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Chonamae A.

Nebasa BSHM 2-4D

TESDA ONLINE TRANING in Bread and Pastry Production (NC II)

Studying this course has helped me to improve my cake-making skills. It also

helped me refresh my knowledge of common workplace terms, which are tackled in my

past subjects. In Lesson 1, I really appreciate that this lesson emphasized that there is

science and art in baking cakes. In Lesson 2, I learned that we are expected to maintain

a high degree of personal and occupational hygiene as professional food workers.

Taking a bath, cleaning one's teeth, and cutting one's fingernails are some of the more

frequent ways to keep one's body clean. As prospective professional food workers, we

must take care of ourselves by following proper cleaning and washing procedures. The

most important thing to remember is that we are dealing with food, thus personal

cleanliness must be strictly adhered to. In Lesson 3, it highlighted that a professional

food worker, particularly a pastry chef, must perform and assure the use or functioning

of the tools and equipment inside the kitchen to entirely or fully meet the occupational

safety and standard. Lastly, prioritizing tool and equipment maintenance will reduce the

number of accidents and baked product failures. In the final lesson of this course,

properly setting up the work station ensures that we will be less likely to injure ourselves

if we first familiarize ourselves with the tools, equipment, and utensils that can be used

in cake-making, as well as all of the ingredients to be used.

I’m not much into baking, but I do really love pastries, so this course has really

helped me fall in love with baking. But, of course, security and hygiene are essential


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