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Bicol University


Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department
ISO 9001:2015 Guinobatan, Albay
TUV Rheinland ID 910863351

ABE 32 Online Activity 2: Generation of Electrical Power

Name: John Gerald Capitin Year and Section: II-BSABE-1

Direction: Work on the following questions:

1. What is an infographic and its application and use in ABE?

Defining Infographic describes as it is a simply as a visual representation of

information and data. By combining elements of text image, chart, and diagram
and, more recently, video, an infographic is an effective tool to present data
and explain complex issues in a way that can quickly lead to insight and better
understanding and it is used in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering profession
to create or disseminate information to the public about a certain concern in
Agriculture that could easily be understood by the general public. It is also used
to express complex terminologies to more common one, both used by ABE and
other profession to have a data-rich visualization of a story, a tool to educate
and inform and way to build brand awareness.

2. What is conventional energy and its different sources? Discuss how each source
is used to generate electricity. Make an infographic sheet about conventional
energy. (30 points)

When we cannot reuse a source of energy after using it once we call

them “conventional sources of energy” or “non-renewable energy resources”.
They are the most important conventional sources of energy. These include coal,
petroleum, natural gas and nuclear energy. Oil is the most widely used source of
energy. Coal, petroleum and natural gas account for about 90% of world’s
production of commercial energy and hydroelectric and nuclear power
account for about 10%.

Types of Conventional Sources of Energy:


Coal is the most abundant conventional source of energy which could

last for at least 200 years. It is a black-brown sedimentary rock. Formation of
coal occurs when the remains of plants convert into lignite and then into
anthracite. This involves a long process that takes place over a long period of
time. Coal helps for various proposes such as heating of the house, as fuel for

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boilers and steam engines and for generation of electricity by thermal plants. It
constitutes about 70% of total commercial energy consumption in the country.


Out of all the conventional sources of energy, oil is used abundantly all
over. Considering, oil is one of the most important conventional sources of
energy in India, the resources for same are even smaller. The extraction of oil
from deposits is known as oil resources.

Petroleum and Natural Gas

Petroleum is the mixture of hydrocarbons like alkanes and cycloalkanes. In

crude form black liquid is known as petroleum and the formation of a natural
gas occurs when the gas comes in contact with petroleum layer. Natural gas is
a mixture of 50-90% of Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane, and Hydrogen
sulphide. After refining and purifying crude petroleum, it is available as petrol,
diesel, lubricating oil, plastic etc. Natural gas is also making a significant
contribution to the household sector. It causes less air pollution as compared to
other fossil fuel.

Fuel Woods

Rural people use the fuelwood for their day to day cooking which comes
from natural forests and plantations. The availability of fuelwood has become
difficult due to rapid deforestation. We can avoid this problem by planting more
trees on degraded forest land, culturable wasteland, barren land grazing land.

Thermal Power Plant

Power stations burn a large number of fossil fuels to heat up water, to

produce steam, which further runs the turbine to generate electricity.
Transmission of electricity is more efficient than, transporting coal or petroleum
over the same distance. It is called as the thermal plant because fuel is burnt to
produce heat energy which is converted into electrical energy.

Nuclear energy

A small amount of radioactive substance can produce a lot of energy

through the nuclear substances all over the world. In order to obtain nuclear
energy, nuclear reactions are essential and there are about 300 nuclear
reactions. Nuclear energy is one of the most environmentally friendly
conventional sources of energy as it produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions
during the production of electricity in comparison to sources like coal power
plants. Although in case of accidents, this same nuclear energy releases in high
amount in the environment. Also, the nuclear waste that remains is radioactive
and hazardous.

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Here is the jpeg format of the infographics, and a pdf file will also be uploaded.

3. What is renewable energy and its different sources? Discuss how each source is
used to generate electricity. Make an infographic sheet about renewable

A renewable energy source means energy that is sustainable - something

that can't run out, or is endless, like the sun. When you hear the term 'alternative
energy' it's usually referring to renewable energy sources too.

Types of Renewable Energy

1) Solar energy

Sunlight is one of our planet’s most abundant and freely available energy
resources. The amount of solar energy that reaches the earth’s surface in one
hour is more than the planet’s total energy requirements for a whole year.
Although it sounds like a perfect renewable energy source, the amount of solar
energy we can use varies according to the time of day and the season of the
year as well as geographical location. In the UK, solar energy is an increasingly

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popular way to supplement your energy usage. Find out if it’s right for you by
reading our guide to solar power.

2) Wind energy

Wind is a plentiful source of clean energy. Wind farms are an increasingly

familiar sight in the UK with wind power making an ever-increasing contribution
to the National Grid. To harness electricity from wind energy, turbines are used to
drive generators which then feed electricity into the National Grid. Although
domestic or ‘off-grid’ generation systems are available, not every property is
suitable for a domestic wind turbine. Find out more about wind energy on our
wind power page.

3) Hydro energy

As a renewable energy resource, hydro power is one of the most

commercially developed. By building a dam or barrier, a large reservoir can be
used to create a controlled flow of water that will drive a turbine, generating
electricity. This energy source can often be more reliable than solar or wind
power (especially if it's tidal rather than river) and also allows electricity to be
stored for use when demand reaches a peak. Like wind energy, in certain
situations hydro can be more viable as a commercial energy source (dependant
on type and compared to other sources of energy) but depending very much
on the type of property, it can be used for domestic, ‘off-grid’ generation. Find
out more by visiting our hydro power page.

4) Tidal energy

This is another form of hydro energy that uses twice-daily tidal currents to
drive turbine generators. Although tidal flow unlike some other hydro energy
sources isn’t constant, it is highly predictable and can therefore compensate for
the periods when the tide current is low. Find out more by visiting our marine
energy page.

5) Geothermal energy

By harnessing the natural heat below the earth’s surface, geothermal

energy can be used to heat homes directly or to generate electricity. Although it
harnesses a power directly below our feet, geothermal energy is of negligible
importance in the UK compared to countries such as Iceland, where geothermal
heat is much more freely available.

6) Biomass Energy

This is the conversion of solid fuel made from plant materials into
electricity. Although fundamentally, biomass involves burning organic materials
to produce electricity, and nowadays this is a much cleaner, more energy-

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efficient process. By converting agricultural, industrial and domestic waste into
solid, liquid and gas fuel, biomass generates power at a much lower economic
and environmental cost.

Here is the jpeg format of the infographics, and a pdf file will also be uploaded.

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4. Discuss the source of electricity in your locality and how it is transported to your
household in an infographic sheet. (30 points)

Here is the jpeg format of the infographics, and a pdf file will also be uploaded.


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