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Exercise 3. Indicate, by a, b, c, etc.

, to which of the following clause types the sentences below

a S V intens Cs
b S V intens A place
c S V intrans
d S V monotrans Od
e S V complex trans Od Co
f S V complex trans Od A place
g S V ditrans Oi Od

1. George’s father greeted the headmaster. D

2. The headmaster put George into the second class. F
3. That made Stanley angry. E
4. His annoyance did not last. G
5. He was really a lawyer. A
6. But he proved himself a great soldier. C
7. The manager is not in. B
8. May I offer you a cup of coffee? G
9. After the war, M. gave him back his saddle-bags. G
10. He threw himself from his horse. F
11. I remember the reasonableness of my father’s argument. D
12. The parson’s cat is an abominable animal. A
13. We are in a bit of a mess. B
14. I have always lived in the country. B
15. Could you call me a porter, please? G
16. Do you call yourself a porter? E
17. Finding peace and quiet has become very difficult. A
18. Every increase in knowledge augments our capacity for evil. D
19. The police laid the bodies by the side of the road. F
20. Travel nowadays is fraught with disillusion. A
21. You must keep calm. A
22. Keep out of sight. B
23. You can keep the change. D
24. Keep your hands off me. F
25. I can’t keep my hands warm. E
26. Keep me a seat, will you? G

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