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Submitted to the English Education Program of IPI Garut as a Partial Fufillment of

the Requirements for the Sarjana Pendidikan Degre






The researcher hereby grants that this paper entitled “AN ANALYYSIS OF
STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ANXIETY” is really written by the researcher and
acknowledged as her own intellectual property. In accordance with the use of
references, the quotations, and the citations of related literatures have been conducted
based on rightfully, legal and scientific procedures. Therefore, the contents of this
paper are an original work of the researcher. In this case, if here are any complaints or
if the researcher breaks these statements, the researcher will be fully responsible for
all the consequences given.

Garut,26 October 2019

Yang membuat pernyataan,

Maulidia Zakiyah EL Fuadah

NIM 17223001


Dengan ini peneliti menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang berjudul “AN

peneliti sendiri berdasarkan pengetahuannya sendiri. Penggunaan referensi, kutipan,
dan pengutipan dari sumber lain telah peneliti lakukan berdasarkan kaidah-kaidah
pengutipan yang sesuai dengan etika keilmuan yang berlaku sehingga isi serta
kelengkapannya ini merupakan karya asli. Dalam hal ini jika ada keluhan atau jika
ditemukan adanya hal-hal yang tidak sesuai dengan pernyataan ini, peneliti akan
bertanggung jawab penuh atas semua konsekuensi yang diberikan.

Garut,29 October 2019

Yang membuat pernyataan,

Maulidia Zakiyah EL Fuadah

NIM 17223001


All praises be to Allah SWT, the most gracious and the most merciful.

Gratitude and salutation are to our great prophet Muhammad SAW.

This paper is submitted to the English Education Program of IPI Garut in

order to fulfill the requirement of Sarjana Pendidikan Degree. After making a great
effort, the author finally completed this paper. The author gives thanks to everyone
supporting the process of writing this paper. However, the author realizes that there
are still many shortcomings in this paper. Therefore,the author enthusiastically
welcomes the objective criticism and constructive suggestion for the improvement of
this paper.

Finally, the author hopes that this paper will be valuable and favorable as the
guidelines for future research regarding to exploring peer assessment.

Garut, 29 Oktober 2019

Maulidia Zakiyah El F


This study which is entitled “Developing Students’ Reading Comprehension

throuugh PQRST Strategy”. The objective of this study is to improve students reading
comprehension in teaching and learning process at second semester students of college
student in Garut through PQRST strategy. Preview, question, read, summary and test labeled
PQRST is one of language teaching technique in reading comprehension. This technique can
be used to solve students’ difficulties in comprehend the text and also can help the students to
deepen their understanding of the text. The sample of this research were 25 students at the
class 1B mathematics of College Students in Garut. This data was a quantitative one since the
writer applied a class with One-group Pre-test and Post-test design. The instuments of the
study in this research is reading test. Reading test is used to measure the students’ ability in
learning of hortatory text. There are two data used in this research. The first data is pre-test
and the second is post-test. After the data were collected, the writer tested hypothesis by
applying t-test with the significance level (a) = 0,05. The result of of this research
showed that the value of t observe≥ t critical (15.126 ≥ 2.0693). According to the criteria of t-test,
the result showed that there is significance differnce to students’ reading comprehension
through PQRST strategy. It means that, PQRST strategy is effective to improve students’
reading comprehension.

Keywords: PQRST strategy, Reading comprehension


Penelitian ini berjudul “Developing Students’ Reading Comprehension throuugh

PQRST Strategy”. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pemahaman
membaca siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar pada mahasiswa semester dua di Garut
melalui strategy PQRST. Preview, question, read, summary dan test disingkat PQRST, itu
adalah salah satu teknik pengajaran bahasa dalam pemahaman membaca. Teknik ini dapat
digunakan untuk untuk menyelesaikan kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks. Sampel
penelitian ini adalah 25 siswa dikelas 1B matematika di Perguruan Tinggi di Garut. Data
yang digunakan kuantitatif, karena penulis menerapkan kelas dengan desain satu pre-test dan
post-test. Instrumen penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah tes membaca. Tes membaca
digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran teks hortatory.
Ada dua data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Data pertama adalah data pre-test dan
kedua adalah post-test. Setelah data tersebut dikumpulkan, penulis menguji hipotesis dengan
menerapkan uji-t dengan tingkat signifikan (a) = 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkam
bahwa of t observe≥ t critical (15.126 ≥ 2.0693). Menurut kriteria uji t, hasil penelitian
menunjukan bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap pemahaman membaca siswa
melalui strategy PQRST. Itu berarti bahwa strateegi PQRST efektif untuk meningkatkan
pemahaman membaca siswa.

Kata kunci : Strategi PQRST, Pemahaman membaca




Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin, praise to Allah SWT, the Almighty for His

blessing, mercy, compassion, and strength leading me to reach this completion of this
paper entitled “An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Anxiety ” on time.

The completion of this paper is presented to fulfill the requirements for the
Sarjana Pendidikan Degree at Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut. This paper has
been completed due to the pray and support from several parties. Therefore, the
writer would like to convey her thanks to:

1. Drs.Ateng Kurnia, M.Pd., as the first supervisor and Hj.Rochmaniah,Dra., the second supervisor who have given valuable, guidance, advice,
and support during finishing this paper.
2. All the lecturers of Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut who have helped and
taught the writer during her study at Institut Pendidikan Indonesia Garut
especially in English Education Program;
3. Her beloved parents Mr.Ridwan fuad and Mrs. Nita sri hartati for their pray,
advice, guidance, motivation and material support;
4. Her big family who gives her pray and support to finish this paper;
5. Her lovely classmates, khofifa ,Aisyah, Fani, Hamdan Thank you for always
motivating her and for making her life so colourful;
6. Everyone who cannot be mentioned one by one.

The researcher hopes that this paper will be useful for the readers. However, the
researcher realizes that this paper is still far from being perfect, so any criticisms,
ideas and suggestions for the important of this paper are greatly appreciated.

Garut, 29 Oktober 2019

Maulidia Zakiyah El


TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................viii
LIST OF TABLE ...........................................................................................xi
LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................xii
LIST OF APPENDICES................................................................................xiii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...........................................................................1
1.2 The Reason for Choosing the Topic..........................................................3
1.3 The Research Question..............................................................................3
1.4 The Objective of the Study .......................................................................3
1.5 The Scope of the Study .............................................................................4
1.6 The Significance of the Study ..................................................................4
1.7 Research Methodology .............................................................................4
1.7.1 Data Collection.................................................................................5
1.7.2 Data Analaysis..................................................................................5
1.8 The Definition of Terms............................................................................5

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .....................................................7

2.1 The Definition of Speaking .......................................................................7
2.2 The functions of Speaking..........................................................................8
2.2.1 Talk as interaction..............................................................................8
2.2.2 Talk as transaction.............................................................................8
2.2.3 Talks to performance.........................................................................8
2.3 Aspect of Speaking....................................................................................9
2.3.1 Vocabulary.........................................................................................9
2.3.2 Grammar............................................................................................9
2.3.3 Pronunciation.....................................................................................9
2.3.4 Fluency..............................................................................................9
2.4 Anxiety .....................................................................................................10
2.4.1. The Nature Anxiety .........................................................................10
2.5 Categories of Anxiety ...............................................................................11
2.5.1 Trait Anxiety .....................................................................................11
2.5.2 State Anxiety ....................................................................................11
2.5.3 Specific- situation Anxeity................................................................11
2.6 The Anxiety in Speaking Performance.......................................................12
2.7 Factors of Anxiety......................................................................................12
2.7.1 Communication Apprehension .........................................................13
2.7.2 Fear of Negative Evaluation .............................................................13
2.7.3 Test Anxiety ......................................................................................13
2.8 Anxiety and English Foreign Languange ..................................................15
2.8.1 English as Foreign Languange...........................................................15
2.8.2 Foreign Languange Anxiety .............................................................16
2.9 Strategies to Reduce Foreign Languange Anxiety ...................................20
2.10. Previous Study........................................................................................22

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................24

3.1 Research Method........................................................................................24
3.2 Research Design ........................................................................................24
3.3 Reseacrh setting and Participant ................................................................25
3.3.1 Research Setting................................................................................25

3.3.2 participant .........................................................................................25

3.4 Research Instruments..................................................................................26
3.4.1 interview ..........................................................................................26
3.4.2 Questionaire .....................................................................................27
3.5 Research Procedure....................................................................................29
3.6 Data Analysis..............................................................................................31


4.1 The Research Finding and Discussion .......................................................33

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.............................37

5.1 Conclusions.................................................................................................37
5.2 Suggestions.................................................................................................38


This intoduction chapter provides the background of the study, the reason for
choosing the topic, the research question, the obsejective of the study, the scope of
the study, the research methodology and the definition terms.
1.1 Background of the Study
Speaking foreign language plays an important role in communication,
especially in oral communication because human being needs to conduct their lives in
order to build some relationships with others. In Izumi’s definition (2017), in
speaking is interactive process to convey or extend the information in order to
construct the meaning during interaction among two people or more. Besides,
Johnson and Morrow (1981) add that speaking is an activity between two or more
people in which listeners and speakers have to react to what they hear and make their
contributions to convey or receive the meaning. In accordance with the definition, it
is required to express what the speakers purpose to say as effectively as possible in
order to convey the message for the hearers.
In addition, speaking a foreign language can be a challenging task for many
students because it needs interaction. Nunan (2000) states that the success of learning
a language is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the target
language. It can be said that being able to speak fluently is essential in students’
language learning to communicate both in inside or outside the classroom. As a
consequence, it brings students a wide range of opportunities that would benefit their
personal and professional growth.
However, foreign language learners often express feelings of stress,
nervousness or anxiety while learning to speak the target language and claim to have
‘mental block’ against learning. Campbell and Ortiz (1991) say that language anxiety
among university students to be ‘alarming’ and estimated that up to one half of all
language students experience debilitating levels of speaking anxiety. It can be
stressful when they are expected to speak in the second or foreign language before

fluency is achieved. In line with the issue, Thornburry (2005) states that the lack of
vocabularies, improper grammar, and fears of mistakes are some of the factors that
can contribute to speaking failure and cause an acute sense of anxiety when it comes
to speaking. Therefore, the students cannot fully express their personality or their
intelligence because they have difficulties in relating to others, experiencing in
learning to speak English.
In line with this topic, there are some previous studies related to the study.
One of them was done by Abdullah and Rahman (2011). They carried out to
determine the perceptions of students in one of universities in Malaysia towards the
feeling of anxiety they experienced when speaking in the second language. They have
identified the students’ anxiety levels according to the three factors of second
language anxiety. The students also felt overwhelmed by the number of rules that
they have to learn to speak in English.
Another research was conducted by Occhipinti (2009), this study focuses on
foreign language anxiety in class speaking by using quantitative method. She used a
questionnaire which would allow me to measure students’ anxiety level in a more
objective way. This study has shown that the students has turned out to be anxious
almost at the same level, with no big difference between second language learners in
the country and being exposed to the language studied is without doubt a good
predictor for second language improvement and this should be encouraged as much
as possible.
In addition, Suleimenova (2003) conducted study on speaking anxiety
revealed that students have extremely negative experiences with speaking activities in
a foreign language class. All the instruments used to investigate the problem of
speaking anxiety were considerably helpful. Important measures should be taken to
try to minimize its negative effects. Increased speaking anxiety levels in Kazakhstani
high school students can be attributed to a variety of factors. One attributing factor
may be related to the fact that the Kazakhstani educational system is not designed to
increase the communicative competence of students. Therefore, many students

experience a feeling of uneasiness and anxiety when having to speak in the foreign
Regarding this, the gaps were found, the first previous study above focuses on
second language speaking anxiety. The second previous study focuses on foreign
language anxiety in class speaking activities, and the third previous study focuses on
speaking anxiety in a foreign language classroom. Therefore, it needs following
research in different focus. Therefore , and this study focuses on students’ anxiety in
speaking as foreign language in boarding school.

1.2 The Reason for Choosing the Topic

Relying on the background, this study chooses the topic based on the
following reason:
1. English is an international languange if the students can speak English or
understand a little bit of it, they will be able to communicate in a veriety of
different circummtances ,wheather it be in a school, carreer, travel or even when
using the internet.
2. Speaking is the tool for comunicating in boarding school that can make students
understand to what things explained easily, but the students feel anxiety or
nervous when they speak English.
3. The students should have a strategy to overcome students’ problem especially in
their anxiety to speak English as foreign language, so they can improve their

1.3 The Research Question

This study is focused on the students control their anxiety in speaking English
as foreign language. So that, the following question is posed.
“How do the students reduce their anxiety in speaking English as foreign language?”
1.4 The Objective of the Study
Based on the problem statement, the objective of this study is:
“To figure out how the students reduce their anxiety in speaking as foreign

1.5 The Scope of the Study

This study mainly concerns on discovering how the students reduce their
anxiety in speaking English in Boarding School. In this research, the researcher only
explored the causes of students’ anxiety to speaking English outside in the boarding
school. The participants involved in this study are eighteen students at private
boarding school on junior high level in Tasikmalaya, Indonesia. This research uses a
qualitative method with a case study approach focusing on exploring students’
anxiety in speaking English in boarding school by chosen purposively by

1.6 The Significance of the Study

There are some contributions that are expected from this research, as stated as
1. Theoretically, this study may contribute to the enrichment of existing literatures
on students’ anxiety in the context of speaking skill which is likely received a
little attention in English foreign language and teaching context.
2. Practically, this study also provides information related to students’ anxiety in
order to overcome the problems, particularly in the context where the students
have to get more exposure to practice oral communication.
3. Professionally, the investigation of anxiety sources that arise while learning to
communicate in the target language will hopefully broaden the insight into the
issue of language anxiety and will help language teachers in making classroom
environment less stressful.

1.7 Research Methodology

Regarding on the research questions, this study uses qualitative method in
form of case study design. This method was chosen because it was suitable with the
characteristics of a qualitative method: exploring a problem and understanding of a
central phenomenon. Literature review act as a minor role, collecting the data based
on words, analyzing the data for descriptions, and reporting the findings flexibly,

subjectively, and reflexively. In addition, this study did not manipulate variables to
determine their causal significance (Creswell, 2009).

1.7.1 Data Collection

In this study, there are two kinds of instruments to obtain the data. The first
instrument is open-ended questionnaire for investigating complex issues with
eighteen students, it is relevant to the objective of the study which aims to find out
how the students control their anxiety in speaking English. The second instrument is
interview with six students who purposively to be interviewed and participated by
using open-ended response to check the accuracy of their answer in questionnaire and
create students’ response on learning speaking English as foreign language.

1.7.2 Data Analaysis

Qualitative analysis data technique will be used in this study where the data is
searched and arranged systematically. So that, it increases the understanding of the
data to be presented. The data are divided into six steps. First, prepare and organize
the data. Second, explore and code the data. Third, coding to build description and
theme. Fourth, represent and report the findings. Fifth, interpret the findings. Last,
validate the accuracy of the findings (Creswell, 2012).

1.8 The Definitions of Terms

To avoid the controversial or ambiguous terminology which is used on this
research ,the spesialized terms will be presented as follows :
1. Speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves
producing and receiving and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burns &
Joyce, 1997). Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it
occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the
physical environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often spontaneous,
open-ended, and evolving. However, speech is not always unpredictable.
Language functions (or patterns) that tend to recur in certain discourse situations
(e.g., declining an invitation or requesting time off from work), can be identified
and charted (Burns &Joyce, 1997)

2. Speaking is an oral communication which occurs between the speakers and the
listeners. They give and accept the idea across. According to (Nunan 1989:32)
3. Defined anxiety as an affective state, an uncomfortable emotional state, in which
one discerns danger,feels powerless, and experiences tension in the face of an
expected danger( Scovel 1978)
4. Foreign language anxiety as a complex construct that deals with learners’
psychology in terms of their feelings, self-esteem, and self-confidence (Clement

This chapter discusses related theories to support the study that includes :
definition of Speaking ,and aspect of Speaking, Nature anxiety ,Categories Anxiety
Factors Anxiety ,and foreign languange anxiety.

2.1 Definition of Speaking

Johnson and Morrow (1981) said that speaking which is popular with term of
oral communication is an activity between two or more people in which listeners and
speakers have to react to what they hear and make their contributions to convey or
receive the meaning. In accordance with the definition, speaking or oral
communication will happen if there is interaction between two or more people. It is
required to express what the speakers purpose to say as effectively as possible in
order to convey the message for the hearers but if someone intends to say something,
they should be aware to construct the meaning in order to get an understanding from
the listener and to avoid misunderstanding between the speaker and the listener.11
There are several definitions of speaking. According to Doff (1987), in
communication or conversation two people are exchanging information or they have
a communication or conversation needs. Therefore, someone can communicate or
express their ideas, emotions and feeling, so that those people may understand his or
her way of thinking.
Moreover, Matthew (1994) said “speaking is any process in which people
share information, ideas and feeling. It involves all of body language mannerism and
styles anything that adds meaning to a message”. It can be said that, when the
students talk about their ideas or opinion, there is an interaction between the speaker
and the listener to clarify the information intended. In other words, the speaker has to
be able to convey the ideas clearly in process of speaking, as the result, the listener
can receive and understand what the speaker means.

2.2 The Functions of Speaking

Function of speaking is to deliver message or ideas from the speaker to
listener. Richard (2008) said, Brown and Yule made a useful distinction between the
Interactional functions of speaking, in which it serves to establish and maintain social
relations, and the transactional functions, which focus on the exchange of
information. There are tree functions of speaking. They are talks as interaction, talk
transaction, and talk performance.
1. Talk as interaction
This refers to what we normally mean by conversation and describes
interaction which serves a primarily social function. When people meet, they
exchange greetings, engage in small talk and chit chat, recount recent experiences and
so on because they wish to be friendly and to establish a comfortable zone of
interaction with others. The focus is more on the speakers and how they wish to
present themselves to each other than on the message.
2. Talk as transaction
This type of talk refers to situations where the focus is on what is said or
done. The message is the central focus here and making oneself understood clearly
and accurately, rather than the participants and how they interact socially with each
other. In transactions, Jones (2008) in Richard states talk is associated with other
activities. For examples, students may be engaged in hand on activities. (E.g. in a
science lesson) to explore concepts associated with floating and sinking. In this type
of spoken language students and teachers usually focus on meaning or on talking
their way to understanding.
3. Talks to performance
The third type of talk which can usefully be distinguished has been called talk
as a performance. This refers to public talk. That is, talk which transmits information
before an audience such as morning talks, public announcements, and speeches. From
the definition above, it can be said that the function of speaking has many sense, they
are talk as performance refers to public talk. Entire of the functions of speaking are
related to guide the people in speaking activity.

2.3 Aspect of Speaking

Speaking is one of skills that use oral word to express the idea, so the speaker
should fulfill the component of speaking so that the listener can understand the
speaker idea or the speaker meaning. According to Syakur (1987), there are some
components of speaking, as follows:
2.3.1. Vocabulary
People cannot communicate effectively or express their idea both oral and
written form if they do not have sufficient or less in vocabulary mastery. Therefore,
vocabulary means the appropriate diction which is used in communication.
2.3.2. Grammar
The grammar needed for students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation
or speech in other aspect. It is in line with explanation suggested by Heaton (1978)
that student’s ability to manipulate structure and to distinguish appropriate
grammatical form in appropriate ones. The utility of grammar is also to learn the
correct way to gain expertise in a language in oral and written form.
2.3.3. Pronunciation
Pronunciation is the way for students to produce clearer language when they
speak. It deals with the phonological process that refers to the component of a
grammar made up of the elements and principles that determine how sounds vary and
pattern in a language.
2.3.4. Fluency
Fluency can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately. Fluency
in speaking is the aim of many language learners. Signs of fluency include a
reasonably fast speed of speaking and only a small number of pauses and “ums” or
“ers”. These signs indicate that the speaker does not have to spend a lot of time
searching for the language items needed to express the message (Brown, 1997).

2.4 Anxiety
Generally, anxiety is defined as someone’s fairness in facing something that
can be a serious problem for him or her. Horwitz and Cope (1986) explained that
anxiety is the subjective feeling of tension, apprehension, nervousness, and worry
associated with an arousal of the automatic nervous system. Pappamihiel (2002), as
cited in Mahmoodzadeh, (2012) defined anxiety as the threats to self-efficacy and
appraisals of situations as threatening. In other word, Ormrod (2011) also stated that
anxiety can be defined as uneasiness and apprehensions feeling toward uncertain
outcome of a given condition. In conclusion, anxiety is every feeling of scary which
is appeared because of unsure result of a particular effort. Furthermore, anxiety is
meant by a risk of a situation.
2.4.1 The Nature of Anxiety
Anxiety is one of the most well documented psychological phenomena. In
general anxiety appears from human body as a response to a particular situation.
Commonly anxiety can be identified as a feeling of being threatened, apprehension,
tension, or worry.
There are several definitions of anxiety which are found by the writer.
According to Carlson and Buskist, anxiety is a sense of apprehension or doom that is
accompanied by certain physiological reactions, such as accelerated heart rete, sweaty
palms, and tightness in the stomach. Futhermore, anxiety arises as a response to a
particular situation. Passer and Smith define anxiety as a state of tension and
apprehension as a natural response to perceived threat. It means that people are
naturally feels anxious when they are threatened. While according to Ormrod anxiety
is a feeling of uneasiness and apprehension concerning a situation with an uncertain
Although anxiety and fear sounds similar, both are actually different. Halgin
and Withbourne describe the difference between fear and anxiety, fear is a natural
alarm response to a dangerous situation while anxiety is more future-oriented, a
feeling of apprehension and aneasiness about the possibility.

2.5 Categories of Anxiety

Broadly speaking, anxiety can be divided into three types, Elis (1994) namely:
trait anxiety, state anxiety and situation-specific anxiety. Drawing on work in general
psychology defines:
2.5.1 Trait anxiety
Trait anxiety is as a more permanent predisposition to be anxious‟. It is best
viewed as an aspect of personality. In addition, Pappamihiel (2002) cited in Riasati
(2011) states that trait anxiety is the tendency of a person to be nervous or feel
anxious irrespective of the situation he/she is exposed to. Indeed, such anxiety is a
part of a person’s character and hence is permanent and difficult, if not impossible, to
get rid of. A person who is trait anxious is likely to feel anxious in a variety of
situation. Once the anxiety becomes a trait one, it will hinder language learning.
Furthermore, this idea is likely to be relevant with what (Spielberger, 1983 cited in
Kondo, 2009) states that trait anxiety is defined as an individual tendency to be
anxious in any situation.
2.5.2 State anxiety
State anxiety is as apprehension that is experience at the particular moment
in time as a response to a definite situation (Spielberger, 1983). It is a combination of
trait and situationspecific anxiety. To follow Horwitz (1986) state anxiety is referred
to a situational anxiety. As the name implies, this type of anxiety arises in a particular
situation and hence is not permanent. It is nervousness or tension at the particular
moment in response to some outside stimulus. It occurs because learners are exposed
to a particular situation or event that is stressful to them.
2.5.3 Specific-situation anxiety
Refers to the persistent and multi-facetednature of some anxieties (MacIntyre
& Gardner, 1991 cited in 2001). It isaroused by a specific type of situation or event
such as public speaking, examinations,or class participation (Ellis, 1994). On the
other hand, (Spielberger, 1983) says that situation specific anxiety is defined as an
individual tendency to be anxious in a particular time and situation. Situation specific

anxiety can be seen as a subcategory of trait anxiety experienced at a given context.

Thus, language anxiety can be included in situation specific anxiety.

2.6 The Anxiety in Speaking Performance

It has been explained before that anxiety is someone’s feeling of nervousness
in facing an event in a particular situation. The anxiety is often evoked for students in
English speaking class. Commonly, the anxious feeling is appeared because students
have lack of language feature in English (vocabulary, grammar, and word choice),
fluency, accuracy, and comprehension in speaking skill. Moreover, it can influence
the students’ self-confident, such as afraid of being laughed by other students.
Finally, it has effect toward their performance in speaking skill. Thus, the anxious
student in speaking performance is categorized into state anxiety. It is because
students feel threatening when they are order to practice speaking in front of their
Besides Lanefeldt (2011) argued that “speaking anxiety is something that has
a great impact one self- confidence when the speaker speaks out and shows what one
knows”. The students who experience failure in speaking performance, they will
better to quiet than taking a risk to fail again. Hence, it is important for teacher to
make effective class in stimulating them to speak. Horwitz and Cope (1986) stated
that the students who have problem in speaking, they will have greater difficulty in
speaking in foreign language class. To sum up, anxiety is serious problem for
students that can influence their achievement in speaking performance. For this
reason, Antony (2004) claimed that it is necessary to overcome students’ anxiety in
speaking performance. The students can plan for change, change the way of think,
confront anxiety-provoke situation, change the way to communicate and improving
relationship, medicate, copy with rejection, meet new people, learn to make
presentation with confidence, and stop trying to be perfect.

2.7 Factors of Anxiety

Learning anxiety can be attributed into several factors. Horwitz (1986) argues
that in the context of foreign language learning, learner may feel anxious due to

problem related to three dimension of anxiety. Firstly, communication apprehension

Secondly, fear of negative evaluation Thirdly, a general feeling of anxiety The
description of these components will lay the foundation for theIndrianty: Students‟
Anxiety concept of foreign language anxiety, providing an insight to comprehend the
source of anxiety.As the focus in this study is on speaking skill, those components
will be explained below:
2.7.1 Communication apprehension
Communication apprehension is a fear or anxiety about actual or anticipated
communication with other individuals, and is a behavioral trait related to the
psychological constructs of shynessand reticence (McCroskey, 1984). On the other
hand, Horwitz et al (1986, cited in Tanver,2007) define communication apprehension
as “a type of shyness characterized by fear or anxiety about communication with
other people”. Relevant to the statement mention above,Tanver (2007) argues that
communication apprehension may exist in most everyday communication situations,
or may even be part of a general anxiety trait that arises in many facets of an
individual’s life and learners’ personality traits such as shyness, quietness, and
reticence are considered tofrequently precipitate communication apprehension.
2.7.2. Fear of Negative Evaluation
Fear of negative evaluation is an extension of the second component of
foreign language anxiety because it is not limited to test-taking situations; rather, it
may occur in any social, evaluative situation, such as interviewing for a job or
speaking in foreign language class (Horwitz et al., 1986). It is also boarder in the
sense that it pertains not only to the teachers’ evaluation of the students but also to the
perceived reaction of other students as well (Tanveer, 2007).
2.7.3 Test anxiety
An understanding test anxiety is also related to the discussion of foreign
language anxiety. Test anxiety, as explain by Horwitz (2007) refers to a type of
performance anxiety stemming from a fear of failure. Test anxiety is quite pervasive
in language classroom because of its continuous performance evaluative nature. As
test anxiety is treated differently when dealing with oral communication, the other

two components can be focused on in examining the attitudes in English oral

communication classroom.
Furthermore, other researchers, Huyen (2003), Boonkit (2010), Liu (2011),
and others mention other common factors causing students’ anxiety includes lack of
vocabulary, lack of confidence, fear of making mistakes and being laughed at, lack of
preparation and shyness. Lack of vocabulary knowledge could lead to the students’
difficulties in language reception and productions and becomes an obstacle that
hinders them to express themselves in English, (Smith 2001, cited in Juhana, 2010). It
can be said that lack of vocabulary was identified as a main cause for students‟
anxiety in oral English classroom. “I always nervous when I have to speak English
spontaneously because I don’t know the words to say” statement like this clearly
shows that the students often become nervous in oral class.
This occurred because they only have limited words Inability to express the
idea because of lack of confidence is one of another cause of anxiety in oral English
classroom. Students’ lack of confidence usually occurs when they realize that his/ her
partner do not understand while they are having a conversation. In this case, they tend
to keep silence rather than keep speaking English. Regarding to this, Han (2010)
argues that the students’ lack of confidence in speaking English will influence their
speaking ability and aural comprehension. Students‟ fear of making mistakes in
speaking English has been a common issue, especially in EFL context like in
The students feared making mistakes and being laugh at , which made them
(very) anxious when speaking English to other in class, like previous study ELTIN
Journal, Volume 4/I, April 2016 32 (Kurihara, 2006; Liu, 2007; Risati, 2011). In line
with this, (Tsui in Nunan, 1999) argues that fear of making mistakes become
becomes of one of the main factor for the students‟ reluctance to speak English in the
Moreover, Aftat (2008, in Junaha 2010) adds that this fear is linked to the
issue of correction and negative evaluation. This influenced by the students’ fear of
being laughed at by other students. In addition, He and Chen (2010, as cited in

Juhana, 2010) states that the students feel frightened at the idea of making mistakes
as they are worried that their friends will laugh at them and receive negative
evaluation from their peers if they make mistakes in speaking.
As result, they worry about how they will sound, and they stop participating
in the speaking activity. Likewise, lack of preparation also caused many students to
become anxious when speaking English in class, Liu (2007: 130). In his research
found that more students attributed their anxiety to lack of preparation and expressed
that they would feel less anxious and more confident to speak English with
preparation. Thus, it is clear that preparation could enhance students’ confidence in
speaking English though it might not be able to get rid of anxiety. Shyness is another
source of anxiety experienced by the students. This is supported by Gebhard, (2000)
states that shyness is one of difficulties that every student faces while learning a new
language and a factor that cause students reluctant to speak in English class. This
indicates that shyness could be a source of problem in students‟ activities especially
in speaking class. Further explanation, Baldwin (2011, as cited in Juhana, 2010: 20)
argues that speaking in front of people is one of the more common phobias that the
students encounter and feeling of shyness makes their mind go “blank” forget what to
say. In addition, Ericson (2009; 36) says that shyness may be caused by the low self
esteem and an accompanying fear of rejection. From the source above, paying
attention to this aspect is also quite important in order to help the students do their
best in their speaking performance in the classroom, Juhana (2010: 40).

2.8 Anxiety and English Foreign Language

2.8.1 English as Foreign Language
English is one of the subjects in school, this subject is important value and be
examined in national standard in Indonesia. English is an international language and
it is spoken by many people all over the world, so it is an important language. English
is used to communicate to the world and is very important to acquire science and
technology. English is used as foreign language in Indonesia and it must be learnt by
students in Indonesia to get science or the knowledge which comes from others

countries easily. Setiyadi (2006) stated that English is really a foreign language in
Indonesia. It means that in Indonesia, English is just learnt at school as compulsory
subjects. Students seldom use English in the society, because they usually use a
language based on their mother tongue. Language is social construct as much as it a
mental ability. Harmer (2002) said that it is important for students to be just aware of
this in foreign or second language as they are in their own. Learning English as a
foreign language is not same as learning a mother tongue were the students have
much time to use it in daily life. Learning is acquiring or getting of knowledge of a
subject of skill by study, experience, or instruction (Brown, 1991). It means that
learning activity that done by students to get experience and instruction to help us
understanding everything that we wonder to know.

2.8.2 Foreign Language Anxiety

According to Brown (1991), foreign language anxiety is “a feeling of
intimidation and in adequacy over the prospect of learning foreign language.” In
addition, according to Gardner (2000) that it is fear or apprehension occurring when a
learner is expected to perform in the target language. Furthermore, Horwits (1986)
proposed conceptual Foundations of foreign language anxiety. Based on them,
foreign language anxiety such as: communication apprehension, test anxiety, and fear
of negative evaluation. Anxiety related to foreign language learning is fear of
negative evaluation. Watson etc. (1986), as citied in Horwitz, defined fear of negative
evaluation as “apprehension about others’ evaluations, avoidance of evaluates
situations, and expectations that other would evaluate one-self negatively.”
In foreign language learning context, students are prone to have a fear of
negative evaluation from both teacher as the only fluent speaker in the class and their
peers. It has become a tradition for students to experience anxiety when dealing with
English lessons as a foreign language at school. The excessive feelings of anxiety that
students face in the foreign language classroom often makes them appear to have no
ability in learning English, especially in learning speaking skills. One of the reasons
why students can experience excessive anxiety when asked to speak English orally is

because of unsystematic teaching-learning in the classroom which limits the time for
students to talk directly. Students assume that they come to school just to listen to all
the explanations from their English teacher, then they write all their answers to the
topic without directly using the English language to talk about what they have
understood and what they have not yet understood (Nunan, 1999).
Then too, the feelings of anxiety that the students face when they have to
speak English also comes from the lack of opportunities given by the teacher to her
students to practice speaking English. Whereas, the students’ speaking ability will
automatically increase if they practice speaking the English language intensively in
their environment (Thornbury, 2005). But unfortunately, many authoritarian teachers
do not give many opportunities for students to practice their speaking skills.
Rivers (1986) has claimed that there were many language teaching classes
whichhave an authoritarian system of teaching. This is caused by the teachers
knowing the language that is being taught very well, whilst, on the other hand, the
students know little or nothing. Then the teachers are always in the right and always
criticize the mistakes and errors made by the students (Rivers, ibid). Further, the
students assume that their teacher is their role model and the source of truth.
Many situations can trigger or stimulate students’ anxiety in learning English.
These situations include speaking in public, examinations and/or participation in front
of the class (Ellis, 1994). Thornbury (2005) has claimed that a student who is not
fluent in speaking English can suffer from stress and embarrassment. It cannot be
denied that students who aren’t fluent can feel anxiety when they are asked to speak
in English. They may not have much self-confidence because of their limitations in
speaking English. Feel anxious when facing an English test. This can happen so that
they forget what they know because of their anxiety. Horwitz, Horwitz and Cope
(1986, p. 126) have written students.
2.8.3 The effect of Foreign Language Anxiety
In the process of studying the correlation between anxiety and performance,
many researchers have formed their own ideas about anxiety. Alpert & Haber (1960)
made a distinction between debilitating anxiety and facilitating anxiety. They

mentioned that facilitating anxiety helps a learner to be more alert to a task, pushes
students on to make greater efforts, and is considered to be a positive factor in order
to accomplish a task. Debilitating anxiety, on the contrary, is negative, where a
student becomes too anxious and may not perform a task to the optimum level, even
may frighten the learner off task.
In other words, Oxford (1999) stated that debilitating anxiety is bad because it
harms students' performance in many ways, both indirectly through worry and self-
doubt and directly by reducing participation and creating an overt avoidance of the
language. It may be more a matter of the intensity of the feeling, than of its quality. In
daily life, there are many examples of language anxiety. Some students show their
anxiety by giving up the task because they feel unbearable for the stress they suffer,
while there are also some others who can recognize their anxiety and choose a
positive way to reduce anxiety and finally become successful. Anxiety, no matter
how debilitating or facilitating it may be, will surely do pervasive effects on language
learning, especially foreign language learning. To make it clear, the writer describes
these two types of anxiety below:
1. Effects of Debilitating Anxiety
The term "anxiety" usually has a negative connotation and it is often
associated with negative feelings such as uneasiness, frustration, self-doubt,
apprehension, and tension. When anxiety does harm to students' performance, it is
destructive and counterproductive to foreign language learning. It is characterized by
a fear of failure and lack of confidence to succeed. Students usually compare
themselves with other learners in class and find themselves incompetent tend to
become anxious, their anxiety decreases as they become more proficient. Some of the
students find teachers’ questions threatening and feel frozen up and dumb when
interrogated. No matter how anxiety in class produces, it does great effects on EFL.
First, anxiety blocks the normal processes of thinking. When we are anxious,
our memory, attention, and concentration are affected. Energy is drained away rather
than concentrated on the discussions and instructions in class, such blocks can lead to
poor understanding, poor results and a loss of self-confidence. Second, anxiety

discourages students' interaction with learning materials. Anxious made the students
wait for the teacher to stimulate them rather than to actively engage in or attempt to
use it. Third, anxiety is usually linked with a sense of being incompetent because of
their sense of incompetence, anxious students tend to prefer more passive approaches
in the process of learning. They lack confidence and fail to engage actively with the
material, thus fail to internalize ideas presented in the material and do poorly on their
assignments; thereby the feeling of incompetence is strengthened and leads the
student eventually to give up. Thus, not all the anxiety is negative in terms of
language learning. The facilitating aspect of anxiety cannot be ignored either.
2. Effects of Facilitating Anxiety
Everything has two sides, mostly we consider anxiety as a negative affective
variable, but it does not demonstrate to be necessarily negative in its effect on
learning. It has been discovered that sometimes learners who are anxious do better
than those who are not. Kleinmann (1977) explained that higher levels of anxiety
could also be related to higher levels of risk taking. It means that the people who
produce the complicated structures might be more anxious than people who are
content to remain at a lower level of attainment. Besides, Saidi (2015) stated that
anxiety with appropriate level acts as a positive role that motivates the students to
preserve their efforts in the learning process. Moreover, Scovel (1978) stated that
facilitating anxiety keeps the learners motivated and fight the bad information which
comes from them and pushes it to do more effort to reduce their anxiety. Therefore it
seems that anxiety sometimes is somewhat helpful to some people.
On the other hand, when the students have the time to prepare and more
concerned over a task, anxiety can be helpful or facilitate. For example, when the
students feel anxious before performing speaking, this anxious feeling may help him
to well prepare the speech by learning it by heart or presenting it to others in advance.
A repeated effort like this will add confidence and chances to succeed and motivate
them to work to their full potentials. In this sense, a certain amount of anxiety can
really make learners more alert to what they are doing. Scovel (1978) commented
"facilitating anxiety motivates the learner to ‘fight' the new learning task; it gears the

learner emotionally for approval of behavior". Therefore, it is obvious that stress only
becomes our enemy when it becomes an end in itself. Only when the focus of our
energy turns to anxiety rather than the task at hand, it becomes detrimental to our
efforts, but you can manage the anxiety to work for you, instead of against you.
Speech anxiety is one of the most researched topics in communication. Research has
shown that students can mitigate many of the causes of speech anxiety, reduce its
symptoms, and use their nervous energy in productive ways. The students may
always feel somewhat nervous when speaking in public. That is natural, normal, and
even beneficial. Think of speech anxiety as intelligent fear, an interaction can serve a
positive purpose. The existence of intelligent fear makes students use the responses
associated with fear, such as heightened emotions, increased sensitivity to their
surroundings, and greater attention to sensory information, to give a better

2.9 Strategies to Reduce Foreign Language Anxiety

Kondo and Ying-Ling (2004) found out the specific strategies mentioned by
the students. It grouped into five general strategies, there are:
It refers to the efforts at preparing the learning process and strategies used
(e.g. studying hard and make a summary of the lecture explanation). The use of this
strategy is expected to enhance the students ‘subjectively estimated mastery of the
subject matter, and hence reduce the students' anxiety related to the language class.
1. Relaxation
It involves tactics that aim at reducing somatic anxiety symptoms like I take a
deep breath, and I try to calm down.
2. Positive thinking
It is characterized by its palliative function of suppressing problematic
cognitive processes that underlie students’ anxiety (e.g. imagining others do the great
performance, trying to enjoy the tension). These strategies are intended to divert

attention from the stressful situation to positive and bring relief to the anxious
3. Peer seeking
It is distinguished by students’ willingness to look for other students who
seem to have the trouble with controlling their anxiety. For the anxious student, the
fact that others are having the same problem may serve as a source of emotional
regulation by social comparison.
4. Resignation
It is characterized by students‘ reluctance to do anything that alleviates their
language anxiety (e.g. giving up, sleeping in the class). It seems that this strategy is
minimizing the impact of anxiety by refusing to face the problem.
Other strategies are proposed by Gustafson (2015) to reduce the students’
anxiety in learning, those are:
1. Creating the right environment
Students need to feel comfortable and accepted before sharing their ideas in
the learning process. Teachers should create a good environment, such as making
humor and displaying friendliness with students. A comfortable environment can
make students less of tense in order they can focus on the learning process.
2. Teacher-student interaction
Teacher-students interaction is one of the important components of creating a
good environment to make students feel comfortable in learning. The ways teachers
communicate and interact with the students determine the students' feeling. Teachers
should create a condition which makes students enjoy the learning before explaining
the material. They should avoid making the students feel under pressure in learning,
such as giving feedback or rewards for the students' participation.
3. Instructional practices
The students' level of anxiety can be determined by the teachers' ways of
giving a task or test. There are some ways of giving a test to the students, such as
interview, quizzes or require students to speak in front of the classroom. Teachers
should know what kinds of test that is suitable to use. The most important thing is the

teacher can choose a topic in each test which students have background knowledge
and interest in sharing their ideas in order to make them explore their skill and feel
less of tense in doing a test.
4. Building a sense of community
Students will feel comfortable and less tense in learning if they have good
relationships with their classmates. If they know their classmates well, they will feel
closer and enjoy speaking in front of the class. In this case, the role of teachers to
make their students become closer and build a good relation among them is very
important. Teachers can use some method or technique in teaching which makes their
students work in pairs or groups in order to make them know each other. Their
closeness will decrease their anxiety level.
5. Cooperative learning
Cooperative learning is one of the strategies that can be used to reduce the
students' anxiety in second language learning. Students will feel more comfortable
when they learn in small groups than work individually. If they do not understand the
meaning of the instruction and less of knowledge, they can share with their friends, so
they will not feel anxious about making mistake when they learn.
6. Relaxation, music, and laughter
Both teachers and students can do some strategies to reduce anxiety in
teaching and learning process such as relaxation, deep breathing, use music, funny
videos, jokes, games and humorous. These strategies are used to put students in a
positive mood and make them less of tense to join some activities in the classroom.
When they feel happy and relax, they can receive the information well without feel
anxious about the condition or problems in learning.

2.10 Previous Research of This Study

Many people have investigated the issue of foreign language anxiety from
different perspective. One of them was done by Abdullah and Rahman (2011). They
carried out to determine the perceptions of students in one of universities in Malaysia
towards the feeling of anxiety they experienced when speaking in the second

language. They have identified the students’ anxiety levels according to the three
factors of second language anxiety. The students also felt overwhelmed by the
number of rules that they have to learn to speak in English.
Another research was conducted by Occhipinti (2009), this study focuses on
foreign language anxiety in class speaking by using quantitative method. She used a
questionnaire which would allow me to measure students’ anxiety level in a more
objective way. This study has shown that the students has turned out to be anxious
almost at the same level, with no big difference between second language learners in
the country and being exposed to the language studied is without doubt a good
predictor for second language improvement and this should be encouraged as much
as possible.
In addition, Suleimenova (2003) conducted study on speaking anxiety
revealed that students have extremely negative experiences with speaking activities in
a foreign language class. All the instruments used to investigate the problem of
speaking anxiety were considerably helpful. Important measures should be taken to
try to minimize its negative effects. Increased speaking anxiety levels in Kazakhstani
high school students can be attributed to a variety of factors. One attributing factor
may be related to the fact that the Kazakhstani educational system is not designed to
increase the communicative competence of students. Therefore, many students
experience a feeling of uneasiness and anxiety when having to speak in the foreign
Regarding this, the gaps were found, the first previous study above focuses on
second language speaking anxiety. The second previous study focuses on foreign
language anxiety in class speaking activities, and the third previous study focuses on
speaking anxiety in a foreign language classroom. Therefore, it needs following
research in different focus. Therefore , and this study focuses on students’ anxiety in
speaking as foreign language in boarding school.

Reviewing the theoretical foundation of the preceding chapter, this chapter

presents the research methodology. The aim of this chapter is to demonstrate the brief
explanation of how the study is conducted. This chapter includes research method.
research design, research setting and participant, rescarch procedure, and data
analysis research method.

3.1 Research Method

The qualitative method was appropriate in this study. It is a useful method to
address the phenomenon of the study and ,and the researcher needed to learn more
from participant through exploration (Creswell, 2012). It was applied to explore and
develop information and understanding of the students control their anxiety in
speaking English as foreign language. The characteristic of qualitative research
concludes exploring a problem and developing a detailed understanding of a central
phenomenon, collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals,
analyzing the data for description, interpreting the larger meaning of the findings,
writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and evaluative criteria, and
including the researchers’ subjective reflexivity (Creswell, 2012). This was relevant
to this research, the data obtained from the research site in the form of questionnaire
and interview from the students to control their anxiety in speaking English as foreign

3.2 Research Design

This study used a qualitative case study in order to find out the answer of the
research question in this study. It was used in order to discover how the students
control their anxiety in speaking English as foreign language. This is relevant with
the purpose of the study where it was focused on discovering how the students
control their anxiety in speaking English as foreign language. It is in line with Nisbet
and Watt (1984) discussing that a case study is a specific instance which is commonly
intended to demonstrate a more general principle (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison,

2007). It can be concluded that this research design is appropriate to be used in this
study. In addition, the data in this research collected through two ways, questionnaire
and interview to find out how the students control their anxiety in speaking English as
foreign language.

3.3 Research Setting and Participant

3.3.1 Research Setting
This study was conducted in one of boarding schools in Tasikmalaya,
Indonesia. This site is chosen because of three reasons. First, this school was one of
selected to do pilot project of the 2013 curriculum and the topic which is related with
the topic. Second, this school has an English class as one of the subjects. And the last,
the students have different experiences in learning English. The research site was
chosen voluntarily because of permission from headmaster to support this research.
Moreover, the research site will be given informed consent form that they will agree
to be involved in this study and acknowledge the protection of their rights.
3.3.2 Participant
This study was used purposive probability in choosing participants. In this
way, a satisfactory to the specific needs of the study will be constructed (Cohen,
Manion, & Morrison, 2007). The participants consist of eighteen students in this
boarding school in Tasikmalaya. They were chosen because of two reasons. First, the
student was selected based on their achievement as recommended by the teacher of
the school who knows the characteristic of the students as high achievement , middle
achievement and low achievement. Second, they have different experience in
studying English as foreign language before they went into the same school. Some of
them have interest such as pay attention in learning process and following English
course, but those who are not interested in learning English with minimum space in
developing English.
Furthermore, Shahnazarian, Hagemann, Aburto, and Rose convey that an
informed consents should be used if a research involve human as subject. In line with
this, before the participants are involved, they were given an informed consent which

examines that they agree to be studied and permit the result of the study to be
published by keeping their privacy.

3.4 Instrument
For data collection technique, interview and questionnaire were conducted in
this study. These instruments are explained as follows :
3.4.1 Interview
In collecting the data, interview was used in this study to check the accuracy
of data through questionnaire. Furthermore, since the study deals with human
experience, interview was considered to be one of appropriate instrument to collect
the data. Any research which aims to achievement an understanding of people in a
real-world context is going to need some interview material (Gillham, 2000). This
study employed semi-structure or guided interviews because the respondents’
answers cannot be anticipated, even though the topic was familiar. It is in line with
Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2007) who stating that in order to have a greater
flexibility and freedom with open situation, semi-structured interview is used. It can
be concluded that this type of interview makes the interview flexible and refer to
another specific instance. It can be concluded that this type of interview makes the
interview flexible and refer to another specific instance.
In this study, the students were asked directly in order to get a clear
description about their responses to students’ anxiety in speaking. The research
needed the interview to support the data as another source of data to get information
derived from questionnaires. Interview was done in another the day before. The
students were just asked one question in interview directly. The recorded interviews
were conducted for about five minutes. In interview, Indonesian language was used to
ask and answer the question in order that the data could be easily transcribed,
analyzed and interpreted. In this study, informal interview was used in order that the
respondents could be more expressive in giving their perceptions without any
pressure of being researched. By conducting interview, any misunderstanding which

may exist in the interpretation of the questions can be clarified immediately

(Alwasilah, 2009).
Table 3.1 Semi-Structured Interview
Interview Questions
Semi-Structured Interview
1. What are the reasons that you feel To find out students’ reasons that make
anxiety in speaking English? students feel anxiety in speaking English
2. How do you control or reduce your To find out how the students control their
anxiety when you speak English? anxiety in speaking English in the class

3.4.2 Questionnaire
The second instrument in this study was open-ended questionnaire. It was
because this questionnaire form enables respondents to answer as much as they wish,
and were particularly suitable for investigating complex issues, to which sample
answers cannot be provided (Cohen, et al., 2007). Open-ended questionnaire was also
relevant to the objective of the study which aims to find out how the students control
their anxiety in speaking English.
The questionnaires were spread to eighteen students that have been chosen in
first meeting. The questionnaires consisted of 15 questions. The participants were
given for about twenty minutes to complete the questionnaire and they were not
allowed to discuss or ask to their friends to answer the questions. It means that they
must answer question by their own. The validity of these efforts was checked by
coming to the school directly. The researcher adopted theory from Horwitz and Cope
(1986) and Gustafson (2015) about reducing speaking anxiety to make support this
Table 3.2 List of Questions and Its Objective
No Objective Description
1. To find out students’ perceptions about Do you think speaking English is
speaking English is important or not in important?
their life

2. To find out students’ responses about How do you feel when you speak
their feeling when students speak English in your class?
3. To find out the students have any Do you have any communicative
communicative easily with the teacher easily with your teacher or your
or not friends?
4. To find out another reasons that make Do the teacher’s eye contact or friend
students anxiety in the class views make you nervous when
speaking English? Give the reasons!
5. To find out students type when they What kind of types that you speak in
speak in the classroom the class? Are you shy, quiet, and
reticence? What are the reasons?
6. To find out the students that it is better Are you confident when it is better to
to speak English or bahasa speak in English than bahasa in front
of the class?
7. To find out another reasons that make Do you feel anxious (nervous, panic,
students anxiety in the class jittery, etc) when you have to speak
English? What are the reasons that
make you feel anxiety?
8. To find out the students response when What do you think if your teacher
they get the feedback from the teacher identifying the mistakes and errors
when you speak?
9. To find out the students difficulties in Do have any difficulties such as lack
speaking English of vocabulary, lack of confidence,
fear of making mistakes and being
laughed at, lack of preparation and
10. To find out how the students decrease How do you do to decrease your
their anxiety when they speaking anxiety when speaking English?
11. To find out students’ strategies in Do you have strategies in improving
improving their speaking skill your speaking in English?
12. To find out students preparation in Do you have any preparation when

reducing their anxiety in speaking you learn speaking English? what

kind of preparation?
13. To find out cooperative learning Do you think cooperative learning
strategies make students decrease their make your anxiety more less than
anxiety or not before? Give the reasons!
14. To find out what kind of activities that What kind of activities those make
student like to improve their speaking you like in learning speaking
English? Give an example and the
15. To find out what kind of practices in Do you have any practices to reduce
reducing students speaking anxiety your speaking anxiety in the class?

3.5 Research Procedure

This study arranges some procedures to collect the data. The procedures can
be described as follow:
1. Preparation
This step was considered had several steps, those were:
1) Selecting the research site and submitting the informed consent to be agreed as a
part of the research. This includes specifying the participants to be involved in
this study and assigning the appropriate one.
2) Selecting participants to be involved based on accessibility given by the site and
teacher’s recommendation. It includes giving the informed consent to the
participants who were included on the study.
3) Preparing design the questions of interview and form of questionnaire as
guidance in conducting this research.
2. Conducting Questionnaire
The second procedure is to give the students questionnaires. It was held on
August 2018. The researcher applied questionnaire section as the first section. Before
the research held the questionnaire, the researcher gave some explanation about the
items and the whole rule of the research. They were the allocation time, the total of

the items, and the rules that should be followed by the students while they were
answering the questionnaire.

3. Conducting Interview
The semi-interview was conducted after questionnaire section. This interview
was held on August 2018. Six students that had given informed consent were
interviewed with the same question using open-ended structure. In addition, the
researcher recorded their answers. The questions were focused on what they think
about their anxiety in learning English to support this research.
4. Analyzing and Interpreting Data
When the data had been collected, the study was reported on the form of
thesis. The report format is structured in accordance with the specific writing
guidance book provided by the institution the researcher attend and under the
guidance of the researcher’s supervisors.
The researcher also arranged time schedule of this study which can be
described in the following table.
Table 3.3 Research Schedule
Date Action
August 14th 2018 Asking permission to the school
August 15th 2018 Asking permission to the English teacher of the school
September 3rd 2018 Conducting questionnaire
Conducting interview

The table above showed the schedule of the research, it was started on August
until finished. The research consisted of three meetings to conduct questionnaire and
interview. After conducting the data, the next step of the research was analyzing and
interpreting the data.

3.6 Data Analysis

Gathered data were analyzed to find out how the students control their anxiety
in learning English as foreign languange. Qualitative analysis data technique were

used in this study where the data was searched and arranged systematically. So that, it
increases the understanding of the data to be presented. The data were divided into
six steps. First, prepare and organize the data. Second, explore and code the data.
Third, coding to build description and theme. Fourth, represent and report the
findings. Fifth, interpret the findings. Last, validate the accuracy of the findings
(Creswell, 2010).
Figure 3.1 Analysis qualitative data

1. Prepare and organize data

First, the collected data was organized and arranged based on its type of data
systematically. The spoken words from data recordings such as interview and
questionnaire were converted by trancsribing as word document for analysis.
2. Explore and code the data

Second, after all the data is typed in form of text. All the data was explored by
reading to achieve a general sense of the data. After that, narrow the data and code
into a few themes.
3. Coding to build description and themes
The collected data was arranged by the code labelled to make the the data
analyzing is easier. The data is themed as the topic about foreign language anxiety in
4. Represent and report the findings
In this study the data is represented in the findings in visual displays that may
include the form of table, and essay to gain information more understandable. Those
also displayed into sentence to build description of the situation to portray the
complexity of the issues. And then it is reported in narrative discussion.
5. Interpret the findings
After it is represented and reported, it is interpreted to be studied and to find
out the anwer of the research question in this study. This iinterpretation consists of
advancing personal views, making comparisons between the findings and the
literature, and suggesting limitations and future research. After all, the conclusion of
the research was gained in this study.
6. Validate the accuracy of the findings
To check the accuracy of this research, the researcher inquired often employ
validation procedures such as member checking, triangulation, and auditing. The
intent of validation was to have participants, external reviewers, or the data sources to
provide evidence of the accuracy of the information in the findings report.

In this chapter, the results of the data that had been collected from the research were
analyzed. These were the data presentation and interpretation which were taken from the
questionnaire and interview. The research findings were discussed related to the exist theory on
chapter II to answer the research question.

4.1 The Research Findings and Discussion

Questionnaire and interview were used as instruments for finding the data. First,
questionnaire is done to know students’ opinion about the issues. Second, interview was taken to
ensure the answers from the questionnaire. In this section, the researcher analyzed the data both
of questionnaire and interview to answer the research problems. The obtained data has answered
the research question as it shown below.
4.1.1 Students’ feeling in Speaking English as Foreign Language
As can be seen from the students’ answer in the questionnaire, all of participants
considered that speaking English is important for helping the students in their career. Students
have various opinions about their feeling in speaking learning process. The majority of the
students’ respondent felt they fear if making mistake or errors, felt shy when they want to speak
English, felt nervous and less confident. In this case, the students also felt worry when they want
to speak up because they have a lot of problem such as lack of vocabulary, cannot pronounce the
words, and still do not more knowledge about English.
Based on the data interview and questionnaire, the researcher found that most of the
students felt scared to speak English, furthermore they fear if they make making mistake, felt shy
when they want to speak English, felt nervous and less confident. The next cause of speaking
anxiety is worry to speak up, heart breathed fast when come forward faced students other. It was
supported by Horwits (1986) that said characteristic of speaking anxiety.
4.1.2 Students’ reasons that feel anxiety in speaking English
In conducting interview, the researcher found some negative attitudes in students’
answer. However, these attitudes do not hinder the whole findings of this study. Some of
students had less confident to speak up or answer the questions in English foreign language.
They felt scared and fear to make mistakes when speak in English. Therefore, they felt nervous

when speaking in front of the class it wasted many time to prepare speak in front of the class.
They are not fluent in speaking English, they cannot improve their skill in speaking because their
environment does not support and make them difficulties in speaking. From the students’
answers, the researcher found that some students have difficulties in speaking English such as do
not understand about the meaning because lack of vocabulary. It meant that they cannot say what
they want to say and change the word from their language into English.
In addition, some students nervous because teacher’s eye contact or friends’ views, it
means students’ factor included to trait anxiety type is students tendency to feel anxious of the
situations or worry thing in the environment. Besides, the researcher found the causes of
students’ speaking anxiety in English foreign language (EFL). Based on the result of interview
with the teacher and result of students’ questionnaire, the researcher took some conclusion about
causes of students’ speaking anxiety in English foreign language (EFL).
Based on the finding in the research above, it can be concluded that theory of Ellis
Omrod (2011) was appropriate with the real condition. It can be concluded that factor and causes
of students’ speaking anxiety were fear, worry, heart breathed, over self-prediction toward,
irrational faith, over sensitivity toward threat, sensitivity of anxiety, wrong attribution body
signal, and low self-efficacy in speaking especially in English foreign language (EFL).

4.1.3 How the students reduce their anxiety in speaking English

The researcher got the result that how the students reduce their anxiety in speaking
English. The students need to prepare the outline and make a concept related to the material.
Then, they need to rehearse, practice and pay attention to the pronunciation. Besides, the students
also enlarge their vocabulary. In line with Horwitz (2002) that the students' who avoid eye-
contact with the participants or the teacher are typical of the non-verbal reaction of anxious
students. Besides, the symptoms of anxiety include physical reactions such as less eye contact
with the teacher or peers, vibration in their voice, producing arbitrary hand moves, moving and
shaking, their heads right and left while answering questions or performing pair or group works.
Generally speaking, the both result from questionnaire and interview can answer this
research problem that indicates the students’ anxiety in speaking as foreign language. The
researcher found four strategies used by the students to reduce their speaking anxiety; those are
preparation, avoiding eye contact, getting help from peers and making the students enjoy in
speaking activities.

1. Preparing the Learning Process and Strategies Used

The students need to prepare the outline and make a concept related to the material. Then,
they need to rehearse, practice and pay attention to the pronunciation. Besides, the students also
enlarge their vocabulary. Kondo & Ying-Ling (2004) stated that practice and preparation are the
keys to feel confident when speech or present the material. Those are the effective ways that may
help learners to reduce their anxiety and minimize the level of their anxiety.

2. Avoiding Eye-Contact
The second strategy is avoiding eye-contact. The student imagines that she/he is the only
one in the classroom. He avoids the sight to his friends. It is very useful to reduce the students’
speaking anxiety. In line with Horwitz (2002) that the students' who avoid eye-contact with the
participants or the teacher are typical of the non-verbal reaction of anxious students. Besides, the
symptoms of anxiety include physical reactions such as less eye contact with the teacher or
peers, vibration in their voice, producing arbitrary hand moves, moving and shaking, their heads
right and left while answering questions or performing pair or group works.

3. Getting Help from Peers

When students feel anxious about learning, they usually ask their friends about what they
do not know related the material. They usually ask a suggestion from their friends to minimize
their mistake, thus it can make the students more confidence. It line with Kondo and Ying-Ling
(2004), cognitive level when students cannot do anything alone, but they need guidance to solve
the problems by collaborating with their peers. Beside, learning with peers can be a factor which
positively influences the students' anxiety in EFL learning because the can learn together and
help each other.
This activity is considered as a training for students’ problem-solving abilities when the
students were trying to work their task then it was corrected and solved together by discussion
between teacher and students. This is considered as challenging for students since they have to
dealt with themselves to analyze the sentence before the teacher explains. Relates with the
collected data, students found the activity as challenging. They said that they made mistake while
doing their work, but later, when the teacher discuss about the correct one is, they recognize it
and thought that it will be more last in their mind after the mistake is corrected by the teacher. In

this way, it can be concluded that this activities can facilitate longer knowledge attention for the

4. Making the Students Enjoy in Learning English

The students need to feel comfortable and accepted before sharing their ideas in the
learning process. The teacher could give the activities that make the students enjoy in learning
English. As Gustafson (2015) explained that the students' level of anxiety can be determined by
the teachers' ways of giving a task or test. There are some ways of giving a test to the students,
such as interview, quizzes or require students to speak in front of the classroom. Teachers should
know what kinds of test that is suitable to use. The most important thing is the teacher can
choose a topic in each test which students have background knowledge and interest in sharing
their ideas in order to make them explore their skill and feel less of tense in doing a test.
The four aspects of criteria of using materials by Berardo (2006); 1) Suitability of content
according to learners’ needs and interest. The topic chosen was a video conversation found from
the internet, the video was uploaded by a youtuber who went viral lately because of the cuteness
of a children who talks and acts like an adult. In this way, the students were attracted and enjoy
the activities. 2) Exploitability from the teaching perspective of the concrete lesson. The topic
was about something familiar with their daily situation. It’s about and grandchild who was
asking for an advice to her grandma about her crush. 3) Readability of the authentic material
chosen from the learners’ point of view. The video was chosen considering the vocabularies, the
word should be asy since it was used for beginner. 4) Presentation of attractiveness of material
introduced in the classroom. The video was played connected to the projector and speaker, the
students pay attention and attracted since from the beginning, they also ask for more since it’s
really interesting for them.


This chapter presents the summary of this research, the conclusion of overall view of
what has been discussed in the previous chapters, and some suggestions that hopefully be useful
and give additional input in the teaching and learning English.

5.1 Conclusions
Based on the findings and discussions of the research which has explained on chapter IV
about the analysis of students’ speaking anxiety in speaking English in one of boarding schools
in Tasikmalaya, it can be concluded that the students felt scared to speak English, furthermore
they fear if they make making mistake, felt shy when they want to speak English, felt nervous
and less confident. Generally speaking, the both result from questionnaire and interview can
answer this research problem that indicates the students’ anxiety in speaking as foreign language.
The students have strategies to reduce their speaking anxiety; those are preparation, avoiding eye
contact, getting help from peers and making the students enjoy in speaking activities.
The first strategy is the preparation. The students need to prepare the outline and make a
concept related to the material. Then, they need to rehearse, practice and pay attention to the
pronunciation. The second strategy is avoiding eye-contact. The student imagines that she/he is
the only one in the classroom. They avoid the sight to their friends. It is very useful to reduce the
students’ speaking anxiety. The third strategy is getting help from peers. When students feel
anxious about learning, they usually ask their friends about what they do not know related the
material. They usually ask a suggestion from their friends to minimize their mistake, thus it can
make the students more confidence. The last strategy is making the students enjoy in learning
English. The students need to feel comfortable and accepted before sharing their ideas in the
learning process. The teacher could give the activities that make the students enjoy in learning
English. Therefore, those strategies can help the students more less their anxiety in speaking

5.2 Suggestions
Based on the conclusion above, the researcher would like to propose some
suggestions as follows:
1. For the teachers
Based on the research, the researcher hope that the teacher should apply appropriate group
activities to reduce the students’ speaking anxiety and enhance their speaking skill.
Discussion, picture describing, and role play with meaningful activities is highly
recommended because those can reduce the students' speaking anxiety and enhance their
speaking skill. The material used should be interesting for the students' level and appropriate
to the curriculum and syllabus. The teacher also needs to motivate the students to make them
have awareness of learning.
2. For the students
The students should be active to convey their opinion when learning in a group. They do not
need to be shy, afraid, and lack of self-confidence to convey their opinion. Besides, they also
need to help, support, and motivate their friends to speak and do not bully their friends.
3. For other researchers
The researcher is suggested other researcher who are interested in conducting similar topic to
conduct the research for a longer treatment, use other group activities, and use other topics to
fine better and more comprehensive findings.
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Reviewer name :
In this questionnaire, I am asking you about your perceptions as to which kind of
speaking anxiety in English. There is no right or wrong answer here, all I need is your
honest opinion on these practices. I truly appreciate your help.
1. Do you think speaking English is important?


2. How do you feel when you speak English in your class?


3. Do you have any communicative easily with your teacher or your friends? Give
the reasons!


4. Do the teacher’s eye contact or friend views make you nervous when speaking
English? Give the reasons!


5. What kind of types that you speak in the class? Are you shy, quiet, and reticence?
What are the reasons?


6. Are you confident when it is better to speak in English than bahasa in front of the


7. Do you feel anxious (nervous, panic, jittery, etc) when you have to speak English?
What are the reasons that make you feel anxiety?


8. What do you think if your teacher identifying the mistakes and errors when you


9. Do have any difficulties such as lack of vocabulary, lack of confidence, fear of

making mistakes and being laughed at, lack of preparation and shyness?


10. How do you do to decrease your anxiety when speaking English?

11. Do you have your own strategy or solution to reduce your anxiety when speak


12. Do you have any preparation when you learn speaking English? What kind of


13. Do you think cooperative learning make your anxiety more less than before? Give
the reasons!


14. What kind of activities those make you like in learning speaking English? Give an
example and the reasons!

15. Do you have any practices to reduce your speaking anxiety in the class?


Adapted from Horwitz, E. K., Horwitz, M. B., & Cope, J. (1986). Foreign language
classroom anxiety. The Modern Language Journal


Interview Questions
Semi-Structured Interview
1. What are the reasons that you feel To find out students’ reasons that make
anxiety in speaking English? students feel anxiety in speaking English
2. How do you control or reduce your To find out how the students control their
anxiety when you speak English? anxiety in speaking English in the class


The Students’ Answer of Questionnaire


Original Transcribed Students’ Interview
High Achievement 1
Peneliti : Saya mau nanya tentang anxiety, kamu merassa cemas gak klo
ngomong pake bahasa inggris
Siswa : Cemas kadang sih, kadang biasa aja kadang cemas soalnya kan saya
sendiri orangnya verbalnnya kurang karena intropret terus klo ngomong juga
Peneliti : Tapi klo ngobrol pake bahasa inggris nyaman gak?
Siswa : Nyaman nyaman aja karena dari kecil udah didengerin lagu bahasa
inggris jadi udah biasa
Peneliti : Oh jadi kebiasaan dari kecil didengerin music bahasa inggris dari
kecil, jadi gak terlalu anxiety klo ngomong yah?
Siswa : Iya
Peneliti : Oh iya terus klo misalnya kamu ngerasa anxiety gitu yah, dari kamu
sendiri ada gak strateginya buat ngekontrol? Klo gak cara buat ngurangin anxiety itu
Siswa : Hmm apaya, ditenangin dulu kayak klo di depan disuruh ngomong
nah ditenangin dulu mikir dulu gitu terus pokoknya klo aku yang penting ngomong
bahas inggris mau salah atau apa juga. Terus klo misalkan itu bener bener ngeblank
jadi harus relax dulu
High Achievement 2
Peneliti : Mau nanya kan disini pake bahasa inggris terus ngerasa cemas gak
klo pas hari bahasa inggrisnya gitu
Siswa : Hmm apaya kayak karena belum menguasai banyak kosakata jadi
nya tuh kaya kadang ini bener gak yah kadang suka ketuker gitu apa sama apa
Peneliti : Jadi masih rada ragu ragu takut salah gitu yah? Takut bahasa
inggrisnya gimana gitu yah?
Siswa : Iya
Peneliti : Ehmm terus klo misalnya ragu ragu gitu kamu gimana ngatasinnya
buat ngekontrol ragu ragu kamunya?

Siswa : Klo aku sih pede aja gitu hehe, yang namanya juga belajar gitu
Peneliti : Terus klo misalnya kamu punya kamu kan takut salah tapi kamu juga
pede, kamu sering practice gak sama temen” kamu?
Siswa : Sering, jadi klo awal suka nanya dulu eh itu the apa yah, jadi kayak
sharing lagi jadi kita tau ada kosakata yang baru
Peneliti : Jadi punya vocab baru lagi yah dari temen, gara gara practice itu lagi
yah. Buat menguranginya banyak banyak practice yah?
Siswa : Iya terus klo aku klo ada waktu luang tuh di asrama suka buka buka
kamus lagi gitu cari cari lagi, klo dari bahas inggris sih paling suka klo udah belajar
Siswa : narrative gitu suka gitu klo udah belajar listening, suka klo udah
writing suka klo guru udah cerita cerita gitu dengerin tuh paling suka daripada harus
nulis cerita
Middle Achievement 1
Peneliti : Mau nanya klo misalnya hari bahasa inggris setiap hari apaa aja?
Siswa : Hmm rabu sama jumat
Peneliti : Full bahasa inggris nya?
Siswa : Enggak juga sih
Peneliti : Tapi diharuskan pake bahasa inggrisnya?
Siswa : Iya
Peneliti : Okey do you feel anxiety when speaking English? cemas gak klo
misalnya ngomong bahasa inggris
Siswa : Hhmm enggak sih
Peneliti : Gak ada rasa takut buat ngelakuin salah bahasa inggrisnya apa gitu?
Siswa : Enggak sih gak ada
Peneliti : Oh jadi confident?
Siswa : Yes
Peneliti : Tapi sometimes klo misalnya disuruh practice di depan disuruh sama
miss takut salah enggak? Klo kan didepan dilihat sama yang lain?
Siswa : Bisa jadi, tapi berusaha buat gak nervous
Peneliti : Buat ngekotrolnya gimana? Hmm buat cara nguranginnya gimana

Siswa : Hmm ceplas ceplos, biar gak nervous

Middle Achievement 2
Peneliti : Do you feel anxiety in speaking English? hmm the reasonnya apa?
Siswa : Yah karena suka, because I like it seneng gitu klo belajar bahasa
inggris itu
Peneliti : Tapi gak merasa cemas atau takut salah gitu?
Siswa : Hmm kadang suka klo misalnya udah keras gitu kayak udah excited
banget terus kayak diem aja
Peneliti : Takut salah?
Siswa : Iya
Peneliti : Tapi takut gak klo ditegur sama guru?
Siswa : Enggak sih biasa aja, enggak takut
Peneliti : Teruskan misalnya nih yah kamu punya strategi gak buat mengurangi
rasa kecemasan kamu dalam berbicara bahasa inggris
Siswa : Hmm apa yah, enggak sih gak ada karena emang suka ceplas ceplos
ngomongnya juga gitu
Peneliti : Gak ada practice? Klo sama temen practice gak?
Siswa : Iya sometimes
Peneliti : Ok its okey thankyou
Low Achievement 1
Peneliti : Saya mau nanya kan hari bahas inggris tuh hari rabu dan hari jumat,
ngerasa cemas gak klo setiap hari harus ngomong bahasa inggris? Apa
kecemasannnya coba?
Siswa : Hmm kecemasan kayak ngomong I said gitu, mau ngomong apa
taunya apa,belum tau kosakatnya nya, kalimatnya belum bener ngomong sama temen
temennya juga masih bingung sendiri gitu
Peneliti : Oh jadi karena kurang vocab gitu, jadi masih malu gitu yah, tapi klo
misalnya kamu kan merasa vocabnya kurang terus kamu ngelakuin buat vocab nya
nambah gimana
Siswa : Yang paling harus sering latihan kayak ngomong gimana

Peneliti : Tapi klo misalnya sekarang kan kamu cemas, gimana cara kamu
ngekontrol rasa cemas kamu tuh gimana?
Siswa : Pede aja, terus klo misalnya temen temen ngomong vocab yang gak
tau nanya aja pake bahasa Indonesia itu artinya apa.
Low Achievement 2
Peneliti : Klo disini kan setiap hari harus pake bahasa inggris yah
Siswa : Yes it should be everytime everyday
Peneliti : Klo misalnya gak pake bahasa inggris itu gimana?
Siswa : Actually, rule nya itu belum spesifik
Peneliti : Gak harus ditekankan?
Siswa : Ditekankan tapi belum ada hukuman harus kayak gini kayak gitu,
jadi lebih ke saling mengingatkan. Guru bahasa inggrisnya selalu mengajak anak
anak selalu ngomong bahasa inggris
Peneliti : Are you confident when speaking English?
Siswa : Yes
Peneliti : Why?
Siswa : Hmm ngerti karena udah biasa denger bahasa Inggris tapi masih
bingung mau ngebalesnya kayak gimana
Peneliti : Tapi nyaman klo ngomong pake bahasa inggris, gak takut ditegur
atau salah gitu?
Siswa : Suka juga bahasa inggris karena lebih suka bahasa inggris daripada
bahasa arab
Peneliti : Kenapa? Its more easy?
Siswa : Ehmm yah
Peneliti : Terus klo misalnya gak pernah ngerasa anxiety gitu?
Siswa : Enggak
Peneliti : Klo kamu ngerasa nyamannya itu gimana? Bisa nyaman terus
Siswa : Emang sih kadang klo mau ngomong takut salah gimana yah ini
ngomongnya cuman kadang suka liat kamus dulu terus praktekin ngomongnya kayak

Coded and Categorized Semi Structured Group Interview

High Achievement 1
Researcher : I want to ask you about anxiety, you feel anxious if you don't speak
Student : Anxious sometimes, sometimes just ordinary, sometimes anxious
because I myself have a lack of verbal person because interpret keeps on speaking as
well as necessary
Researcher : But if you speak in English comfortably or not?
Student : Just comfortable because I heard English songs from the beginning
so it's normal
Researcher : Oh, it was a habit when I was listened to by English music from a
small age, so I didn't worry too much when I talked?
Student : Yes
Researcher : Oh yeah, if you feel anxiety, for example, do you have a strategy for
controlling yourself? If there is no way to reduce anxiety, how?
Student : Hmm, calm down first like if in front of being told to talk, calm down
first think about it first then if I am important talking about talking about English or
something. And if for example it's really blinding, you have to relax first
High Achievement 2
Researcher : I want to ask here, how do you use English and feel anxious if you
don't have English on the day?
Student : Hmm, I think it's because I haven't mastered a lot of vocabulary,
sometimes, I like it.
Researcher : So you are still hesitant, afraid of being wrong? Afraid of the English
how do you do that?
Student : Yes
Researcher : Ehmm then if for example you hesitate so how do you deal with it to
control your doubt?

Student : If only I feel confident, hehe, whose name is also studied like that
Researcher : If for example you have you are afraid of being wrong but you are
also confident, you often practice not at your friends'
Student : Often, if you like asking questions first, eh, what is that, so it's like
sharing again so we know there is a new vocabulary
Researcher : So you have a new vocab from your friends, because of that practice
again. To reduce it a lot of practice, yeah?
Student : Yes, then if I have spare time in the dorm, I like to open the
dictionary again, so search for it again, if I speak from English, I like it the most
when I learn The teacher has told the story and listened the most, rather than having
to write the story.
Middle Achievement 1
Researcher : What if you want to ask for example in English every day?
Student : Hmm Wednesday and Friday
Researcher : Full English?
Student : Not really
Researcher : But are you required to use English?
Student : Yes
Researcher : Okey do you feel anxiety when speaking English? anxious not if for
example talking in English
Student : Hmmm not really
Researcher : There is no fear of doing wrong in English what is that?
Student : No, there isn't
Researcher : Oh so confident?
Student : Yes
Researcher : But sometimes, if for example, you are told to practice in the front,
then you are told to miss the same or not? If you see the other in front, right?
Student : It could be, but try not to be nervous
Researcher : How about the control? Hmm for how to reduce it
Student : Hmm, speak frankly, so it won't be nervous

Middle Achievement 2
Researcher : Do you feel anxiety in speaking English? hmm what is the reason?
Student : Well, because I like it, I like learning English
Researcher : But don't you feel anxious or afraid of being wrong?
Student : Hmm, sometimes I like it, for example, it's already hard, so it's
already really excited like I'm staying quiet
Researcher : Afraid of being wrong?
Student : Yes
Researcher : But afraid that you won't be reprimanded by the teacher?
Student : No, it's not normal, not afraid
Researcher : Continue for example, you have a strategy to reduce your anxiety in
speaking English
Student : Hmm, yeah, isn't there because it doesn't really speak out like that too
Researcher : No practice? If you practice with friends?
Student : Yes sometimes
Researcher : Ok its okey thankyou
Low Achievement 1
Researcher : I want to ask you about English on Wednesday and Friday, do you
feel anxious if you don't have to speak English every day? What anxiety do you try?
Student : Hmm anxiety like saying I said so, what do you want to say, do not
know the vocabulary, the sentence is not yet true with your friends, your friends are
still confused, like that
Researcher : Oh, so because of the lack of vocab, I'm still embarrassed, yeah, but
for example, if you feel that the vocab is lacking, then you do it to add more vocab
Student : The one who has to practice the most is what to say
Researcher : But if for example you are worried now, how do you control your
Student : Just be confident, then if for example a friend speaks vocab who
doesn't know what Indonesian language means.
Low Achievement 2

Researcher : If you use English every day, right?

Student : Yes it should be everytime everyday
Researcher : If you don't use English for example?
Student : Actually, the rules are not specific
Researcher : Shouldn't it be stressed?
Student : Emphasized but there is no penalty to be like this, so it's more to
remind each other. The English teacher always invites children to always speak
Researcher : Are you confident when speaking English?
Student : Yes
Researcher : Why?
Student : Hmm, I understand because I am used to hearing English but I am
still confused about how to get it back
Researcher : But if you're comfortable speaking English, aren't you afraid of being
rebuked or wrong?
Student : Also like English because they prefer English over Arabic
Researcher : Why? Its more easy?
Student : Ehmm yeah
Researcher : Then, for example, have you never felt anxiety?
Student : No
Researcher : What if you feel comfortable about it? Can be comfortable all the
Student : Yeah, sometimes when I want to say I'm afraid of being wrong, yeah,
it's talking, sometimes I like to see the dictionary first, then practice speaking

Questionnaire Documentation

Give instruction to the students

Students answer the questionnaire



Administration Letter

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