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Lusong, Erica E.

Critical Analysis about four types or Grammar
So you accept you're a syntactic master? All fine and great, however how well do you
get language structure? Etymologists are anxious to call attention to that there are
different kinds of punctuation, or strategies of characterizing and understanding the
design and elements of language.
One fundamental differentiation worth making is that between unmistakable language
and prescriptive punctuation (likewise called utilization). Both are worried about rules- -
however in an unexpected way. Experts in engaging syntax analyze the standards or
examples that underlie our utilization of words, expressions, provisions, and sentences.
Interestingly, prescriptive grammarians (like most editors and instructors) attempt to
authorize rules concerning what they accept to be the right employments of language.
Yet, that is only the start. Consider these assortments of language structure and take
your pick:
Descriptive Grammar
As the name suggests, descriptive grammar describes how language is really utilised.
There is no right or improper language in a descriptive grammar. Like prescriptive
grammar, it sets down norms for how individuals think language should be used in a
certain situation.
You might use the phrase "He goes...," which means that the speaker said.
Using a guided discovery or inductive method in the classroom might help learners
move away from the prescriptive approach to grammar by encouraging them to explore
for examples of differences in actual texts. You can compare these examples to
prescriptive rules to see if they are useful.
Prescriptive Grammar
As a result of the traditional approach to grammar, people know how to use the English
language and what forms to use. A good understanding of prescriptive grammar is
crucial for anyone who want to speak and write in formal English. To top it all off,
individuals who adhere to the style argue that doing so will help them "simplify their
sentences and make their prose more elegant". Prescriptive grammar is taught in
schools to provide people with a standard of usage.

 Less is used with mass nouns (e.g., "less money"), while "fewer" is used with
count nouns (e.g., "fewer objects").
 Rather than writing or saying ("to go boldly"), English speakers should avoid
splitting infinitives (e.g. "to boldly go.
 As a result, while speaking or writing in English, avoid using the passive voice
(e.g., "The university held the meeting").
 It's better to write or say (e.g. "visit me to drink some tea") instead of using
phrasal verbs.
Functional Grammar
According to systemic linguistics, functional grammar is concerned with how spoken
and written language behaves in different social settings. As a result, it is particularly
good for illustrating how texts function beyond the sentence level, distinct texts'
structure, and how language differs depending on who's using it. An emphasis is placed
on word groups that function to convey meanings Functional grammar raises different
questions than traditional grammar. "What do you think about this?"

 In terms of communicative effect on the hearer/reader, what's the difference

between using the passive or active voice?
 When you include Mary at the end of a clause, what effect does it have on the
 Is there any particular reason why the sentence's creator chose one form over
Functional grammar, on the other hand, focuses on the reasons why information is
organised the way that it is.
Pedagogical Grammar
As the name suggests, this type of grammar describes how to communicate with others
using the grammar of the target language. On the other end of the spectrum, you have
a reference grammar, which merely describes the grammar of a language. In addition to
making assumptions about how learners learn, pedagogic grammars describe certain
language theories and are created for a specific audience.
When it comes to grammar, How English Works and Grammar in Apply are pedagogic
grammar texts that help students understand how to use English grammar for
In the classroom
Learning to compare multiple grammar explanations of a language point might be
assigned to students. Learners are able to reflect on grammar and its function in
communicating as a result of this activity.
When it comes to English language teaching, grammar instruction is crucial. Grammar
is the foundation of English. It's not something you're born with, it's something you've
got to learn. Language syntax and word order are governed by grammar, which is a
subset of sentence structure.

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