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“There is no situation in life that is meaningless, even the apparently negative aspects of life can turn into

something positive when faced with the right attitude.” My name is Frency Ramon, I am Latina, my
nationality is Ecuadorian, I came from a beautiful country to live in the United States 4 years ago, at first
everything was very difficult, and I hated it, seeing change as part of life. I realized that it is necessary to
accept the circumstances that we cannot change and focus on the ones that can. My biggest obstacle was
English, I had many difficulties talking to people or expressing myself in the same way, many bullied me,
some did not understand me, I was antisocial, and I felt low self-esteem for not knowing English, when I
arrived in the USA My whole life fell apart, family members of mine died, and I didn't have the
opportunity to see them, I didn't feel good but over time I learned to be strong, to get used to it, and it's true
thanks to this country I also had many opportunities, over time I found a job and my English It was good, I
was able to pursue my goals. It is important to set realistic goals that can be achieved even if they are
small, rather than focusing on tasks that are very difficult. I never lost hope that I could achieve my dreams
and I still have many dreams to fulfill, I graduated from my school with an excellent average even so
without knowing much English, I worked hard to achieve it. Now my goal is to enter a University or
College. I know that I can fulfill it and I know that in this country they help the students a lot, I ask them to
please give me this help and I will give all my effort to be someone professional.

Some of the tips that I had in my mind were these:

Take decisive action : In adverse situations, act the best you can. Taking decisive action is better than
ignoring problems and tensions and wishing they will go away.

Have a positive vision: Developing the confidence to solve problems and trusting our instincts helps build

Keep perspective: You need to consider issues in a larger context and keep a long-term perspective. The
most important thing is not to enlarge the event out of its proportion.

Do not lose hope: An optimistic outlook allows us to expect good things to happen in our lives.

Take care of ourselves: We have to attend to our needs and wants; be interested in activities that we enjoy
and find relaxing. Exercise regularly.

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