂r − ∆ (r) ; Dℓ− = ∆(r) ∂r − ∆′ (r) , 2 
sin θ 
2 2
2 2 + a dt − r + a dϕ
(4) ρ2
which are coined as the raising and lowering opera-
tors, respectively. As their names suggest, Dℓ± connects where ρ = r2 + a2 cos2 θ and ∆ = r2 − rrs + a2 . Thus,
the radial solution φℓ to φℓ±1 . In mathematical terms, the inner/outer horizons are located at r± = rs /2 ±
(rs /2)2 − a2 . In such a spacetime, the scalar pertur- ladder structure for scalar perturbations. This motivates
bation equation boils down to us to find the most general class of static and stationary
spacetimes which admit such ladder symmetry.
a 2 m2
∂r (∆ ∂r φℓ ) + φℓ − ℓ(ℓ + 1)φℓ = 0. (8)

Then, following Ref. [13], we can rewrite the above equa- SYMMETRIC BH
tion in a form analogous to the Reissner-Nordström case:
h  a 2 m2 i We shall now shift our attention to study the tidal
Hℓ φℓ = 0, Hℓ = −∆ ∂r ∆(r)∂r + − ℓ(ℓ + 1) . response of a general static and spherically symmetric

(9) metric under the influence of a static and massless scalar
A ladder structure resembling the one described for the field. Our goal is to derive the constraints on the form
static spherically symmetric BH is present in Kerr case of such a metric by demanding the existence of a ladder
too, which becomes apparent by defining the ladder op- structure. A generic static, spherically symmetric metric
erators as is given by
ℓ+1 dr2
Dℓ+ = −∆ ∂r + (rs − 2r) , (10) ds2 = −f (r)dt2 + + h(r)dΩ2(2) . (11)
2 g(r)

Dℓ− = ∆ ∂r + (rs − 2r). In such a spacetime, the massless Klein-Gordon equa-
tion can always be reduced to the form: ∆b (r) φ′′ℓ (r) +
These operators follow relations similar to Eq. (5). ∆c (r) φ′ℓ (r)−ℓ(ℓ+1)φℓ (r) = 0. Here, the explicit forms of
The behavior of Eq. (9) at the two asymptotes can be {∆b , ∆c } depend on the components of the background
examined here as well. At large r, the two independent metric. Motivated by the Reissner-Nordström case pre-
solutions for φℓ are rℓ and r−ℓ−1 . Whereas in the sented earlier, it is suggestive to multiply the above equa-
near-horizon limit z → zk , φℓ goes as either constant or tion by ∆b and define the general Hamiltonian as
as e−2iq ln(z/zk −1) , where q = a m/zk with z = r − r− and h i
zk = r+ − r− . Among them, the former is regular at the Hℓ = −∆b (r) ∆b (r) ∂r2 + ∆c (r) ∂r − ℓ(ℓ + 1) . (12)
horizon and can be raised to the solution with multipole
+ + As before, this multiplicative factor makes the Hamil-
ℓ using φℓ = Dℓ−1 Dℓ−2 ...D1+ D0+ φ0 . This implies,
ℓ tonian nicely factorizable, and all the subsequent
φℓ ∼ 1 + z + ... + z manifests itself as a polynomial with
expressions look cleaner.
no decaying behavior. Moreover, following Ref. [13],
one may construct an analogous Noether current Pℓ (r)
We want to derive conditions on {∆b , ∆c } so that the
in the Kerr case also, which implies the other decaying
quadratic Hamiltonian given by Eq. (12) supports a lad-
solution at infinity must diverge at r+ . Combining these
der structure similar to Eq. (5) and Eq. (6). For this pur-
two facts, it is evident that scalar TLN vanishes for Kerr
pose, our first step is to decompose this Hℓ into two first-
BHs as well.
order raising and lowering operators. Taking inspiration
from the structure of ladder operators for the Reissner-
In Refs. [13, 17, 29, 30], the authors have further
Nordström case, we define them as
shown the presence of a ladder symmetry among differ-
ent spin-perturbations, namely the scalar (s = 0), vector ℓ+1
Dℓ+ = −∆1 (r)∂r + ∆2 (r) ;
(s = 1), and gravitational (s = 2) ones. We encourage 2 (13)
our readers to follow this nice construction, which ℓ
Dℓ− = ∆3 (r)∂r + ∆4 (r) .
demonstrates why the Reissner-Nordström/Kerr BHs 2
have vanishing Love numbers even for static higher-spin So far these ∆’s are some unknown functions of r only,
perturbations. However, for the purpose of this paper, independent of ℓ. To determine their functional forms,
we shall skip those computations. we now employ the fundamental commutation relations
given by Eq. (5), which they must satisfy with the Hamil-
It is important to note that the structure of the ladder tonian for an arbitrary choice of φℓ . Therefore, we get
operators Dℓ± and the ladder symmetry are closely tied the following conditions,
to the particular form of the Hamiltonian operator Hℓ ,
which in turn depends on the background metric. Thus, s′ (r)
∆1 (r) = ∆b (r) , ∆′2 (r) = −2 − ;
such ladder structure is not generally expected to hold ℓ+1
for an arbitrarily spacetime. As an example, suppose we s′ (r)
consider a theory of gravity with higher curvature terms, ∆3 (r) = ∆b (r) , ∆′4 (r) = −2 + ; (14)

then its solution may deviate from Reissner-Nordström s(r) s(r)
and Kerr metrics in such a way that does not support ∆′b (r) = −∆2 (r) − = −∆4 (r) + ,
ℓ+1 ℓ

where s(r) = ∆c (r) − ∆′b (r). Using the fact that ∆2 and [31], i.e., Tµν k µ k ν = 0 with k µ being the radial
∆4 do not depend on ℓ, we must set s(r) = c1 with c1 null vector. For example, it is easy to check that this
being an ℓ-independent constant. Then, using the last condition is satisfied both in vacuum and electro-vacuum.
relation along with the fact that ∆b is ℓ-independent, we
get c1 = 0. As a result, ∆2 (r) = ∆4 (r) = −2 r + c2 , and (ii) Since the function h(r) remains unconstrained,
we can maintain the ladder structure by choosing it
∆b (r) = r2 − c2 r + c3 , (15) at our will (as long as it does not produce any sin-
gularity in the domain of outer communication). For
where (c2 , c3 ) are again some ℓ-independent constants. It example, the choice of h(r) = r2 leads to a Reissner-
is remarkable that the imposition of the ladder symme- Nordström-type metric. Had we fixed f (r) = r2 from the
tries led to such a simple forms of various functions like beginning, we would have missed this additional freedom.
∆b (r). Moreover, the Hamiltonian takes the form similar
to Eq. (3), (iii) However, for generic choices of h(r), the metric will
h  i not (in general) be diffeomorphic to Reissner-Nordström,
Hℓ = −∆b (r) ∂r ∆b (r)∂r − ℓ ℓ + 1 . (16) which can be readily checked by calculating various
curvature scalars. For the purpose of illustration, let us
Let us now summarize the ladder structure we have ob- consider the Ricci scalar,
tained so far,
h i ∆ (r)
ℓ+1 ′ R = h′ (r)2 − 2 h(r) h′′ (r) .
Dℓ+ = −∆b (r) ∂r − ∆b (r) , 2 h3 (r)

Dℓ− = ∆b (r) ∂r − ∆′b (r) , In contrast to the 4-dimensional Reissner-Nordström
2 metric, R does not vanish unless h(r) = (a r + b)2 with
(ℓ + 1)2  2 
(a, b) being some constants.

Hℓ = Dℓ+1 Dℓ+ − c2 − 4c3
+ − ℓ2  2 
(iv) The ladder structure does not determine the
= Dℓ−1 Dℓ − c2 − 4c3 .
4 sign of the constants (c2 , c3 ) appearing in the metric
Additionally, the form of the Hamiltonian given by in Eq. (19). Though if we further require that the
Eq. (16) along with Eq. (15) also requires that the metric associated spacetime is that of a BH, then we must
components in Eq. (11) must satisfy the relation impose c22 ≥ 4 c3 . This would ensure the existence
p of a
positive real root of ∆b (r) = 0 at r = c2 /2+ c22 /4 − c3 .
∆b (r)
f (r) = g(r) = . (18) (v) Moreover, since the metric in Eq. (19) gives
rise to a scalar Hamiltonian similar to the Reissner-
We obtain this relation by comparing the Klein-Gordon Nordtröm BH (assuming c22 ≥ 4 c3 ), one can easily follow
Hamiltonian obtained from Eq. (11) with that in the Love number calculation presented earlier to show
Eq. (16). that these BHs also have zero TLN.

Therefore, the most general static and spherically sym-

metric metric that supports the ladder symmetry can be Generalization for Rotating BH:
written as Konoplya-Rezzola-Zhidenko Class
∆b (r) 2 h(r)
ds2 = − dt + dr2 + h(r) dΩ2(2) , (19) In this section, we aim to extend our previous result
h(r) ∆b (r)
beyond spherical symmetry. Ideally, one would like to
where ∆b (r) is given by Eq. (15). The above metric is find the most general stationary BH solution which ad-
spatially conformal to Reissner-Nordström metric with mits the ladder symmetry for static massless scalar per-
a conformal factor h(r)/r2 , provided we identify c2 → rs turbations. However, in such a background, the Klein-
and c3 → rQ . Some comments on the above construction Gordon equation will not in general be separable in a ra-
are in order: dial and angular parts. To avoid this difficulty, we instead
start with a well-motivated generalization of the Kerr-
(i) Note that the metric in Eq. (11) did not have like spacetimes, namely the Konoplya-Rezzola-Zhidenko
the property gtt grr = −1 to begin with. However, (KRZ) class of metrics [32, 33]. These BH spacetimes
the imposition of the ladder symmetry has forced this represent the most general stationary, axisymmetric and
structure in Eq. (18). Hence, if we insist that the metric asymptotically flat Kerr-like spacetimes which admits the
in Eq. (19) is a solution of GR with some matter Tµν , separation of the scalar wave equation into radial and an-
then it must have vanishing radial null-null component gular parts in Boyer-Lindquist type coordinates. Such a

metric can be written as [33], Comparing with Eq. (25), one further gets e4 = a2 m2 ,
! and
2 N2 a2 RM
(1 − y 2 )
ds = − 2
− dt2 + K 2 r2 (1 − y 2 )dϕ2 ∆(r) = r2 − e2 r + e3 . (26)
K r Σ2 K 2
2aRM RB r2 dy 2 Hence, the constants (e2 , e3 , e4 ) are also independent of ℓ.
− (1 − y 2 ) dtdϕ + Σ dr 2
+ , Similarly, for the lowering operator Dℓ− , the fundamental
rΣ N2 1 − y2
commutation relation in Eq. (5) gives

with y = cos θ as one of the coordinates, and the sep- ∆3 (r, ℓ) = ∆(r) , ∆4 (r, ℓ) = −2r + e5 ,
arability requires that the functions has following forms (2ℓ + 1)r2 − e2 (ℓ + 1)2 r + e5 ℓ2 r (27)
∆(r) = e6 + .
(where a is the rotation parameter) 2ℓ + 1
a2 y 2 RM a2 Comparing this form of ∆ with that given in Eq. (26),
Σ(r, y) = RΣ + 2 , N 2 (r) = RΣ − + 2, we obtain e5 = e2 and e6 = e3 . Then, it is easy to check
" r #r r
1 a 2 2
a RM 2 2 2
a y N that Hℓ can be factorized as
K 2 (r, y) = 2
RΣ + RΣ 2 + + .
Σ r r3 r2 Σ (ℓ + 1)2  2 

Hℓ = Dℓ+1 Dℓ+ − e2 − 4e3 − a2 m2
4 (28)
The location of the event horizon (which is also the ℓ2  2 
Killing horizon) is given by N (r) = 0. Thus, the −
= Dℓ−1 Dℓ − e2 − 4e3 − a2 m2 .
metric solely depends on the three functions of radial
coordinates RΣ (r), RM (r), and RB (r), out of which Lastly, it remains to find the form of RΣ (r) and RM (r)
one can be fixed as per the gauge freedom. We choose appearing in the metric given by Eq. (20). This can be
RB (r) = 1 and the other two are independent functions achieved by comparing the functional form of ∆(r) in
of r [33]. Moreover, the asymptotic flatness is assured, Eq. (23) and Eq. (26). Specifically, the coefficients of r2 ,
if RΣ (r) approaches unity and RMr2(r) vanishes in r → ∞ r, and the constant term in Eq. (23) should be 1, −e2 ,
limit. and e3 , respectively.

Then, in the background of such a metric, the radial A simpler illustration could be to choose one of the
part of the Klein-Gordon equation for a static scalar field radial functions as a constant, and find the corresponding
Φℓm = φℓ (r)Yℓm (y, ϕ) simplifies to class of metrics. If we set RM (r) = e0 (constant), we
h  i would get the second function as,
Hℓ φℓ = −∆ ∂r ∆(r)∂r + δ(r) − ℓ(ℓ + 1) φℓ = 0 ,
(22) b d
where Hℓ is the Hamiltonian, ∆ and δ are given by RΣ (r) = 1 + + 2, (29)
r r
a 2 m2 with b = e0 − e2 , and d = e3 − a2 . Note that both Kerr
∆(r) = r2 N 2 (r) = r2 RΣ (r)−rRM (r)+a2 , δ(r) = ,
∆(r) and Kerr-Sen spacetimes are members of this class [33].
(23) Also, it is easy to check that in the limit of a → 0, the
with m being the azimuthal number. We aim to study metric in Eq. (20) (along with Eq. (26)) reduces to the
this scalar field equation in the KRZ class of BH space- spherically symmetric spacetime given by Eq. (19), pro-
times and investigate the existence of the ladder struc- vided we make the identification ∆b (r) = r2 N 2 = ∆(r)
ture. We shall show that the requirement of the ladder and h(r) = r2 Σ(r).
symmetry would fix the functional form of ∆. For this
purpose, we define the raising and lowering operators as Moreover, since the metric in Eq. (20) gives rise to
ℓ+1 ℓ a scalar Hamiltonian similar to the Kerr BH (assuming
Dℓ+ = −∆1 ∂r + ∆2 ; Dℓ− = ∆3 ∂r + ∆4 . (24) e22 ≥ 4 e3 ), one can easily follow the Love number calcu-
2 2
lation presented earlier to show that these BHs also have
where ∆’s could in principle depend on not only r but ℓ zero TLN.
due to the absence of spherical symmetry. Substituting
Dℓ+ in the fundamental commutation relation given by

∆1 (r, ℓ) = ∆(r) , ∆2 (r, ℓ) = −2r + e2 , Unlike horizonless compact objects, the Reissner-
e4 (ℓ + 1)2 (r2 − ∆ − e2 r + e3 ) (25) Nordström and Kerr BHs exhibit zero TLN, quantifying
δ(r) = − .
∆(r) ∆(r) the vanishing tidal deformation under an external

perturbation. Consequently, any nonzero values of

TLN would indicate deviation from such spacetime
geometries [20–23] and/or departure from the classical
BH paradigm [12, 27, 28]. Both of these possibilities
are well-studied in literature as they provide us with
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