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ACTIVITY: Anne Frank

1.) Comment on the way the diary entry was organized?

The diary was organized according to the events she experienced and witnessed in Holocaust. It was
also organized according from what she feels to the situation of Jewish people and what she thinks
about the German’s especially Hitler who killed many Jewish People. She started the diary with the date
and informing the reader to the upsetting news about the Jews. It is how Gestapo took them away and
how they treat them harshly and poorly. Anne Frank tell the other details she witnessed to situation of
the Jews and sadly escape is almost impossible. She’s also wandering why to what happened to those
who were taken away. They just assumed that they were murdered. Additionally, she really felt
ashamed because she is a German too.

2.) How is this diary entry the same or different from another piece of writing such as an
explanation essay?

The diary entry of Anne Frank is the same on the other piece of writing because it has a topic that
she wants to share. It is also conveying information, details, emotions and other just like the other
writings. On the other hand, it is different to other form of writing because the information she stated in
her writing is kind of unique because it is more detailed information about what happened in Holocaust
which Anne Frank witnessed. This helps people to be aware to the terrible situation happened to the
Jewish people in the hands of the Germans especially Hitler. Another if we would compare Anne Frank
Diary to other writings like Explanation for example. Explanation Essay is more like it is trying to explain
something to the reader. While, Anne Frank’s Diary is based on her experienced in Holocaust, it is like
sharing her thoughts and experience. In conclusion, every writing has its own uniqueness.

3.) Make a list of all the adjective and adverbs that you find in the diary entry.

Dismal – adjective Available – adjective

Depressing – adjective Same – adjective
Our – adjective Often – adverb
Many – adjective Impossible – adjective
Away – adverb Branded – adjective
Very – adjective Bad – adjective
Roughly – adverb Faraway – adjective
Big – adjective Uncivilized – adjective
Which – adjective Most – adjective
All – adjective Gassed – adjective
About – adverb Perhaps – adverb
There – adverb Quickest – adjective
Terrible – adjective Heartrending - adjective
Almost – adverb Actually - adverb
Only – adjective True - adjective
Several – adjective Great – adjective
Much – adjective
Less – adjective
4.) What does these words reveal about the emotional state of the writer?

These words reveal how miserable and bad she felt about the Jewish people being torture,
abused and killed. She is also scared because of the continues killing and slavery of the Gestapo
especially Hitler. The words also reveal

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