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UNIT 1 / WKS 1-3 / LP1 DATE: September 7-25, 2020

TOPIC 1: History of Western Music

CONTENT STANDARD: Demonstrates understanding of the musical characteristics

features of the medieval, Renaissance and baroque music

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Performs selected songs from the

medieval, renaissance, and Baroque period of music.

MISSION AND IDENTITY STANDARDS: Creativity / Ecological Integrity / Integrity of Creation


While learning the lesson, you should be able to:

1. Describes the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental music of medieval
Renaissance, and baroque music; and
2. Explain the performance practice (setting, composition, role of the composer/performers and
audience) during Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque period.


Create a table comparing the musical elements and performance practice of the
medieval, renaissance, and baroque periods.


Goal: To understand and appreciate the development of music.
Role: singers
Audience: Grade 9 students from different schools and music enthusiasts of Baguio City
Situation: Due to the emergence of so many kinds of musical genre that leads to confusion to
listeners, The NCCA (National Commission for Culture and the Arts) organized a seminar workshop
for students and you were invited to render a special number.
Product / Performance: Sing own composition
Standard: one quality, pitch, rhythm, expression and style


The song lyrics are The song lyrics are The song lyrics are The song lyrics
outstanding. The good. The words somewhat are not coherent.
words memorable. memorable. The coherent. The The words are not
Lyrics The song lyrics are song lyrics are song lyrics are memorable.
enthusiastically enthusiastically well received by
received by the received by the the audience.
audience. audience.
The student The student The song The song
composed an composed an composed is not composed is not
original song with a original song but very original, but very original. The
clear theme. there are some there are some message is not
elements that are elements that are conveyed.
not excellent. not excellent.

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The melody and Tempo and rhythm Tempo and The song is
rhythm were are consistent. The rhythm are choppy with
perfectly melody is mostly sometimes unnatural mix of
performed. smooth and clear. unclear or slow tempo. The
Tempo and
down and speed melody of the
up. The melody is song is unclear.
apparent in some
places but
unclear in others.
The performance The performance There are The expression
displays authentic displays expressions and and style
expression and appropriate styles during the employed is not
Expression and style exhibiting the expression and performance that relevant to the
Style cultural identity of style relevant to are not piece.
the region the piece. appropriate to
represented by the the part of the
piece piece.
There are no errors There are no errors There are few There are many
and the in the presentation. errors in the errors and the
Mastery of the
presentation is presentation. presentation is
outstanding. difficult to

ESSENTIAL CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGIES: The following are the terms and concept that you will
encounter as you progress in the lesson.

1. Secular Music - non-religious music

2. Scale - set of musical notes ordered by fundamental frequency or pitch.
3. Chant - a repeated rhythmic phrase typically sung in unison.
4. Sacred music - religious music


DIRECTION: Read Carefully the different musical elements and forms of music mentioned below and
choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on the space before each number.

____ 1. The flow of music through time. It can be defined as the particular arrangement of
note lengths in a piece of music.
A. Meter B. Rhythm C. Time Signature D. Beat

____ 2. Pertains to the horizontal element of music it is a pleasing succession of tones with
expressive value.
A. Time signature B. Melody C. Rhythm D. Form

____ 3. He is the famous composer from Italy who composed more than 100 mass settings
and over 200 motets.
A. Handel B. Palestrina C. Bach D. Verdi

____ 4. The series of single tones which add up to a recognizable whole. It begins, moves
and ends; it has direction, shape and continuity.
A. Harmony B. Scale C. Interval D. Melody

____ 5. This is the speed of the beat and the basic pace of the music.
A. time signature B. Rhythm C. Tempo D. Form

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.
____ 6. A melodic range with one to three tone interval.
A. Narrow range B. Wide range C. Repetitive Moderate

____ 7. He is the composer of the famous music, “The Messiah”.

A. Handel B. Palestrina C. Bach D. Verdi

____ 8. A melodic range with four to eight tone above interval.

A. Narrow range B. Wide range C. Repetitive D. Tonality

____ 9. The structure of musical composition or performance.

A. Dynamics B. Tempo C. Tone D. Form

____ 10. A German renaissance composer who was regarded as the greatest composer of all
A. Palestrina B. Handel C. Verdi D. Bach

Ancient Western Music was considered as the root of every musical genre that we heard today,
the musicians in this period created music that evolved through the discovery of the different musical
styles that led to the evolvement of music. During this period, they were able to get different styles and
they were able to create the traditional style that every composer has to follow. They were able to
establish standards that any composer has to follow.
In this module, you will understand and appreciate how music evolved from a Medieval period
which focuses on monophonic sacred music to Baroque period in which the music focuses on
polyphonic secular style. You will also learn how to analyze and differentiate the music of the different

UPGRADED MELC: Create a table comparing the musical elements and performance practice of the
medieval, renaissance, and baroque periods.

When you were in Grade 8, you learned the different elements of music. Now, we
will try to go back and see if you can still remember the elements of music and how
elements had helped in shaping certain musical compositions.

A. What do we mean by elements of music? Write your answer below.

B. What can you remember on the different elements of music?

I would like you complete the table about the elements of music.
Elements Description



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Combination of note values that create sounds



The speed of a piece

Overall structure of music

c. Let’s see if your got it correct. I want you to watch and listen intently the video clip so that we
will guided with the different elements of music:

A. Did you ever wonder how your favorite songs came into existence? Read this trivia about the
development of music.
a. Did you know that the staff/scale during the Medieval period are composed of 4
horizontal lines without any clef signs and time signature?

b. Did you know that the Italian monks were the singers during the Medieval period and
their kind of music was called the Gregorian chant?

B. This time let’s try to find the timelines. Do you know that timelines are very important especially
for you? Timelines were created for learning history. In order to simplify the process of historic
dates and events. Let us challenge ourselves and identify the period or the timeline of music
based on its description. Are you ready to fill in the dates?

Monophonic, Dark age, a ca pella, Adam, De la halle

Mostly polyphonic, Rebirth, Lute, Giovanni Dapalestrina

Polyphonic, Barocco, Harpsichord, George Handel

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A. In order for us to fully understand the history and characteristics of the Ancient Western Music, I
would like you to read your textbook The 21st Century MAPEH in Action pages 2 23. What you
understand from your reading?

B. Let us enhance our knowledge from the reading by watching and listening to this link.

C. What have you discovered on the Ancient Western music? Complete the graphic organizer by
writing the things you had read and watched about the history of ancient Western music.

Ancient Western Music

Medieval Renaissance Baroque

D. Let us try to learn more about the History of Ancient Western music. Listen to the following songs
and characterize each element.
Song title
Melody Rhythm Tempo

Organum Alleluia

Harmony Dynamics Tone

My song shall be always

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E. The characteristics of music changes from different periods, these changes depend on how the
composer had used the different elements. Listen to the video clips from the different composers
and observe the utilization of the different elements. Write the characteristic of music based on
what you heard on the table. Example how will you characterize the unmetered rhythm during
the Medieval period?
Period Composer Elements Music characteristics

Adam de la
Medieval Halle
https://www.y Rhythm- unmetered
Song title- La Chanson Harmony- single
Du Roi de Sicile atch?v=rLobQ

Pierluigi da
Palestrina Texture- Polyphony
https://www.y Melody- Wide range
Song title- Misa Papae

Baroque Frideric
Handel Rhythm- Quadruple
https://www.y Tempo- Unstable
Song title- My Song
Shall be Always

A. Create a table comparing the musical elements and performance practice of the Medieval,
Renaissance, and Baroque periods.
Medieval Renaissance Baroque
Musical elements

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.
Medieval Renaissance Baroque
Practice Test

B. Explain in at least 5 sentences the importance of learning the history, elements, and composers
of the Ancient Western Music.

I. TRUE OR FALSE: Write the word music if the statement is correct. If the statement is NOT a fact,
CHANGE the underlined word to make the statement correct. Write your answers on the space
provided before each number. (5 pts)
1. The language used in Gregorian chant is Spanish.
2. Gregorian chant is sung in churches.
3. Mass is a form of unaccompanied monophonic song.
__________________________ 4. A musical form notation with four lines used in medieval music is
called neumes.
5. Madrigal is a musical piece for several voices set to a poem.
a. What is the importance of elements of music in ancient western songs?

b. As a Louisian, what are the things you need to do in order to show respect to composers behind the
Western Ancient music that led to music evolution?
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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.
II. MATCHING TYPE: Match the names of composers in Column B to characteristics in Column A.
Write the letter of your choice on the blank provided before each number. (5 pts)
____ 1. An organist and a choir master in Sistine and St. A. Adam de la Halle
Peter chapels. B. Claudio Monteverdi
____ 2.Composer who uses a Capella in his church music C. George Handel
compositions in the Renaissance period. D. Giovanni Palestrina
E. Johann Sebastian Bach
____ 3. A French poet and musician of Medieval period. F. Thomas Morley
G. William Byrd
____ 4. Music director of the newly founded Royal G. William Byrd
Academy of Music in 1719.
____ 5. A German composer of Baroque music.

Lacia, G. Zabala, Hernandez K.,Andres, Solano G.,Olivar-Libiran P.,Fernado-Callo L., Limos A Cabatana,
C., and Valencia, Lim N., 2018 The 21st Century: MAPEH in Action Sampaloc Manila Philippines:
Rex Book Store Inc.
Miranda, Q., Jugueta, L., Sacdalan, G., & San Jose, M. (2017). MAPEH. Quezon City, Philippines: The
Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
Santiago, N., Evangelista, T., & Santos, A. (2016). Active MAPEH. Sampaloc Manila, Philippines:
Magallanes Publishing House.

Prepared by:




Key Answers for:


1. B
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. D

This packet must be submitted on October 2, 2020 (8-12 nn/1-4pm).

I attest that this learning packet has been accomplished by my child/ward with my guidance.

Name and Signature of Parent/Guardian

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