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Countable and Uncountable Nouns.

(Броими и неброими същ. имена. Определители)

1. Definition
a) броими са същ. имена, които имат форма и за ед.ч., и за мн.ч.
Ex. Party- parties

b) Неброимите са същ., които са само в ед.ч. или само в мн.ч.

Ex. Air (няма мнч.ч.) glasses (винаги в мн.ч.)
- Неброими в ед.ч. са:
*всички течности и храни на прах/зърна- water, milk, lemonade,
juice, coffee, tea, beer, wine, yoghurt, rice, flour, sugar, salt, pepper,
cereal, bread, butter, cheese, popcorn, jam, meat, fish (храна), fruit,
chocolate, paper, luggage (багаж), air, traffic, transport,
accommodation, advice (съвет), news, money, information, furniture,
salad, lettuce
- неброими в мн.ч.
Jeans, trousers, shoes, scissors, glasses, sunglasses, binoculars, chips
- Фрази, които правят неброимите броими (показват

 A cup of coffee/ tea

 A glass of water/ juice
 A bottle of wine/ milk
 A carton of milk (картонена кутия)
 A bowl of salad/ soup/ ice cream (купа)
 A packet of flour/ crisps
 200 grams of cheese/ meat
 A can of Cola (кенче)
 A tin of tuna (консервена кутия)
 A jar of jam/ honey (буркан)
 A kilo of sugar
 A loaf of bread (цял хляб)
 A slice of bread (филия хляб)
 A piece of cake
 A tube of toothpaste
 A pint of beer (халба бира)
 A jug of lemonade (кана)
 A sheet of paper (лист хартия)
 A piece of information/ advice/ luggage (един съвет*)
 A bar of chocolate/ soap(цял шоколад)
 Means of transport (вид градски транспорт)

2. Quantifiers
** думи, които поставяме пред същ., за да покажем необределено

Some Any No A lot Much Many Too much Too many Enough
= lots
Значение Няколк Николко Никакв много много много Твърде Твърде достатъчно
(meaning) о никакви и много много
някакви (прекалено (прекалено
количество количество)




Questions **
Ex. We’ve got some amazing friends. There is some
chocolate in the jar. C (countable)
U (uncountable)

Ex. ** Would you like some cake?

Can you give me some advice? Само в тези въпроси

Ex. There aren´t any people on the street.

Is there any information about the event on the website?

Ex. !!! There is no time. (с отрицателен смисъл, но с положителен

There are no packages of sugar left on the shelf.

Ex. I’ve got lots of clothes.

They’ve got lots of time.

Ex. I haven’t got many clothes.

They haven’t got much time.
Have you got much homework.

Ex. I have got too many shoes.

She puts too much sugar in her coffee.

Ex. Don’t worry! You’ve got enough room. (пространство)

Leyla didn’t have enough good grades at school.
Have you packed enough warm clothes?

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