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he Stippling method I
use to create the stone 2 Place the stencil positive
onto the shirt.
or granite effect
involves deflecting the
paint off just about any object
you can hold conveniently in
your hand, such as a clothespin
or a tongue depressor. This
method will work with any
airbrush (the Aztek offers a
splatter nozzle that produces a
similar effect but, it tends to
work better at low pressures and
with thin paints), and you can be
creative here. I've seen people 3 This is how your airbmsh
use everything from broken should be positioned on the
plastic spoons and knives to the clothespin. Tke clothespin
end of their thumbnail. serves to direct your aim as
The beauty of this method well to control the stippling. 4 Stipple the area around 6 The stencil negative is put
Generally, if you want the stencil positive. Here into place.
is that you don't have to change
concentrated areas of I've used black, violet, and
your normal air pressure.
stipple (dots), you'll need deep blue. After stippling,
Personally I set my compressor and without using the
to be within 3 to 6 inches
at about 65 psi. clothespin, Ispray the edges
This technique can be a
of the surface. Press L e
trigger all the way down for to create a soft border. A
little messy until you master maximum air flow and rock sow shadow and erratic
it, so you'll want to wear it back slightly to release a cracks are added.
something that you don't mind small amount of paint. After highlighting the
getting a little paint on, and be If you seek a more cracks with opaque white,
sure to throw a drop cloth on loosely spaced stipple the lettering is done using
the floor. pa-m simply use the same an opaque blue Icreated by
higger setting as above but mixing Createx pthalo blue 7 The hear) is I
hold the airbrush 6 to 12 pure pigment and opaque painted by first I I
inches from the surface. white. The lettering is then using violet as the
Large dot patterns can be thinly outlined i n black, underpainting to esfablish
produced by backing followed by a thick hot tone, followed by layers of
away as far as 20 to 30 pink outline. red and hot pink.
inches or more, fully
throttling the finger
lever, and experimenting
with difterent amounts of
air pressure.
The variables to try and
consider are many: air flow,
1 The broken hear) is distance from work, amount
drawn on poster board or of paint, thickness of
your *ncil material of paint, and amount of air
choice and then cut out. We pressure.
will use both the positive
(the piece you will be
spraying around) and the 5 The stencil positive is 8 More cracks are added
negative (the piece you removed. to the h w r l along with
will be spraying into) of white highlighb and
this stencil, so be careful finishing huches.
to keep both pieces i n
good shape.

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