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Ken Ron


The "self" presented online can be regarded as one's "extended self." Belk (1998) introduced the
extended self-concept 25 years ago when the internet was still being developed. Today, with the
development of many technologies, the possibilities of self-extension have never been so extensive.

We all have a Digital Self, a mask we put on to engage the technological world. Physician and
psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott once proposed a theory of Self posing a "true self" that is the automatic
core of our personality and must be nurtured and realized. This contrasts with the "false self" created to
protect the "true self" from insult and danger. The takeaway is that we all have a "true self" that is fragile
and complex but is ultimately our essence. To share the Self with the world, we engage our decoy selves
to manage the day-to-day anxieties and challenges that come before us.

Hans Ngo

end of the session, the student should be able to:

1. discuss online identity and your 'self' in cyberspace;

2. explain selective self-presentation and impression management;

3. evaluate the impact of online interaction on the Self;

4. distinguish what types of information can be shared or not on social media; and5. establish
boundaries of the online Self; private vs. public, personal vs. social identity online.

Expectation on the Topic:

Students will manage their digital Self efficiently, effectively, and responsibly. Knowing what behaviors
are accepted online and what behaviors are to be avoided, being responsible for whatever they share
online, and establishing boundaries of their online Self will better safeguard online identity.

I’ll let you watch the video for 3 min

Carvi Tal Rojas

May I know your opinion on that video in terms of online safety here in the Philippines?

Thank you to all of your opinions, the online security here in the Philippines has been increasingly
solidify because if the lack on security since the early 2000’s and that’s why here in our school, TIP
strongly encourages us to the security of our identy. We may now proceed to patricarca
Sean Patriarca

5 common reasons hanggang conclusion

Jmiguel Solidum

Online dishibition effect

The online disinhibition effect means that people may act differently online than they do in person. They
might say things they wouldn't normally say, share personal information they wouldn't normally share,
or engage in risky behavior. This can happen because people feel anonymous, there are fewer social
cues, and they don't think there will be consequences for their actions. This can lead to problems like
cyberbullying and online harassment. It's important to be aware of this effect and be careful about how
you behave online.

Examples of this is benign dishinbition and toxic dishinbition (explain mo nasa pptx uts canvas)

Cielo Marie Pearl Guieb

The digital self : how social media serves as a setting that shapes youths emotional experience


In can have a positive and negative impact on social media in terms of using platform such as facebook
and such that allow adolescence users experiment on behaviors that mask them behind the identinty
they show, as being a reckless or a kindsome person

Deniel Mike Duka

Positive impact of social media

Social media help us combat loneliness because most of us connect and be social as stated to the
abstract of the digital self, we maintain our sociality as an adolescent as we transition to be a college
student or moreover, an adult.

Another example is the disclosure of self : Heightened self-disclosure refers to the tendency for
individuals to reveal more personal information about themselves than they normally would in certain
situations or contexts. This can occur in a variety of settings, including online communication, therapy,
and social interactions with close friends or romantic partners.
Djon Ivan McYoung Tacasa

Another positive impact is the connectiveness of other people in terms of companionship and
communication in their lives to relieve in the stress or any issues that resolves of the person
understanding the situation, by instant messaging to relieve about the well being of the emotions.

And lastly, social media can be assured of because it would not be forgotten to the impact of humans

Lorraine San Miguel

Negative impacts

As we all know, we experience cyber bullying and that can drastically impact our own self esteem
especially we tend to show who we are at the social media by recklessness of confidentcy,
misunderstanding of argument in every topic we go on with the posts, unwanted contact and
unintentional disclosure by using social media platforms or websites.

Another negative effect will be the depressional effect of adolescent in social media as we tend to be
more attached to the social media or online platform relationship than in physical because we tend to
lack on physical contact in online platform relationship, hence depression on vulnerable disclosure of self

Shaira Lomibao

Lastly, the one of the negative impacts of the social media is the influence it makes to the people who is
easily influenceable to the negative impacts such as suicidal self infliction harm, or information that are
false such as how to lose weight faster by consuming chemicals or food that are not recommended by
the professionals hence, the self harm.

Vosch Javillonar

Identity formation and self presentation

Identity formation refers to the process by which individuals develop a sense of who they are, including
their values, beliefs, and personality traits. This process can be influenced by a variety of factors,
including family background, culture, socialization, and life experiences.

Self-presentation, on the other hand, refers to the ways in which individuals present themselves to
others in order to shape the way they are perceived. This can include a variety of behaviors, such as the
clothes we wear, the way we speak, and the topics we choose to discuss. Self-presentation can be
influenced by a number of factors, including social norms, cultural expectations, and individual goals and

Both identity formation and self-presentation are important because they influence how individuals
interact with others and are perceived by others. In order to effectively present oneself to others,
individuals must have a clear sense of their own identity and values. At the same time, self-presentation
can also shape an individual's sense of self and influence their identity formation over time.


Potential mediating variables in the relationship between social media and well being

Social media has become an increasingly ubiquitous part of our daily lives, with billions of people around
the world using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to connect with others and share
information. While social media has many benefits, including the ability to stay in touch with friends and
family, access to information and resources, and opportunities for self-expression, there is also growing
concern about the potential negative effects of excessive social media use on mental health and well-

One of the key challenges in understanding the relationship between social media and well-being is the
complex interplay of different factors that may influence this relationship. While some research has
suggested that social media use is associated with negative mental health outcomes such as depression,
anxiety, and low self-esteem, other studies have found little or no evidence of such effects. One possible
explanation for these inconsistencies is that the relationship between social media use and mental
health is mediated by a range of other factors, including social comparison, fear of missing out, reduced
face-to-face interaction, online harassment and cyberbullying, and addiction.

One of the most well-established mediating variables in the social media-well-being relationship is social
comparison. Social media platforms are designed to facilitate social comparison, with users frequently
exposed to carefully curated and idealized versions of others' lives. This can lead to feelings of
inadequacy and low self-esteem, as individuals compare themselves to others who appear more
successful, attractive, or happy. Research has shown that higher levels of social comparison on social
media are associated with greater depressive symptoms and lower life satisfaction.

1. Friendship relations
2. Individual differences
3. Cognitive attributions
4. Personality charactiristics
5. Emotional experiences
These are just a few examples of the many potential mediating variables that may influence the
relationship between social media use and well-being. It's important to understand these factors in
order to develop strategies for promoting healthy social media use and mitigating the negative effects of
excessive social media use on mental health and well-being

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