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1 Electromagne0c and basic op0cs:

-  Maxwell’s equa.ons
-  Plane electromagne.c waves
-  The electromagne.c of dielectric media
-  Elementary electromagne.c waves
-  Gaussian beam
- of Gaussian beam
-  Interference
2 Polariza0on of light:
-  Malus’s law
-  Jone’s vector/ Jone’s matrix
3 Fourier op0cs:
-  Propaga.on of light in free space
-  Diffrac.on:
-  Fresnel’s diffrac.on
-  Fraunhofer’s diffrac.on
4 Holography
-  Introduc.on
-  Applica.ons
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a medium

-  In a medium, NO free electric charges or currents

-  Two more vector fields need to be defined:
-  Electric flux density (or electric displacement, D(r,t)
-  Magne.c flux density, B(r,t)
-  The Maxwell’s equa.ons relate the four fields E, H, D and B are:

∇×H = (21)
∇×E = − (22)
∇⋅D = 0 (23)

∇⋅B = 0 (24)

Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a medium

-  The rela.onship between electric flux density D and the electric field E
depends on the electric of the medium.
-  Similarly, the rela.onship between magne.c flux density B and the
magne.c field B depends on the magne.c of the medium.

D = ε0E + P (25)

B = µ0 H + µ0 M (26)

Where P is the polariza.on density

M is the density
à  In a dielectric medium, the P is the macroscopic sum of the electric dipole
moments that the electric field induces.
-  In free space, P = M = 0 à we have:

D = ε0E (27)

B = µ0 H (28) 4
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a medium

-  The dielectric medium responds to an applied electric field E and creates a polariza.on
density P(r,t).

E (r,t) P (r,t)

-  Let’s define some media:

-  Linear medium: The vector field P(r,t) is linearly related the vector field E(r,t) à
can use principle of superposi.on.
-  Nondispersive medium: P at .me t is defined by E at the same .me t à response
instantaneous à nondispersiveness is clearly an idealiza.on.
-  Homogenous medium: the rela.on between P and E is independent of the
posi.on r.
-  Isotropic medium: the rela.on between P and E is independent of the direc.on of
E à vectors P and E are parallel.
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a medium: simplest case

-  Let’s consider the simplest case, the medium is:

-  Linear
-  Nondispersive
-  Homogeneous
-  Isotropic
à The P and E at any posi.on and .me are parallel and propor.onal as:

P = ε0 χ E (29)

Where χ is the electric suscep.bility, a scalar constant

- (18) to (14), we have D and E are also parallel and propor.onal:

D = εE (30)

ε = (ε 0 + χ )
Where: is the electric permiavity of the medium
/ ε0
ε is the dielectric constant 6
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a medium: simplest case

è Under these condi.ons, Maxwell’s equa.ons simplify to:

∂E (31)
∇×H =ε
∇ × E = −µ 0 (32)

∇⋅E = 0 (33)
∇⋅H = 0 (34)

-  Each of the components of E and H therefore sa.sfies the wave equa.on:

2 1 ∂ u
∇ u− 2 2 = 0 (35)
c ∂t
Where: is the speed of light in medium
c = (εε 0 )
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a medium: simplest case

-  The different components of the electric and magne.c fields propagates in the form
of waves of speed:

c0 (36)

!ε $
n = # & = (1+ χ )1/2
where is the index (37)
" ε0 %

c0 =
and is the speed of light in vacuum (38)
(ε 0 µ 0 )1/2

Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in an Inhomogeneous medium

-  Now consider the the media with one or more of the linear,
nondispersive, homogeneous and isotropic are not sa.sfied..
-  For inhomogeneous (but linear, nondispersive and isotropic) medium.

E (r,t) P (r,t)

- The rela.on (29, 30) remain valid
- The coefficients χ and ε are now func.ons of posi.on, χ(r) and ε(r)
à index is also n = n(r)

Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in an Inhomogeneous medium

-  For locally homogeneous media (in which ε(r) varies sufficiently slowly) à
can be assumed constant within a distance of a wavelength, the wave
equa.on is modified to:

2 1 ∂ E (39)
∇ E− 2 2
c (r) ∂t

! ε (r) $ (40)
n(r) = #
where is the index at posi.on r
" ε0 %

c= 0
and is a varying speed (41)

Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in an Anisotropic medium

For anisotropic medium

-  The rela.on between vectors P and E depends on the direc.on of the vector E à
these two vectors are not necessarily parallel
-  If the medium is linear, nondispersive, and homogeneous, each component of P is
a linear combina.on of the three components of E

Pi = ∑ε 0 χ ij E j (42)

Where i, j = 1, 2, 3 denote the x, y, and z components

-  The dielectric of the medium are described by an array {χij} of 3 x 3

constants known as the Suscep.bility tensor.
-  A similar rela.on between D and E applies:

Di = ∑εij E j (43)
j 11
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in an Anisotropic medium

E1 P1

E2 P2

E3 P3

Each component of P is a superposi.on of the three components of E in an

anisotropic (but linear, homogeneous, and nondispersive) medium
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a Dispersive medium

For dispersive medium

-  The rela.on between P and E is not instantaneous rela.on. It is a dynamic
rela.on with “memory”.
-  The vector E “creates” the vector P by inducing oscilla.on of the bound electrons
in the atoms of the medium à collec.vely produce the polariza.on density.

E (t) P (t)

-  A linear system is characterized by its response to an impulse

-  An impulse of electric field (with magnitude δ(t) at .me t = 0) induces a .me-
dispersed polariza.on density (with magnitude x(t) at t = 0) and for some
dura.on. x(t) is a scalar func.on of .me.
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a Dispersive medium

à  An arbitrary electric field E(t) induces a polariza.on density P(t), and P is a

superposi.on of the effects of E(t’) at all t’ ≤ t.

P(t) = ε 0 ∫ x(t '− t)E(t ')dt ' (44)

à  The rela.on between P(t) and E(t) is governed by a dynamic linear system
described by an impulse-response func.on ε0x(t), corresponding to a frequency
dependent suscep.bility χ(ν).

Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a Nonlinear medium

For Nonlinear medium

-  The rela.on between P and E is nonlinear.
-  P = a1E + a2E2 + a3E3… = Ψ(E) (a1, a2, a3 are constants)
è The wave equa.on (35) is not applicable to electromagne.c waves in nonlinear

-  Now, take a curl equa.on (22) and using the rela.on B = µ0H, we obtain:

∂2 D
∇ × (∇ × E) = −µ 0 2 (45)
-  Using the rela.on (25) and vector iden.ty , we have:
∇ × (∇ × E) = ∇(∇ ⋅ E) − ∇ 2 E
2 2
2 ∂ E ∂ P
∇(∇ ⋅ E) − ∇ E = −ε 0 µ 0 2 − µ 0 2 (46)
∂t ∂t
Maxwell’s wave equa0ons in a Nonlinear medium

-  For a homogeneous and isotropic medium D = εE

-  In Maxwell’s equa.ons for wave in a medium, we have è , the
∇⋅D = 0 ∇⋅E = 0
equa.on (46) is now:

2 2
1 ∂ E ∂ P
∇2 E − 2 2 = µ0 2 (47)
c0 ∂t ∂t
-  This equa.on is applicable to all homogeneous, nondispersive and isotropic dielectric
media. If the medium is also nonlinear, the equa.on for the electric field
E is now:

2 2
2 1 ∂ E ∂ Ψ(E)
∇ E − 2 2 = µ0 (48)
c0 ∂t ∂t 2

è Most media are approximately linear.

è The nonlinear media is occurred by the presence of laser beam with very high

Iden.fy the dielectric media described by the following equa.ons:

a) P = ε χ E − a∇ × E

b) P + aP = ε 0 E

∂2 P ∂P
c) a1 + a2 + P = ε0 χ E
∂t ∂t

Where χ, a1, a2, a3 are constants

Monochroma0c electromagne0c waves

-  When the electromagne.c wave is monochroma.c à all components of the electric

and magne.c fields are harmonic func.ons of .me of the same frequency.

u(r, t) = a(r)cos[2π vt + ϕ (r)] (18)

a(r): amplitude
ϕ(r): phase
ν: frequency (cycles or Hz)
ω = 2πν: angular frequency (radian/s)

à Amplitude and phase are posi.on dependent ??

à Wavefun.on is a harmonic func.on of .me with frequency v at all posi.ons

-  The wave func.on u(r,t) is simple the real part of the complex wavefunc.on U(r,t):

U(r, t) = a(r)eiϕ (r)ei2 πν t (19)

è u(r, t) = Re{U(r, t)} (20)

Monochroma0c electromagne0c waves

-  Func.on U(r,t) is complex wave func0on à describes the wave completely

-  Wave func0on u(r,t) is the real part of the complex wave func.on.

-  Like the wave func.on u(r,t), the complex wave func.on U(r,t) must sa.sfy the wave
1 ∂ U
∇ 2U − 2 2 = 0 (21)
c ∂t

-  Rewrite the eq. (19), we have the complex wavefunc.on as:

U(r, t) = U(r)ei2 πν t (22)

Where U(r) = a(r)exp[iϕ(r)] is the complex amplitude

Monochroma0c electromagne0c waves

Wave func0on at a fixed posi.on

u(t) is a harmonic func.on of .me

Complex amplitude U = aexp(iϕ) Complex wave func0on U(t) = Uexp(i2πνt) is a

is a fixed phasor phasor with angular velocity ω = 2πν
Monochroma0c electromagne0c waves

-  The wave func.on u(r,t) is related to the complex amplitude by:

u(r, t) = Re{U(r)ei2 πν t }
= [U(r)ei2 πν t +U * (r)e−i2 πν t ] (23)
à  At a given posi.on r, the complex amplitude U(r) is a complex variable whose
magnitude |U(r)| = a(r) is the magnitude of the wave
à  And argument arg{U(r)} = ϕ)r) is the phase

-  The monochroma.c wave must sa.sfy the wave equa.on. (22) into the
wave equa.on (21) we obtain the equa.on:

(∇ 2 + k 2 )U(r) = 0 (24)

-  (24) is called Helmholtz equa0on, with k = 2πv/c = ω/c (wavenumber)

Monochroma0c electromagne0c waves

-  The op0cal intensity of a monochroma.c wave is defined as the absolute square of

its complex amplitude:
I(r) = U(r) (25)

è The intensity of monochroma.c wave does not vary with .me

-  The wavefronts are the surfaces of equal phase:

ϕ(r) = constant (26)

-  The constants are o{en taken to be mul.plies of 2π, ϕ(r) = 2πq, where q is an integer


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