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Understanding Self-Confidence Activity

This Understanding Self-Confidence worksheet is a helpful resource for people who want to understand
their self-esteem and self-confidence in order to improve it.

In the following activity, you will attempt to gain more insight into the psychological experiences and
physical sensations that are associated with self-confidence. The goal is to help familiarize you with the
mental and bodily experiences associated with self-confidence and identify behaviors that may be
helpful when they feel low in self-esteem.

If it helps, keep Part C or the whole worksheet as a useful reminder for the next time you’re feeling low
in self-esteem.

This worksheet has 3 parts:

■ In Part A, you can recall a situation in which you felt confident and experienced a sense of self-worth.
Answer the questions using the spaces provided.

■ Part B poses the same questions of a situation in which you felt low in self-esteem. These allow for
contrast and comparison in Part C.

■ The final section, Part C, will help you become more aware of your emotions and self-talk in the two
contrasting situations, analyze your reactions, and identify adaptive actions for dealing strategically with
future situations where you feel low in self-esteem.

Part A

Recall a time when you felt confident and experienced a sense of self-worth. Use this space to note
down your reflections.

1. How would you describe the situation? What is happening?

 This happening in my life was when I was invited to be a speaker/mentor of the aspiring
student journalists in my former school during Junior High School. It was overwhelming
and rewarding. And it is something that is so memorable to me for it was so
unexpected. I didn’t know that some people appreciate my skills and capabilities. If I
may add, that milestone in my life gave me also an opportunity to share what I know
and I was able to help other people, too. It was just so fulfilling in my part and it’s really
a self-esteem booster also.

2. What are you saying to yourself about the situation (self-talk)? What tone does your self-talk
have? What kind of language are you using?

 I was just like, “Wow, I can’t believe this is really happening. Thank you, God.” and it
was nonstop. I couldn’t contain the excitement in my voice as I started to share my
journey to the people around me in that four corner room. The voice in my mind was so
loud and clear as the crystal water in the streams as it was telling me that I deserved
what’s happening right at that moment. In combination of Filipino, Ilocano and English
languages that I used in reminding myself that I’m doing just fine, I was able to keep that
self-confidence all throughout the event.

3. What physical sensations and feelings are you aware of?

 I remembered that I was just grinning from ear to ear that time. All throughout my talk,
the smile that I put on my face didn’t fade away even just for a millisecond. Although, I
was having cold sweats but it was just for a short moment.

4. What do you do as a result of this?

 So until now, I am still a student journalist and my passion for journalism still ablaze.
And I also continue to inspire and encourage other student journalists to keep on doing
what they love and to never stop doing it.

Part B

Now, try to remember a situation when you felt that your self-confident was low. Using the same
questions as in Part A, write down your answers

1. How would you describe the situation? What is happening?

 It was as if I am in the middle of nowhere. I didn’t know where or whom to run with. My
mind is clinging to the thought that what if I fail? What if it won’t turn out good? And it
was devouring the whole out of me. I was getting drained and just wanted to cry out my
frustration. I couldn’t help it, it was our Oral Revalida that’s going to happen. I should
not just shrug it off. I needed to do good. I needed to do my best.

2. What are you saying to yourself about the situation (self-talk)? What tone does your self-talk
have? What kind of language are you using?

 “What if I wouldn’t be able to meet their expectations?”. That kept ringing in my

thoughts as if some broken vinyl. My mind was clouded with thoughts of not being able
to present well my case study. The what ifs are so overpowering that made me stayed
up until 4 am for two weeks straight reviewing the details.
3. What physical sensations and feelings are you aware of?

 My knees and hands were trembling as if I was thrown and hot seated in an
interrogation room. I couldn’t relax myself even though I tried so hard to keep things in
a light atmosphere. The voice inside my mind that’s keeping me chained into the
thought of what ifs and second-guessing was in a great clamor. I was in the verge of

4. What do you do as a result of this?

 In the midst of losing my sanity, I tried to calm down and compose myself and thankfully
I was able to. I just stared at the bible verse that I printed and kept on chanting what it
says there, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own
understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” After
a while when it was my turn to present, I just did what I had to do. I poured all my
knowledge and all the things I had to present and explained thoroughly the concepts of
my case study.

Part C

Use your notes from Parts A and B above to answer the following questions.

1. What positive statement could I say to myself to be reminded of my power?

 God has plans for you. He has great things in store for you. You are capable and strong
that in whatever adversity that you may face, you will be able to overcome those.
You’ve reached this far and you deserved it. The journey may come with bumpy roads
and a lot of detours but always remember that there will be clear and smooth ones
that’ll come along. You just got to continue walking/riding and enjoy.

2. What could I do that would help me feel differently?

 Like I always do, it’s really helpful to see the good in everything. That good can always
come out from bad ones. Thinking positively flickers that energy within me and it
motivates me to keep myself on track. One more thing is that it generates a great sense
of peace in me when I do not give so much attention to the things or people that hinder
my growth as a person.
3. What could I do differently next time I am in this situation? What actions would empower me?
 Trusting myself more is probably the best leap in order to help my perception about
myself to ascend. Doing breathing exercises and allotting myself a time to relax would
suffice the lack of energy and mitigate the burnout and breakdown moments. And
probably I just have to take a pause once in a while. And after that for sure, I’m ready to
go again.

Lesson I’ve learned…

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