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 identify the 

 what is their character, their musical
Structure qualities

 identify the phrases, on several levels,

within the section
 what is their character, their musical
Phrases qualities

 is there Question and Answer

 how is it achieved
Phrasing  how the orquesta interprets the phrase

 how the instruments are used

 what is their function
Orchestration  the texture, ‘thin’ or ‘full’ sound

 the speed, in beats per minute, fast,

moderate or slow
Tempo  how the tempo contributes to the character

 what are the keys, major or minor, and do

they change
 identify the
 where and what type are the cadences
 what is the harmonic rhythm
 how do harmonic aspects contribute to the
Keys and Harmony character of the  music

 its character
 identify the motifs
 its tessitura
 is it scalar or an arpeggio , or both
Melody  the shape, the rhythms, the articulation

 when present, describe them as per Melody

 their effect, how do they change the
Counter Melodies character of the music

Melodic Elaboration  is the melody altered, in what way

 what is the effect

 does the music get louder or softer

Dynamics  are there sudden changes

 how it creates the beat or pulse

 are there distinguishing rhythmic patterns
 is there syncopation, describe it
 how does the accompaniment support or
Accompaniment and its contrast the melody
Rhythm  what is the articulation

Other Features  anything else not covered above

Elements for Analysis

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