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The nervous system

The nervous system

The nervous system is the most complex and important
organ system of our body.
our sense organs and a other organ systems are contro ed
by the nervous fact, it controls everything that we do
The brain, spinal cord and the nerves together form the nervous system .
An interconnected network of nerves runs through our entire body.

This is similar to a network of roads that connect various parts of a city
it is through this network of nerves that the brain monitors and controls every
part of our bodyThat the brain uses these notes to send and receive signals or messages.

The brain is one of the most essential parts of our works very much like the CPU of a
receives messages from different parts of the body, processes them and sent back the instructions to the
respective body parts.

The brain is located inside the heart and bony school.there is a fluid present betw n the sku and the
brain.this fluid acts as a shock absorber and protects the brain from injuries.

The human brain has thr main parts – Cerebrum , cerebe um and medu a .each Part has its own work to
do not let us learn about these parts of the brain .


The cerebrum is the largest part of the human is shaped


like a dome and looks like a walnut with d p ridges and grooves.

Our thinking and learning abilities, memory, sense organs


and basic inte igence

are contro ed by the Cerebrum.
Cerebe um
The cerebe um is located below the cerebrum, towards the back of the brain.
it is much sma er in size than Cerebrum.cerebe um controls the muscle movement.
it is also responsible for maintaining our posture and balance.

Medu a


The Medu a is a stem – shaped connects the brain to the spinal cord.a are in voluntary

activities such as breathing, heart beat and blood circulation are contro ed and monitored by the


Medu a it works even why we are asl p.


The spinal cord
The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that is surrounded and protected by the vertebral
originates from the Medela and extends almost ti the lower end of our backbone.

The spinal cord connects the brain to other parts of the body
through a network of nerves it helps in transferring a the
betw n the brain and the rest of the body.the reflects action or
directly contro ed by the spinal cord without involving the brain.

Sense organs

Our eyes enable us to s the beautiful world around us.



each eye consists of an eyeba ,Set in a ho ow bony socket in the sku .the
eyeba is fi ed with a fluid that protects the eye from shocks and minor jokes.the eyelids and eyelashes

protect the eyeba from dust, unwanted things and intense light.the
circular, transparent area covering the front of the eye is ca ed Karina.the coloured part is that it is the
it is gives the eye its distinct colour.the areas has an opening in the centre ca ed the pupil.
light enters
Light enters the eye through the is controls the
amount of light that can enter through the pupil.behind the pupil
alight – sensitive layer ca ed retina is present.

The image of the object is formed on the retina.the optic

nerve connects the eye to the brain.messages from the retina passed
to the brain through this optic nerve.

Our ears help us to hear .
The ear has thr main parts- outer ear , middle ear and inner ear.

The outer ear, Ca ed PINNA, is that part of the ear which we can s and touch . Sound waves

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