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Combat Guide

Seek cover Soldier! Ready, Aim, Fire!

Always try to get to cover from ranged By spending an entire round aiming,
attacks. whilst not moving, the character will
Even falling Prone, as a free part of gain a +2 to his Shooting or Throwing
your move action, count as Medium roll. Additional rounds grant no extra
Cover. bonus.

The Quick and the Dead. Come out!? Come out!? Wherever you are!
By falling in and out of cover you can Are your enemies hiding behind cover?
force your opponent to go on Hold, and Draw them out by shooting through the
an opposed Agility roll is needed to cover! The objects Toughness will add
determine who is first in the round, and as Armor to the opponent.
ultimately get the first shot.
Come back! I'll bite your legs off!!
Hey! Look behind you! Tired of Armor clad enemies and
Try to Trick your opponent, with an monsters with massive Toughness? Just
opposed Agility or Smarts roll, hit them were it hurts, with a
depending on the type of trick. A Called Shot.
success enables a -2 penalty to the Limb (-2)
opponents Parry, and on a Raise the Head or Vitals (-4) +4 damage
victim is also Shaken. Small target (-4) possibly +4 damage
Tiny target (-6) possibly +4 damage
Do you feel lucky punk, do ya?!
A Test-of-Wills is an opposed roll I said drop it!!
against your opponent. A success grants Tired of the weapon in your opponents
you a +2 to your next action against hand? Just remove it! A Called Shot to
that opponent, and on a Raise the the arm (-2) or the weapon (-4) will
victim is also Shaken. The rolls are require an Strength roll opposed by the
Taunt vs Smarts and damage done. If he fails, he will drop
Intimidation vs Spirit. the weapon.

Pray and Spray / Pray and Swing Duck and weave.
You can choose to perform a Rapid You can use an action to Defend and
Attack, and forego precision for speed. gain a +2 bonus to your Parry. But no
In melee you can perform 3 attacks as a other action besides moving is allowed.
single action. Roll a Fighting die for You can also perform a Full-Defensive
each, and subtract 4 from the totals. maneuver, and roll a Fighting check +2
In ranged combat, an attacker with a and use that as your Parry, if higher.
semi-automatic or a single-action
revolver can fire up to 6 shots at a -4
penalty to each.

Combat Guide

Come here you little bastard! A world of hurt!
By Grappling your opponent you can Remember to arm yourself in melee
prevent him from moving and even combat! An armed opponent fighting
damaging him in the attempt. An against an unarmed one, gains a +2
opposed Fighting roll is needed to start bonus to his Fighting roll. Most
the Grapple, on a raise the victim is animals and monsters are considered
also Shaken. The opponent can try to armed.
break free on his turn. An opposed roll
is needed and both participants may Caution to the wind!
choose either Agility or Strength. If the If really desperate you can choose to
victim wins he is free but his action is perform a Wild Attack. This will add a
consumed, on a raise he can perform +2 to your Fighting roll and possible
normally. The victim may even try to damage roll, along with a -2 penalty to
perform other actions, albeit at a -4 your Parry until your next action.
penalty. The attacker can on subsequent This maneuver can be used with Edges
turn try to damage his opponent, by an like Sweep and Frenzy and also with
opposed roll, with the normal +d6 two weapons.
damage on a raise.
Get out off my way!! Watch out for straying bullets! A roll of
You can Push opponents by making an 1 on the Shooting or Throwing roll (1
opposed Strength roll, and with a +2 and 2 with Autofire and shotguns) will
bonus if running at least 3". If you are hit a random adjacent target.
successfull you have several
possibilities. I'll cover you!
Push - the target moves 1" for every You can use Suppressive fire, with a
success and raise on the roll. If he hits full-automatic weapon or a Single-
an object he suffers d6 damage per action revolver. Perform a successful
raise. Shooting roll, and place a Medium
Shield Bash - as above but will also Burst Template on a designated area,
deal Strength damage with the shield. and remember to calculate for range
Add +1 to the damage for a Small and other penalties before making the
Shield, +2 for a Medium Shield, and +3 roll. All victims in the area must make a
for a Large Shield. Spirit roll or be Shaken, add any cover
Prone - you can choose to knock your modifier to the roll, on a 1 they will
opponent Prone with no damage. even suffer damage normally.

Tickle Tickle. The right tool for the job.
Only looking to touch your opponent, When trying to break an object, a door
usually to deliver a magical effect, then for example, only a specific type of
you may add a +2 bonus to your damage will actually destroy it. In this
Fighting roll. case only Blunt and Slashing.

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