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Eastern Journal of Medicine 17 (2012) 40-45

Case Report

Meningococcal disease: a case report and discussion of

clinical presentation and management

PK Sethia, R Thukral a, NK Sethib,* , J Torgovnick c, E Arsurad , A Wasterlainb

Department of Neurology, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi (India)
Department of Neurology, NYP-Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York (USA)
Department of Neurology, Saint Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Centers, New York (USA)
Department of Medicine, Saint Vincent’s Hospital and Medical Centers, New York (USA)

Abstract. Meningococcal disease caused by the gram negative diplococcus Neisseria meningitidis is a relatively
common infectious disease in developing countries of Asia and Africa. Infection usually starts with a non-specific
prodrome of fever, vomiting, malaise and lethargy followed by signs of septicemia and shock (tachycardia,
tachypnea, cyanosis, oliguria, hypotension) and/or meningitis (stiff neck, headache, photophobia and impaired
sensorium). Characteristic meningococcal rash may not appear early in the disease course, potentially delaying the
diagnosis and institution of appropriate antibiotic therapy in the patient and isolation and chemoprophylaxis in
close contacts. We present here a patient who presented with meningococcal shock associated with characteristic
skin lesions of meningococcemia and discuss the clinical presentation and management. The importance of early
identification of the characteristic skin lesions of meningococcemia and timely institution of appropriate antibiotic
therapy is emphasized.
Key words: Meningitis, meningococcal meningitis, meningococcal septicemia, meningococcal shock syndrome

nuchal rigidity and the patient exhibited a clear

1. Case report sensorium. Laboratory investigations revealed a
A 28-year-old immunocompetent male total leukocyte count of 21000/mm and a platelet
presented to the emergency room with complaint 3
count of 12000/mm which decreased to
of high grade fever for two days and rash over the 3
extremities for the past one day. The rash was 7000/mm . Lumbar puncture was deferred, taking
widespread covering all four limbs, purpuric and the low platelet count and the initial absence of
associated with ecchymoses (Fig 1 and 2). The meningeal signs into consideration. Biopsy of
patient did not complain of headache or skin lesions revealed gram negative diplococci
photophobia. There was no clinical evidence of consistent with N meningitidis.
The patient was initially treated with
vancomycin (1 gram intravenously every 12
Correspondence: Nitin K. Sethi, MD hourly) and ceftriaxone (1 gram intravenously
Department of Neurology every 12 hourly). Once N meningitidis had been
New York-Presbyterian Hospital definitively identified vancomycin was stopped
Weill Cornell Medical Center and ceftriaxone was continued. The patient
525 East, 68th Street
became hemodynamically unstable (systolic
New York, NY 10021 (U.S.A.)
blood pressure of 80 mm Hg and heart rate of
Tel: 212-746-2346 140/min) so hydrocortisone 100 mg thrice daily
Fax: 212-746-8845 was administered which was subsequently tapered
Received: 16.09.2010 off with complete resolution of septicemia and
Accepted: 07.02.2011 skin lesions.

P.K. Sethi et al / Meningococcal disease

Fig. 1. and 2. Widespread purpuric and ecchymotic rash covering all four limbs.

meningococcal disease. For example,

2. Discussion plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1)
polymorphisms may predict the severity of MD.
2. 1. Pathophysiology and risk factors
Four conditions must be satisfied in order for
Meningococcal disease (MD) caused by the
invasive disease to occur: (i) exposure to
gram negative diplococcus N meningitidis is
pathogenic bacteria, (ii) colonization of naso-
associated with high morbidity and mortality. It
pharyngeal mucosa, (iii) passage of the bacteria
primarily affects children and young adults in
through the mucosa, and (iv) infection of the
developing countries of Asia and Africa (1,2).
bacteria in the bloodstream (9). Characteristics of
Infection is acquired through close contact with
the bacterium, the environment of the patient,
airborne droplets of infected nasopharyngeal
history of infection, and the strength of the
secretions. MD has two main clinical
patient's immune system contribute to whether
presentations: meningitis and septicemia which
invasive MD will develop.
may occur together in about 40% of cases. While
meningococcal meningitis has high morbidity and 2. 2. Diagnosis
mortality, meningococcal septicemia is far more Meningococcus can be detected by Gram stain
likely to kill with case fatality rates reaching as of a skin biopsy specimen, blood culture or
high as 50% if the patient is already in shock by cerebrospinal fluid culture (6). Prior antibiotic
the time he or she reaches medical care. use can make it difficult to recover bacteria from
Individual susceptibility to MD varies. Household blood, producing a false negative result; by
contacts of infected individuals are 300-1000 contrast, skin biopsy tests are unaffected by
times more likely to acquire MD than those in the previous antibiotic therapy. Other diagnostic
general population. Patients who are methods that are not impacted by prior antibiotic
immunocompromised (HIV positive patients, use are meningococcal antigen detection and
alcoholics, elderly, asplenic state, people with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of
complement deficiency) are more vulnerable to meningococcal DNA. While skin biopsy, antigen
fulminant MD (3-5). The complement system detection and PCR amplification provide a more
provides a particularly important defense against reliable diagnosis, blood cultures are most
meningococcus. Complement deficiency commonly used because they are relatively easy
increases the risk of acquiring MD approximately to obtain even in countries with limited resources.
10,000-fold; conversely, MD accounts for 75% to 2. 3. Symptoms and signs
85% of infections in complement deficient MD begins with a nonspecific prodrome of
patients. MD is most commonly associated with fever, lethargy, drowsiness, nausea and vomiting.
deficiency of the terminal components of the In the pediatric age group this prodrome may
complement pathway (C5-C9). Interestingly, for consist of irritability and poor feeding (7). Hence
reasons still unclear, despite the increased risk of early on in the disease course it is difficult to
acquiring MD, probability of death is 5 to 10 distinguish it from other common bacterial and
times lower in complement-deficient patients. viral febrile illnesses. Rash is the most common
Genetic polymorphism of molecules such as reason that patients with MD seek medical help.
mannose binding lectin increases susceptibility to The purpuric ecchymotic rash is characteristic

Eastern Journal of Medicine 17 (2012) 40-45

Case Report
though it may not be noticeable until 12-24 hours protein C and/or cytokine serum concentrations,
after disease onset. In its earliest stages the rash the absence of leukocytosis, and the presence of
may be blanching and maculopapular later thrombocytopenia and disseminated intravascular
developing into a non-blanching red or brown coagulation (DIC).
petechial rash. Initially it may present with 2. 5. Complications
isolated pin-prick spots and hence may be missed Coagulopathy is a complication of
unless a diligent whole skin examination in good meningitis and other infectious diseases, and is
lighting is carried out. In dark skinned people it mostly multi-factorial. The coagulopathy
may be visible in paler areas such as soles of feet, associated with meningococcal septicemia is
palms of hand, conjunctivae, skin of abdomen characterized by marked inflammatory cell
and palate. The meningococcal rash may spread activation, disseminated intravascular
rapidly; lesions may coalesce to form large coagulation, and vascular compromise. In
ecchymotic lesions which may then get comparison to other forms of septic shock, the
secondarily infected (8). The rash may continue coagulopathy and microvascular thromboses that
to evolve and become more prominent even develop in this type of sepsis are severe with
though the patient may start showing clinical thrombosis of the large vessels and infarction of
improvement while being treated with antibiotics. the digits and limbs.
As most patients with meningococcal disease Meningococcal endotoxin produces a severe
develop a rash it is one of the clearest and most proinflammatory response and cytokines
important signs to recognize. The rash may be stimulate the release of tissue factors, leading to
very scanty or even absent in meningitis. A non- the formation of thrombin and fibrin clots.
blanching petechial rash in a febrile patient Imbalance between coagulation and fibrinolytic
should raise the suspicion for MD as other signs systems leads to microvascular thrombosis, which
may be subtle even in a patient with advanced in turn may lead to hypoperfusion, shock,
disease. If early antibiotic therapy is not disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and
instituted, circulatory and vasomotor collapse multi-organ failure. Waterhouse-Friderichsen
ensues with signs of hypoperfusion (collapsed Syndrome (WFS), is a condition characterized by
peripheral veins cause cold hands and feet), abrupt onset of fever, purpuric rash, weakness
hypotension, tachycardia, tachypnea, arthralgias and myalgias leading to hemorrhagic necrosis of
and oliguria. During the early stages of shock, the adrenal gland. WFS is most commonly
tachycardia may be the sole sign. By the time associated with meningococcal septicemia, but
hypotension develops, hemodynamic reserve is may also occur with sepsis caused by other
precariously low. Decreased level of bacterial infections. Children and patients with a
consciousness is a late clinical sign. Concomitant prior history of splenectomy are particularly
meningitis presents clinically with headache, susceptible to WFS.
depressed sensorium, stiff neck and photophobia
(neck stiffness and photophobia may be absent in 2. 6. Management
young children). Infants with meningococcal Early aggressive fluid resuscitation and
meningitis are irritable with a high pitched cry, appropriate antibiotic therapy form the
mottled skin and bulging fontanelle. cornerstones of management of meningococcal
shock syndrome.
2. 4. Indicators of septic shock
As per the British Infection Society guidelines 2. 7. Fluid resuscitation
signs which may warn health care providers of Fluid resuscitation should be initiated at the
impending shock, respiratory failure or signs of first sign of shock (i.e. at the stage of
increased intracranial pressure include rapidly tachycardia) with the aim of reestablishing
progressive rash, poor peripheral perfusion physiological parameters (heart rate, blood
(capillary refill time >4 seconds, oliguria and pressure, urine output and capillary refill time).
systolic BP <90), respiratory rate <8 or >30, Ideal resuscitation fluid is normal saline.
pulse rate <40 or >140, acidosis (pH <7.3), WBC Controversy exists on the use of colloids
(albumin). The aim should be to correct the fluid
count <4000/mm3 , GCS <12, focal neurological deficit rapidly. Vasoactive agents such as
examination, persistent seizures and dopamine and dobutamine are used if there is
papilloedema. Poor prognostic indicators for evidence of myocardial depression despite
patients with meningococcal septicemia include adequate fluid loading. Epinephrine or
extreme youth and old age, rapid onset of disease, norepinephrine is started if the patient has
the absence of meningitis, extensive skin lesions, ongoing hypotension or evidence of progressive
shock, hypotension, metabolic acidosis, elevated organ dysfunction despite sufficient fluid and

P.K. Sethi et al / Meningococcal disease

dopamine or dobutamine, depending on whether are to use third generation cephalosporins

the hemodynamic pattern is most consistent with (Ceftriaxone or Cefotaxime), a class of beta-
poor myocardial contractility (epinephrine) or lactam antibiotics that are particularly potent
distributive shock (norepinephrine). Arginine against gram-negative bacteria and able to
vasopressin (0.001 units/kg/min), low-dose penetrate the CNS. Drug doses for septicemia and
hydrocortisone (1 mg/kg 8 hourly), and calcium meningitis vary (1 g intravenously twice daily of
infusions (0.2 ml/kg/day) can be considered in Ceftriaxone for septicemia while anti-meningitic
cases of refractory hypotension. A further dose is 2 g intravenously twice daily). Penicillin
subgroup of these critically ill patients develop is the drug of choice if third generation
progressive hypotension with or without organ cephalosporins are unavailable, and
dysfunction associated with dilated, poorly chloramphenicol may be used in patients with a
functioning ventricles on echocardiography, history of anaphylaxis to both cephalosporins and
increasing serum lactate, or decreasing central penicillin.
venous oxygen saturation and may require 2. 9. Role of steroids in meningococcal meningitis
extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Steroids are sometimes used in conjunction
Patients frequently require venoarterial ECMO with antibiotics for the treatment of MD, as
using the highest flows (150 to 300 mL/kg/min) steroids facilitate the transport of antibiotic
achievable to maintain adequate peripheral molecules across the blood-brain barrier. The
perfusion. ECMO flow rates need to be adjusted European Dexamethasone in Adulthood Bacterial
to achieve maximal systemic perfusion at age- Meningitis Study found dexamethasone to be
appropriate perfusion pressures. The associated most beneficial in patients with pneumococcal
maldistribution of tissue perfusion requires meningitis with a reduction in the risks of both
increased flows to adequately perfuse tissue and unfavorable outcome and death. It did not have a
avoid hypoxic ischaemia. Studies have shown beneficial effect on neurologic sequel, including
that persistent shock has an adverse effect on hearing loss. The small number of patients with
survival in a time-dependent manner (10). meningococcal meningitis prevented detection of
Delayed treatment leads to increased mortality a beneficial effect though the authors
and on the other hand there is 94% rate of recommended dexamathasone treatment for all
survival if shock is reversed within 75 minutes of patients with acute bacterial meningitis. Hence
presentation. Shock and DIC are interrelated, and paucity of data precludes a recommendation that
reinforce each other. As such, anti-shock therapy dexamethasone be administered routinely in
is an effective treatment for DIC, and usually adults with meningococcal meningitis. The
reverses clotting abnormalities. Treatment with duration and timing of dexamethasone therapy is
fresh frozen plasma may be warranted if clotting important. Though data suggests that two-day and
parameters are severely deranged and there is four-day regimens are equally effective, the
evidence of bleeding. Heparin may be used as an authors recommended 10 mg every six hours for
alternative treatment, but has not yet shown a net four days initiated before or with the first dose of
reduction in mortality from DIC; at present there antibiotics. Importantly, this treatment did not
is no evidence for routine use of activated protein increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
C in severe meningococcal sepsis.
2. 10. Role of steroids in septic shock
2. 8. Antibiotic therapy The use of steroids in septic shock has been
Mortality from MD is reduced by early investigated in the past. While the use of high
appropriate antibiotic therapy. In the past, dose steroids (30 mg/kg of methylprednisolone or
meningococcal infections were usually treated equivalent) for a short period has not been proven
with penicillin, ampicillin, or a combination of to improve outcomes, use of low dose steroids
penicillin and chloramphenicol. Isolates of N (200-300mg of hydrocortisone, 2-5 mg/kg/day in
meningitidis with increased levels of resistance to children) as replacement therapy has shown
penicillin have been reported in the last few years promising results with reduction in the duration
from different countries. Resistance is due in part of inotropic requirement and 28-day
to development of altered forms of the penicillin- mortality. Meningococcal septic shock presents
binding protein (PBP 2), and in some isolates to with an early massive inflammatory response.
the production of beta lactamase. Minimum While absolute adrenal failure due to adrenal
inhibitory concentrations (MICs) for penicillin- hemorrhage is rare, partial adrenal insufficiency
intermediate isolates (0.12 to 1 μg/ml) are 2 to 20 is quite common, thus current recommendations
fold higher than those for the susceptible ones are to use hydrocortisone in patients with septic
(≤0.06 μg/ml). Hence, current recommendations shock requiring catecholamines for blood

Eastern Journal of Medicine 17 (2012) 40-45

Case Report
pressure support and with laboratory evidence of through collaboration between the Meningitis
adrenal insufficiency (12-14). Vaccine Project (WHO) and the Serum Institute
2. 11. Treatment of hyperglycemia of India. Clinical trials are ongoing and shall
Hyperglycemia may increase mortality in these determine whether the vaccine provides long-
critically ill patients with recent studies showing lasting protection in infants (17).
that the intensity and duration of hyperglycemia 3. 2. Chemoprophylaxis
is associated with outcomes. The use of insulin to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
treat hyperglycemia improved outcomes in recommends chemoprophylaxis for intimate and
children, but data has been less conclusive in the household contacts of a patient with MD with
adult population. At present the use of insulin to rifampicin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, or
treat hyperglycemia and normalize blood glucose ceftriaxone (for pregnant women). The purpose of
levels should be made on a case by case basis chemoprophylaxis is to eliminate carriage in the
until more definitive information is obtained from contact group; it does not prevent illness in those
future studies (11). already infected, so contacts should continue to
be alert to the symptoms of MD and seek medical
3. Prevention attention at the earliest sign of infection.
Sulfonamides should only be used if there is
3. 1. Vaccination
known susceptibility.
Vaccination is the most effective preventative
measure against MD. Serogroups B, C, and Y are 4. Conclusion
the major causes of meningococcal disease in the
United States, each being responsible for MD is an important infectious cause of morbidity
approximately one third of cases. In the United and mortality in the developing world. The
States a tetravalent polysaccharide-protein disease has two main clinical presentations:
conjugate vaccine ((MCV4) Menactra TM, meningitis and septicemia which may occur
manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur, Inc, Swiftwater, together in about 40% of cases. MD can spread
Pennsylvania) effective against serogroups A, C, rapidly and a high index of suspicion is needed to
W-135 and Y is currently available, and licensed diagnose it in its initial stage as the characteristic
for use among persons aged 11-55 years (15). purpuric skin lesions may not be apparent until
CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization 12-24 hours after disease onset. Early and
Practices (ACIP) recommends routine vaccination aggressive fluid resuscitation and timely
of young adolescents with MCV4 at the appropriate antibiotic therapy improves the
preadolescent health-care visit (at age 11-12 outcome in meningococcal shock syndrome.
years). Outbreaks of serogroup B meningococci Chemoprophylaxis with either rifampicin,
(NMB) have been reported worldwide and it is ciprofloxacin or for pregnant contacts,
now the predominant disease causing isolate in ceftriaxone is recommended for intimate and
industrialized countries. Because group B household contacts of a patient with MD.
polysaccharide mimics the neural cell adhesion
molecule, a vaccine against group B would risk
inducing autoimmunity; moreover, the antibody
response to the group B capsular polysaccharide References
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