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Good afternoon everyone, I hope that you are perfectly fine and comfortable. Today wee will
discuss So- Fa syllables and the major scale.
A staff has five parallel lines and four spaces. It is enclosed by bar lines at the sides. Each
line and space of the staff has a particular tone with its corresponding pitch name.
Pitch names are letter names derived from the first seven letters of the English Alphabet.
The so-fa names are so-fa syllable written as do, re, mi, fa, so, la, ti, Do. These so-fa names
are arranged in ascending or descending order. While the corresponding numbers are
equivalent, numbers of both so-fa names and pitch names.
It is one of the most widely known and popular systems of teaching pitch, which brings
together listening, singing and in due course, playing music. Each note of the musical scale
is given a different syllable – Do, Re, Mi, Fa, So, La and Ti. With their open vowel endings,
the solfège names are much easier to vocalise than traditional 8-note scale names: C-D-E-
F-G-A-B-C, which have lots of sounds that strain the voice (eeee sounds). What’s more,
singing letter names for a musical scale has the potential to confuse young children who
are learning the alphabet in the context of language.
The idea behind the solfège system is to help develop pitch memory, which is the most
basic type of musical memory. It does so by requiring the student to hear the note in their
mind’s ear, thus honing their listening and aural skills. Because solfège focuses on the use
of voice (rather than an instrument) it is the perfect way for young children to learn pitch
naturally. here are also two methods of teaching solfège – the ‘fixed do’ system and the
‘movable do’ system. The ‘fixed’ do system is based upon the C major scale and is more in
line with building perfect pitch because C is always sung as “Do” and A is always sung as
La etc. However, with the Movable-Do solfège system “Do” is sung as the root (first note) of
the scale so any scale or key can be used, thus aiding the development of relative pitch.
Whether you use the ‘fixed do’ or ‘‘movable do’, both systems are tools for helping to
develop the muscle memory for pitch, especially if you add the Curwen/Glover hand signs.
Melodies are organized in a set called scale. A scale is composed of eight notes that go up
and down the staff . A scale is a series of musical tones going up or down in pitch in fixed
steps. Major scale – of relating to musical scale of eight notes with half steps between the
third and fourth and between the seventh and eight notes and with whole steps between all
A major scale follows a strict pattern of whole step and half steps. Some times accidentals
like the sharp and flat are used to raise or lower a pitch of a note.
All major scales use the notes of the musical alphabet in order; no notes are skipped and
no notes occur twice. In the example above, the first four notes are C–D–E-F. The major
scale is the main scale on which most music are made. Most songs revolve around the
notes of one particular major scale. It is the scale that people are most familiar with Most
songs in the major scale communicate a happy and joyful mood.
All major scales are arranged exactly in the same way. They follow one particular pattern.
By knowing the intervals, you can easily arrange the major scale.

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