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An Analysis of Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and the Future

International Journal of Business Management and Commerce

Vol. 1 No. 2; September 2016

Peter D. DeVries Professor of MIS University of Houston – Downtown

Cryptocurrency seems to have move past the early adoption phase that new
technologies experience. Even motor vehicles experienced this phenomenon.
Bitcoin has begun to carve itself a niche market, which could help advance
cryptocurrencies further into becoming mainstream; or be the main cause of it
failing. Cryptocurrencies are still in their infancy, and it is difficult to see if they
will ever find true mainstream presence in world markets. The Bitcoin community
is striving to push into the mainstream through innovation and solving old
problems. Other forms of cryptocurrency have already emerged and have gained
followings of their own, and each slightly different from Bitcoin and arguably as
valid. Some nations like Iceland have even begun to start their own national
cryptocurrencies (Hofman, 2014). It possible that the future holds a place for
cryptocurrency as a major currency solution, and Bitcoin will be instrumental in
paving the way for those currencies to flourish

Eight years ago, digital money was completely unheard of, and the creator of
Bitcoin single handedly changed that. Cryptology, the root science beneath bitcoin
and all cryptocurrencies, may be the mechanism behind the frontier for new and
exciting digital inventions.
Journal of Contemporary Economics



Experts in the field of economics, law, information technology and security deal with the
phenomenon of cryptocurrencies. One of the motives that attracted advocates of technology, the
Internet and investors in the beginning is the fact that cryptocurrencies are not subject to control
by central banks or state agencies, but their value is determined by a lot of computers. Namely,
cryptocurrencies are protected from inflation by a function that prevents their quantity to grow
above a certain limit. The following characteristics of the cryptocurrencies, identified as an
advantage, is the elimination of intermediaries, which makes the transactions cheaper - which
has great application in international payments. The following advantage of cryptocurrencies that
is emphasized is the fact that they are based on a decentralized system in which there is no
regulatory authority. On the other hand, the biggest disadvantage, is precisely the
decentralization, the anonymity of the users and the lack of a regulatory agency. We have
identified a large space for further research. First, there is insufficient research in the existing
literature on the usability of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. We have identified
papers that considered usability from the perspective of the user and from the perspective of the
software developer. However, apart from the use of cryptocurrencies in financial markets, there
is still room for the development and use of blockchain technology in the economy. In this
regard, most of the current researches relate to Bitcoin, and rarely are they focused on other
cryptocurrencies. Further research should focus on smart contracts and to increase knowledge
beyond the cryptocurrencies. Namely, although the blockchain is represented in the
cryptocurrencies environment, this idea can also be used in a variety of other situations. A
further area for research exists in the fact that there are not enough high-quality publications on
the use of cryptocurrencies and blockchains in the financial markets at the magazine level.
Currently, most researches are published at conferences, symposiums and workshops.

Creating and maintaining a decentralized network is a complex task that requires much
more resources (time, connectivity, and processing) than centralized networks. In
accordance with the above, the ultimate range of cryptocurrencies is to simulate modern
electronic clearing of a globally informatized society. Therefore, they only provide an
interim solution, towards the wider use of decentralized databases and private money. At
the moment when a certain problem arises that a currency can not overcome, its position
will be taken by another currency, which will contain components that overcome this
deficiency. That's exactly how the Internet functions. In case that a particular page or
application on the Internet disappears, this would not lead to the disappearance of the
Internet, but the second would soon appear instead
A Study on Growth and Future Prospectus of Crypto

Currency in Global Market

Greeshma Francis

Assistant Professor

New Horizon College, Marathalli, Bangalore

ISSN: 2455-2631


Cryptocurrency especially Bitcoin offers a new, effective and attractive model of

payment methods that can boost companies and operators revenues. It also provide
alternative method of payment, apart from real money, that enable users to make
financial activities such as buying, selling, transferring and exchanging easily in
global market . Cryptocurrency can bring more positive changes to e-Business and
e-Payment sector. However cryptocurrency doesn’t get that much of trust yet.
Many concerns, challenges and issues are existing in many cryptocurrency
platforms. Until cryptocurrency is being well regulated and controlled, users need
to take extra precautions of using such virtual money. So the lack of legislations is
considered as the main concern in cryptocurrency systems. In India the silence of
the RBI on the regulatory status of Bitcoins may prove to be damaging. An
industry has grown around Bitcoins in India- traders, exchanges and merchants
who accept payments in Bitcoins. Bitcoins have already gained wide acceptance
around the world- hence banning them would not be an option in India. Instead,
this industry would need to be regulated. The sooner this is done, the better.
Volume 10, Issue 2


Ingolf G. A. Pernice, Weizenbaum Institute

Brett Scott, Independent

PUBLISHED ON: 20 May 2021 DOI: 10.14763/2021.2.1561

A cryptocurrency system can be understood as a system intended for the issuance of tokens
which are intended to be used as a general or limited-purpose medium-of-exchange, and which
are accounted for using an often collectively-maintained digital ledger making use of
cryptography to replace trust in institutions to varying extents. Against such a


The regulation of cryptocurrencies: from disintermediation to reintermediation

Andy Yee, Visa

PUBLISHED ON: 14 Jan 2015

Contrary to the early view that cryptocurrencies’ decentralisation makes them unregulable, the
formation of new intermediaries will guarantee regulators’ ultimate power. The key challenge is
how to balance control and innovation.

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