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How would you prepare 500mL of 1.

5M acetate buffer
with a pH of 5.00? (Ka = 1.75x10-5)
1. KA to pKa
To solve: pKa = -log(Ka)
pKa = -log(1.75x10-5)
pKa = 4.757

2. to solve conj. base/ weak acid

1.5M = [HA] + 1.75[HA-]
Shift solve… is the key
[HA] = 0.545 MOLAR

A− ¿ ¿ = 1.75

A− ¿ ¿
0.545 = 1.75
A- = (1.75)(0.545)
A- = 0.95375 MOLAR
3. solve for grams
Acetic acid MM= 60.052g/mol
HA = 0.545 mol/L x 0.5L x 60.052g/mol
HA = 16.36g

Sodium acetate MM = 82.03g/mol
A- = 0.954 mol/L x 0.5L x 82.03g/mol
A- = 39.13 g

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