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Lesson 1: Persuasive Writing

Day 3

What’s More

1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. D

Day 4

What I Can Do

Should the Government Ban or Regulate Indecency on Social Media?

Social media like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are widely used at this time of the pandemic.
Since people can not go outside and converse with their friends normally, they use these social media
applications to communicate with one another. Unfortunately, some people use the social media
applications indecently. Posting pictures of their nude bodies, videos of sexual activities, sites that
advertise these activities, are some examples of indecency that people do. I believe that the government
should ban or regulate these indecent activities because these could influence the children in which it
will affect them psychologically and affects their way of thinking.

The first reason why the government should ban indecency on social media is that it can
influence other people in social media that may engage to these activities as well. Some children, ages
younger than 10 years old, post pictures and videos of themselves showing their underwear, their chest,
and perform indecent actions. This is due to the pictures posted by people online showing off their
bodies that affected their way of thinking and it changed their mental state that it is correct and just to
post indecent pictures online.

Another reason is to prevent any activities related to this matter. Due to the influence of
indecency in social media, the number of teenage pregnancy cases are rising to this day. This is because
of the sexual videos or pornography sites that lead them the idea to “try it out.” Then unexpected
circumstances happened which led to pregnancy. So malicious porn sites should be removed to avoid
cases like these.

The last reason is to avoid scandals or hateful posts. Some people who were in relationships
with other people may get angry and toxic. In which they will post nude pictures of their exes and write
a hateful post about them. In effect, the person in the picture may feel embarrassed and will get
comments that can lead him or her to depression or suicide. To prevent this from happening we should
ban posts like these because these can lead to a more complicated situation.

In conclusion, the government should ban or regulate indecency on social media because it can
influence people to engage into indecency activities, cases of teenage pregnancy may rise, and to avoid
scandals. You have to realize that indecent posts on social media can affect one’s mentality and
personality and change who they are. So, before it’s too late, we should stop indecency to protect
ourselves from self-harm and to control ourselves from getting ideas to harm other people.

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