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H. Q.

Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

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Listening Comprehension
Contents r

Unit 1 People, family and relationships............................................................. 4

U n it 2 Leisure...................................................................................................... 6

Unit 3 Education.................................................................................................. 8

U n it 4 Food......................................................................................................... 10

U n it 5 Shopping and m oney.............................................................................. 12

Unit 6 Travelling and tourism............................................................................ 14

Unit 7 Art and culture........................................................................................ 16

U n it 8 Sport......................................................................................................... 18

U n it 9 Health...................................................................................................... 20

Unit 10 Science and technology..........................................................................22

U n it 11 Nature...................................................................................................... 24

U n it 12 Modern life.............................................................................................. 26

Unit 13 Society..................................................................................................... 28

U n it 14 Ukraine and English speaking countries............................................... 30

Listening transcripts 32
Unit 1 People, family and relationships
Task 1

Read the statements below and tick True CT) or False (F). Then read the Exam tip and check
your answers. Which statements are false? Why?

1. When you read the instructions, you get to know the topic of the recording.
2. After reading the questions, you just sit and relax.
3. When you listen to the recording for the first time, you try to get the general idea.
4. You do n’t have to listen to the recording the second tim e if you have already answered
all the questions.

You will hear some information about the connection between birth order and personality. Decide
whether the following statements are True or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. Eldest children are likely to be creative.

2. Eldest children don’t have self-confidence.

3. Youngest children don’t get enough attention.

4. Only children like telling others what to do.

5. The parents of only children often put them under a lot of pressure. □
Task 2

Read the exam tip and answer the following questions:

1. W hy is it im portant to underline the key words in a question?

2. Why is it im portant to also listen carefully during the second listening?

Exam tip
• Before you listen, read the instructions carefully to learn what the text is going to be about.
• Then read the questions and options, and underline the key words. This w ill help you focus
on the more relevant parts of the recording.
• During the first listening, listen for the key words. This will help you choose the correct option.
• Check your answers during the second listening. Rem em ber that you must pay attention to the
general m eaning of what is said, not just to individual words.

You will hear a talk about lying. Listen and answer the questions 1-5. Choose A, B or C.

1. W hat’s the main reason that people tell a w hite lie?

A. They want to fool people.
B. They don’t want to upset someone.
C. They don’t have a serious opinion.

2. The speaker says that

A. liars tend to move their gaze away.
B. people w ho are m aking up a lie at that m om ent look upwards.
C. looking up means that a person is trying to rem em ber something.

3. The stress caused by being interview ed by the police m ight make som eone
A. tell a lie.
B. avoid cooperation.
C. embarrassed.

4. When people are questioned about a crim e they didn’t com m it, they may appear guilty because
A. have actually com m itted a different crime.
B. have som ething else to hide.
C. feel they have to lie.

5. A person is lying when they

A. change the details of a story or offer too many details.
B. narrate a story with as few details as possible.
C. insist what they say is the real story.
r ^ Unit 2 Leisure

Task I


• Is there a leisure centre in the area you live? If yes, w hat is it like and how could it be im proved?
If no, how convenient do you think it w ould be to have one in your area? Why?

• What features of a leisure centre can make being a m em ber there a pleasant experience? Why?

You will hear a woman talking about a leisure centre. Listen and answer the questions 1-5.
Choose A, B or C.

1. How long did it take to renovate the leisure 4. In the sports hall, there are three
centre? A. tennis courts.
A. a couple of days B. squash courts.
B. a week C. volleyball courts.
C. a month
5. Where is the clim bing wall?
2. The group sw im m ing lessons are aimed at A. near the sports hall
A. children. B. in the sports hall
B. adults. C. upstairs
C. children and adults.

3. Next to the sw im m ing pool, there is a

A. waiting area.
B. p la y ro o m .,
C. sports hall.
Task 2


• What can young people do in their free tim e in your area?

• What do you do in your free time?

You w ill hear an in te rv ie w w ith Jan e t A nderson, a w ell-kno w n Sco ttish actress, ta lkin g a b o u t how
she sp ends her leisu re tim e. Listen and answ er the q u e stio n s 1-6. C hoose A, B or C.

1. When she is not rehearsing or perform ing, Janet

A. goes to the theatre or cinema.
B. does activities that give her the opportunity to im prove as an actress.
C. does arts and crafts.

2 . Janet has
A. never directed before.
B. directed film but not theatre.
C. interviewed a film director.

3. Currently, Janet is
A. reading a book titled T h e C o u n t o f M o n te C r is to for pleasure.
B. w riting the script for a play titled T h e C o u n t o f M o n te C ris to .
C. reading about the tim e period in w hich T h e C o u n t o f M o n te C r is to takes place.

4. Janet likes to
A. prepare meals for her friends.
B. read fictional books about crime.
C. play m usic with friends.

5. Janet
A. had wanted to learn the trum pet for a long time.
B. had been looking for a trum pet for a while.
C. found the trum pet by chance.

6. When it com es to sports and exercise, Janet

A. prefers activities that are energetic.
B. thinks she is too old to do certain sports.
C. enjoys yoga because it helps relieve stress.
r Unit 3 Education

Task 1


• Do you want to go to university w hen you finish school? Why? / W hy not?
• What job would you like to do when you finish your studies? Why?

You will hear a conversation about school and university. Listen and answer the questions 1-6.
Choose A, B or C.

1. What does Nancy believe she w ill probably end up being in the future?
A. a lawyer
B. a waitress
C. unem ployed

2. What has Sean dream t of since he was a child?

A. being dressed in a suit
B. sitting and discussing m oney
C. being surrounded by fans

3. What does Nancy suggest Sean should do?

A. study business adm inistration
B. becom e a singer
C. study business adm inistration and becom e a singer

4 . When can Sean and Nancy apply to universities?

A. 14 May
B. 20 April
C. 14 April

5. How long will it take to get to the furthest university in the future?
A. 30 minutes
B. 20 m inutes
C. 10 m inutes

6. What w ill Nancy have to buy for her arts and crafts project?
A. glue
B. coloured paper
C. scissors
• Why is it im portant for young people to learn foreign languages nowadays?

• Would you like to go to a language school in Great Britain? Why? / Why not?

You w ill hear a teach er g ivin g in fo rm atio n a b o u t langu ag e schools. D ecide w hether the fo llo w in g
statem ents are True or False, and w rite T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. Language schools in the UK give their students a chance to see the country.

2. Language schools stay open all year long.

3. The courses can only be attended by young people.

4 . The students spend most of their tim e in the classrooms.

5. The teachers com e from various English-speaking countries.

Task 1


• Do you like watching TV shows about cooking? Why? / Why not?
• Can you cook? What is your speciality?

You will hear a famous chef talking about his career. Decide whether the following statements
are True or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. The ch e f’s first job was in the kitchen of a hotel.

2. The chef was born in Ireland.

3. The ch e f’s restaurant in Dublin was very successful.

4 . The chef was discovered by a TV producer.

5. The chef appeared in more than a thousand shows.

Task 2


• Do you believe that eating healthily is expensive, and that people eating on a tight budget can only
buy unhealthy food?

• How do you think food affects our mood and behaviour?

You will hear an interview about how important a healthy diet is for children. Listen and answer
the questions 1-6. Choose A, B or C.

1. What does Jam ie say about diet at a young age?

A. Recent research on the topic was criticised.
B. It can help develop the body physically but not mentally.
C. It can affect how clever som eone is.

2. How can nutrition affect behaviour?

A. A poor diet can make people sleepy.
B. Lack of vitam in C can cause stress.
C. A poor diet can cause sadness.

3. What does Jam ie say about breakfast?

A. It im proves students’ school performance.
B. It must include eggs and fruit.
C. It should be eaten one hour before school.

4 . What is true about food and brain perform ance?

A. Only breakfast can boost brain performance.
B. Too much food can slow down brain activity.
C. Students can eat specific foods to boost their brain performance.

5. To avoid gaining weight, students should

A. work out and eat nutritious food.
B. avoid eating certain types of food.
C. do a lot of physical exercise.

6. How can obesity affect students?

A. Students may feel uncom fortable w hile studying.
B. Students may avoid taking part in certain activities
C. It can affect students’ concentration levels.

Task I


• Where do you usually shop?
• What are the advantages/disadvantages of shopping in a big superm arket?
• What are the advantages/disadvantages of shopping in an open-air market?

You w ill hear a d ia lo g u e betw een a m o ther and her son. Listen and answ er th e q u e stio n s 1-5.
Choose A, B o r C .

1. Andy's mum doesn’t like the present because it’s

A. too colourful.
B. blue.
C. too expensive.

2. Andy chose the particular item because his dad

A. had told him to buy it.
B. doesn’t have anything similar.
C. wears clothes of this type.

3. Lately. A n d y’s dad has been

A. silly.
B. happy.
C. depressed.

4 . A n d y ’s dad has very few

A. shirts.
B. ties.
C. T-shirts.

5. W ho believes that the present is expensive?

A. Andy
B. A n d y’s mum
C. both of them
Task 2


• What influences you when you are shopping?

• Do you trust advertisem ents? Why? / Why not?

• Are you aware of any tricks that advertisers use? How do you avoid them?

You will hear part of a radio report on advertising. Decide whether the following statements
are True or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. The speaker believes that using psychology to persuade people to buy is wrong.

□ □ □ □
2. Blue and red are colours that are used to inspire positive feelings in custom ers.

3. People react more strongly when they feel that they are m issing out on something.

4 . Great reductions in price always happen on items that were originally a lot more expensive.

5. Food stylists try to im prove the appearance of food by using better quality m aterials than

those that they are selling.

■ 't
Task 1


• What has been your best/worst travelling experience? What happened?
• W hich is the most interesting place you have visited? Why?

• Have you ever been in danger w hile on holiday? How?

You will hear a man called Raymond Plum talking about his travelling experiences.
Listen and answer the questions 1-5. Choose A, B or C.

1. Raymond becam e interested in travelling because

A. he had a relative who liked travelling.
B. he saw a television program m e about travelling.
C. his friends invited him to go travelling with them.

2. What does Raymond like most about travelling?

A. eating different types of food
B. visiting different places
C. m eeting different people

3. Raymond usually earns m oney on his travels by w orking

A. in a restaurant.
B. in a hostel.
C. in a school.

4 . What does Raymond say about danger?

A. Some places are more dangerous than the place w here you live.
B. Local people can cause dangerous situations.
C. Different places have different kinds of danger.

5. What hasn’t Raymond seen yet?

A. the Northern Lights
B. Machu Picchu
C. the Great Pyram id of Giza

Task 2


• Have you ever been abroad? Where?

• Which countries w ould you like to visit? Why?

You will hear a radio report from Delhi on a national celebration. Listen and answer the questions
1-6. Choose A, B or C.

1. Today is a special day in India because

A. it’s India’s flower day.
B. it’s India’s independence day.
C. they celebrate G andhi’s birthday.

2. The w eather is
A. warm and sunny.
B. warm and cloudy.
C. too hot.

3. On the backs of some vehicles in Delhi there are

A. pictures of spinning wheels.
B. flowers and birds.
C. am using messages.

4. The guide read from G andhi’s collected works

A. on the bus.
B. outside the m em orial walls.
C. at Gandhi's memorial, Raj Ghat.

5. The visitors to the m em orial took off their shoes

A. inside the w alls of the memorial.
B. outside the w alls of the memorial.
C. next to the m arble platform.

6. At the memorial, people left

A. flags with doves.
B. flags with peace signs.
C. flowers.

page 15
Unit 7 Art and culture

Task t


• Do you like going to the theatre? Why? / Why not?

• Have you ever perform ed on stage? If yes, did you enjoy it?
• Would you like to be famous? Why? / Why not?

You will hear a conversation between two friends. Decide whether the following statements
are True or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. Tim othy knew about K im b erly’s interest in the theatre. □

2. Kim berly has not gained much from joining a theatre group. ( 1

3. K im berly thinks acting can help Timothy. CD

4 . Everyone in K im b erly’s theatre group is a professional. □

5. K im berly believes it is hard to succeed in show business. □

Task 2


• W hich festivals have you been to? Which one did you enjoy the most? Why?

• What do you think a m edieval festival might be like?

• What could be special about it?

You will hear an interview about Khotyn Festivals. Listen and answer the questions
1-5. Choose A, B or C.

1. What is true about Khotyn Fotress?

A. It was the venue of a festival in the m edieval period.
B. It was built by the Vikings.
C. An im portant battle took place there.

2. The num ber of participants in each team should be

A. at least eight.
B. more than fifty.
C. at least fifty.

3. The fighters taking part in the festival

A. go through strict tournam ents in Ukraine.
B. are chosen in their own countries after some tournaments.
C. use modern fighting techniques.

4. All the battles are

A. copied from previous battles.
B. prearranged.
C. real.

5. What can visitors to the festival do there?

A. They can cam p there.
B. They can experience life as it was in the past.
C. They can design gam es for children.
• What is your favourite sport? W hat do you like about it?
• What are the most popular sports am ong young people in Ukraine? Why?
• What sports facilities are available in the area where you live? Do you use them? Why? / Why not?

You will hear a sports commentary on the Ironman Triathlon World Championship. Listen and
answer the questions 1-6. Choose A, B or C.

1. During the swim m ing race

A. it was raining.
B. it was very windy.
C. there were big waves.

2. The bicycle race covered a distance of

A. 4 km.
B. 100 km.
C. 179 km.

3. W hose strong point is running?

A. K ing’s
B. Johnson’s
C. Ram sey’s

4 . Who was the w inner of the 1987 Ironman Triathlon com petition?
A. Pete Ramsey
B. Ronnie Johnson
C. Spencer King

5. What happened to Ramsey towards the end of the race?

A. He hurt his face.
B. He injured his head.
C. He fell down.
Task 2


• Why do you think sports achievem ents are considered im portant?

• What w ould you like to be able to accom plish in sports?

You will hear someone talking about parkour. Decide whether the following statements are True
or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. Parkour becam e well known in France in the 1980s.

2. Jum ping from one roof to the next is the only m ovem ent in parkour.

3. Parkour is done by both men and women.

4 . M em bers must have moral values.

5. Parkour can have long-lasting negative effects on your health.

r i unit 9 Health

Task 1


• Do you go to the gym? Why? / W hy not?

• What can people do to keep fit and stay healthy?

You will hear a dialogue between a man and a woman who meet up in the gym. Decide whether
the following statements are True or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. Both Peggy and Jerem y have problem s with cholesterol.

2. Peggy used to have longer training sessions in the past.

3. Peggy d idn’t have any problem s with w eight in the past.

4 . Jerem y hasn’t been to the gym before.

5. Peggy and Phil are relatives.

Task 2


• What is first aid? What is its purpose?

• Should students be taught first aid? Why? / Why not?

You will hear an interview on first aid. Listen and answer the questions 1-6. Choose A, B or C.

1. What is true of Dr Robert Moore?

A. This is his first guest appearance on the radio programme.
B. He regularly gives advice on the radio programme.
C. He previously gave advice on what to do after an accident.

2. What is the purpose of first aid?

A. to take care of the patient yourself
B. to avoid calling a doctor
C. to make sure the victim is safe until help arrives

3. What procedure is recom m ended to stop bleeding?

A. washing the w ound carefully with som e water
B. changing the bandage often if bleeding continues
C. raising the bleeding part and bandaging it

4 . Second-degree burns are characterised by

A. the red colour of the skin.
B. severe dam aging of the skin.
C. blistering of the skin.

5. Cold water can be used to treat

A. first and second-degree burns.
B. third-degree burns.
C. second and third-degree burns.

6. How could you relieve the pain caused by sunburn?

A. by applying yoghurt
B. by applying any type of oil
C. by w earing a T-shirt or a hat

V ' i
Unit 10 Science and technology
Task 1


• Are you interested in scientific discoveries? Why? / W hy not?
• What is, in your opinion, the m ost im portant scientific discovery ever made? Why?

You will hear an interview with a man called Henry Stimpson, who is a tour guide at the Science
Museum in London. Listen and answer the questions 1-5. Choose A, B'or C.

1. What does Henry Stim pson say about the objects on display in the museum?
A. There are alm ost 15,000 of them.
B. They are displayed on five different floors.
C. They can all be touched by visitors to the museum.

2. W hich invention did most visitors to the museum believe to be the m ost im portant?
A. the X-ray m achine
B. the w ashing m achine
C. the control section of the A po llo 10 spacecraft

3. What is true about the screen where science film s are shown?
A. It is w ider than four buses.
B. It is located in the m iddle of an exhibition.
C. It is one of the biggest in the UK.

4 . The tours at the Science Museum

A. must be booked in advance.
B. do not have to be paid for.
C. last a long time.

5. Visitors can
A. eat their own food in certain areas.
B. eat in one of the cafes next to the museum.
C. have a picnic next to one of the exhibitions.
Task 2


• Do you like playing com puter games? Why? / W hy not?

• In what ways can com puter games help us learn?

You w ill hear an in te rv ie w w ith a co m p u te r program m er. Listen and answ er the q u e stio n s 1-5.
Choose A, B or C.

1. What do most adults think about com puter games?

A. They are meaningful.
B. They are a waste of time.
C. They m otivate students to do better at school.

2. How did Jam es feel about com puter games before com ing across brain games?
A. He wasn’t very fond of them.
B. He thought they helped im prove memory.
C. He knew they could help with brain training.

3. The goal of Nintendo’s Brain Age game is to

A. make your brain age independent of your body age.
B. match your brain age to your body age.
C. lower your brain age.

4 . Brain Age and BrainWare Safari are sim ilar in that

A. you have to access the Internet to play them.
B. both help im prove m em ory and understanding.
C. both are played on a console.

5. What conclusion has Jam es reached about brain games?

A. They are a fun way to improve your mental skills.
B. They are sim ilar to doing exercises from a textbook.
C. The tasks are too focused on entertaining to show any significant results in brain training.
Ultit 11 Mature

Task 1


• W hy are rainforests im portant to our planet?

• What do you know about clim ate change?

You will hear some information about rainforests. Decide whether the following statements
are True or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. Rainforests do not grow in Asia.

2. The Earth’s clim ate is affected by rainforests.

3. More than half of the w orld’s rainforests have disappeared.

4 . Rainforests are being destroyed only because people need wood.

5. Some rainforest plants are used to make medicines.

Task 2


• How necessary do you think bees are to the w orld’s ecosystem ?

• What can be done to help anim als w hich are in danger of becom ing extinct?

i You will hear an expert talking about bees. Decide whether the following statements are True
i or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. There are alm ost 2 ,0 0 0 species of bees in Europe.

2. In intensive farming, anim als are kept inside.

3. Bees absorb m ore pesticides than other insects.

4 . The varroa mite is a virus.

5. Seventy crop species are pollinated by bees.

r ^
Unit 12 Modern life
Task 1


• What are the problem s that young people face today?

• Would you ask for help/advice from a helpline / an advice forum? Why? / Why not?

You w ill hear an in te rv ie w ab out a te le p h o n e helpline. Listen and a nsw er the qu e stio n s 1-5.
Choose A, B o r C.

1. What is Youth Connect?

A. a radio station
B. a telephone com pany
C. a helpline

2. How is Youth Connect different?

A. It puts callers through to people who can help them.
B. It helps both adults and teenagers.
C. The staff meet the callers personally.

3. The caller who had trouble sleeping

A. had experienced a traum atic experience.
B. was suffering from stress.
C. was advised to take tim e off from school.

4 . Callers w ho are lonely

A. often move to a big city.
B. all receive an inform ation pack.
C. can speak to a local youth worker.

5. Youth Connect can

A. telephone for further inform ation.
B. send callers useful advice.
C. only contact callers by email.
Task 2


• Do you know anything about callisthenics? If not, what do you think it is?

• What kind of activities do young people do in your area?

• Do you know any unusual activities that people do in Ukraine?

You will hear a radio programme in which athlete Eric Dunn talks about a form of exercise
known as callisthenics. Decide whether the following statements are True or False, and write T
or F in the boxes on the right.

□ □ □ □ □
1. Callisthenics has its roots in ancient Greece.

2. Eric Dunn has been training kids in his area for four years.

3. Callisthenics targets specific m uscle groups.

4 . The kids who train with Eric have stopped eating meat.

5. Under certain conditions, callisthenics can strengthen two very im portant organs in the body.
Ultit 13 Society
Task 1


• What do people in your neighbourhood do to help each other?
• Would you consider doing volunteer work? Why? / W hy not?

You will hear a talk on crime prevention. Listen and answer the questions 1-5. Choose A, B or C.

1. The speaker congratulates

A. the police force on raising awareness of crim e prevention.
B. the chairm an of the meeting on giving such a good speech.
C. m em bers of a neighbourhood watch schem e on reducing crime.

2. The speaker says that those intending to go away

A. must put all valuables in a safe.
B. should let passers-by know that they are leaving.
C. should pack the car w here others cannot see them.

3. The speaker advises people to

A. em pty their letterbox before they leave.
B. cancel all their deliveries.
C. mow their lawn before they leave.

4 . The speaker says that an ideal hiding place for a thief is

A. an outdoor building.
B. a garden.
C. a nearby shop.

5. According to the speaker, most break-ins happen

A. during the day.
B. at night.
C. when people are away.
Task 2


• How can the Internet benefit society?

• Do you think the Web protects or invades human rights?

You will hear part of a radio programme about how the Internet affects society. Listen and
answer the questions 1-6. Choose A, B or C.

1. Why is the Internet such a powerful tool?

A. It has a huge num ber of w ebsites with lots of information.
B. It is guaranteed to defend our freedom of speech.
C. Alm ost anyone can use the Internet to express themselves.

2. What do some people think should be banned?

A. open access to som e sites
B. certain com edy w ebsites
C. public message boards

3. What does the speaker use as an exam ple when discussing freedom of speech?
A. two people having an argum ent online
B. som eone using Internet message boards to make racist remarks
C. two people w ho do not use the Internet correctly

4 . What problem atic issue does the speaker discuss regarding the Internet?
A. People are too easily connected via social media.
B. People can abuse the Internet.
C. It can be hard to avoid offensive material.

5. What does the speaker suggest should not be tolerated?

A. people arguing online
B. over-policing on Internet message boards
C. people suffering abuse online and in the real w orld

6. People are often abused online because

A. no one is policing the Internet.
B. other users want to insult som eone they know.
C. Internet users can remain anonym ous.
Unit 14 Ukraine and English speaking countries

Task 1


• Who is the person in the picture

and what do you know about him?

You will hear somebody talking about the inventor, Igor Sikorsky. Decide whether the following
statements are True or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

1. Aviation was the first thing Igor Sikorsky decided to study.

2. Some of Sikorsky’s inventions were not successful.

3. Sikorsky contributed to world aviation with more than one invention.

4 . Sikorsky’s com pany was founded in the United States in 1939.

5. Igor Sikorsky was 72 when he died.

• Look at the pictures of these fam ous people. What do you know about them?
• Do you know any other Ukrainians w ho are internationally famous?
Task 2


• Do you read books? What is your favourite book? Why?

• Which Ukranian w riters do you know?

• What do you know about Agatha Christie?

You will hear some information about Agatha Christie. Decide whether the following
statements are True or False, and write T or F in the boxes on the right.

□ □ □ □ □
1. Agatha Christie’s father died in the First W orld War.

2. Agatha Christie com pleted part of her education abroad.

3. Agatha Christie started w riting detective stories before the outbreak of the First W orld War.

4 . Agatha Christie used her experience of w orking in a pharm acy in some of her books.

5. Some of her novels were w ritten under a different name.

Listening transcripts

Unitl tell when someone is trying to fool you? Firstly, one

common myth is that people look up when they’re lying,
Taskl something that has been shown to be untrue. Scientists
Some scientists claim that there is a connection between claim that people move their eyes upwards when
the order that children are born in and their personality. they’re trying to recall memories, rather than when
For example, if you’re the eldest child in your family, they’re making something up. Likewise, just because
you're probably multi-talented and creative and you someone gets anxious, blushes or changes the way they
like to keep yourself busy. Eldest children believe in speak doesn’t guarantee they are lying. Some people
themselves and are good at leading and organising feel nervous just because someone in authority wants
others. They’re perfectionists and they always want to to speak to them, or blush because they are simply
be the best, which also means they can give themselves embarrassed. Often, people who are questioned for a
a hard time if they don’t succeed. They like to hang out crime display the signs of lying, even though they are
with their friends and they’re usually the leaders of their not, because they are trying to hide something else,
group. However, they can also be bossy and sometimes something that has nothing to do with the reason they
they forget to ask their friends for their opinion. are being interviewed. For example, someone might find
On the other hand, youngest children like being the the police at their door, asking to come in to find proof
centre of attention, and they get a lot of it from their that they stole something. This person may refuse to
parents, perhaps too much. Youngest children benefit let the police inside, and his body language may seem
from having older siblings, since older siblings pass on guilty, but in reality he is uncomfortable because he
everything they have learnt. Also, youngest children are doesn’t want them to find out about an embarrassing
much more competitive than their brothers and sisters, hobby he has - collecting dolls, for example.
and they always want to prove they are as good as them. However, there are a few signs that point to the fact
But what if you’re an only child? Well, according to this that someone is lying. I’m going to refer to some basic
theory, if you’re an only child, you’re more mature than indications and then we’re going to be looking more
people from larger families. Only children usually don’t closely at body gestures and facial expressions. A sure
have problems dealing with their teachers because sign that someone is shamelessly lying is if you catch
they’re always around adults. They also love being them changing their story every time they recount it.
in charge, so whatever job they do, they can become
Changing some details or even key events means they
successful in no time. However, the parents of only
are reinventing the storyline as they speak. A very
children often give them a hard time because they
always expect them to do well. Another difficulty only detailed story should also keep you alert. The reason is
children may have is feeling uncomfortable when that, when we truly go through a bad experience, we are
dealing with large groups of people. so emotionally unsettled, that we don’t notice a lot of the
things that go on around us. On the other hand, a person
Of course, many children do not fit into the categories
who is making up a story will try to include as many
described above, and furthermore, everyone has the
details as possible, thinking that that will make their
possibility to change many times in their lives in a
story sound real. Another obvious indication of a liar
positive way.
is body language. Recorded interviews with criminals
may show them saying, ‘No, I didn’t do it,’ but at the
Task 2 same time unknowingly nodding their heads. Referring
How many of you present here are liars? I see some of to everyday lying, someone might say, ‘I love it!’ when
you are beginning to feel uncomfortable. No hands? Do opening the gift you gave them, but smile after they say
you deny ever having lied to someone? Well, you don’t that, not while saying it. Their body matches their words
need to be embarrassed. Every one of us has lied at
some point in our lives. Even those of us who consider it
but not at the same time because they have to think
of smiling. They don’t do it naturally. Now, let’s look at
immoral and teach our kids not to. Think about it. ‘Hey some pictures...
Sarah. How was your weekend?’ your friend asks. ‘Great!’
you say. Truth is: it was horrible, but you don’t want
people to know. Or, your wife cooks for you and you say,
‘That was delicious,’ but really you’re just being polite,
Unit 2
the food was too salty or too bland. This last one is a Taskl
white lie, mostly told not to hurt someone's feelings. It’s Welcome to our newly-renovated leisure centre. As
not considered serious. some of you know, it took a month to do the renovations
But how about more significant lies - how can you and we are hoping to open in a couple of days, or a

Listening Transcripts
r 1

week, at the latest. This tour will show you just what their knowledge and expertise. There are
our members can expect. As you enter the centre, we always skills that you can learn and master
have our swimming pools on your right. Let’s just head as an actor, and there is also a lot of room
through the reception here... and the first pool you see is for personal growth and development. I
our learner pool, which has a moving floor so the water also read a lot and watch programmes and
depth can be changed depending on the class. This pool interviews about film and theatre. It helps
will mostly be used by our swimming school, which will me stay on top of developments in the
run group swimming lessons all through the year for industry.
children of all age groups. Advanced swimmers and Man Do you direct as well?
adults will use our main swimming pool, which is just
Janet I haven’t directed yet, no, but I do spend a
next to the learner pool. Again, this pool has a moving
lot of my time studying the techniques of
floor, and there are also three diving boards placed at
great masters. When I listen to interviews
different heights. Our changing rooms are just through
with great film directors, I learn a great deal
that door there, at the end of the main swimming pool.
about acting, and perhaps, in the future, I
Alongside the two pools, we have a waiting area where will actually direct my own film.
parents can sit and watch their children while enjoying a
Man Are you preparing for a performance at the
cup of coffee or a healthy snack from the cafe here. We
are also in discussion with a local company about the
possibility of opening a playroom in this area as well. Janet Yes, I am playing a role in a performance
If we go through the waiting area, we reach the sports of T h e C o u n t o f M o n te C ris to next spring.
hall. As you can see, this area can be used for a variety So, I am reading a lot at the moment. I am
of sports: tennis, basketball, volleyball, badminton, even reading the script obviously, but I’m also
football. If you turn and look to your left, you’ll see we reading about the history of the period,
also have three new squash courts. In a minute, we partly because I enjoy reading about history,
will head up the stairs and go on to take a look at our but also because it helps the performance of
gym and health centre... but first, I want to show you all a role if you understand what the characters’
something very exciting that’s new to our centre - and lives would have been like.
indeed to our town. Man That makes sense. So, what things do you
like doing in your free time that have nothing
If you could all just make your way across the sports hall
to do with work?
and through this door over here on the right... thank you.
This is our new climbing wall. Obviously, we are the only Janet Well, I like going out for a meal with friends.
My best friend has just opened a cafe
place in the local area to have a climbing wall, and we
restaurant in the centre which serves great
definitely haven’t cut any corners, as you can see. Before
food. What else? I like walking around the
we go upstairs, I should mention that the climbing
city on my own, especially very early or late
wall will be part of a different membership plan to the when there are not many people out and
standard one which covers the rest of the facilities at the about. I also enjoy curling up on my sofa
centre. This is because all climbers will first need to take to read a good mystery book. You know,
a beginner’s course and learn to use the wall safely. Now, the whodunnit type that has you trying to
the... (fa d e o u t) solve the mystery behind a murder. Oh, and
I have just taken up playing the trumpet! It’s
been just a month! Fortunately, none of my
Task 2 neighbours have complained yet!
Man With us today in the studio is thirty-five-year-old Man Did you take up the trumpet for a role you
Scottish actress, Janet Anderson. Janet is will be playing?
here to tell us a little about what she does in Janet Oh, no! I listen to a lot of jazz music and I
her free time. So, Janet, what do you do when particularly like the sound of the trumpet. I’d
you are not rehearsing or performing? always wanted to learn an instrument, and
Janet Well, theatre and film are my life’s passions, then I saw a trumpet in the window of a local
so even when I am not rehearsing for shop. They usually only sell guitars, so it
something, I am always learning new things caught my eye. I thought, why not?
about the craft of acting or about directing. Man And how’s it going? Is it a difficult instrument
I often attend seminars and workshops to play?
held by talent agents, casting directors and
Janet Well, it was at first, but I’m taking lessons,
other industry professionals who share
Listening transcripts

and my teacher is very good and very Sean Hopefully, we will get accepted at one of the
patient! local universities.
Man How about sport or exercise? Nancy Yeah, they are all centrally located and
Janet Well, I definitely try to keep fit, and recently it only takes thirty minutes to reach the
furthest university.
I started practising yoga. I’m surprised how
much I enjoy it! I used to do much more Sean Actually, with the new motorway that they
are building, it will be ten minutes faster.
vigorous sports, like basketball and hockey.
But that has changed now. It’s not that I’m too Nancy That will be great, but building a road is a big
old for these activities; I just don’t enjoy them project and by the time they finish, we will
have graduated from university.
as much as I used to. I think that yoga is more
my kind of thing. Not only does it keep me fit, Sean Speaking of finishing projects on time, have
but it also helps me clear my head and relax, you started working on your arts and crafts
which is important because my profession is project?
both very demanding and stressful. Nancy Well, I still need to buy some things like glue,
coloured paper, and some markers.
Sean I can give you some coloured paper and
Unit 3 markers if you like.
Nancy Great! Do you also have a pair of scissors?
Sean Yes, I do.
Nancy Can you believe it? It seems like only
yesterday we were in our first year, and now Nancy Brilliant! That means I only have to buy one
this is our final year at secondary school. thing.

Sean Yeah, it’s amazing how fast time goes by. Sean Hey, I almost forgot. Do you... (fa d e o u t)
Nancy Anyway, have you decided what you are
going to study at university?
Task 2
Sean Well, my dad wants me to study business
Teacher It’s funny how some people seem to have
administration so that one day I can take
a knack for learning a second language,
over the family business.
while others find it quite difficult. Generally
Nancy You’re so lucky you have a job waiting for speaking, though, many hours of hard work
you once you finish university. I’m going to and study are involved. That’s why many
study law, but with all the competition and students go to language schools, which
unemployment in this town, who knows if I’ll make language learning quicker and easier.
ever get a job as a lawyer? I’ll probably just
In countries like the United Kingdom,
end up serving people in restaurants.
for example, special language schools
Sean Come on. It isn’t that bad. My problem is that have been established for those who are
I can’t imagine myself in a suit with a bunch interested in visiting the country and
of middle-aged men discussing money all learning the language at the same time.
the time. Ever since I was a child, I’ve dreamt These schools do not run all year round, but
of becoming a singer and being followed by only for a few weeks during the summer.
my fans everywhere I go. Many would think that these schools are
Nancy Have you talked this over with your dad? only for the young, but in fact just the
Sean Yes. He thinks I'll only be wasting my time if I opposite is true. People of all ages are
don’t go to university. welcome and attend them for a number of
reasons. Some find it necessary to learn
Nancy I know! Why don’t you do a part-time degree
English for job purposes, while others have
in business administration at university and
to sit special exams to enter a university
work as a singer at weekends too?
or just want to improve their English. But
Sean That’s exactly what I was thinking myself. By for whatever reason they learn English, the
the way, when do we have to apply? good thing is that different age groups are
Nancy Let’s see. It’s 20 April today, and applications not put together. In actual fact, people of
begin in the second week of next month, on similar ages are put in the same class; that
the fourteenth, to be exact. way, they’re more likely to have things in
Listening Transcripts

The classes are small, and this gives students and had the set menu. He was so impressed
the chance to make new friends, quickly. The he asked me to make a guest appearance on
programmes these language schools offer a weekend variety show he was producing.
are quite full and very interesting. Forget I went on the show, and, as the saying goes,
about traditional teaching methods. In fact, the rest is history. I recorded 1,200 shows
only one third of the lessons take place in of C o o k in g U p A S to rm . These days I am
classrooms. Most of the learning is done
semi-retired except for making special guest
outside the classroom, where you not only
appearances now and then. I do most of
practise the language, but also experience
English culture firsthand, although you don’t my cooking at home, but I’m afraid my kids
really get to meet as many English people would rather go to the local burger bar than
as you’d expect. Probably because you’re experience Thai or French cooking.
not there very long. As for the teachers,
they’re not only from the United Kingdom,
but from other English-speaking countries Task 2
as well. A typical day would involve a couple Presenter On today’s programme we have nutritionist
of hours of lessons before lunch and some Jamie Evans with us to talk about the
art, like painting or pottery in the early part importance of youngsters having a good
of the afternoon. Or, if the students enjoy diet. Welcome, Jamie.
physical activities more, they can play a Jamie Thanks for having me, Bill.
game of tennis or do some other sport. After
Presenter We all remember our mums telling us to
dinner, there’s a variety of things to do, like
eat our greens up, otherwise we wouldn’t
going to the theatre or a club, just to name
become big and strong. Were they telling us
a few. There’s always something to please
the truth, Jamie?
Jamie Yes. The food we eat determines the way our
bodies develop, not just physically, but also
mentally. A recent study shows that our early
Unit 4 years are especially critical. It was found
Taskl that toddlers who were fed on a diet packed
high in fats, sugars, and processed foods
Man You know, I left school at fifteen, and the had a lower level of intelligence than those
first job I applied for was a kitchen porter in fed on pasta, salads and fruit. The scientists
the Continental Hotel in London. However, involved in the research stressed that a good
the first place I actually worked at was at diet was vital in a child's early life, as the
the Ney Flower Restaurant. I was offered brain grows at its fastest rate during the first
the position of trainee chef and I worked three years of life.
there for five years. Then I went to Ireland, Presenter Are there any benefits related to a nutritious
where I opened a restaurant in the small diet after that age, Jamie?
town where I was born. You see, my parents Jamie Of course! For a start, a child’s behaviour
came to London when I was eighteen
can be greatly improved with the help of
months old, and I spent many years there.
a balanced diet. Numerous studies have
That’s why most people think I was born in
reported a link between poor diet and
England. Within two years, the restaurant
hyperactivity and sleep problems, but the
had become so successful that I decided to
open one in Dublin as a stepping stone to symptom that is most affected by diet is
eventually opening one in London. However, mood. Without the correct intake of food, we
it was not as successful as I hoped it would tend to become impatient and express anger
be, but, as the saying goes, every cloud has more easily. Our bodies also exhibit signs of
a silver lining, and that is when I first caught stress when our vitamin C levels drop, so we
the attention of the television people. Perry should try to eat at least five portions of fruit
Ashton, the producer, was in Dublin for a and vegetables a day to keep them high.
friend’s party. He came into the restaurant Presenter Can the correct diet also help children get
the next afternoon with some other people better results at school?
r ^
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Jamie Yes, very much so. One of the biggest Andy I know, but I thought he could do with a
mistakes a child can make is to skip change.
breakfast. Several studies have indicated Mum Oh, don’t be silly, Andy. It’s much too bright
that eating breakfast helps children perform for your father.
better at school. They are more attentive,
Andy Yes, bright and happy! Just what Dad needs.
less fidgety and recall more information in
He’s been a bit depressed lately, so I think
the classroom when they eat a nutritious
this will cheer him up.
breakfast, compared to when they don’t. A
good breakfast might include: a boiled egg Mum But blue, pink, green and yellow?
and toast, cereal with milk, or a selection of Andy Why not? Blue is his favourite colour anyway.
fruit. Mum So why didn’t you get him a plain blue shirt
Presenter And what about when exams approach? or a tie?
Should students eat certain foods to boost Andy He already has a lot of shirts and ties, but he
their brain’s performance? has hardly any T-shirts. I’m sure he’ll love it.
Jamie Well, apart from the advice about eating a Mum I don’t know. Anyway, how much did you pay
balanced diet and never skipping breakfast, for it?
there is a range of foods which have been
Andy £45.
proven to increase brain activity. Foods such
as eggs, nuts and yoghurt both revitalise Mum Pardon?
the brain and reduce feelings of anxiety and Andy £45. They gave me a special discount.
stress that students are prone to before an Mum A discount? You can’t be serious! £45 for this
exam. horrible piece of rubbish?
Presenter Very useful information, Jamie. Is there Andy I agree, it’s a lot, but it’s hand-painted.
anything else you’d like to pass on to our
Mum Hand-painted? I don’t care. I just can’t
listeners before we sign off?
believe you spent so much on a... (fade out)
Jamie Yes, there is actually. It is especially
important that students combine healthy
eating habits with physical exercise Task 2
in order to keep their body in shape. Whether we love or hate shopping, most of us have
Obesity can play a destructive role in a to shop several times a week. Today we’re looking
child’s performance at school. Aside from into some of the tricks that advertisers use to get us
contributing to health problems that may to choose one product over another or even to buy
make achieving academic success more something we weren’t even looking for. Plus, we will
challenging, obesity can often make be considering the question: ‘Is it okay for advertisers
students feel uncomfortable with their to lie?’ First off, there’s nothing wrong with advertising
appearance, and therefore they avoid something you want to sell, as people need to know that
your product exists. And marketers will naturally look
participating in class discussions or any
to use psychology when selling something, whether
activities which may place them in the
it’s using the colour blue to make TV viewers trust a
product, the colour red for excitement or to stimulate
the appetite, or using smiling children in an ad to make
us associate a product with a happy emotion.
Unit 5 But today, the emphasis will be on advertising that goes
Task 1 beyond positive psychology and into the arena of tricks
and lies. If you’ve ever bought a plane ticket online, you
Andy Mum, I’m back!
may be familiar with the message that appears: ‘Only
Mum Oh, hi, Andy. Did you get anything? one seat left!’ Just when someone is about to browse
Andy Yes, check this out! other websites and look for cheaper deals, they are put
Mum You are joking, right? That’s not for your dad. into a sudden panic to buy now. Research has found
that this statement is rarely true. This practice is based
Andy Why not? It’s the latest fashion.
on the theory that people are more affected by the idea
Mum That’s the problem. Your dad is not a of losing out on an opportunity than gaining one. In the
teenager. Also, he never wears those same way, if a product is only offered for a short time
period, shoppers are more likely to buy that particular
Listening Transcripts

product now than waste time looking around. you with accommodation; if you have the
We also looked into huge discounts. ‘An amazing seventy qualifications, you could work in a school
per cent off! Original retail price of jacket £139.99, our teaching English, as I usually do, or in a cafe
price £49.99!’ In truth, the starting price was never or restaurant. There are many ways you
£139.99, but somewhere a lot lower. It’s just a way to can make enough money to continue your
make buyers feel they are getting a great deal they can’t journey.
possibly turn down, when in fact a couple of months ago Safety is something that is also on a lot of
the original price was almost the same. Next, we talked travellers’ minds. It’s not that other places
to some food stylists. These are people whose job it are more dangerous than the place you are
is to make food look good for a photo shoot or TV ad. setting off from... there are just different
Very little is real in the world of food advertising. Since types of danger. It’s important to act
ice cream would melt under hot lights, those delicious sensibly and avoid any situations that could
scoops of ice cream in the cones are actually coloured put you in danger. If you speak to some local
mashed potato. And that crispy looking cereal in a bowl people, they may be able to give you some
of fresh milk? Well, the milk is really glue, used to keep valuable advice.
the cereal from sinking into the bowl and looking soggy I try to concentrate on the positives that
and unattractive. Next, we are going to look at how travelling can bring, though. I’ve been
advertisers use complicated expressions that sound lucky enough to see the sun set over the
like serious science to make products appear more Himalayas, admire the spectacular Machu
credible... (fa d e o u t) Picchu, and visit the Great Pyramid of Giza.
Right now, I’m planning a trip to Alaska to
see the Northern Lights. I’ve heard they’re a
Unit 6 wonderful sight.
Task 1 Anyway, before you think about making the
trip of a lifetime, you need to make some
Raymond My name’s Raymond Plum and I’d like to
preparations. Make a plan of where you...
talk to you about travelling around the
(fade out)
world. I’ve been travelling since I was
seventeen and have visited over sixty
countries. A lot of people seem to think
that I became interested in travelling
Task 2
due to a member of my family doing the Delhi is a city which wakens all the senses. It is bursting
same thing. Others believe that it was my with colours, smells, sounds and tastes. The morning
friends who encouraged me to start seeing started with a delicious, leisurely Indian breakfast at ten
different parts of the world. While it’s true at the hotel: Moong Dal Cheela - crispy Indian pancakes
that my family and friends have always made from chick pea flour, filled with cottage cheese
supported me, I started making plans for and vegetables. It was a completely different taste
my first two-month trip after watching a sensation from what I usually eat for breakfast. The
travel programme on TV. I fell in love with dining room was full of flowers this morning, as today is
travelling as soon as I arrived in my first a special day. It’s 2 October - the birthday of Mahatma
foreign country, which was Colombia. I was Gandhi, who has inspired people over many generations
fascinated by the culture, and I wanted to with his commitment to nonviolence and who led India’s
find out more and more about the way of independence movement in the 1930s and 40s.
life there. This curiosity led to my trip lasting Today is a national holiday in India and I’m in Delhi with
two years instead of two months. I am a very a group of tourists and locals celebrating Mahatma’s
sociable person, so I really enjoy talking to birthday We left the hotel at eleven in the morning, the
people from different places - but, even temperature a pleasant 26 °C, the sky a cloudless blue
more than that, I love tasting the traditional and the air full of the smell of carnations, dahlias and
dishes from each region that I go to. roses. We travelled in a spacious air-conditioned tourist
You’re probably wondering how someone bus decorated with flowers. The transport in Delhi is
can afford to travel for such long periods very colourful. The vehicles are painted with pictures
of time. Well, unless you’re rich, which of flowers and birds and with funny messages on the
I’m not, you simply have to work on your backs of vehicles to other drivers. There were twenty-
travels. You can work in a hostel or a four passengers on the bus - foreigners from all over
hotel, which will probably also provide the world: sociology and politics students, writers,
Listening transcripts

historians, a group of musicians from Bristol and even an Kimberly Yes, and apart from being great fun, it
eco-friendly fashion designer from Holland, inspired by has also helped me a lot. It has made me
Gandhi’s spinning wheel movement. more self-confident. You know, it’s open to
Our day tour started with a trip to the Raj Ghat, a everyone, and it would not be such a bad
memorial to Gandhi in New Delhi. On the way there, idea if you joined too. It could do wonders
the guide on the bus read out quotes from Gandhi’s for you.
collected works. One which stayed with me was a well Timothy How? -
known quote from Volume 47: ‘I shall work for an India Kimberly We all know how shy you are, so, if you take
in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country, a drama class, it can actually help you get
in whose making they have an effective voice, an India
over your shyness.
in which there will be no high class and low class of
people, an India in which all communities shall live Timothy I don’t know anything about acting.
in perfect harmony.’ When we arrived at Raj Ghat, we Kimberly That’s all right. We are all amateurs in my
had to remove our shoes before entering the walls. class.
The memorial to Gandhi is a simple, yet grand square Timothy I might come and check it out one day. And
platform of black marble decorated in bright orange do you see this acting of yours just as a
flowers and with a flame that is always kept alight. A hobby or as something more than that?
huge crowd was there to pay tribute to the great man
Kimberly I know this sounds a bit too much, but I hope
with garlands of flowers to place at the memorial. There
to become a famous actress one day.
were people of all ages there, all inspired by Gandhi’s
sim plicity and dedication to freedom and nonviolence. Timothy I was afraid you’d say something like that.
There were people from all walks of life. The government Come on, Kimberly! You can’t be serious!
offices, banks, post offices and schools are closed today, Kimberly Why not? I think I’m very talented.
and there were several groups of school children there, Timothy OK, but do me a favour. Don’t leave
holding flags with doves or peace signs painted on them
and bunches of flowers.
Kimberly Of course not! I know how difficult it is to
Next stop is the train station. I have always dreamed get into show business, so I want to have
of taking a train journey in India, and my destination is something to fall back on.
Agra to see the Taj Mahal, ‘Crown of Palaces’, one of the
Timothy Good, I’m glad we got that straight. Now one
wonders of the world. more thing, can I have your autograph, Miss
Big Shot?
Kimberly Go ahead and make fun of me. Have your fun
Unit 7 now, but don’t come to me when I’m rich and
Task 1 famous. I’ll be too busy posing for pictures.
Timothy Where were you last night? I must have
called you at least three times.
Kimberly I had a rehearsal with my theatre group.
Task 2
We’re putting on a play next month. Interviewer Welcome to C u ltu re To day. Our guest
Timothy Hold on a minute. I didn’t know you were in a today is Ivan Pavluk, who is on the
theatre group. organising committee of the festivals
at Khotyn Fortress, one of the most
Kimberly Yes, I joined one a couple of weeks ago.
important landmarks in Ukraine. So, Ivan,
Timothy Really? How did you become interested in could you tell us a little about Khotyn
acting? Fortress and how the festivals began?
Kimberly Well, I had gone to see a play a few weeks Ivan Well, let me begin by thanking you for
before, and I got hooked. having me here. Khotyn Fortress, which
Timothy What do you mean? was built in the medieval period, is a
Kimberly Well, believe it or not, Ihad never been to a symbol of historic power in Ukraine. Many
theatrical performance before, but from the battles took place there, so it used to
moment the curtain rose, I knew that acting play a central role in holding off enemies.
on stage was what I wanted to do, or at least, Indeed, one of the most important battles
try. was the Battle of Khotyn in 1621 because
Timothy So you joined a theatre group? it had a profound effect on the future of
Europe. Also, the fortress was located can experience what the camp was like
on important transportation routes, for Slavic warriors. They can also learn
like the famous ‘from the Vikings to the a wide variety of skills, such as how to
Greeks’ trade route, therefore connecting make medieval armour and weapons,
Scandinavia and the Byzantine Empire. So, how to shoot a crossbow, and there’s even
the fortress is the most fitting place for a dancing. In addition, they can take part
medieval festival. The Khotyn Festivals, in archery competitions and different
which are held annually, are organised by medieval games. The historic fairs and
the Historical Medieval Battle International the medieval taverns add to the whole
Association. The first festival was held at atmosphere, which is really captivating.
the fortress in 2010 and it was called the There are even games especially designed
Battle of the Nations. It took place between for children. The Khotyn Festivals are
national teams of different countries. certainly like no other.
Apart from Ukraine, the countries that Interviewer Well, that really sounds interesting and I...
participated in the battle included Russia,
(fa d e o u t)
Belarus and Poland, and in the following
years, other countries joined in. There are Unit 8
now more than thirty countries taking
Task 1
Bruce What a remarkable race!
Interviewer And what does someone who wants to
participate in the battles have to do? Wayne Yes, Bruce, and it looks like Peter Ramsey is
going to win this year’s Ironman Triathlon
Ivan Actually, it is quite a long procedure World Championship.
and there are some rules. Each country
can have up to fifty fighters; however, Bruce He looks tired, though, Wayne.
each team must consist of at least eight Wayne Well, yes, he does. They say that the Ironman
warriors. Before that, though, the people Triathlon competition is one of the toughest
who want to take part have to go through sporting events on the planet.
strict qualifying tournaments in their home Bruce And all that rain in the morning didn’t help
country so that the best fighters can be the four kilometre swim.
chosen. The warriors must wear identical Wayne Hmm, you’re right - but luckily the waves
equipment to that worn in medieval weren’t so bad... and the rain stopped before
times, and must use their weapons for the next stage.
combat according to the techniques used
Bruce Yes, luckily it did. It would have made cycling
back then. This is done to ensure that
really difficult. However, that strong wind
fighters of the period between the twelfth
from the sea did put a strain on the cyclists.
and fifteenth centuries are accurately
represented. Wayne I know what you mean. But Ramsey faced it
successfully and he managed to stay ahead
Interviewer So, let me get this straight. The
participants have to fight each other using quite easily - 179 km of amazing riding
weapons like they used in medieval times, strength!
right? Bruce Now getting back to the marathon, he’s
Yes, that’s right*. It’s actually a competition only got a few hundred metres left. Peter
Ramsey’s in the lead, with Spencer King
of strength and skills. There are many
forms of combat that take place. However, following...
no combat is copied from past battles, Wayne Well, running is Ramsey’s strong point, but it
arranged or scripted beforehand. Battles seems that King is catching up fast...
involve full-contact fighting and all Bruce This could be quite a finish! Ramsey’s twenty
victories and defeats are real. The most seconds ahead of Spencer King. Is that
important thing is that the festival should enough for him to win?
have the atmosphere of medieval times. Wayne It reminds me of the 1987 World
Interviewer So, what can visitors who are not Championship where Ronnie Johnson won
participating in the battles do at the in the last ten minutes, and he...
festival? Wayne and Bruce OhhhM!
Ivan Oh, there’s plenty to do there. Visitors Bruce He’s fallen, Wayne! Ramsey’s on the ground.
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Wayne He must have slipped. Get up, Pete! Nevertheless, parkour is considered one of the most
Spencer’s right behind you! dangerous alternative sports. There are many injuries
Bruce He looks injured. But wait... he looks all right which can result from doing parkour. Some of the
now and he’s getting up... he’s running again! injuries may be acute, ranging from sprains and bruises
Yes, come on, Pete! Run! to painful bone fractures. You can also seriously hurt
Wayne There’s still fifty metres to go.... your back, head or neck which would cause a lot of pain
Can he make it? and may lead to paralysis. Apart from acute injuries,
Bruce I’m not so sure... you can see the pain on his there may be problems caused by the constant use of
face... and Spencer King has almost reached your limbs. These problems may gradually lead to a
him. painful chronic condition. All these negative aspects
Wayne Amazing scenes here in Hawaii! The should be taken into consideration before someone
two runners are almost neck and neck... decides to take up parkour. The key to preventing
Ramsey’s struggling...they’re heading for injuries which may be sustained while doing parkour
the finish line... yeeees! Despite his accident, is to respect the sport and be aware of your limits. You
he’s won, Bruce! He’s made it! He is the new have to take training seriously and be disciplined. If you
Ironman Triathlon World Champion! are a member of a group, you have to learn to work with
others. Perseverance is the name of the game because
you need to repeat a challenge successfully at least ten
Task 2 times to say that you have achieved your goal. All in all,
Parkour is a modern activity which is practised in if you love this activity, there is ‘a way through’, as the
urban areas and can be done alone or in a group. The meaning suggests.
name derives from the French word p a rc o u rs , which
means ‘the path or the way through’. It was invented
by Raymond Belle for military training and was later Unit 9
modified during the late 1980s by his son, David Belle
and his group of friends, the Yamasaki, as a physical Taskl
activity. Parkour became popular in France in the late Peggy Hi, Jeremy! How are you? I must say I’m
1990s and 2 0 0 0 s through documentaries, films and surprised to see you here.
advertisements. Jeremy Doctor’s orders!
The activity involves running, jumping, climbing, Peggy Really? I didn’t know you had health
swinging, doing flips and other movements. Basically, problems.
it is running and jumping from one point to another,
Jeremy Idon’t. Not yet, that is! But if Idon’t do
sometimes over obstacles. There are a variety of
something, I’ll be looking at cholesterol and
movements such as tic-tac, kong vault and gap jump
stomach problems sooner than I thought. It's
which have been developed over the years. Gap jump,
stress, you know!
which means jumping from roof top to roof top, is the
most popular. People that practise parkour are called Peggy Tell me about it! My GP told me that the little
traceurs, however, female participants may also be bit of cholesterol I have probably comes
referred to as traceuses. The first meeting of traceurs from stress.
from different cities took place in July 2002. These Jeremy You? I thought you were as fit as a fiddle.
meetings are called jams, and during a parkour jam, the Everyone knows what a health freak you are.
traceurs train for hours or even for several days. New I mean, you go to the gym every day.
members are accepted into a parkour group only after Peggy Oh, please. I come here three evenings a
an existing member’s recommendation. There is also a week. That’s hardly every day.
code of behaviour and some principles that members
Jeremy How long do you work out for?
have to follow. For instance, they have to be honest,
humble, hard-working and be willing to make sacrifices. Peggy For about an hour and a half. It used to be
All the members have exactly the same status; no one is two hours in the beginning. I was quite a bit
considered superior to anyone else. In addition, parkour overweight, you know. That’s what brought
is seen as a philosophy by its lovers. What I mean is that me here in the first place.
they take it as a way of life and believe that there are no Jeremy I know what you mean.
obstacles which cannot be overcome in life. For them, it Peggy Oh, you’re nothing like I was when I first
means making progress and enhancing their life. came here. Has the doctor put you on any
special diet?

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Jeremy Not really. He’s just given me a list of foods In most cases, you can stop bleeding by
that are recommended and another with applying pressure to the wound itself and
foods that should be avoided. by arranging the body so that the wound is
Peggy That's not bad. You know the saying ‘you are on a level higher than the heart. If possible,
what you eat’. hold a sterile dressing or clean cloth firmly
in place on the bare wound by means of
Jeremy If that’s the case, you are looking at a load of
bandages. Do not remove or change it,
quickly prepared sandwiches.
even if it becomes soaked in blood, as
Peggy That’s no good. No wonder you suffer from this will result in more blood being lost.
stress if you do everything quickly. And how about burns? First and second-
Jeremy You’re absolutely right. From now on, I plan degree burns affect the surface of the skin.
to have at least one cooked meal a day. First-degree burns are the least serious
Peggy Good for you. Have they recommended a and make the damaged area turn red. In
programme for you here? the case of second-degree burns, blisters
form. Third-degree burns are deeper and
Jeremy Not yet. I just got here.
the most difficult to treat. In cases of first
Peggy First day, eh? or second-degree burns, cold water or
Jeremy Yeah, if you don’t count last Monday when I maybe even an ice pack will do the job of
came in to register and find out about prices relieving the pain. To stop further infection
and times. DO NOT and I mean DO NOT burst any
Peggy Well, it’s a good idea if you talk to one of blisters! It’ll make matters worse. If you
the trainers. They take everything into have to deal with third-degree burns, put
consideration and they make suggestions sterile dressings without any medication
about which machines to use and for how on the burn, and get medical attention.
long. I could introduce you to my cousin, Finally, sunburn doesn’t normally have
Phil. He’s really good. to be treated by a doctor unless the case
is serious. You can relieve the pain by
Jeremy Actually, I know Phil! He’s my neighbour.
applying a cold cream or, in an emergency,
It was him that recommended this place. I
yoghurt or salad oil on the skin affected.
didn’t know you were family. I’m waiting for
Remember to stay out of the sun while
him at the moment. I saw him on Monday
recovering, and always wear T-shirts and
and we arranged to meet here today.
hats afterwards because the skin is very
sensitive. Well, we’re out of time, so burns
Task 2 caused by chemicals will just have to wait
until next time. I’m Dr Moore.
Announcer It’s twenty-five minutes past the hour, here
on Sunshine Radio, and time for a special
item on first aid, prepared by our very
own medical consultant, Dr Robert Moore, Unit 10
who last week gave us excellent advice on
preventing accidents in the home.
Interviewer With the school holidays getting closer
Doctor Thank you, Stanley. Good evening to
and closer, we’ve invited Henry Stimpson,
our listeners. First of all, you must all
who is the head tour guide at the Science
remember one thing when administering
Museum in London, to talk to us. So, what
first aid - you are not doctors. The main
does the museum have to offer families,
purpose of first aid is to help relieve the
Mr Stimpson?
victim ’s pain and anxiety and to prevent
their condition from becoming worse, Henry Well, I can safely say that there is enough
before more skilful treatment is available. to keep a family entertained for the best
So, send for professional help if the part of a day. Over 15,000 objects can be
problem is serious. But most importantly, seen displayed on the five floors of the
don’t panic, just act quickly! Knowing what building, and a number of these can be
not to do in an emergency is as important touched and tried out by visitors.
as knowing what to do. Interviewer Can you give us an idea of the type of
Now, let’s get more specific. What do you things people can see?
do if you have to deal with heavy bleeding? Henry The museum covers a wide range of
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inventions and discoveries, but some Interviewer Is this true?

of the most popular are one of the first James Well, it depends on what it is you are
washing machines and the control doing. Let me begin by saying that even
section of the Apollo 10 spacecraft. though I work with computers, I was not
However, in a questionnaire, visitors to a fan of computer games either. That is,
the museum voted the X-ray machine the of course, until I came across a computer
most important invention on show in the game for mental workouts. Otherwise
museum. known as ‘brain games’, these games aim
Interviewer That’s interesting. What else can families to help you get a little mental exercise.
do there? Before becoming familiar with these
Henry Well, when they want to take a break from computer games, I had read an article
the exhibitions, they can sit back and enjoy about how important regular practice is in
some amazing 3D science films on one of improving memory and reasoning. I was
the biggest screens in the UK. It is actually looking for something that could engage
me to such an extent that I’d be willing to
taller than four London buses.
do it on a daily basis. That’s when I came
Interviewer That sounds great! Tell us a bit about the across these brain games.
guided tours, Mr Stimpson.
Interviewer I’ve heard that there are a number of
Henry There are a number of tours available electronic puzzles and games available
daily, which cover a range of exhibitions, on the market that claim to give a good
and the good news is that they are free mental workout.
and no booking is required. They are really
James Yes, there are. That’s why I tried a couple
useful for those who are in a hurry or who
to see what they were all about.
want to find out that little bit more about
the exhibitions. Interviewer And?
Interviewer What about food? Is there anywhere to eat James Well, the first one was Nintendo’s Brain
inside the museum? Age. This game came out in April 2006.
It’s actually a game for adults. The concept
Henry There sure is! There are five cafes inside
is similar to another game called Brain
the museum which serve snacks, light
Training. The main idea is that your brain
refreshments and a selection of main
has an age of its own that is independent
meals, and for those who’ve brought
of your body’s. The aim of the game is
their own food, there are picnic areas in
to get the age of your brain as low as
different parts of the museum, away from
possible. The ultimate goal is a brain age
the crowds and the exhibitions.
of twenty. I won’t tell you what my brain
Interviewer OK, and how easy is it for people to get to age was like when I first started playing
the museum? the game. The shock I received kept
Henry Incredibly easy. There are... (.fade o u t ) me playing diligently until I managed to
lower my brain age to one that I felt was
more acceptable. The exercises vary from
Task 2 reading aloud to quick arithmetic and
Interviewer I’m very excited to have with us today wordlists for memorisation.
James Kraft, a successful computer Interviewer Now, you also tried another game,
programmer. He’s here to tell us a little bit BrainWare Safari, which was developed by
about computer games. James, for most a company called Learning Enhancement
adults, computer games are a nuisance, Corporation. So what was that game like?
aren’t they? James Well, Brain Age and BrainWare Safari are
James Just so. They are usually the cause of similar in that both use a gamelike setting
many arguments with their children. After to give you the opportunity to get some
all, computer games are what keep their mental exercise by using logic puzzles and
children from performing well at school memory challenges. Furthermore, both
or engaging in a number of meaningful aim to improve cognition and memory.
activities. For them, computer games One of the differences is that Nintendo
cannot teach their children anything, and games are played on a console, whereas
time spent playing them is time lost. BrainWare Safari requires you to access
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the Internet. order to make money by selling the wood.

Interviewer Have brain games changed your opinion But, for whatever reason rainforests are
of computer games? being destroyed, the results are irreversible.
James They certainly have. I think that playing Man Could you tell us some of the consequences
them is a good way of improving your of this destruction?
mental skills. They’re fun, so it’s not Woman Well, one thing is that millions of animal and
like doing exercises from a textbook. plant species will become extinct. Did you
But you’re nevertheless getting a lot of know that some of our m edicines come from
practice because the tasks in these games rainforest plants?
have been designed to make you think. Man Really? I thought they’re all made from
Interviewer Thanks, James. And for those parents out chemicals in laboratories... (fa d e o u t)
there who would like to... (fa d e o u t)
Task 2
It seems to be a trait of human nature that we are more
shocked by the death of species if it happens in one
Unit 11 event or if there is a very visible dramatic death. In
Task 1 addition, people get more emotional about animals
Man In the studio with us today we have which have youthful features, such as big eyes and soft
Professor Mary Harper, who’s going to talk fur, like bunny rabbits. This is known as the ‘cute effect’.
to us about rainforests and why they are so This might explain why there hasn’t been greater protest
important. Good morning, Professor. Thank about the decline in wild bees. Insects are not high up on
you for coming in today. the list of animals which generally get human sympathy
when they die or start to disappear, although butterflies
Woman Good morning. It’s a pleasure to be here.
and bumblebees do get more attention than other
Man Well, could you start by telling us what insects due to their more attractive appearance.
rainforests are and where we can find them?
There are 1,965 European species of bees and of this
Woman Right. Well, rainforests are dense forests number nine per cent are under threat of extinction. As
found near the equator. Over half of the well as this, another five per cent of native bee species
w orld’s rainforests are in Central and South in Europe will probably soon be under threat. Today I am
America. The rest are in Africa and South going to be explaining why we are losing so many bees,
East Asia. what the consequences are and, finally, what we can do
Man I see... and could you tell us why rainforests to reverse this trend.
are so important? There are many threats to bees. One of the main threats
Woman First of all, rainforests are the natural is from loss of natural habitat because of urban spread,
habitat for many species of animals, birds, intensive farming and climate change. Intensive farming
insects and plants. What’s more, we mustn’t is a practice which aims to get a high yield of crops by
forget that plants produce oxygen, which is using fertilisers and pesticides and where animals are
necessary for life on Earth. They also control kept indoors. As well as areas of land being taken up by
the Earth’s temperature by absorbing carbon farming, the chemicals used in intensive farming can
dioxide. harm bees directly. There are some pesticides which
Man So, you’re saying that our planet needs its kill bees immediately if the bees are on the flowers at
rainforests. the time they are being sprayed. Some pesticides affect
bee’s brains, so they can’t learn as effectively, forget
Woman Oh, definitely. But the problem is that more
their routes and also the scent of flowers. Bees are more
than fifty per cent of the w orld’s rainforests
vulnerable than other insects to these pesticides, as they
have already disappeared. are not so able to get rid of the toxins.
Man That much? What, or should I say, who is Apart from loss of habitat, another threat to bees is the
responsible for their disappearance? varroa mite which is a pest that attaches to the body of
Woman Well, to begin with, the trees are being bees, spreading a virus to them and leading to the death
burnt or cut down because people in some of a honey bee colony.
countries need the land to grow food or to How about the consequence of losing so many bees?
raise their cattle and sheep. It’s a matter of Apart from the belief some people share that bees,
life and death for them. But that’s not all. like any living creature, have a right to live, bees are
Other people are destroying rainforests in
essential in the pollination of crops. They are the most
Listening transcripts

important insect that transfers pollen from one plant to find a way to unwind, you know, to take his
another. Pollination is needed for plants to reproduce. mind off things. But, of course, I was also
Without bees, the ecosystem would suffer greatly. Many able to put him directly through to the health
species of plants and consequently many species of service helpline for young people, staffed by
animals simply wouldn’t survive without them. Likewise, psychologists and doctors.
in farmed areas, bees play a huge role in pollination. If Tania Sounds good to me, Bob. But what if you
it seems like protesters are making a mountain out of a were jlist lonely and needed to chat?
molehill, then consider how devastating the loss of bees
Bob It is often a very lonely experience growing
would be to agriculture. Of the around 100 crop species
up in a big city, but fortunately, in London,
that feed ninety per cent of the world, seventy are
there are a number of youth support groups,
pollinated by bees. Without bees, it would be impossible
and we can put the caller in touch with a
to keep feeding the global human population in the
worker like me in their local area. And if
same way.
they only want to talk on the telephone,
So, what can we do? Well, thanks to pressure from these support groups can offer just that. We
beekeepers, some countries have already banned the can also send callers an information pack
use of pesticides which are harmful to bees and this ban through the post or by email, and it’s full of
needs to extend to other countries. Urban areas cannot... useful advice and contact numbers.
(fa d e o u t) Tania Well, that’s about all we’ve got time for folks.
Our thanks to Bob for his time here today.
And, just to remind our listeners, if you have
Unit 12 any views or opinions on Youth Connect, you
can send your comments and also get more
Taskl information on our website... (fa d e o u t)
Tania Now it’s time to welcome Bob Hamilton, a
worker from the telephone helpline Youth
Connect! How are you doing, Bob? Task 2
Bob I’m great thanks, Tania. Glad to be here! Intro Now, callisthenics is something I’ve only just
heard about. It was introduced to me as a
Tania Bob, I have a question. There are several fantastic way to strengthen the body without
telephone helpline services offering the need for any equipment. Here to tell us
information and advice. How is Youth a little about this form of exercise is athlete
Connect different? Eric Dunn. Eric, tell us about your experience
Bob The answer lies in our name, Tania, the word with callisthenics.
‘connect’! That’s what we try to do. We try Eric Firstly, although a lot of people are just
to put our young callers in touch with the learning about callisthenics now, it’s actually
help or advice they need. Let me explain. been around for thousands of years, first
Young people, as they grow into adults, face appearing in ancient Greece. I first learnt
new worries about relationships, health about callisthenics when I accidently came
and happiness. Now this is where we, the across a video somebody had posted on
workers at Youth Connect, come in. We know the Internet of their callisthenics workout,
we haven’t got all the answers to the w orld’s and I was immediately impressed. I’ve been
problems, but we do our best to put every doing calisthenics for four years, and for
young caller through to someone who can the last year, I’ve been training kids in my
give them the help they need. We make the neighbourhood. Before that, I had been
connection. going to the gym for five years doing weight
Tania And how do you do that, Bob? training with free weights and bodybuilding
Bob I’ll give you an example. A young caller equipment, you know, the usual - weight
I spoke to the other day told me he was benches, power racks, multigyms, workout
having trouble sleeping at night. I asked towers...
him if something traumatic had happened Callisthenics is all about using your own
to him lately to disturb his sleep, and he bodyweight to build muscle and strength.
said no, but he did say that he was under Whereas in bodybuilding particular muscle
a lot of pressure at school. Aha! Stress, I groups are worked on in separate exercises,
thought. So, I told him that he needed to in callisthenics it is important you have
Listening Transcripts

a strong centre. We try to connect the urge you to take a few extra precautions to
different muscle groups while moving and safeguard your home if you are planning
also while holding a position. A lot of kids I to go away. Firstly, do not alert passers-by
meet are overweight from playing computer to the fact that you will be leaving. Don’t
games and eating junk food. Many of them, put your suitcases into the car anywhere
though, don't have the money to go to a that’s in full view of would-be burglars.
gym. That’s where callisthenics is great. They Secondly, arrange for someone to come by
can practise in the park, the playground or regularly and collect any post that may have
the street, using street benches for press- accumulated in your letterbox. Remember
ups and bars in the playground or trees for to cancel all milk, bread and newspaper
pull-ups. deliveries for the duration of your holiday.
I’ve been a vegan for ten years, and the It would also be a good idea to leave your
kids that have started training with me are contact details with a neighbour in case of
changing their diets too. They’re not going an emergency. If you plan to be away for a
fully vegan, but they’ve cut out junk food. considerable period of time, ask a neighbour
The bodyweight training we do is press-ups, to mow your lawn.
crunches, squats and lunges. The dragonfly Now, Mr Harper, the chairman of the
is a good exercise too. You’re on a bench and committee, has asked me to give you some
grab the back of it. Then you lift your body general tips on protecting your home.
all the way up, keeping it straight, and then Exterior lighting at night is essential... Ahh...
lower it back down again. Another cool one yes... you have something to share with
is the human flag. You use a pole or chain us... yes... Right! That’s an excellent point!
link fence and push down with your bottom It’s important to lock all tools and ladders
hand and pull up with your top hand. You get away - you don’t want to give thieves any
your body into a horizontal position, making help. Security doors and an alarm system are
a flag shape with the pole or fence. This one also vital. Don’t neglect outdoor buildings
takes a bit of time. You can’t do this from day either; garden sheds and workshops are
one! ideal hiding places for thieves, so investing
The thing is that callisthenics is not just a in some padlocks for added security would
good option because you can do it anywhere be a good idea. Remember, break-ins don’t
at no cost; there are a lot of physical benefits just happen at night or when people are
to this form of exercise, and they are not away - in fact, the majority of burglaries
limited to increasing strength. Callisthenics occur in broad daylight, so it’s important
helps with the ability to move and bend to be on the alert at all times. Avoid being
easily. It also helps with body control and careless - don’t, for example, leave keys in
generally being in touch with your body. As hiding places around the house, and don’t
well as this, when callisthenics is done with a leave notes for family members pinned on
lot of physical energy, it makes the heart and the front door. Right then, let me look at my
lungs stronger. I highly recommend you try notes here... (fa d e o u t)
callisthenics. You have nothing to lose and
everything to gain.
Task 2
Good morning. My name is Francis Dupont, and I have
Unit 13 been conducting research into the way the Internet is
affecting our society and our human rights. The Internet
Taskl is now an integral part of our world. We use it to buy and
Sergeant Gregory Humboldt Good evening and thank sell, communicate with our friends, communicate with
you very much for the invitation to give a our professional associates, use it to research, use it for
speech on crime prevention at this meeting. recreation; there is no facet of modern life that is outside
Before I begin, I’d like to congratulate the the grasp of the Internet. The Internet has provided a
White Haven Neighbourhood Watch on platform for everyone to share their opinions. Almost
actually reducing crime in the area by sixty anyone in the world can log on and post their views on
per cent. Well done! social media, create a blog or respond to news articles.
From a human rights point of view, this is a tremendous
Now, with the holidays almost upon us, I
tool for people to exercise their freedom of speech.
r i
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And this leads to an interesting issue. Can there be too is considered by many to be the Father of
much freedom of speech? There are plenty of comedy Aviation. Igor Sikorsky was born in Kyiv
websites whose content could offend people and should, in 1889. He studied engineering at Kyiv
in some people’s opinion, be banned. But, by closing Polytechnic Institute, but after his trip to
such websites, aren’t we restricting people’s freedom of Germany, where he found out about the
expression? achievements of other famous inventors,
On the other hand, if one person’s views lead to another like the Wright brothers and Ferdinand von
person’s freedom being limited, where do we draw the Zeppelin, he decided to study aviation in
line? Here’s an example. On a public message board, France. He returned to Ukraine and began
open to all, someone starts a conversation about building helicopters and aircraft which,
immigration. The first post is from an advocate of strict unfortunately, failed to fly. However, finally,
immigration laws who wants to reduce the number of in 1913, he came up with the idea of an
immigrants to their country. The second post is from a aircraft, with more than one engine. So he
migrant who takes offence at the first post, claiming it built the first four-engine plane, which made
is racist, although no offensive language was used. An him famous all over the world. Some years
argument follows which turns into name-calling and later, in 1931, he designed and built a flying
open hostility. But who was in the wrong? Was anyone boat which was later widely used for long
in the wrong? The Internet has no equal as a public voyages. After a lot of hard work, he created
platform. There has never been a format of expression the first working helicopter in 1939. By then,
that is so open and accessible to the public. As I he had already moved to the United States
mentioned earlier, almost anyone can post online. And and, in 1925, formed his own company,
this leads to another issue: the Internet can be invasive. the Sikorsky Manufacturing Corporation.
If a friend of a friend of a friend posts something, you Within a few years, the firm became a part
could find yourself reading an article or looking at an of the giant United Aircraft and Transport
image that you find hugely offensive but have not been Corporation in the United States. Igor
able to avoid. You have the right to decide what you do Sikorsky died on 26 October 1972 at the
or don’t look at; however, certain aspects of the Internet age of 83. His contribution to the world of
take that option away. Other people’s views can be aviation is widely recognised and in 2013,
broadcast in such a way that we have to take notice. Is he was listed in the 51 Heroes of Aviation by
this a violation of people’s rights? Flying Magazine.
Some would argue that it is. There are of course certain
things which should not be available online. Any form Task 2
of abuse is unacceptable, either virtually or in reality.
Nellie Agatha Miller, better known as Agatha
However, people have suffered torrents of abuse and
Christie, was born here in Torquay in 1890.
even persecution online, and there is little that can be
Up to 1901, she is said to have had a very
done to stop it. Policing the Internet is an immeasurably
happy childhood until, when she was aged
difficult task, so the thing we should be looking at is
only eleven, her father died. Before his
why there is so much abuse online in the first place.
death, Agatha was educated at home by
Well, anonymity and detachment. People can be
both parents, who encouraged her to write
anonymous online and therefore don’t worry about what
from a very young age. After her father’s
people think of what they say. A person posting online
death, she was sent to Paris to receive a
could be a complete stranger to the person they are
formal education.
communicating with and therefore may have little to no
concern for their emotional wellbeing. Even when we are She met her first husband, Colonel Archibald
communicating with a complete stranger, we should try Christie, two years before the outbreak of
to be sensitive and consider their emotional well-being. World War I. During the war, she volunteered
After all, wouldn’t you want others to do the same for as a nurse at a Red Cross Hospital and
you? started writing detective stories. Her first
book, T h e M y s te rio u s A ffa ir a t S ty le s, was
published in 1920. Agatha and Archibald
Christie were divorced in 1928, but Agatha
Unit 14 continued to write under the name of
Task 1 Christie. When World War II broke out, she
Presenter ... and now we will continue our programme worked in the pharmacy of a hospital, where
on historical figures with Igor Sikorsky, who she learnt a lot about poisonous substances.
She used this knowledge in her crime novels,
and in fact chose poison as the cause of
death of characters more often than any
other crime fiction writer did. In 1930, she
married archaeologist Max Mallowan,
whom she accompanied on expeditions
in the Middle East. These travels provided
the settings for some of her novels, such as
M u r d e r in M e s o p o ta m ia (1936) and D e a th o n
th e N ile (1937).
Agatha Christie’s most famous characters
are Hercule Poirot and Miss Jane Marple.
Hercule Poirot is a Belgian detective, and
was introduced in Agatha’s first novel. Poirot
observes people’s behaviour and the objects
around him, and uses logic to solve his
cases. He became a long-running character
in many of Agatha's works and appears
in thirty-three novels and fifty-four short
stories, including C u rta in (1975), in which he
dies. Miss Marple is an elderly English lady
who appears in twelve books. Unlike Poirot,
she solves crimes using female intuition. It
is said that the character of Miss Marple is
based on a close relative.
Agatha Christie died in 1976. During her
literary career, she published over seventy-
two crime novels, twenty- eight collections
of short stories and nineteen plays. For this
she received a special award in 1955. She
also wrote six romantic novels under the
name of Mary Westmacott. Some of her
stories, like M u r d e r o n th e O r ie n t E x p re s s
(1934), have been made into films and
television series.
Go for ZNO
Listen in g C o m p re h e n sio n

This book is intended to prepare students for English language examinations

in Ukraine (B1 and B2 levels of CEFR). Its aim is to improve students’ listening
skills and familiarise them with examination tasks. The book consists
of 14 units, each of which is based on a different topic and includes two tasks
(the first one for B1 level and the second one for B2 level).

• A variety of texts and topics reflecting the range used in the examinations
• Special sections with exam tips and strategies
• Pre-listening tasks and discussion points
• Listening transcripts

Student’s Book
Answer Key
Audio CDs

A1 A2 B1 B2 C1 C2

ISBN: 978-618-05-2734-6

In accordance ★
with the
Com m on
E u ro p ean
F ra m e w o rk ★
★ QQ
Complete the blanks with the verbs go, come, reach or get.

better to sleep revenge on sb’s nerves

a decision rid of red off sb's back

to terms with ready an agreement down to busir

into trouble the sack lost over the top

dark in handy the job even with

Complete the sentences with the collocations / expressions in the box below. Use each one only once.

in som ebody’s shoes on top of in search of on the safe side in charge of in trouble with

1 Mr Johnson i s _________________________the com pany’s marketing department.

2 People who systematically cheat the tax system will one day b e _________________________the Tax Department.
3 The doctor insisted that I should be given a thorough check-up just to b e _________________________.
4 The children wandered around the neighbourhood _________________________their lost dog.
5 Nobody would want to b e _________________________, not with all those debts he has to pay off.
6 After weeks of hard work, Kevin was confident he was fin a lly _________________________the situation.

Complete the collocations below with the words in the box. You may use some of the words more than
once. In some cases more than one word may be correct.

bar bunch can clap flash flock pair pint set sheet swarm tube

a of pyjamas a of paper a of scissors

a of lightning a of soap a of sheep
a of beer a of sunglasses a of rules
a of traffic lights a of birds a of thunder
a of flowers a of toothpaste a of bees

Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing
correct number in the box next to each definition.

1 While cleaning the basement, Icame across something Ithought I had lost stop by, visit
years ago. inherit
2 Joe came into a lot of money, which changed his life completely. find by chance
3 Why doesn’t Julie come round to our place anymore?
regain consciousness
4 The scientists took months to come up with a solution to their problem.
be taken ill with
5 Richard came down with a bad cold the day before his exams.
think of and suggest
6 t took the woman a few minutes to come round /to after she had fainted.
unit 01
move / travel around, visit
1 They decided to go ahead with their trip despite the bad weather condit
2 Once you have finished cleaning, you can go on with your job.
3 The doctor wanted to go over the test results with his patient.
4 That tie goes with your suit nicely. start sth

5 Luckily no one was injured when the bomb went off. continue doing

6 While visiting Rome, we went round all the major archaeological sites. turn sour, start to decay

7 The child went through a lot before recovering completely. examine / discuss in detail
8 The milk went off after only an hour in the scorching heat. suffer
9 What’s going on in there? Open the door! happen

1 What's on this weekend at the theatre? leave
2 We were promised that the hard times would be over soon. support, in favour of
3 I was about to leave home when some unexpected visitors arrived. end
4 I'mfor the mayor's plan to relocate the town hall. be ready to
5 What are the boys up to? Don’t tell me they’re ruining the garden again! be shown / performed
6 I must be off now. My parents are expecting me for dinner.
do (usually sth wrong)

Words with Prepositions

A Complete the blanks with prepositions.

Adjectives Nouns Verbs

e x c e lle n t an a n sw e r a s s o c ia te D r a is e s b s th

e x p e r ie n c e d an e x p e rt c o n c e n tra te sth D r o v id e s b s th

haDDv sb (ta k e ) p r id e c o n a r a t u la t e s b sth p r o v id e s th sb

haDDv s th a r e p ly c o o D e r a te sb succeed

p ro u d a re p o rt deal S U D D lV S b s th

re s p e c t e d an o p p o r t u n it y in c lu d e s u d d Iv s th sb

r e s p o n s ib le

E Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions.

1 Congratulations Rodney! I'm so happy__________ you and your wife.

2 Iwould be more than happy to provide y o u __________ our company's catalogue.

3 We supply all major com panies__________ our products.

4 She takes great pride__________ her work. That's why she’s the best in her field.

5 The government will provide housing__________ the homeless.

6 You shouldn’t be proud__________ yourself. What you did was wrong!

7 The government supplied food and m edicine__________ the victims of the hurricane.

8 The journalist was praised__________ his report___________ the starving children of Africa.

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