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Cite This: Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 23106−23113

Stable Graphene Oxide Cross-Linked Membranes for Organic

Solvent Nanofiltration
Dinesh K. Mahalingam, Shaofei Wang, and Suzana P. Nunes*
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division
(BESE), Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Center, Thuwal 23955-6900, Saudi Arabia
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Graphene oxide (GO) membranes are well-

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known materials for water purification, owing to their unique

molecular transport and sieving properties. However, one of
the factors that limits their use in aqueous and organic
solutions for applications in industries and water treatment
Downloaded via MACQUARIE UNIV on July 13, 2020 at 23:36:03 (UTC).

plants is their tendency to swell, forming an enlarged

interlayer spacing that disintegrates its structure. Here we
report stable ethylenediamine-cross-linked GO membranes,
which can efficiently permeate water and organic solvents and
filter organic solutions containing molecular dyes. The
prepared membranes with a 150 nm thickness demonstrated
high permeance for water and organic solvents and exhibited a
rejection >95% for small organic dyes dissolved in methanol. A dead-end filtration device was used to estimate the performance
of the membranes, confirming pure water permeance of 14 L m−2 h−1 bar−1. The acetone permeance was 30 L m−2 h−1 bar−1,
and the N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone permeance was 5 L m−2 h−1 bar−1. At the same time, the cross linker prevented the disruption
of the sheets. The combination of stability, high performance, and simplicity of fabrication make these membranes advantageous
for potential application in aqueous and non-aqueous industrial separations.

Chemical and petrochemical industries have a massive demand
avoiding brittleness is also a challenge.3 Since more than a
decade ago, 1D carbon nanotubes have been under
for liquid separations. Solvent-resistant nanofiltration (NF) consideration for membrane applications, with the expectation
membranes, which are stable in aqueous and organic media of permeating water extremely fast with nanosized transport
and able to withstand harsh conditions with superior channels. However, vertically aligning the tubes is a
permeability characteristics, could be highly advantageous in complicated, expensive, and tedious process, which is far
these separation processes. The energy consumption of from a practical application.4 As an alternative, free-standing
conventional separation and purification processes is high, hard and thin diamond-like carbon nanosheets were reported
and membrane technology could reduce it.1 For separating as membranes to permeate organic solvents.3
products from their residual reactants, catalysts, and by- In addition to 1D carbon nanotubes, 2D graphene or
products, better membranes are required. A primary challenge graphene oxide (GO)-based membranes are expected to
in developing membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration promote high water fluxes with selectivity in the nanofiltration
(OSN) is their tendency in organic solvents toward swelling range.5−10 The competition with well-established thin-film
and leaching. There is a lack of multipurpose, molecular polyamide membranes is challenging after decades of cost,
selective membranes in this field. Synthesizing stable scalability, and performance optimization. However, their
membranes with ideal nanostructure combined with molecular
application in non-aqueous medium might be more advanta-
sieving abilities is crucial for industrial applications. Some of
geous, since the graphene layer can add chemical and
the advanced polymeric nanofiltration membranes offer
excellent selectivity and reasonable scalability of the prepara- mechanical stability and NF selectivity while still keeping a
tion process, but they often struggle with weak chemical high flux. In this way, the membranes can perform under
resistance, when used in non-aqueous solvents, and membrane harsher conditions with high performance. GO membranes
fouling, when used for water treatment.2 Furthermore, they decorated by oxygen groups offer novel and tunable properties
might suffer from flux decline due to aging or compaction. On
the other hand, inorganic ceramic membranes mostly possess Received: September 16, 2019
excellent thermal and chemical stability; they do not compact Revised: October 23, 2019
under pressure and do not swell in organic solvents. However, Accepted: October 31, 2019
inorganic ceramic membrane manufacturing is costly, and Published: October 31, 2019

© 2019 American Chemical Society 23106 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05169

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 23106−23113
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

with their unique two-dimensional and monatomic thick the nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Potassium
structure. permanganate (KMnO4) was acquired from Fisher Scientific.
Pristine GO sheets are held together by the combination of Porous nylon membranes NY66 (pore size = 0.22 μm and
van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding, with an interlayer diameter = 47 mm) were provided by GVS Filtration Inc.
spacing ranging from 0.6 to 1.2 nm, which can transport Synthesis of GO. The synthesis of GO was adapted from
molecules, ions, gases, and fluids.11,12 However, the swelling of previously reported methods.46,47 In a typical process, 2 g of
GO sheets in aqueous solutions enlarges the interlayer d- dry graphite flakes and 200 mL of concentrated sulfuric acid
spacing, leading to a significant expansion of the nano- were mixed in a reaction vessel for 3 h. Afterward, 200 mL of
channels.13 As a result, a permeation increase in applications concentrated nitric acid was slowly added and stirred for 24 h.
such as gas separation,14 pervaporation,15,16 and ultra-17 and The resultant intercalated graphite was thoroughly washed
nanofiltration is frequently observed.18 The d-spacing of pure with water, centrifuged, and dried at 60 °C. The graphite
GO laminates is estimated as ∼0.8 nm, whereas the reduced expansion was carried out at 1050 °C for 15 s. About 200 mL
GO laminates have a value of ∼0.35 nm.11,19 of sulfuric acid was added to 1 g of expanded graphite and
Ironically, GO membranes suffer from poor structural stirred, followed by the addition of 10 g of KMnO4. The
stability in aqueous environments and are unstable after reaction vessel was then transferred to an ice bath and stirred
some time. Membranes become negatively charged when for 24 h until complete oxidation was achieved. After an
hydrated and eventually disintegrate due to electrostatic incubation time of 24 h, 200 mL of deionized water and 50 mL
repulsion.20 The reaction of GO with water results in C−C of H2O2 were added to the vessel, which resulted in a change
bond cleavage forming vinylogous carboxylic acids.21 The in solution color to yellowish-brown. Later, the mixture was
disintegration makes pristine GO membranes useless for water- washed with a 9:1 ratio of water:HCl (V/V), followed by
based applications. Out of many possible methods, cross- washing with deionized water until the pH of the mixture
linking GO with other molecules can be an effective strategy in changed to 5. Finally, the GO suspension was shed and diluted
ensuring the integrity of GO membranes in water and non- by gently shaking the mixture.
aqueous solvents.22−26 For instance, cross-linking GO films Synthesis of Diamine-GO Suspension. The synthesis
with multivalent cationic metal contaminants during the GO process was based on two previously reported methods.43,48 In
synthesis renders significant water stability and higher stiffness. a typical procedure, the exfoliated GO suspension was further
Cross-linking GO sheets with amines has been reported to diluted to reach the GO concentration of 400 ppm.
increase stability, leading to highly charged GO framework Ethylenediamine (EDA) was added to the GO suspension to
membranes useful for heavy metal removal via nanofiltration.27 prepare a 0.1 M solution of the monomer. This mixture was
In another recent experiment, stable reduced GO membranes heated at 75 °C for 6 h in a sealed glass vessel, followed by
were fabricated using theanine amino acid and tannic acid as a cooling.
reducing agent and cross linker.28 Other cross linkers based on Fabrication of EDA-GO Membranes. EDA-GO mem-
diisocyanate, aliphatic terminal diamines, cross-linked poly- branes were fabricated by a vacuum filtration method, as
imides, triethylenetetramine, cation intercalation, urea, thiour- depicted in Scheme S1. The stock was diluted to form a 0.01
ea, peptides, and functionalization with zwitterionic and tannic mg/mL EDA-GO dispersion by adding Milli-Q water. Then,
acid have been used to modify GO, mainly for water-related 20 mL of the 0.01 mg/mL dispersion was typically filtered on a
applications.24,26,29−41 Our group recently tailored the microfiltration porous nylon membrane. The obtained EDA-
structure of nanochannels by mimicking the hourglass shape GO membranes were further heat treated in an oven at 80 °C.
of biological molecules by introducing silicon dioxide nano- The resulting membranes were soaked in methanol for 12 h to
particles as spacers between layers.42 This structure combined remove the unwanted diamine monomers. Additionally, the
high solvent permeance with high selectivity. membranes were heat treated in a vacuum oven at 100 °C for
The most significant difficulty with graphene membranes is over 24 h. It is sufficient for the ring-opening reaction to occur
how to keep a small channel size while maintaining structural at this temperature to allow unreacted epoxides to react with
integrity at a low cost. Diamines are found to be one of the GO sheets.43 Additionally, high temperatures can assist in
best cross linkers as they can covalently bind to graphene partial reduction, creating the necessary pressure within
oxide, creating stable GO membranes. GO membranes were stacked layers.49 The membranes obtained here were then
earlier reported with various d-spacing using different diamine characterized.
monomers.36,43−45 To our knowledge, GO membranes cross- Morphological and Spectroscopic Characterization
linked with diamines were not explored for solvent-resistant of GO and EDA-GO Membranes. Scanning electron
applications. Herein, we report stable GO membranes cross- microscopy (SEM) (FEI Nova Nano microscope, equipped
linked with ethylenediamine (EDA). We opt for short diamine with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)) was used to
cross linkers, rather than the long-chain alternatives because image the surface and cross-sectional morphologies of GO
they may occupy less interlayer channel spaces to give high sheets and EDA-GO membranes. The thickness of the GO
solvent permeance. Moreover, compared with most of the GO sheets, as well as EDA-GO membranes, was imaged by atomic
membranes, which use flakes of a few micrometers or even force microscopy (AFM, Bruker Dimension Icon SPM
nanometers in size, we designed large GOs that were tens of microscope). For the thickness measurement of EDA-GO
micrometers in size, aiming to achieve a better interlocked membranes, the fabrication step was carried out on an anodic
structure to meet the high rejection requirements for OSN aluminum oxide (AAO) membrane (0.2 μm pore size, 47 mm

diameter, supplied by Whatman).
X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies were carried out using a
MATERIALS AND METHODS powder XRD system (Bruker D8 advance) with Cu Kα (λ =
Graphite flakes, sulfuric acid, and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane 0.154 nm) radiation, operating at 40 keV with a current of 20
were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich; VWR Chemicals supplied mA. Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) Fourier-transform
23107 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05169
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 23106−23113
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 1. (a) SEM image of a free-standing GO nanosheet. (b) AFM image of GO sheets and corresponding thickness measurement. (c)
Thickness measurement of the EDA-GO coating layer on the nylon support, measured by AFM (inset: AFM image corresponding to the
measurement area). (d) The surface morphologies of the porous nylon support (left) and of the 150 nm thick EDA-GO layer (right). (e) Cross-
sectional SEM image of the EDA-GO/nylon membrane, and (f) cross-sectional detail of the EDA-GO layer at higher magnification.

ji Cp yz
R = jjj1 − zz × 100%
j Cf zz{
infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (FTIR-iS10) in a wavenumber

range of 500−4000 cm−1 at an average of 32 scans with a 4
cm−1 resolution was used to conduct the chemical analysis.
The absorption spectra of GO and EDA-GO dispersions were where Cp and Cf are the concentration of permeate and feed
analyzed using UV−vis spectroscopy (UV−vis) on a Cary 100 solutions, respectively.
equipment. The surface elemental compositions were For testing the dye rejection capability of the membranes, 40
determined using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, mL of solutions with 10 ppm of dyes was used as the feed.
Amicus equipment). The birefringence of the GO and EDA/ Then, 20 mL of the permeate solution was collected. A mass
water dispersion was examined by polarized optical microscopy balance equation was used to monitor any potential dye
(Olympus BX61 Materials Microscope). adsorption (eq S1 in the Supporting Information).

Membrane Nanofiltration Performance. The mem-
brane performance was investigated using a dead-end stainless- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
steel cell. All the experiments were carried out at room Monolayer GO sheets with a lateral size larger than tens of
temperature and with a pressure difference of 1 bar. The micrometers were obtained, as shown in Figure 1a. Large GO
concentration of dyes after and before filtration was measured sheets that are stacked to form membranes have the advantage
using a NanoDrop UV−vis spectrophotometer. The reported of better blocking leaky paths due to boundaries and weak
values were the average of at least 3 measurements with mechanical properties.50 Large GO sheets are expected to stack
different membranes. The pure solvent permeance was better and align when deposited on a porous support.51 A
calculated from eq 1: thickness of ca. 1 nm was confirmed by AFM for the obtained
monolayer GO sheets, as shown in Figure 1b. Herein, an EDA-
permeance = GO suspension was filtered using nylon microfiltration
ρAΔt Δp (1) membranes with vacuum filtration, and the thickness was
controlled by optimizing the volumes of the EDA-GO
where w is the weight of the permeate collected during a suspension. A thin laminate of EDA-GO was obtained as a
filtration time interval, t, A is the effective separation area of result of the vacuum filtration. AFM height profiles confirming
the membrane, ρ is the density of solvent, and Δp is the the thickness of ca. 150 nm for the free-standing EDA-GO
transmembrane pressure. membrane are shown in Figure 1c with their corresponding
The dye rejection was calculated using eq 2: thickness measurement area (Figure 1c inset). The surface
23108 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05169
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 23106−23113
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 2. (a) XRD patterns of the membranes on nylon support, showing the various interlayer spacings. (b) ATR-FTIR spectra of GO and EDA-
GO membranes. (c) XPS spectra of GO and EDA-GO membranes, revealing the presence of nitrogen after cross-linking. (d) UV−vis absorption
spectra for dispersion-containing GO sheets and diamine monomers in EDA-GO. Inset is a photograph of the GO and EDA-GO dispersions. (e
and f) Polarized optical microscopy images of GO and EDA-GO dispersion, indicating the presence and absence of liquid crystallinity, respectively.

morphology of the porous nylon support and the EDA-GO condensation and nucleophilic substitution reactions between
layer are shown in Figure 1d. The cross-sectional image of the the amine and oxygen-containing GO.43 Thus, the FTIR
EDA-GO membrane displaying laminar structure with thick- spectra confirm the generation of new N−H covalent bonds by
ness around 150 nm is further confirmed in Figure 1e with a condensation reaction between the amine groups and the
detailed high magnification in Figure 1f. oxygen groups of the GO sheets and a nucleophilic
The interlayer spacing of GO sheets has a dominant effect substitution reaction between the amine and epoxy of the
on their performance. Vacuum-filtered GO and EDA-GO GO sheets.53 The GO framework enhances the stability of the
membranes are shown in Figure S1. Results from XRD spectra membranes, preserving the sheets from disintegration in an
showed that the interlayer spacing increased when GO sheets aqueous environment.
were cross-linked with EDA, as shown in Figure 2a. The peak The elemental composition of the chemical bonds for GO
at 2δ = 9.98° for the pristine GO membrane indicated an and EDA-GO membranes was analyzed by XPS, as shown in
interlayer distance of 0.88 nm, estimated by applying Bragg’s Figure 2c. The spectra confirmed that the N 1s peak was
law, while the cross linker increased the interlayer d-spacing to absent in GO membranes, and only the C 1s and O 1s peaks
1.02 nm, as indicated by a peak at 2δ = 8.68°. The molecular are present. However, the peak for N 1s in EDA-GO
transport through the GO membrane is determined by the d- membranes was observed, indicating that the diamine
spacing between neighboring GO sheets and the in-plain voids monomers reacted with the oxygen functional groups in GO.
of the GO sheets.52 The chemistry between EDA cross-linked The nitrogen content in the EDA-GO membrane was 12%, as
GO and unmodified membranes can be explained by the ATR- shown in Table 1. Individual XPS peaks for C 1s, O 1s, and N
FTIR spectra, as shown in Figure 2b. The stretching vibration 1s were obtained for the membranes, as shown in Figure S2.
of O−H, carboxyl CO, aromatic CC, epoxy C−O, and Additionally, the oxygen content in EDA-GO membranes
alkoxy C−O are observed at wavenumbers 3100−3400, 1720− substantially decreased from 27 to 19% compared with the GO
1740, 1610, ∼1230, and ∼1040 cm−1, respectively. A new
absorption peak at 1554 cm −1 was observed, which Table 1. XPS Elemental Composition of GO and EDA-GO
corresponds to amine N−H. The diamine monomer can be Membranes before and after Cross-Linking
assumed to react with GO in three possible ways: (1)
sample C% O% N% O/C
hydrogen bonding between oxygen groups of GO and amine
molecules, (2) ionic bonding between weekly acidic sites of GO 72.73 27.27 0.37
GO and the protonating amine, and (3) covalent bonding from EDA-GO 68.26 19.36 12.38 0.28

23109 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05169

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 23106−23113
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 3. (a) Water permeance and Rose Bengal rejection of GO and EDA-GO membranes. (b) The permeance of pure solvents as a function of
their inverse viscosity for the EDA-GO membrane. (c) Dye rejection (in methanol) as a function of the dye molecular weight for the EDA-GO
membrane. Dyes: Methyl Orange (MO) (MW = 327 g/mol), Indigo Carmine (IC) (MW = 466 g/mol), Congo Red (CR) (MW = 697 g/mol),
Brilliant Blue R250 (BB) (MW = 826 g/mol), Rose Bengal (RB) (MW = 974 g/mol), and Direct Red 80 (DR-80) (MW = 1373 g/mol).

membranes. This occurred as a result of the cross-linking of polymeric membranes. In the case of GO, it depends on the
reaction between the oxygen-containing functional groups, and degree of functionalization.
this was consistent with the obtained FTIR spectra. Hydroxyl EDA-GO membranes exhibited pure water permeance of 14
groups were partially consumed in the reaction between the L m−2 h−1 bar−1, as shown in Figure 3a, while the permeance
oxygen-containing groups of GO and the amine molecules. for pristine GO membranes was 9 L m−2 h−1 bar−1. Changes in
The incorporation of amino-cross-linking segments led to the the interlayer spacing between adjacent GO sheets (0.8 nm for
nitrogen peak in XPS. The elemental mapping showed a dry GO film) can be explained by the fact that the solution
homogeneous distribution of elements such as carbon, oxygen entering the GO layers could destroy part of the π−π
on the GO, and EDA-GO membranes (Figures S3 and S4). interactions and hydrogen bonding, which stretches the d-
Additionally, a more scattered nitrogen distribution on the spacing. Consequently, the GO membrane can lose its
EDA-GO membranes was observed (Figure S4), which reflects structure in aqueous environments as a result of the membrane
the incorporation of nitrogen-terminated cross-linking seg- swelling, becoming useless for water-related applications.
ments. The ultraviolet−visible (UV−vis) spectra reported in However, for the EDA-cross-linked GO membrane, the formed
Figure 2d have one peak at 231 nm and a shoulder at 300 nm, N−H covalent bonds can resist the d-spacing stretching.43 The
representing π−π* (conjugation) and n−π* transitions in GO, highest permeance was observed for the solvents with the
respectively. After the reaction, the shoulder at 300 nm lowest viscosity. The cross-linked EDA provides stability to
disappeared. Large GO flakes leading to a discotic nematic GO membranes, making them stable in aqueous and non-
phase of GO can be manufactured into membranes with highly aqueous environments. The introduction of the cross linker
ordered, continuous thin top layers, as previously reported.47,54 increased the distance between the layers, as confirmed by
The nematic GO dispersion taken as a precursor in this work XRD. The liquid permeance with some commonly used
lost its liquid crystalline property as a consequence of the EDA solvents was evaluated as a function of the inverse of the
cross-linking with the inter- and intralayer of oxygenated GO. viscosity for 150 nm thin EDA-GO membranes, as shown in
The result indicates that the EDA may perpendicularly cross- Figure 3b. Due to the increase in the d-spacing value, the EDA-
link two parallel GO sheets or two adjacent sheets.27 As a GO membrane exhibited high acetone permeance of 30 L m−2
result, a birefringence was observed for GO dispersion and not h−1 bar−1. The same membrane exhibited NMP solvent
for EDA-GO dispersion, as shown in Figure 2e and 2f, permeance of 5 L m−2 h−1 bar−1. The solvent permeance is
respectively. proportional to the inverse of viscosity, according to the Hagen
Nanofiltration in Non-Aqueous Solvents. When filtered Poiseuille equation.10,42 Figure 3b shows the increase of the
through the GO membranes, water and other small molecules solvent permeance with a decrease of the solvent viscosity. In
go through nanochannels and holes in the graphene sheets and addition to the viscosity, polarity influences the solvent
reach the pores of the support membranes. The separation permeance, and it might contribute to a deviation from the
performance in non-aqueous solvents can be less predictable perfect linearity in Figure 3b. The membranes exhibited
due to differences in wettability, polarity, and swelling.52 stability and were highly permeable to the tested solvents.
Unlike graphene, for which the slip flow theory is the basis for Molecular selectivity is also essential in nanofiltration. The
fast water transport, the interactions involving the GO ultimate nanofiltration performance of EDA-GO membranes
interfaces are different due to the presence of a large was evaluated by rejecting commonly used dye molecules
proportion of oxygen functional groups that leads to high dissolved in the methanol solvent, as presented in Figure 3c
friction between water molecules and flow channels. The and Figure S5. The feed and permeate solutions were analyzed
permeance of non-aqueous solvents depends on their viscosity, using UV−vis spectroscopy. We observed >90% rejection for
molecular weight, and the interaction between the solvent molecules higher than 826 g/mol. Equation S1 was used to
molecules and membranes.55 The latter is evident in the case estimate the dye adsorption percentage. The adsorption for
23110 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05169
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 23106−23113
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 4. (a) Permeance measurement as a function of time for an EDA-GO membrane; the inset shows the pristine GO and EDA-GO membrane
after measuring the water permeance. (b) Rejection of VB12 (MW = 1355 g/mol): UV−vis absorbance curves of VB12 solutions in methanol,
which were used as the feed, and the rejected solution for an EDA-GO membrane; the inset shows photographs of the feed and permeance. (c)
Rejection performance for the EDA-GO membrane for the filtration of a mixed dye solution of EB (MW = 961 g/mol) and MO (MW = 327 g/
mol) in methanol; the inset shows photographs of the feed and permeate solutions.

Rose Bengal was only 5%, confirming that the dominant which is crucial for operating the membranes in real-time
rejection mechanism was size-sieving. The result shows that practical applications.
EDA-GO membranes were not only much more stable than Transport and Separation Mechanism of EDA-GO
the unmodified GO analogues but also highly selective, Membranes. Here, the EDA cross linker acts as a spacer,
demonstrating the importance of cross-linking. The stability allowing aqueous and non-aqueous solvents to intercalate
of EDA-GO membranes can be attributed to the interlayer through the GO nanochannels and allowing the transportation
cross-linking of diamine monomers between the nanochannels, of solvents. In addition to the GO interlayer nano-capillaries,
preventing the GO sheets from swelling and shrinking and intrinsically generated paths between sheets with a diameter in
making them appropriate for nanofiltration in aqueous and the range of nanometers also contribute to the molecular
non-aqueous media. transport.10,56 The permeance depends on the interlayer
Potential Applications of EDA-GO Membranes. A distance between the GO layers, the lateral length of GO
stability test was performed with water by measuring the sheets, the pressure applied, the viscosity of the permeant, and
the total thickness of GO membranes.
permeance of an EDA-GO membrane for 14 h, as shown in
The separation mechanism of membranes can be attributed
Figure 4a. The membrane exhibited steady and stable
to (1) size exclusion by the GO interlayer channels, (2)
permeance over time, which can be attributed to the effective
electrostatic interactions between the negatively charged GO
cross-linking. Pristine GO membranes were not stable when and incoming solute molecules, and (3) ion adsorption
operated under similar conditions, and this can be visually through binding.57 From the obtained rejection values, it is
observed in the inset of Figure 4a. Additionally, a model evident that size exclusion is the primary separation
neutral solute, vitamin B12 (VB12) (MW = 1355 g/mol), was mechanism involved in separating solutes based on their
chosen to demonstrate the efficiency of the membranes for molecular sizes. Larger solutes with high molecular weight
separating active pharmaceutical ingredients in organic were separated entirely while allowing solutes with low
solvents. EDA-GO membranes exhibited a >99% rejection molecular weight to pass. In addition, most of the rejected
for VB12 in methanol with a permeance of 6.5 L m−2 h−1 dyes are negatively charged. Hence, the negatively charged
bar−1, as shown in Figure 4b. The cross-linked membrane can hydrophilic EDA-GO membranes can electrostatically repel
effectively reject VB12 molecules. The potential molecular these dyes. The electrostatic interaction facilitates the
sieving behavior was tested by separating a mixed methanol separation. Therefore, the selectivity of EDA-GO membranes
solution of Evans Blue (EB) and Methyl Orange (MO), both is based on both molecular size and charge.

containing negatively charged molecules with different
molecular sizes. The rejection performance of EDA-GO CONCLUSION
membranes for the EB and MO mixed solution was >99.9 In conclusion, we have successfully prepared cross-linked,
and <10%, respectively, as shown in Figure 4c. The UV−vis stable, 150 nm thin EDA-GO membranes by a vacuum-assisted
spectra of EB and MO solutions are shown in Figure S6. The filtration method. The membranes had an excellent perform-
cross-linked membrane blocked EB molecules while selectively ance for the retention of organic dyes dissolved in methanol
allowing MO molecules to permeate through the membranes. with high permeance of water and non-aqueous solvents. The
The membranes had a selective rejection based on molecular enlarged interlayer d-spacing between the GO sheets improved
weight. The permeances of the pristine GO membranes were the permeance, while the cross-linked diamine monomer
low in an organic solvent such as NMP (<2 L m−2 h−1 bar−1) between nanosheets prevented the sheets from swelling and
and acetone (11 L m−2 h−1 bar−1), compared with higher disintegrating. Additionally, the membranes were stable in
values for EDA-GO (Figure 3b). The increase of the interlayer aqueous and non-aqueous solvents, a benefit for chemical
d-spacing by cross-linking added stability to the membrane, separations.
23111 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b05169
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2019, 58, 23106−23113
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

S Supporting Information
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Corresponding Author
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