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A BSTRACT. Consider a smooth component of the moduli space of stable Higgs bundles on which
the Hitchin fibration is proper. We record in this note the following corollaries to existing results
on Floer theory and Fukaya categories. (1) Any any smooth Hitchin fiber determines a microsheaf
arXiv:2108.13571v1 [math.SG] 31 Aug 2021

on the global nilpotent cone. (2) Distinct fibers give rise to orthogonal microsheaves. (3) The
endomorphisms of the microsheaf is isomorphic to the cohomology of the Hitchin fiber.
Any sheaf on the moduli stack of bundles which is microsupported in the nilpotent cone restricts
(by definition) to a microsheaf on the locus of stable and nilpotent Higgs bundles. Conversely, such
microsheaves can be restricted to the moduli of stable bundles, and then extended to the stack of all
bundles. We expect (but do not prove) that our microsheaves should restrict from, and extend to, the
Hecke eigensheaves of the geometric Langlands programme.


Let us recall what Hecke eigensheaves are, and why one might hope to get them from fibers of
the Hitchin system. More detailed discussions can be found in e.g. [7, 32, 15]. This section is
purely motivational and logically unrelated to the results presented in the remainder of the article.
Let C be a smooth compact complex curve, G a reductive group, and BunG (C) the moduli of
G-bundles on C. We write [X] for a category of sheaves on X, whose precise nature is irrelevant
here. There are ‘Hecke operators’ Hµ : [BunG (C)] → [BunG (C) × C], given by convolution with
respect to a correspondence parameterizing pairs of bundles which are isomorphic away from a
single point c ∈ C, and whose difference at this point is controlled by a cocharacter µ of G.
The geometric Langlands conjecture asserts, in particular, the existence of certain F ∈ [BunG (C)]
which are ‘Hecke eigensheaves’ in the sense that Hµ (F ) = F  ρµ (χ), where χ is a G∨ local
system on C, and ρµ is the representation corresponding to the character µ of G∨ .
The Hecke action transforms microsupports (or characteristic cycles) by setwise convolution
with the conic Lagrangian ss(Hµ ) ⊂ T ∗ BunG (C) × T ∗ BunG (C) × T ∗ C; which is roughly the
conormal to the image of the Hecke correspondence. This conormal respects the fibers of Hitchin’s
integrable system h : T ∗ BunG (C) → B, in the sense that ss(Hµ ) ? h−1 (b) = h−1 (b) × C eµ . Here
Ceµ ⊂ T ∗ C is the spectral cover corresponding to the point b ∈ B and representation µ.
The above geometry suggests that any sufficiently functorial procedure relating Hitchin fibers
to sheaves on BunG (C) – and spectral curves to sheaves on C – may be expected to yield Hecke
eigensheaves. Quantization is one such procedure: the semiclassical limit of a quantum state on
M determines a Lagrangian submanifold of T ∗ M (see e.g. [6]). Taking M = BunG (C), and the
corresponding Lagrangians to be the Hitchin fibers, quantizing the Hitchin system may be expected
to yield Hecke eigensheaves, and indeed does [7]. Related approaches include [5, 14, 32, 9, 15].
This note explains how to use Floer theory to produce sheaves on BunG (C) from Hitchin fibers.


Given a symplectic manifold (W, ω), it is often possible to form an A∞ -category whose objects
are Lagrangian submanifolds of W , whose morphism spaces Hom(L, L0 ) are generated by inter-
section points of (appropriate perturbations of) L and L0 , and whose structure maps – differential,
composition, higher compositions – are defined by counting holomorphic curves with boundary
along the Lagrangians. Foundational references include [20, 41].
We restrict attention to symplectic manifolds equipped with a Liouville structure: a vector field
Z with Zω = ω, such that Z identifies the complement of a compact set in W with the positive
symplectization of a contact manifold. Note d(iZ ω) = ω, and W is noncompact. Of particular
interest is the ‘spine’ or ‘skeleton’ LW : the points which remain bounded under the flow of Z.
The prototypical example is a cotangent bundle T ∗ M ; the vector field Z is the radial dilation,
the compact subset mentioned above can be taken to be the co-disk bundle, and the locus LT ∗ M is
the zero section.
To any Liouville W is associated the ‘wrapped’ Fukaya category Fuk(W ), the objects of which
are exact Lagrangian submanifolds, which are Z-conic outside a compact set [2, 26]. The term
‘wrapped’ refers to the fact that trajectories at infinity are incorporated into the morphism spaces,
which are typically infinite dimensional when noncompact Lagrangians are involved. Assuming
W is equipped with certain topological data (always present in the situations of interest here), we
may work over any ring k, and the morphism spaces carry a Z-grading.
Example. Fuk(T ∗ S 1 ) is equivalent to the (unbounded derived) category of modules for k[t, t−1 ].
Example. More generally, Fuk(T ∗ M ) is equivalent to the (unbounded derived) category of locally
constant sheaves of k-modules on M [1].
When Z is the gradient flow of some Bott-Morse function, the Liouville structure is said to be
Weinstein. In this case LW is a finite union of locally closed isotropic submanifolds. The cotangent
bundle above is an example; the distance to the zero section gives the Bott-Morse function. Stein
complex manifolds (with the plurisubharmonic witness providing the Morse function) yield more
examples; in fact, all examples up to deformation [10].
There has been significant recent progress in understanding wrapped Fukaya categories of We-
instein manifolds [26, 25, 24]. The crucial fact for us is that the category Fuk(W ) is now known
to be equivalent to the category of microsheaves on LW [24].
Let us recall from [33, 42, 39] the construction and properties of the category of microsheaves.
Given a (complex of) sheaf F on a manifold M , the microsupport ss(F ) ⊂ T ∗ M is the locus of
directions along which sections of the sheaf fail to propagate. It is tautologically conical, and also
known to be co-isotropic. The notion of microsupport of sheaves is developed in [33].
Example. In case M is a complex manifold, and F is the sheaf of solutions to a regular holonomic
D-module, then ss(F ) agrees with the characteristic cycle of the D-module.
Let us write Sh(M ) for the (dg unbounded derived) category of sheaves on M , and ShK (M ) for
the full subcategory of sheaves with microsupport contained in a conic locus K ⊂ T ∗ M . There is
a sheaf of categories µsh on T ∗ M defined by sheafifying
µshpre (U ) = Sh(M )/ShT ∗ M \U (M )
The notion of microsupport descends to µsh, and for conic K ⊂ T ∗ M we write µshK for the
subsheaf of full subcategories on objects (micro)supported on K. It is natural to view µshK as a
sheaf on K.

In [42] it is observed that, by taking a high codimension embedding and thickening appropri-
ately, any set X equipped with the germ of a contact embedding can be equipped with a similar
sheaf of categories µshX . (One checks that the only dependence on the embedding is through
certain topological data identical to the choices necessary to define the Fukaya category.) This
construction can be applied to Liouville manifolds by considering the embedding in the contacti-
zation LW = LW × 0 ⊂ W × R and defining Sh(W ) := Γ(LW , µshLW ). In [39], this category
is studied in detail; in particular it is shown that (nonconic!) exact Lagrangians give objects of
Sh(W ), and that Sh(W ) is constant along deformations of Weinstein manifolds. Best of all:
Theorem 1. [24] For Weinstein W , there is an equivalence Ind(Fuk(W )) ∼ = Sh(W ).
We apply these ideas in a slightly more general setting. Recall that, a priori, structure maps for
Fukaya categories are defined by counting a holomorphic curve C by T Area(C) . This is because the
Gromov compactness theorem only promises compactness of the space of holomorphic disks of
area below some fixed bound; consequently Floer theory is defined over the Novikov field Λ:
X ∞ 
Λ := ci T |ci ∈ Q, λi ∈ R, λi → ∞
For exact Lagrangians in Liouville manifolds, holomorphic curve counts are finite (and orbifold
points of moduli can be avoided), and so one may set T = 1 and work over any ring. Typically
this is preferable, so works such as [41, 2, 26, 25, 24] are written at T = 1.
However the arguments of these works are certainly valid if one takes area weighted disk counts
and works over the Novikov field. We do so henceforth, so that we can (appealing to the general
foundational results of [20]) now consider also (compact) non-exact Lagrangians, assuming these
are either tautologically unobstructed (bound no holomorphic disk) or more generally have speci-
fied bounding cochain in the sense of [20]. Let us observe that by adding these objects, we have
not enlarged the category:
Proposition 2. Consider a Weinstein W , and a Fukaya category Fuk+ (W ) ⊃ Fuk(W ) whose
new objects are compact Lagrangians (perhaps nonexact and with bounding cochains). Then
Ind(Fuk+ (W )) ∼ = Ind(Fuk(W )).
P ∗
Proof. If A, B are vector spaces, and ai ⊗ bi ∈ A∗ ⊗ B defines a surjective map A → B,
then the bi must generate B. An analogous statement for categories: if A, B are presentable stable
categories and we have a surjective morphism A → B whose corresponding Aop − B bimodule
lies in the subcategory generated some a∗i ⊗ bi , then the bi must generate B. This is often used for
the diagonal bimodule, which corresponds to the identity functor.
The relevance here is that the diagonal bimodule for Fukaya categories is presented by the di-
agonal Lagrangian in the product — which in the case at hand, will already be exact, conic, and
expressible in terms of products of exact Lagrangians.
In more detail: there is a Künneth functor: Fuk(W ) ⊗ Fuk(W )op → Fuk(W × (−W )) [25].
The construction has some subtleties around conicity and product wrapping. But since anyway the
new Lagrangians in Fuk+ are compact, the same construction yields Fuk+ (W ) ⊗ Fuk+ (W )op →
Fuk+ (W × (−W )). By Fuk+ (W × (−W )) we mean that we add products of the Lagrangians
added to form Fuk+ (W ).
In particular, elements of Fuk+ (W ×(−W )) give rise to bimodules for Fuk+ (W )×Fuk+ (W )op ;
the diagonal Lagrangian gives the diagonal bimodule. The diagonal Lagrangian is conic and exact,
so the generation result of [25] expresses it as a finite complex on the (exact) cocores for the
Weinstein manifold W × (−W ), which are the products of cocores of W and of (−W ). 

Corollary 3. In the above setting, Ind(Fuk+ (W )) ∼

= Sh(W ). 
Note that the microsheaf category here is defined over the Novikov ring.


Let W be a manifold. We recall that a ‘hypercomplex’ structure on W is a group homomorphism
from the sphere of unit imaginary quaternions to Aut(T W ); we write I, J, K for the images of the
basis elements. A metric on a hypercomplex manifold is said to be hyperkähler if it is Kähler
for each complex structure separately. We denote the corresponding symplectic forms ωI , ωJ , ωK .
Note that ΩI := ωJ + iωK gives a holomorphic symplectic form in complex structure I, etcetera.
A submanifold which is holomorphic for all complex structures would be itself hyperkähler;
in particular, of dimension divisible by 4. Thus holomorphic curves cannot remain holomorphic
under perturbation of the complex structure within the unit quaternion family. A strong form of
this fact will play a crucial role for us here:
Theorem 4. [46] Let W be a complete hyperkähler manifold, and L1 , L2 , . . . , Ln ⊂ W any col-
lection of holomorphic Lagrangians for (I, ΩI ). Assume there is some compact set containing all
intersections between the Li .
Then for all but countably many complex structures lying in the circle J cos(θ) + K sin(θ) and
tamed by ωI , there are no holomorphic curves with boundary along the Li . In particular, each Li
is tautologically unobstructed in the sense of [20].
Moreover there is an A∞ equivalence HF(Li , Li ) ∼= H∗ (Li ); in particular, the LHS is formal.
The complex structure J is tamed by ωJ , hence so are all complex structures in a neighborhood
of J. As the Fukaya category is independent of the choice of tame complex structure, it follows
from the above result that the Li provide unobstructed objects of Fuk(W, ωJ ).
By a complex Liouville manifold, we mean a holomorphic symplectic manifold (W, I, Ω) carry-
ing an I-holomorphic C∗ action, which acts by a positive character on the line CΩ, such that for
any w ∈ W , the limit over z ∈ C∗ given by limz→0 zw always exists. In this case each of the real
symplectic manifolds (W, Re(eiθ Ω)) will be Liouville: the vector field being the generator of (an
appropriate power of) the R>0 ⊂ C∗ action.
If a complex Liouville manifold (W, I, Ω) has an underlying complete hyperkähler structure,
we will say it is hyperkähler Weinstein if the S 1 ⊂ C∗ action is Hamiltonian for ωI . In this case,
the corresponding moment map yields a Morse function showing that (W, Re(eiθ Ω)) is Weinstein.
Note that in defining ‘hyperkähler Weinstein’, we have distinguished complex structure I, and that,
unlike ωJ , ωK , the symplectic structure ωI will typically not be exact.
Theorem 5. Let W be a hyperkähler Weinstein manifold. We consider it as a real symplectic
manifold with respect to some ωθ = Re(eiθ Ω), for instance ωJ . Let L1 , . . . , Ln be any collection
of compact submanifolds, which are I-holomorphic and Ω-Lagrangian. Then Li define objects of
Fuk(W ), and there are corresponding microsheaves F1θ , . . . , Fnθ ∈ Sh(W ) and isomorphisms
HomFuk(W ) (Li , Lj ) ∼
= HomSh(W ) (Fiθ , Fjθ )
The same holds if we equip the Li with (Λ-valued) unitary local systems. So long as these local
systems are rank one, we have also an A∞ equivalence HomFuk(W ) (Li , Li ) ∼
= H∗ (Li ).
Proof. Follows immediately from Corollary 3 and Theorem 4. 

Theorem 5 is the main ‘result’ of this note. The basic advance over previous knowledge is
simply the observation that one can use [24] and [46] at the same time. In order to obtain the
results announced in the abstract it remains only to recall that in certain circumstances the moduli
of stable Higgs bundles is in fact hyperkähler Weinstein, and the fibers of the Hitchin fibration are
holomorphic Lagrangian. We do this in the next section.
Remark. The condition that W must be hyperkähler Weinstein is displeasingly strong. In particu-
lar, the cotangent bundle of a complex manifold is complex Liouville, but in general only carries
an (incomplete) hyperkähler metric in a neighborhood of the zero section [19, 31]. We expect that
nevertheless some version of Theorem 4, and hence Theorem 5, should be true in this context.
Specialized to the case of cotangent bundles of curves, such a result would imply the existence of a
Floer theoretic functor carrying local systems on spectral covers to local systems on the base. It is
natural to expect that the trees which calculate this functor in the flow-tree limit [17] are identical
with the ‘spectral networks’ of [21].
Remark. Other natural examples are (compatibly) Weinstein and complex symplectic, but not com-
plex Liouville, let alone hyperkähler Weinstein. The prototypical example is a neighborhood of
nodal elliptic curve in an elliptically fibered K3 surface; other natural examples include the spaces
studied in [13, 23, 4]. It is desirable to generalize Theorem 4 to this context as well.
Remark. The skeleton LW , and hence the category Sh(W ), is independent of θ. However, com-
paring to [21] suggests one should expect some nontrivial θ-dependence of the elements Fiθ .
Remark. Presumably, the ‘brane quantization’ picture of [28, 22] (applied to the problem of geo-
metric Langlands in [32]) would, if made rigorous, relate our constructions to geometric quantiza-
tion. Another point of view is provided by the ‘holomorphic Floer theory’ conjectures-in-progress
of Kontsevich and Soibelman [34]; my vague understanding of which is that one finds, in exam-
ples, an identification between the flow tree limit of Floer theory with Stokes rays associated to
corresponding D-modules. See [36] for another point of view on this conjectural correspondence.
We recall some standard facts about Higgs bundles. Our understanding is that these are variously
from [29, 16, 11, 30, 43, 44, 45, 18, 37, 27]; due to the incompetence of the author we will not
attempt to give precise attributions. The main purpose of this section is to survey what mathematics
goes into the well-known fact that the moduli of Higgs bundles is hyperkähler Weinstein and admits
a fibration by holomorphic Lagrangians.
Fix a smooth compact complex curve C of genus at least two, and a reductive algebraic group
G. We write BunG (C) for the moduli (stack) of G-bundles over C.1 The space BunGLn (C)
decomposes into connected components indexed by the degree of the bundle; more generally
BunG (C) has components indexed by analogous discrete invariants. For discrete invariant d, we
write BunG (C)d for the corresponding component.
By definition, a ‘Higgs field’ for a G-bundle E is a section of the bundle ad(E) ⊗ ωC . By defor-
mation theory and Serre duality, the tangent space at E is given by TE BunG (C) = H1 (C, ad(E)) =
H0 (C, ad(E) ⊗ ωC )∗ . This extends to an identification of the moduli (stack) of Higgs bundles
HiggsG (C) with T ∗ BunG (C).
To avoid having positive dimensional stabilizers at generic points, we follow [15] in removing the connected
component of the generic stabilizer in the sense of [3, Appendix A]. This has no effect when G is semisimple. We do
the same for moduli of Higgs bundles, moduli of local systems, etc.

A GLn -bundle E can be identified with a rank n vector bundle VE ; then the Higgs field gives
a map VE → VE ⊗ ωC . The fiberwise spectrum of this (twisted) endomorphism traces out the
‘spectral curve’ in T ∗ E, which is a degree n finite cover. The linear system of such covers is
a linear space B; assigning each Higgs bundle to its spectral curve gives the Hitchin fibration
h : HiggsGLn (C) → B. There is a similar construction for other groups, using the appropriate
invariant functions in place of the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial. The locus h−1 (0)
parameterizes nilpotent Higgs fields and so is termed the (global) nilpotent cone; it is nonreduced,
has many irreducible components which are generally singular, and is holomorphic Lagrangian.
Recall the ‘slope’ of a vector bundle is the degree divided by the rank; a vector bundle is
said to be ‘semi-stable’ if it has no sub-bundles with larger slope, and ‘stable’ if every nontriv-
ial sub-bundle has strictly smaller slope. There is an analogous notion for G-bundles. We write
BunsG (C) for the locus of stable bundles; it is an orbifold (smooth Deligne-Mumford stack). When
BunG (C)d contains no strictly semi-stable (semi-stable but not stable) bundles, BunsG (C)d is com-
pact. More generally, the locus of semi-stable bundles has a compact coarse moduli space.
Similarly, a GLn Higgs bundle is said to be semistable if it has no sub-Higgs-bundles whose
underlying VE has larger slope, and stable if all nontrivial sub-Higgs-bundles have an underlying
vector bundle with strictly smaller slope. There is an analogous notion for G-Higgs bundles. The
stable locus HiggssG (C) is an orbifold. When HiggsG (C)d contains no strictly semistables, the
restriction of the Hitchin fibration h : HiggssG (C) → B is proper. More generally, the Hitchin
fibration induces a proper map on the coarse moduli space of the semistable locus.
There are inclusions T ∗ BunsG (C) ⊂ HiggssG (C) ⊂ T ∗ BunG (C). The restriction of the natural
holomorphic symplectic form on T ∗ BunG (C) gives HiggssG (C) the structure of a complex sym-
plectic orbifold. The Hitchin fibration is a complex completely integrable system; in particular the
fibers are holomorphic Lagrangian, and tori when smooth and compact. On components with no
semistables, the restriction of the dilation on cotangent fibers gives HiggssG (C) the structure of a
complex Liouville orbifold. The corresponding skeleton is the locus of stable Higgs bundles in the
global nilpotent cone; we denote it by NGs (C).
We write LocG (C) for the moduli of G-bundles on C with flat connection, and Locirr G (C)
for irreducible G-bundles. ‘Nonabelian Hodge theory’ gives a diffeomorphism LocG (C) ∼ irr
HiggssG (C). Both sides carry complex structures, but the diffeomorphism is not holomorphic.
The two sides provide complex structures usually which generate a hypercomplex structure. We
write J for the complex structure coming from the moduli of local systems, and I for the complex
structure from the Higgs moduli. There is a compatible hyperkähler metric, complete on com-
ponents with no semistables. The circle action (from cotangent fiber dilation) on Higgs bundles
is Hamiltonian, so such components carry a hyperkähler Weinstein structure. The corresponding
Morse function is the L2 norm of the Higgs field.
We now restrict attention to groups G with connected center (e.g. GLn or PGLn but not SLn ) in
order to avoid orbifold points. (To do better, develop the Lagrangian Floer theory for symplectic
orbifolds and provide analogues of [26, 25, 24].) From the above discussion, we extract:
Fact 6. Fix a curve C of genus at least two, a reductive group G with connected center, and a
choice of discrete datum d such that HiggsG (C)d contains no strictly semistable Higgs bundles.
(For instance, G = GLn and the degree d coprime to n.) Then the smooth manifold HiggssG (C)d
carries a hyperkähler Weinstein structure with skeleton the stable part NGs (C)d of the correspond-
ing component of the global nilpotent cone.
Additionally, the smooth fibers of the Hitchin fibration h : HiggsG (C)d → B are holomorphic
in complex structure I, and Lagrangian for Ω = ωJ + iωK .

Fact 6 justifies applying Theorem 5 to deduce the results advertised in the abstract:
Corollary 7. In the situation of Fact 6, fix an angle θ and real symplectic form ωθ = Re(eiθ Ω).
Fix any collection of smooth Hitchin fibers Li := h−1 (bi ) for distinct bi ∈ B. Then there are
corresponding microsheaves Fiθ ∈ Sh(HiggsG (C)d ) := Γ(NGs (C)d , µsh) and isomorphisms
HomFuk(Higgs (C) ,ω ) (Li , Lj ) ∼
G d θ = HomSh(Higgs (C) ) (F θ , F θ )
G d i j
For i 6= j, both sides vanish. For i = j, both sides are formal and agree with the cohomology of
the torus Li . The same result holds if we equip the Li with U1 (Λ) local systems. 
Remark. Restriction of microsheaves gives functors
ShNG (C)d (BunG (C)d ) Sh(HiggsG (C)d ) ShNGs (C)d ∩T ∗ BunsG (C)d (BunsG (C)d )

Γ(NG (C)d , µsh) Γ(NGs (C)d , µsh) Γ(NGs (C)d ∩ T ∗ BunsG (C)d , µsh)
In particular, our F θ restrict to locally constant sheaves on the locus of bundles which admit no
non-zero nilpotent Higgs field (since these meet no other components of the nilpotent cone, hence
the microsupport condition above is just the zero section).
One can see these locally constant sheaves are nonzero as follows. The cotangent fiber T at such
a point is a conical holomorphic Lagrangian disk, whose counterpart sheaf represents the stalk
functor [24]. That is, Hom(T, Li ) is the stalk of Fiθ . On the other hand, the Euler characteristic
of Hom(T, Li ) is the geometric intersection number of T and Li , hence positive (and presumably
known to experts).
For a generic choice of cotangent fiber, the intersection is transverse. For the natural choices of
Maslov data, all intersection points have index zero (as always for holomorphic Lagrangians). We
conclude that the local system, a priori of complexes, is in fact concentrated in degree zero.
If desired, one can push forward this local system to a sheaf on BunG (C)d .
Remark. In light of the previous observation, it may be natural to ask: why not simply work to
begin with in the cotangent to stable bundles, T ∗ BunsG (C)d ? One reason is that then the Lagrangian
Li ∩ (T ∗ BunsG (C)d ) is nonexact, noncompact, and does not have conical asymptotics, so we would
need new (or perhaps older [40]) techniques to treat it.
Remark. The category ShNG (C) (BunG (C)) above appears as one side of the ‘Betti’ version of the
geometric Langlands correspondence [8], and our results are perhaps most naturally viewed in
that context. But since the locally constant sheaves above have finite rank, we may trade them by
Riemann-Hilbert for D-modules, and work in the usual geometric Langlands setup. (The endo-
morphisms of Li or Fiθ conjecturally correspond to the endomorphism algebra of the skyscraper
at a smooth point on the spectral side, hence only concern the formal completion at such a point,
whereupon the difference between de Rham and Betti moduli becomes irrelevant.)
Remark. The map ShNG (C)d (BunG (C)d ) → Sh(HiggsG (C)d ) is the quotient by the (objects corep-
resenting) microstalks at smooth points of NG (C)d \ NGs (C)d , i.e. the unstable part of the nilpotent
cone. What is the corresponding quotient on the spectral side of Betti geometric Langlands?
Let us comment on a few difficulties to be overcome to bring our microsheaves into some precise
relation with objects of interest to Langlands geometers.

One problem is that we are forced to work over the Novikov field Λ, while the sheaves of true
interest live over C. As usual in mirror symmetry [35], one should either prove convergence of
holomorphic disk counts, or formulate some version of the geometric Langlands correspondence
appropriate to the nonarchimedean coefficients Λ.
Another difficulty is that the Hecke correspondence involves T ∗ C, which is not quite hyperkähler.
We will need a version of Theorem 4 appropriate to this setup; as we have seen in the remarks con-
cluding Section 3, this is also desirable for other reasons.
In order to work in a context where Floer theory is well defined, we restrict to the stable locus
and assume there are no corresponding semistables. This introduces more difficulties. In partic-
ular, the locus of stable Higgs bundles is not preserved by the Hecke correspondences. One can
microlocalize and restrict the Hecke correspondences to the stable locus, but it is not clear how
the resulting algebra action is related to the original. Additionally, the discrete data d – which we
fixed to avoid strictly semistable Higgs bundles – is not preserved by the Hecke correspondences.
One could restrict to the part of the Hecke algebra which preserves d, but would have to provide
geometric representatives for generators of this algebra.
More ambitiously, one could try and work with or around the symplectic singularities; see [38,
12] for some ideas in this direction in a similar setting.
Other difficulties arise because Floer theory is, at present, only defined for smooth Lagrangians.
In particular, without further constructions, we are restricted to studying smooth Hitchin fibers,
and, to check the Hecke eigen-ness Floer theoretically, we would need to provide smooth rep-
resentatives for Hecke algebra elements. We hope that further developments around Lagrangian
skeleta may help in this regard.
Acknowledgements. This note began life as an email to David Nadler, in the context of an ongo-
ing discussion of how to rigorously connect homological mirror symmetry with (Betti) geometric
Langlands. I also thank Ron Donagi and Tony Pantev for helpful conversations.
My work is partially supported by a Villum Investigator grant, a Danish National Research
Foundation chair, a Novo Nordisk start package, and NSF CAREER DMS-1654545.

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