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B1- UNIT 1

B1.U1 Class 2 - Unit Foundation Content 2


Step 1: Dictate the KEY DRIVERS (only give the meanings after finishing them)
Step 2: Ask the student if he/she knows what the words mean (if she knows: ask her to give you the definition)/ (if she doesn't know: give her the definition and
ask them to write it down)
Step 3: Make the student repeat the sample sentence, and reformulate it into the negative form.
Step 4: Ask the questions and extend the questions' dialogue by making another two questions relevant to the same questions.

To succeed Ter sucesso To perform Executar/ levar a cabo uma tarefa
 To achieve something that you have been trying to do or get.  To do something, such as a piece of work, task or duty.
1. Everyone wants to succeed professionally. 1. The Brazilian economy is performing better this year.
2. What do you consider important to succeed professionally? 2. What do you do to perform better at work every year?

To earn Ganhar (compensação) To compete Concorrer

 To get money for work that you do.  To take part in a contest or game.
1. He earns about $40 000 a year 1. I always compete with my colleagues for a promotion.
2. How old were you when you earned your first paycheck? 2. What are you like when you compete over something? Tell me about it.

To win Ganhar (vitória) to collaborate Colaborar

 To be the most successful in a competition, race, battle, etc.  To work together with somebody in order to produce or achieve something.
1. The Dallas Cowboys won 5 Super Bowl championships 1. Bill gates collaborated in the creation of Macintosh.
2. Have you ever won a contest? Tell me about it. 2. Were you ever forced to collaborate in project you didn’t want to? Tell me about it.

To receive Ganhar (presente) To fail Fracassar

 To get or accept something that is sent or given to you.  To not be successful in achieving something.
1. It’s really hard to receive a gift for Christmas when you are an adult. 1. HSBC failed to attract the Brazilian consumer.
2. What was the best advice you ever received? 2. Have you ever failed to meet a deadline?

to gain Ganhar (volume) To promote Promover

 To increase in value or gradually get more of something.  To help sell a product or service by making it more popular.
1. Itaú has gain most of the banking market share in Brazil. 1. Bosses often promote the best professionals.
2. What’s the best way to gain professional experience in your line of work? 2. What must you do to get your company to promote you?

Step 1: Dictate the KEY CONTENT (only give the meanings after finishing them)
Step 2: Ask the student if he/she knows what the words mean (if she knows: ask her to give you the definition)/ (if she doesn't know: give her the definition and
ask them to write it down)
Step 3: Make the student repeat the sample sentence, and reformulate it into the negative form.
Step 4: Ask the questions and extend the questions' dialogue by making another two questions relevant to the same questions.

An intern Estagiário Notice period Aviso prévio
 A student or recent graduate, working part-time to gain experience.  The period of time an employee is required to work after he quits.
1. I started working as an intern for Apple in LA. 1. My last notice period was just a week.
2. Do you think, it’s stressing or enjoyable to be an intern? Why? 2. Why do companies make you give a standard notice period? Do you agree with it?

Unemployed Desempregado Letter of resignation Carta de demissão

 A person without a paid job but available to work.  A document written by an employee declaring his resignation.
1. There are many unemployed people because of the crisis. 1. I gave my letter of resignation last week.
2. What are some key factors for the unemployment in Brazil? 2. Have you ever written a letter of resignation? What information should be in it?
Retired Aposentado Resignation Pedido de demissão
 To stop working indefinitely because of age or personal decision.  The act of telling your employer that you are leaving your job.
1. He started a new business after he was he was retired. 1. I expect your resignation by the end of today.
2. Are your parents retired? What is their retired life like? 2. What are some reasons people hand over their resignation?
Active employee Ativo na folha de pagamento a PA Assistente pessoal / Secretaria
 Staff currently working at a company and earning a paycheck.  A person hired to assist with administrative tasks; organizing an agenda…
1. You become an active employee after you get a job. 1. The manager is with her PA at the meeting.
2. What age did you become an active employee? 2. What do you think about working as PA? Would it be difficult? (why)
Payroll Folha de pagamento HR (Human Resources) RH (Recursos Humanos)
 The total amount of wages paid by a company.  The department of a business that deals with personnel administration.
1. The company has twenty employees on the payroll. 1. The HR department is responsible for training employees.
2. Who are the most expensive people on your company’s payroll? 2. How often do you get in touch with the HR department? What for?


Step 1: Dictate the KEY STRUCTURES (only give the meanings after finishing them)
Step 2: Ask the student if he/she knows what the words mean (if she knows: ask her to give you the definition)/ (if she doesn't know: give her the definition and
ask them to write it down)
Step 3: Make the student repeat the sample sentence, and reformulate it into the negative form.
Step 4: Ask the questions and extend the questions' dialogue by making another two questions relevant to the same questions.

The career ladder Hierarquia corporativa/Etapas Na Carreira Profissional
 A series of positions within a company or particular profession.
1. It`s hard to climb the career ladder.
2. Do work overtime in order to climb the career ladder?

A career move Decisão profissional

 A change that you make in order to get a better job or to have better success in your job.
1. People often take many risks when making a career move.
2. What is the best career move to get promoted?

A career pattern/plan Padrão/ plano de carreira

 The way that you progress in your work, either in one job or in a series of jobs.
1. The key to progress professionally is to have a career plan.
2. What is the career plan in your Company?

A career break Suspensão/ pausa laboral temporária/ ano sabático

 A period of time when you choose not to have a job, for example because you want to travel or take care of your children.
1. Women normally take a career break when they are pregnant.
2. Have you ever gotten a career break In order to focus on your personal life?

A career opportunity Oportunidade profissional

 A chance to get a better or more satisfactory job.
1. If another company offers me a better career opportunity, I take it.
2. Which has been the best career opportunity you have received so far?



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