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Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1455–1460

Effects of storage conditions of Moringa oleifera seeds

on its performance in coagulation
S. Katayon a, M.J. Megat Mohd Noor a,*, M. Asma a, L.A. Abdul Ghani a,
A.M. Thamer a, I. Azni a, J. Ahmad b, B.C. Khor c, A.M. Suleyman d
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Kolej Universiti Sains and Teknologi Malaysia, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia
Indah Water Konsortium Sdn. Bhd., 50400 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa, 53100 Selangor, Malaysia

Received 12 May 2004; received in revised form 11 July 2005; accepted 14 July 2005
Available online 4 October 2005


Moringa oleifera is a plant whose seeds have coagulation properties for treating water and wastewater. In this study the coag-
ulation efficiency of Moringa oleifera kept in different storage conditions were studied. The Moringa oleifera seeds were stored at
different conditions and durations; open container and closed container at room temperature (28 °C) and refrigerator (3 °C) for
durations of 1, 3 and 5 months. Comparison between turbidity removal efficiency of Moringa oleifera kept in refrigerator and room
temperature revealed that there was no significant difference between them. The Moringa oleifera kept in refrigerator and room tem-
perature for one month showed higher turbidity removal efficiency, compared to those kept for 3 and 5 months, at both containers.
The coagulation efficiency of Moringa oleifera was found to be dependent on initial turbidity of water samples. Highest turbidity
removals were obtained for water with very high initial turbidity. In summary coagulation efficiency of Moringa oleifera was found
independent of storage temperature and container, however coagulation efficiency of Moringa oleifera decreased as storage duration
increased. In addition, Moringa oleifera can be used as a potential coagulant especially for very high turbidity water.
Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Water treatment; Natural coagulant; Coagulant storage; Coagulation efficiency, Moringa oleifera

1. Introduction as AlzheimerÕs disease associated with residual alumin-

ium in treated water and production of large sludge vol-
Turbidity removal is one of the important steps in a umes (Ndbigengesere and Narasiah, 1998). There is also
water treatment process, which is generally achieved the problem of reaction of alum with natural alkalinity
using coagulants. Many coagulants are widely used in present in the water leading to a reduction of pH and
conventional water treatment processes, based on their low efficiency in coagulation in cold water (Haarhoff
chemical characteristics. These coagulants are classified and Cleasby, 1988). In addition, the use of alum and
into inorganic, synthetic organic polymer and natural iron salts is inappropriate in some developing countries
coagulants. The two most commonly used primary because of the high cost and low availability of chemical
coagulants are aluminium and iron (III) salts (Okuda coagulants (Schultz and Okun, 1983).
et al., 1999). However, recent studies have pointed out To ease the problems associated with chemical coag-
several serious drawbacks of using aluminium salts, such ulants, several studies have pointed out the introduction
of natural coagulants produced or extracted from
Corresponding author. microorganisms, animals, or plants (Kawamura, 1991;

0960-8524/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1456 S. Katayon et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1455–1460

Lee et al., 1995; Ganjidoust et al., 1997). Among plant coagulant for low turbid water. They documented that
materials that have been tested over the years, the seeds the residual turbidity of samples increased with the de-
from Moringa oleifeira have been shown to be one of the crease in initial turbidity at optimum dosage of Moringa
most effective primary coagulants for water treatment. oleifera. They achieved only 50% turbidity removal from
Moringa oleifera is a tropical plant belonging to the fam- low turbidity surface waters (23–90 NTU). Okuda et al.
ily of Moringaceae. Moringa oleifera is a non toxic (Gra- (1999) concluded that use of Moringa oleifera for drink-
bow et al., 1985) and natural organic polymer. The tree ing water treatment may not be appropriate since tur-
is generally known in the developing world as a vege- bidity of raw water for drinking water is usually low.
table, a medicinal plant and a source of vegetable oil Although there are many studies been carried out on
(Morton, 1991). The leaves and young seed of Moringa Moringa oleiferaÕs efficiency as a coagulant (Muyibi and
oleifera are rich in calcium, iron and vitamin C (Morton, Okufu, 1995; Muyibi and Evison, 1995, 1996), studies
1991), which serve as nutritious source for communities. on the effects of storage condition on its performance
The fruits, which are called ‘‘pods’’ and roots of the tree, have not been established. Thus present study is aimed
are used as vegetables. The fruits range usually 20– to examine the effects of storage condition on the perfor-
30 cm long. Each fruit contain 20 seeds. Seeds are mance of Moringa oleifera in coagulation.
globular, on average weight approximately 3.0–4.0 g,
1.0–1.40 cm long and 1.0–1.7 cm wide (Goh, 2005).
According to Goh (2005), the cultivation cost for pro- 2. Methods
ducing 1 kg (3400 seeds) of Moringa oleifera is approxi-
mately US$2. Although cost of Moringa oleifera seems 2.1. Preparation of Moringa oleifera seeds powder
more expensive than alum (1 kg: approximately US$1),
but is more beneficiary to communities in terms of The Moringa oleifera was obtained from Klang,
health and economy. Community could gain income Selangor area. Good quality seeds were identified from
from the sale of the seeds to companies or institutions those, which were not rotten, old, infected with diseases,
processing them to produce coagulant or oil. brownish and dried once opened. The seeds were dried
The active ingredients in aqueous extracts are dimeric in the oven (Memmert, ULE 400, Germany) for 24 h
proteins with a molecular weight of about 13 kDa and at 50 °C. A rice husk-removing machine (Satake, THU
iso-electric point of between 10 and 11 (Muyibi and Evi- class) was used to remove the hulls and wings from
son, 1995, 1996). Amino acid analysis and sequencing of the kernels. The kernels were crushed and ground to a
Moringa oleifera showed high contents of glutamine, medium fine powder with a domestic food blender
arginine and proline as well as total of other 60 residues (Moulinex, France).
(Gassenschmidt et al., 1995). Ndbigengesere et al. (1995)
studied the efficiency and properties of Moringa oleifera 2.2. Preparation of Moringa oleifera seeds extract
as a natural coagulant and its mechanism of coagulation
on turbid water. They discovered that the active agents A 5000 mg of Moringa oleifera seeds powder was
in aqueous Moringa oleifera are more effective coagu- placed in a beaker containing 0.2 l of distilled water.
lants than alum. Ion-exchange columnÕs test further The mixture was blended using domestic blender (Moul-
showed that positive charges were a prerequisite for inex) for 2 min at high speed to extract the active in-
coagulation to be initiated. The zeta-potential measure- gredient of Moringa oleifera. The suspension was then
ments also indicated that the predominant mechanism filtered through a muslin cloth in a beaker and the fil-
of the coagulation with Moringa oleifera appeared to trate made up to 0.5 l to give a stock solution of
be adsorption and charge neutralization (Ndbigengesere 10,000 mg/l. 10,000 mg/l of Moringa oleifera stock solu-
et al., 1995). They also revealed that Moringa oleifera tion was used for jar test trials that were conducted
can be either used in shelled or non-shelled dry forms to determine optimum dosages of Moringa oleifera on
seeds, however, shelled seeds are more effective (Ndbig- water samples of varying initial turbidities.
engesere et al., 1995). Furthermore, sludge produced by
Moringa oleifera during coagulation is not only innocu- 2.3. Preparation of water samples
ous but also four to five times less in volume than the
chemical sludge produced by alum coagulation (Ndbig- Synthetic turbid water samples were prepared by add-
engesere et al., 1995). ing kaolin (Laguna Clay, California, USA) into distilled
Previous researchers documented 80–99% turbidity water. Ten grams of kaolin was added to 1 l of distilled
removal by Moringa oleifera as primary coagulant both water. The suspension was stirred slowly at 20 rpm for
for raw waters and synthetics turbid waters (Muyibi and 1 h in a jar test apparatus (BIBBY Stuart Scientific,
Okufu, 1995; Ndbigengesere et al., 1995; Muyibi and UK) for uniform dispersion of kaolin particle. The sus-
Evison, 1996). However, Muyibi and Okufu (1995) pension was then allowed to stand for 24 h to allow for
found that Moringa oleifera might not be an efficient complete hydration of the kaolin. The maximum parti-
S. Katayon et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1455–1460 1457

cle size remaining in the kaolin suspension was esti- of the synthetic water, and placed on the floc illuminator
mated by Scanning Electron Microscopy (JEOL 6400, and agitated at the preselected intensity of rapid mixing
Tokyo, Japan) to be around 1 lm. This kaolin suspen- (Table 1). During rapid mixing, the coagulant dosage of
sion was used as the stock solution for the preparation Moringa oleifera was added into each beaker simulta-
of water samples of varying turbidities for the coagula- neously using 20 ml test tubes. After rapid mixing, the
tion tests. Three types of turbidities were carried out preselected intensity of slow mixing was quickly estab-
(Muyibi and Evison, 1995, 1996) namely; medium tur- lished and the beakers were then carefully removed from
bidity (50–100 NTU), high turbidity (100–200 NTU), the floc illuminator and left for the sedimentation phase.
and very high turbidity (greater than 300 NTU). After settling, 20 ml of the sample was taken from the
middle of each beaker for turbidity measurement. For
2.4. Packing and storage of Moringa oleifera determination of optimum dosage, different amount of
Moringa oleifera stock solution were added into the
The ground Moringa oleifera seeds were grouped into beakers and the amount that gave the lowest turbidity
two and packed in different types of packages namely; was the optimum dosage for that particular water.
closed container and open container. Closed container Secondly, randomized experimental runs with optimum
used in this study was a glass bottle with plastic cap Moringa oleifera dosages kept in varied storage condi-
and open container was 500 ml glass beaker. The pack- tions in terms of packing and temperature were carried
ages were stored at two different temperatures namely; out as shown in Table 2. Turbidity measurements were
room temperature (28 °C) and refrigerated (3 °C). The conducted using Turbidimeter (HACH, 21200P). pH
storage durations were for 1 month, 3 months and values of samples were measured using pH meter
5 months. (CyberScan pH 2000).

2.5. Coagulation test 2.7. Statistical analyses

Coagulation test was carried out using jar test The SPSS statistical package (Version 11.0) was used
(BIBBY Stuart Scientific, UK). The study involved for all statistical analysis. All statistical significance was
rapid mixing, slow mixing and sedimentation in a batch considered when p < 0.05. One-way analysis of variance
process. Six glass beakers of 500 ml capacity were filled (ANOVA), with TukeyÕ HSD test was carried out to
with the water samples and agitated simultaneously, and verify the significance of differences among the means.
the rotational speed were varied accordingly, allowing Independent sample test (t-test) was used to confirm
simulation of different mixing intensities and resulting the significant differences between the two means. Cor-
flocculation process. relation between two variables was analyzed using
bivariate analysis of variance. All experiments done in
2.6. Experimental runs triplicates.

First, sets of experimental runs were carried out for

optimization of Moringa oleifera dosages for coagula- 3. Results and discussion
tion of water samples. Beakers were filled with 500 ml
3.1. Optimization of Moringa oleifera dosages

Table 1 Results on optimization of Moringa oleifera dosages

Operating variables used to run the jar test (Muyibi et al., 2002a,b)
for medium, high and very high turbid water are shown
Rapid mix Rapid mix Slow mix Slow mix Settling in Figs. 1–3, respectively. Summarized data presented in
velocity duration velocity duration time
Table 3, revealed that the optimum dosage of Moringa
(rpm) (min) (rpm) (min) (min)
oleifera seeds that gave the lowest residual turbidity
100 4 40 25 30
(p < 0.05) was dependent on the initial turbidity. As

Table 2
Experimental runs to evaluate coagulation performance of Moringa oleifera kept in different durations and conditions
Storage conditions Storage conditions (temperature)
(packing) Room temperature (28 °C) Refrigerator (3 °C)
Initial turbidity of water samples (NTU)
Open container MT (80–90) HT (185–193) VHT (385–395) MT (88–89) HT (185–187) VHT (385–390)
Closed container MT (87–89) HT (185–187) VHT (385–390) MT (88–89) HT (185–193) VHT (385–390)
MT: medium turbidity, HT: high turbidity, VHT: very high turbidity.
1458 S. Katayon et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1455–1460

90 36

80 34
Residual turbidity (NTU)

Residual turbidity (NTU)





10 22
100 120 140 160 180 200 360 380 400 420 440 460
Dosage (mg/l) Dosage (mg/l)

Fig. 1. Optimization dosage of Moringa oleifera for medium turbidity Fig. 3. Optimization dosage of Moringa oleifera for very high turbidity
water sample. water sample.

80 Table 3
Optimum dosages of Moringa oleifera for different water samples
70 Sample Moringa oleifera Turbidity Turbidity
concentration (NTU) removal (%)
Residual turbidity (NTU)

60 (mg l 1)
Initial Final
Medium 160 87.8 ± 2.1 21.3 ± 1.7 79 ± 2.0
50 turbidity
High 300 194 ± 3.8 22.0 ± 2.2 89 ± 3.2
40 turbidity
Very high 400 390 ± 4.5 23.6 ± 3.6 94 ± 4.1

The optimum dosages found in this study were signif-
10 icantly (p < 0.05) higher than those obtained by previous
260 280 300 320 340 360 researchers (Muyibi and Evison, 1995). They docu-
Dosage (mg/l) mented the optimum dosages of about 100 mg l 1 and
Fig. 2. Optimization dosage of Moringa oleifera for high turbidity 50 mg l 1for moderate to high turbidities (250–550
water sample. NTU) and low to moderate turbidities (50–150 NTU),
respectively. This difference might due to difference in
experimental conditions employed, such as settling time,
initial turbidity of water sample was increased, the re- mixing velocity gradient and mixing durations. Compar-
quired optimum dosage of coagulant also increased ison between optimum dosage obtained in this study
(r2 = 0.985). For high and very high turbidities, the opti- and those obtained by Muyibi and Evison (1996) also
mum dosage of Moringa oleifera were 300 mg l 1 and revealed insignificant differences (p < 0.05), which might
400 mg l 1, respectively, while for medium water due to usage of different species of Moringa oleifera
160 mg l 1 produced highest turbidity removal (signifi- (Jahn, 1988).
cantly, p < 0.05). Increasing dosage of coagulant did
not improve the removal of turbidity, in fact this 3.2. Effect of storage durations and conditions of
increased significantly (p < 0.05) the residual turbidity Moringa oleifera seeds on its efficiency
of the coagulated sample. This overdosing resulted in
the saturation of the polymer bridge sites and caused The Moringa oleifera seeds were kept in open con-
restabilization of the destabilized particles due to insuf- tainer at room temperature, closed container at room
ficient number of particles to form more interparticle temperature, open container in refrigerator and closed
bridges (Muyibi and Evison, 1995, 1996). container in refrigerator for 1, 3 and 5 months. Residual
S. Katayon et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1455–1460 1459

turbidity of coagulated water using Moringa oleifera 400

stored at different conditions and durations are mea-
sured and results are presented in Figs. 4–7.
In general, for all experimental conditions, turbidity

Residual turbidity (NTU)

removal efficiency of Moringa oleifera increased as
initial turbidity of water sample increased. The highest
turbidity removal efficiencies were recorded for water
200 Type of water
sample with very high initial turbidity. This result is
same with those reported by Muyibi and Evison
Medium turbid
(1995). They have also documented that at the optimum
dosage of Moringa oleifera residual turbidities decreased 100
and removals increased with increasing initial turbidity. High turbid

Turbidity removal up to 98.5% was recorded for a water

sample with high initial turbidity of 600 NTU (Muyibi 0
Very high turbid

and Evison, 1995). Increase in suspended particles avail- Fresh 1 3 5

Storage durations (Months)

Fig. 6. Residual turbidity of water coagulated using Moringa oleifera

kept in open container in refrigerator.

Residual turbidity (NTU)



Type of water
Residual turbidity (NTU)

250 300
Medium turbid
200 Type of water
100 High turbid

50 Medium turbid
Very high turbid
0 100
Fresh 1 3 5
High turbid
Storage durations (Months)

Fig. 4. Residual turbidity of water coagulated using Moringa oleifera Very high turbid
kept in open container at room temperature. Fresh 1 3 5
Storage durations (Months)

Fig. 7. Residual turbidity of water coagulated using Moringa oleifera

450 kept in closed container in refrigerator.


able for adsorption and inter-particle bridge formation
Residual turbidity (NTU)

300 in water sample with higher initial turbidity may con-

tribute in higher turbidity removal efficiency (Birkner
and Morgan, 1968).
Type of water
200 Comparison between residual turbidity of water trea-
ted with Moringa oleifera kept for different durations re-
150 Medium turbid
vealed that an increase in storage duration of Moringa
100 oleifera from 1 to 5 months increased the residual tur-
High turbid
bidity in most of the experimental conditions. The Mor-
inga oleifera kept for 1 month at all conditions showed
Very high turbid
0 the best performance in terms of turbidity removal.
Fresh 1 3 5 Exception was in the case of Moringa oleifera which
Storage durations (Months)
was kept in refrigerator in open container and applied
Fig. 5. Residual turbidity of water coagulated using Moringa oleifera on very high turbidity water sample (Fig. 6). In this case
kept in closed container at room temperature. the difference between residual turbidity of treated water
1460 S. Katayon et al. / Bioresource Technology 97 (2006) 1455–1460

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4. Conclusions Muyibi, S.A., Megat Johari, M.M.N., Tan, K.L., Lam, H.L., 2002b.
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