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Neuro-linguistic Programming

We live five lives at any given movement.

1. Financial

2. Health

3. Relationship

4. Business or Career

5. Inner (mind/ emotions)

We all have a current state of these lives. We exactly know where we stand. But we also have a
desired state for these lives. We all want to reach that desired state.

NLP is the link to go from current state to desired state.

But what is NLP?

N-Neurology or our nervous system


P -Mental Patterns


Our brain has more than 80 billion neurons.

And body has nearly 60 trillion cells.

Neurons create enough action potential for cells to work on achieving our goals.

Be it any goal. As long as our neurons and body cells don’t get the hint of it we can never
achieve our goals. Our body has to feel what it has to achieve.

So passion or love for our goal matters as it gives us signals from the inside to work for it.
But sometimes we are unable to work for our goals. Why?

Due to neural resistance, which is our inside critic. It stops us from doing uncomfortable things.
We are conditioned from a small age to think and behave in certain patterns. When goals are
bigger our neurons try to resist our body from going into action.

NLP helps break the pattern we have built over the years which includes our belief. That is the
reason they say, If you want to learn something first learn to unlearn your beliefs. So beliefs are a
major part of who we are!

There are 3 people residing inside us.

1. Dreamer

2. Critic

3. Doer

At any moment those 3 won't be balanced. One or the other will be strong enough inside us.

But we must always try to make sure that doer inside us is stronger than the other two.

How to increase the potential of our doer?

We must always feed our doer with thoughts and actions aligned to it.

How to identify if there is voice of doubt inside us?

Use this exercise. Say your name inside your head

My name is ______.

Focus on location where that voice comes from, tonality, volume, speed.

But focus more on location. Whether left right or center or back.

Then say My name is Ramlaal. Now see where this voice comes from. Note it down

90 percent people observe that both the voices have different location or my name is Ramlal
won't have any location.

This means our brain stores things which are certain and uncertain in different locations. So
whenever next time you will say something inside your head focus on the part where certain
voices inside your head come from (like your name).

You will realise certain and uncertain events. But this will only come with practice.
Language (communication)

Now we come to types of communication

1. Communication with the world

It depends 55% on our body language, 38% on tone of speaking and rest depends on
our words.

2. Communication with self.

We should focus on what we tell ourselves. Our brain is Neurologically hardwired to

only see the negative about everything. And so we blame, complain and justify wrong things all
the time.

3. Communication with the universe.

This is the most important of all our communication. Our body vibrate at a certain
frequency. Our frequency inside decides what we attract outside.

More than law of attraction it is important to know the law of vibration.

Nature of thought is electric and nature of our feeling is magnetic. And both these combine to
form vibration inside our body.

So thought leads to feelings and then we attract certain things.

So they say it all begins with a thought. Focus on improving your thoughts.

Energy is everything. There is always a balance of energy in the world.

At given time we have positive or negative energy. It is common to have negative energy but we
should never stay for long in negative energy state. It may cause us harm in the long run.

So always be high vibrating body so that we have enough energy to expand.

How to do this? By having gratitude. Write down7 things you are grateful for 10 days and feel it.
Many times we are not grateful for things or people around us and hence we understand their
importance when they are no more. So be grateful no matter how small the significance.

Programme yourself to do the good. Because these patterns have a long lasting effect than we
can know.

Our brain wants us to be in either pain or pleasure. But make sure it remains our slave. Not
become our master.
We should be the ones running it.Too much of self induced pain or pleasure leads to self


We live in 2 worlds

1. Conscious

2. Meta conscious

Conscious world is based on audio and visual. Positively or negatively charged visuals affect our
decision making.

Meta conscious world is based on our imagination. It is the voice inside us suppressed because of
external circumstances.

Always try to focus on your positive feelings because this is the way we feed our brain. First
things are accepted in our conscious brain and then in our subconscious brain. What we feed it
becomes a pattern for our subconscious mind.

An experiment can help you understand how positive self -talk can make us do things.

What you need to do is keep your hands straight, and away at a distance of few cms from each
other. Keep your spine upright. Close your eyes. And then keep on saying yourself that my hands
are attracting each other. You will be shocked to know that your hands are closer.

Now keep your hands closer and say my hands are repealing each other.

Experiment will prove how meta conscious mind can influenced.

Always have to focus on bringing change in our meta-conscious by bringing the change in
conscious mind and it comes with practice. How to do the same is provided later.

Driving a car

While driving a car we first find it hard to focus on the brake clutch or acceleration and also the
gears but as we practice our subconscious mind easily adapts to it no more have to think while
subconsciously driving vehicle easily. Whatever we can feed our brain positively we should do

This transformation has stages

1. Unconscious incompetence
It means when we are a child we don't know what is a car and also we don't know how to drive a

2. Conscious incompetence

We know what is a car but we don't know how to drive it

3. Conscious competence

We know what is a car and we try to learn how to drive it.

4. Unconscious competence

We know what is a car and we can drive it without much thought.

This is how we can learn newer things.

Our brain is a fabulous machine which we can control. Else it controls us.

Our brain has almost been the same since it started developing in homo-sapiens.

It is able to detect threats.

When humans lived in caves the major threats for human life were wild animals.

But due to changing times the threats have been converted to pressure and toxicity around us and
also inside us.[[[ 4000 years back when our brain used to see the tiger it used to activate the
amygdala which acted as our alarm for alert and it used to activate the hypothalamus which as a
main security system. It gave reaction to these threats by releasing adrenaline or cortisol.When
we receive such threats in present life what happens is our brain goes in either of three modes
that is fight, flight or freeze (f3 mode). This suppresses our immune system leading to its slow
down and release of these hormones leads to increased heartbeat, breathing , BP, Sugar level
which leads to heart issues.And cortisol release leads to central obesity or stress hormones. It
affects our guts which reduces blood supply in intestine leading to major disease. Our gut must
be fed with proper diet to change biochemistry inside our body.
How we face our challenges matter.

Hence we need to work on our thought process why because if our Amygdala gets hijacked and
it goes in f3 mode it will ultimately lead to many diseases. Therefore we should learn to react
wisely to issues around us. Anxiety is a common problem among people these days it leads to
weaker immune system.

Corona deaths are largely caused by the same anxiety. Because the audio and visual we fed
throughout corona were always negative.

Biology of Belief

Our Immune System is has three states.

1. Surrender - cancer and infections

2. Confusion - alopecia, skin disorders

3. Over reactive - allergies.

Healing is ultimately our responsibility. We are supposed to be in any of these states at any given
time. Hence, we must try to come out of that state. Everything can be cured. Our brain has that
power. But we never realize its potential due to self-sabotaging thoughts or doubts.

Always look for the root of the problem in all the issues be it health, career or finance or
anything else. Issues can be solved.

Our cells are listening to our conversation inside the head. It leads to change in vibration.
When we are at peace our body has the 2nd highest vibration out there so when we feel safe
around certain people we are largely peaceful and calm.

Highest vibration is during enlightenment.

What does NLP actually do?

It works to solve all the deficiencies inside our body and mind.

Change the thought leading to change in language and changing the former leads to change in
our pattern of thinking.

Our brain is a regulator. The beliefs we feed it are important. When we think we become! And
wrong beliefs must always be broken. Else it affects our life in the long run. As said earlier first
unlearn and then learn.

When we are using will to force our brain to have certain beliefs it will lead to snapback effect.
Google snapback effect . Because these changes are forceful. Change should always come from

Awareness is an important aspect of our life. Where awareness goes energy flows. Awareness of
things around us helps us make better choices. Circumstances won't drive our decisions if our
awareness is better. So always focus on it. Because it ultimately acts as a food to our brain.


Our goals are based on our awareness. Because outcome of a goal depends on it. What is our
awareness about our goal? If we do it passionately we are motivated about it and our chances are
highest of achieving it.

But when we are loathed with self-doubt, insecurity, low confidence it leads to fear of failure.
Fear is good but too much of it ultimately affects us.
6 PIP's (Pre Installed Psychological Needs)

These needs are hard wired in our brain

All the beliefs and stories we make up inside our head are for certainity and comfort. Beliefs are
important but not always right.

1. Certainity

This type of people always wanted to control things. They want things to happen as per their
wish. They want a path and always want to believe what they are following is true. Most of the
population wants it and the only reason many people never get out of the situation there are in
because their mind somehow starts feeling comfortable in it. Never take risks. They are security
driven which is a good thing but ultimately stagnates their own growth. Growth doesn’t
necessarily mean financial. It can be in any area of life. They want to follow certain patterns
created until now and mostly shaped by society. All they want is to satisfy society's pattern.
(Society actually likes rebels who go out of their way to get what they want). If their certain
desires are not full-filled they generally give up on those aspects of life to seek comfort
somewhere. Seek greener pastures. Short-term gains but long-term regrets.

2. Uncertainity

These are the people who want to live life on the edge. Heavy risk takers. They want newness
every now and then. Variety which ultimately puts them down in deep shit. Never satisfied with
what they have. Commitment phobic to their relationship with people. Leading to no stable
relationship. Uncertainity in terms of career is fine as people want to do something better
because they want to contribute in a positive way but in other aspects it may harm them in the
long run.

3. Significance

Attention seekers. Want to feel special. Want society to validate that they are really good. Seek
fame, money, power, etc. Whatever they do is for others and not for self. Their egos are too big
to understand this. They go to any lengths to get fame or validation.Mostly build relationships
for gains. Fall ill regularly or have illnesses which are life threatening. But can change it with
change of beliefs.

4. Connection

These are the people who believe in commitment. They are ready to go the extra mile for their
people. Loneliness is a trait found in these people. They have emotional needs for both heart and
the body. Seek spiritual and positive connections. Take things to heart.
5. Contribution

These type of people believe in helping for a greater cause. They don't expect anything in return.
A mindset that think when you give to others you give to yourself. Whatever they give they try
their best.

6. Growth

Growth mindset people. They want to grow in all aspects of their life. Depends on the route they
want to choose. Growth needs are different for every individual. It can be personal or spiritual.
But the path should be right.

We all have these needs but we mostly focus on only two of these needs at a time. So whenever
making decisions whichever need dominates an individual, decisions are taken based on them.

How to use these needs?

Observe your thoughts Have awareness about those thoughts. Life is always aligned as per the
needs. But those needs should be your own. Environmental pressure sometimes act as a catalyst
in decision making. Societal pressure if dominates leads to a pattern which in the long run
makes us akin to following only what society says. Parents programme kids according to their
needs and the pattern inherited by them. Therefore, it becomes necessary to understand our own
mind. To know what we need and how to align with the need.


1. Visual

These people judge environment around them by visual data only. Like judging people on
external appearance.

2. Auditory

These individuals by audio or the voice of the people.

3. Kinesthetic

Judge things or people based on vibes. The vibes we get around some people.

4. AD audio digital

These people analyse a lot and then judge. A lot of internal dialogues. When in stress doesn’t
mean analysing that is just mind doing the talking. Analysing people or things beforehand.

How to manage state? And what exactly is state?

Types of state

1. Positive or resourceful

2. Negative or unresourceful

[[80 billions neurons plus 60 trillion cells Or Our Psychology plus Physiology]] decides the
state which we are in. Our sensory organs play a major part

How do we create state ?

Event 1 lading to event 2 and our reaction to it brings us in a certain state.

Exact Equation of Manisfestation

Due to unresourceful state we are not able to tap into potential of our mind

It’s like we have a lot of treasure in our locker but we don't have the password.

NLP is a study of all the above mentioned things.

It is all about feelings. What we feel we become. Feelings come from thoughts. Thoughts come
from sensory organs. And what we feel we project it to the universe or nature. And universe has
a habit of giving back what we feel. Therefore, it is necessary to create right beliefs about people
and things and to raise our potential we need to change our feelings for the better. We all have
lack of something or the other. This lack is created due to feelings only.
When we get over lack we manifest abundance. So it is important to express gratitude and feel
content. Being content is a feeling of abundance. This will lead to change in our vibration. And
we can’t blame our environment for our vibrational energy. Because after all its upto us to take
in what we want. We are controlled by the patterns and we feel safe around them. Break pattern
break the negative energy. And look inside before you point fingers outside.

We receive 15 million bits info per second. Some of the info we accept and other our brain just
deletes. So focus on the information around us. Take what we want and take away attention from
what is not necessary. Sometimes we take the info and distort it as per our likes and dislikes.

Sometimes complaining about the info.

Sometimes accepting the info as it is thrust upon us.

Sometimes we fail we give up. Why??

We live in a reality which is distorted by our brain due to lifelong patterns. We often tend to
generalize things. Society has set some generalized truth. And it wants us to follow their truth. If
we don't toe the line we are criticized or look down upon. But deep down society wants us to do
things that can break us from the pattern. Society includes all the people around us.

There is a saying. No pain No gain. Does it have to be like this everytime ? Do everytime we
have to go through pain to grow ? If a student puts his efforts for a exam he/she wants to crack, it
is not pain but it is his/her choice. We should love what we do. And that is how we remain
happy. Else we complain all the time.

So how to deal with the generalized truth ?

Whenever you come across some info which your brain is putting a lot of thought we should
question ourself.

Is it my opinion/belief ?

Is it a generalized truth/belief ?

Is it the universal truth/ belief ?

This is self coaching. Coaching ourselves to decide what we put inside our fabulous processor
i.e. our brain.

If you say you can do it. You will. Otherwise not. Its upto us what to follow.

And to get in such a state we need positive energy and confidence inside us.

How do we grow confidence?

Sit straight, eyes closed, spine erect, fists and legs tight. Take a deep breath

Say :

I am _your name___ and I am full of confidence.

Repeat multiple times.


Yes Yes Yes

Keep on repeating.

Then get back to normal state.

You can achieve this state at any time. Just need to remember it when you feel low.

Coming to the last part.

A person's life is affected by only three factors.

Past Present Future

Our past is filled with conflict, bad memories, guilt, grief, hurt.

It affects our present and thereby affecting our future.

Can we change past?

No. What we can do is make peace with our past! When we make peace with our past. We can
work well in our present and thereby making our future better. Dealing with past reduces internal
conflicts and thereby attacking the root of the problem. We find only superficial solutions for
problems. But we always need to finish the issues from the root. When we find peace with past
we look at the future. If the road ahead is beautiful we are happy. But if we find darkness then
we look for a exit maybe it from issues or from life. Making peace is an important exercise.
Because this is the most chased thing in the world. People have everything around them but
peace. And peace can only be found within. It finally empowers the present.

Repair the past, repair the future and empower the present

How to do it ?

There is a exercise.

It will be an an audio recording. I will forward it as well.

This exercise either deletes the bad memory or disempowers it when done repeatedly.

All the Data is taken from NLP training webinar of Yogendra Singh Rathore and arranged to
give a hindsight of what NLP focuses on and how we are hardwired to think a certain way. But
with daily practice anyone can change within.

Be Grateful.

Be Committed to various aspects of life.

Be Honest.

Be an Empath.

Be a Human.

We are creators and we are healers.

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