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Animal Tissues(जन्तु कोशिका )

i. Epithelial Tissue
ii. Connective Tissue
iii. Muscular Tissue
iv. Nervous Tissue
Animal Tissues
(जन्तु कोशिका )
Epithelial Tissue
Epithelial tissues line the outer surfaces of organs and blood
vessels throughout the body, as well as the inner surfaces of
cavities in many internal organs | An example is the epidermis,
the outermost layer of the skin./उपकला ऊतक परू े िरीर में अंगों और
रक्त वाहिकाओं की बािरी सतिों, साथ िी कई आंतररक अंगों में गि
ु ाओं की
आंतररक सतिों को भी रे खाबद्ध करते िैं। एक उदािरण एपपडशमिस िै , त्वचा
की सबसे बािरी परत.
. Connective Tissue
मानव िरीर में एक अंग को दस ू रे अंग से जोड़ने का कार्ि करता िै /Performs the
function of connecting one organ to another in the human body.

The main component of the connective tissue is a protein called collagen,

these are called 'meigenkymal cells'./संर्ोजी उत्तकों का मख् ु र् घटक कोलेजन
(Collagen) नामक प्रोटीन िोता िै ,इन्िें 'मीजेनकाइमल कोशिकाएँ' किा जाता िै ।
Connective tissues
Exmple/संर्ोजी ऊतक उदािरण
•Blood (plasma)
Plasma contains three types of blood cells suspended in it. These are:
(i) RBC - Red blood cells
(ii) WBC - White blood Cells
(iii) Platelets

Ligaments and Tendons etc
Ligaments and Tendons etc

•Ligaments: Two bones are connected to each other by a connective tissue called
the ligament. This tissue is flexible or elastic in nature.

•Tendons: Bones are connected to muscles by another type of connective tissue

named as Tendons.Tendons are fibrous tissue with great strength but limited
Muscular Tissue
• Muscular tissue consists of elongated cells, also called muscle fibres.
This tissue is responsible for movement in our body.

• Main function of muscular tissues is to provide movement to the body.

• Muscles contain special proteins called contractile proteins, which

contract and relax to cause movement.
Nervous Tissues/तंत्रिका ऊतक
• Cells of the nervous tissue are highly specialised for being stimulated
and then transmitting the stimulus very rapidly from one place to
another within the body.

• The brain, spinal cord and nerves are all composed of the nervous

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