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Name: Ricky Hermawan Wibisono

NIM: 7101419169


Review Articles "How to Listen When Your Communication Styles Don’t Match"

In this article we will discuss how to communicate well when communication styles don't
match. When we feel that we have communicated well, it is not certain that our interlocutors feel
the same and can catch the meaning we communicate. This is why so many of us see our
conversation partners as lecturing, nagging, talking to us, or even humiliating us. For this reason,
this article aims to provide a way for speakers and recipients of information to overcome

In this article, we will discuss 2 different points of view, namely from the point of view
of the person communicating and the person receiving the communication. The first is we will
position ourselves as someone who communicates or an explanation. If your conversational
counterpart is a venter / screamer, your hardwired survival coping skill might be to tell them to
calm down (which will only make them more upset), to shut down and get silent (which will
only make them yell longer, because they 'll think you're not listening), or to try to point out how
irrational venting is (which, as noted above, they will perceive as patronizing and belaboring).
Make sure that we have conveyed the important points briefly before they feel bored and find it
difficult to understand the meaning we convey. focus on their left eye. The left eye is connected to
the right brain — the emotional brain.  Let them finish. Then say, “I can see you’re really frustrated.
To make sure I don’t add to that,  and to make sure I don’t miss something, what was the most
important thing I need to do in the long term, what’s the critical thing I need to do in the short
term .Second, we will position ourselves as a person who receives communication or a listener.
If the person you're talking to is an explanation, then make sure we try to appreciate what the
explanation has said by trying to hear and understand the meaning of the explanation conveyed,
make sure you smile politely and try not to show your impatience and resentment. Realize that
the reason they explain and belabor things is probably because their experience is that people don’t
pay attention to what they say.  They don’t realize that while that may be true of some truly
distracted people, for others, the reason they don’t pay attention is that the speaker is belaboring
something that the listener already heard — and doesn’t want to hear over and over again. .We can
ask something that is still related to what the explanation has said. We can confirm whether we
understand and accept the meaning of the explanatory by conveying what the explanatory means
when communicating so that the communication process can function properly, namely the
explanation and the listener have the same understanding.

Source : How to Listen When Your Communication Styles Don’t Match (

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