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Defense Language institutc

English Language Cuntcr
Preface _
The American Laitguage Course (ALC)is a compre he nsive, muliilevel languagc program for icaching
Énglish For vocational and professional purposes^ It is derigried primanly lor intensiva Engliih languuge
(raining in a classroom seuing, bul can eysily be . l.ipi \: fbr slawer-pacíd insirüLriiiii Ttii: ALC's ui u ¡ i h n i
has beun developcd by ihe Ocíense Language Instttutc Engli^h Longungc Ccntcr (DLIELC), whirh i^; n LIS
Deparrmenl of Defen^e íchool undcr ihc opcraiiíinal conirol of ihc US Air Forcé. The primary focus of Ihe
ALCii (üproviidea languygc curriculum foradivcrse international müiiajy population. Tothat cnd, thc
coiirne iitcludes notonly general English lopics. bul also mihlar>r tupien oí"ugcnciül natun: higlili^lilni^. Uic
lypical i.i •• i i . ••• military perionnel will encuunier in iheir pmftísüirjrial and . i>tational career flelds Tlie ALC
has, hüwever, also been very successfuLly used m noü-miliiítiy Icünungcmuunmenlsandm US liigh schools
wilh immr^ram •ítudcnl

Course compon&nts
The cooidinaled insüuctionid packagcs for Book? l-30consist of the following:
* Studcm text (ST)
> Inslrutlor lexl (IT)
> Homework and evaluatiori C^CTCÍM:S bnuk]i:t (HW and EE)
> Audio recordings (tape or CDJ
> Lunguage laboraiory acliviíjes iluden! ICM (LLAST)
> 1 . . i i j u.1.' laboraloiy ytlivilies inslmclur lexf ^vilh audiu siiripr.s (LLAIT)
*• Compuier-delivered iniemcüve mtiliimedia insirucüon (IMI) for Lcvds I-1V
>• Quiz kii
> Optional traJnitig aids

Inquiríes and orders

Please nddresü inquines and requesls for more infarmaiton ahoul DLIELC | iih . i mis lo
2235 Andrews Avenue
LackJand Air Forcé Base, Texas 78236-5259
©2003 byDcfense Language Insinuie English Language Center and its licensors, Noliceof Righls: AUrighis
reserved. No ppri of ihis book rnay be reproduced or iransmined in ¿tny fonn or by any mcuns,
mecho ni cal, pholocopying. recording, or dlhcrwisc, wiihoul Üic prior wri lien peimission nf ihc

This boot supeisedes ALC Bttvk 3 Sfwleni Te.\t, January

Second Ediiion. Januíiry 2003
houilh priiiling. June 2006

ALC Book 3: Scope and Sequence, Lessons 1-5

Lesson Voríihulgry Funcliona Grammatical SlrucTures Skllls

1 Hegetsup earty. * Talking abo ul daily *- Simple presenl Tense t [(TonTifying sTress anrt
* roulines (or regular verbs m loraa! ion petlerns
> Student life •• Making plans >- IdenTiryjng cslegones
" Daily activities * Stating food and negativa and ítems
>• París of the day preferences siaiemenis r- AlphabaTizirrg
> Talking about food for > Yes/no quesTions * Pronounclng the 3"1-
different meáis ^ Long and shorl peíaon presenT tense
answers markars /s/, M, ancl
Taking a frain > Seeking informalion > Simple present lense >HaadingaTrsvRl
j_ and respondinglo for regular verbs scnedule
> Studying English at - Who, whst, wh&re. >- Idenllfylng stress and
queslions about
DLIELC Iravel when questions il- 1 1 :, Im1! |!,|MI -i M
x- Makmg trave! plans > Talking about habita > Yes/no queslions • Usmg questionnaires
> Talking about > Atíverbs of frequency >- Idenlifyfng categorías
languages and ítems
•• Alphabetizing
*- Pronouncing ñames
of languages
IVSiere are yon Irom? . Making small Talk > Simple pasi tense for > IdenTIfylng stress and
> Talking about Ihe BE Intonalion pallems
+ Co unlnes past -- Affirmalive - Recognlzing words
•- Monlhs of the year and negativo *• Identifying calegories
> Time and schedules slalemenls and ítems
* Taal Taking ^ Ves/no questions > Pronounclng,
- Long andshorl discn minad ng, and
answers wrülng words with the
* How many + BE ffj sound
> How many + vsrb
^ Vm m the Army now. -- Getling lo linow each . Simple pasl tense for * Idantifymg slress
oiher information questions patterna
> Milirary and ci villa n - Expressmg i- lure with BE y Pronouncmg and
personnel intentions wiih wsn¡ > Waní+ infinilive discrlmlnatlng words
- Aflirmalive with (he /"J and Id!
and negalive sounds
slalemenls * Recognizing words
- Ves^no queslions - Identilying celegorJea
*• Long and short and ítems
answars . Completing a
- Descriptive dictation and cloze
adieciives exerdse
Lesson 5 reviews all vocabulary and siructures introducod in Lessons 1-4.


Notes to the Student
The American Language Course focuses on four components of language acquisition:
vocabulary, grammar, language fuiíctions, and skills.
• The lessons present vocabulary (individual words as well as expressions) that
learner needs to understand and use in arder to communicate effectively in English.
Each new lesson builds on the vocabulary of the previous lessons. The language
included is appropriale for learners workíng in profesional and vocational contexto
A significant feature of the General English phase of the ALC is that miJitnry
vocabulary is included wherever applicablc.
• The presentation of grammar is carefully sequenced. The grammaticaí structures
presented in the lessons are the forms a language learner needs in ord«r lo apeak
and write English correctly. New grammar is often depitted in charts or tübles LhaL
serve to focus the learner's attention on the particular structure being presented.
• Language functions are the ways wc use a language to communkate. In each leaaon,
exercises that fotus on functions show thu learner hou? arid wheii tu UHU cLTLuiíi
words, phrascs, and sentences.
• lo additionj skills exercises interspersed throughout the lessons focus on. developing
the learner's language proficioncy in listening, speaking, reading» and writing.
The Scope and Sequence chart located on the previous page shows the content that
makes up the current book. The four columns on the chart outline the new material as
it is related to the language acquisition components described above. A leason bogins
with a table of contenta followod by a preview page. Tlic prcview pagc próvidos at a
glance a summ^ry of the new material presented in tlie lesson. Each ALC book has
four lessons introducing new material and one review lesson. These are followed hy a
humcjwork aection and daily evaluation exercises. Various appendices are also included
in the book,
The homework and Ihe evaluation exercises are at the back of this text . Students will
require about two hours to complete the daily homework assignments, The evaluation
exercises are short quizzes that will serve to give both the teacher and the atudent
feedback on how well the previously ínstructed material has been leavned. Evalúa tion
exercises should be assigned aíter each lesson is completed.
The appendices can be found after the fifth lessonr Appendix A provides an alphobetical
list of new vocabulary presented in this book. The number of the lesson in which each
word or phrase ¡s introduced is provided next to the entry. Appendix B prescnts a
listing of grarnmatical structures introduced in the book; a lesson number is provided
along with each entry for üasy reference. The other appendices are included as
refere nce malcriáis.



BookS Contents

LESSON1: He gets up early. 1

LE5SON 2: They speak English 25

LESSON 3: Where are you from? .,.,...... „„......*..*., 47

LESSON 4: Tra in the Army now. 73

LES5ON 5: Review 99


A: Wordlist US

B: Structure list 117

C: Flash Cards 119

D: The English alphabet 121

E: American Knglish aounds -.,..,..., -123

F: List of contractions 125

HOMEWORK: .. . ..HW-1




He gets up early.
VOCABULARY: Studentlife 3
Daily activítics - 4

GRAMMAR: Using the simple present tense 6

PRONUNCIATION Saying the present tense for he, she, and it 9

Stress patterns .................... 10
GRAMMAR: Uaing the negative simple present tense 11

VOCABULARY: Parts of the day - ....,„....* 13

DIALQG: Making suggestions 17

GRAMMAR: Making simple present tense yes/no questions 18

Simple present tense long and short answera 20
Talking aboitt food for diiíerent meáis 21
READING: Wordskills , 22

PERFORMANCE CHECK: Reviewíng new vocabulary 24

Preview What'snewin Lesson 1?

Nouns Verbs Other worda
afternoon do/does after
class don't/doean't e,m.
evening get dressed at ímidnight/night/noon)
leason getup before
midníght shave early
morning shower
night sleep for
noon swim hungry
shower want in (the morning/
snack afternoon/evening)


Pvt García gets up early every day take a shower
Do es he get up early every day? go to bed
Yes, he does.
Yes, he gets up early every day.
No, he doesn't,
No, he doesn't gct up early every day

Vbcabulary Student Ufe

Pvt García doesn't aleep late- He gels

up at 6:00 u.m. every day. He takea a
shower, shaves, and gets dresaed. Then
he eats breakfost in the dining hall
before he goes to claas, After claaa, liu
eats a snack, and he goes to the gym
at 3:00 p.m. He studies his leason in
the evening, and he goea to bed at

Pvt Garcia's friends get up early in

the morning, too. They shower, shave,
and get dreased, too. They go to the
mesa hall at 6:45 every morning. After
breakfast, they ga to class.

At noon, the students go to lunch,

They don't go to the gym right after
class in the afternoon. They go lo tlic
library. Then they swim at 4:00. They
eat a snack and study their lessons
in the evening, They go to bed before

•urd ST:QT •urd QQIQI -urd QQ:¿

-nrd QQ:£ •ra-s ot:¿ 'ore OQ:¿

•ui'B 0^:9 •ur« gT:9 tu-e 00:9

B dn ;ag daajs
ssvpu^o^ peq o) oS aAB^e
pesssjp iü3 Kpms IUIMS

EXERCISE A Complete the sentences. Use every and the time of day.

EXAMPLE: 1. Pvt Garda gets up at G6UU everv mprnina

2. Pvt García goes to bed late

3. Pvt García cats a snack and goes to the gyrn

4. Pvt García studies his losson

5. Pvt Garcia's friends shave

EXERCISE B Look at the calendar and listen to the paragraph.

October Pvt García is a student» He

Slffcl Mondar Tjeatfav VnnAy Thurjdar Fnttof StJtunkfy to tlass from Monday to Friday, He'a in
1 1 3 4 5 5 clssG every wenkday. But Tutisdays are
7 B 9 10 Jl 12 13 different. Every Tuu^day, he goes lo the
¡4 15 16 17 IB W £0 library, Look at the calendar. Tuesday is
£1 11 ?3 £4 25 26 27 the day after Monday and the day before
ZB ?9 30 31 Wednesday

EXERCISE C FiM in the blank. Use befare or after.

EXAMPLE: 1. Monday is J?efore Tuesday,

2. Tuesday is Monday,
3- Wednestíay is Tuesday.
4. Thursdayis Friday,
5. Friday is Saturday.
6. Saturday is FYiday.
7. Sunday is Monday.

Grammar Using the simple present tense

She eats lunch every day.

Add s to the present tense verb after he. she, ít.

1. She gets up at 6:00 a.m. every day.

2. He eata breakfast in the dining hall every morning.
3. She eats a anack every afternoon.
4. He studies his lesson every evening.

eat breakfast every morning.

V* Don'tadcj $ to the present tense verb after ttyou, we, and they.

1. They get up early

2. They go to the mess hall at 6:45 every morning.
3. They swim at 4;00 every afternoon.

4. They study their lessans every evening.

*** Use the simple present tense to talk about things you do regularly.

EXERCISE A Wrlte senlences about John's day. Use befare and after.



EXAMPLE: 1. John takge a ehower bgfore clase.

EXERCISE B Write what you do every day or every weekend.

before class after claas every everving _ _ every weekend

EXERCISE C Look at a partner's list. Wrlte what he or she does*

Number 1 is on etample.

1. We ao to the library


EXERCISE D TelE the claas what you both do. Use before, atter, and every.

We go to the library
every Saturday
We swim after
clasa every day.

Pronunciation Saying the present tense for he, $hef and tí

Listen to the final sounds. Write the ivords in the corred coiumn.

He eats* /$f He reads, 12.1 He watches.

EXERCISE A Listen to the sen ten ce. Substitute the new word or phrase.

EXAMPLE: Teacker: Pvt Garcia gots up in th<¡ murning, (eata)

Student- Pv^ Garcia eatg in the mornlna.

EXERCISE B Listen to the word. Substitute the new word or phrase.

EXAMPLE: Teacher: Pvt Garcia shaves cvery day (stutliea)

Student: Pvt García studfee every day.

EXERCISE C Listen to the word. Substitute the new word or phrase.

EXAMPLE: Teacher- Pvt Garcia practices every weekend. (watches TV)

Student: Pvt Garcia matches TV every weekend,
Fronunciation Stress patterns

EXERClSE A Write the words in the columns with the correct stress patterns.

aftor A * "A. • » A

^L sltesaeQ >.y Nuble
shower • un&tretswj fiable

EXERClSE B Listen and repeat. Mark the stressed syllable.

Number J ¿s

1. thirsty 9. tomorrow

2. hungry 10. husband

3. correct 11. Saturday

4. answer 12. recorder

5. banana 13. daughtcr

6. barracka 14. million

7. homework 15. mechan ic

8. dispensary 16. salad


Grammar Using the negative simple present tense

Pvt García sleerfs'.

Pvt García doéanot sleep

does not breakfast in the mess hall.
Linda doesn't eat
The boy
It •

V Use does not or doesn 't wlth he. she, and it.

Pvt García's fríends

?vt Garcia's friende do not

do not eat lunch in the mess hall.
The studcnts

*** Use tío rtof or don'twtihl, you, we,and they.

EXERCISE A Make nega tí ve sen ten ees.

Number 1 isan example.

1. Pvt Garcia gets up at 6:00 a,m.

He doesn't get up at 6:3Q.

2. I shave before

3, Pvt Garcia and his friends eat in the mesa ha!!

4- Susan goes to the gym at 3 p.m.

5. You go to class at 8 o'clock.

6, Pvt Garcia goes to the library after lunch.

EXERCÍSE B Tell what a classmate doesn't do. Then tell what you cíon't do.

I don't eat hreakfast

Bill doesn't study in
the library. I don't go Joe doesn't eat breakiast.
to the gym. I don't atudy in tlie lihrary.


Vocabulary París of the day

noon = 12 o'clock in the middle of the day

midnight = 12 o'dock atnight
morning = the carly part of day before noon (or from midnifíht to noon)
afternoon = from 12 noon to 6 p.m.
evening = from afternoon to about midnight
night = after the day and before the morning

EXERCISE A Look at the time and pfcture.Write the time of day.

7:30 Q.m. tu 12:00 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

They go to class. They eat their lunch. These students swim.

6-OOp.m. to 9:00p.m. 9:00 p.m. to midnight 12:00 ai night

He studies his lesaon. They watch televisión. He'a asleep in hia bed.

EXERCI5E B Listen and repeat. Mark the stressed syllable in each phrase

Numher 1 ia an example.

1. in your room 7. at noon

2. in the meas hall 8. atnight

3, in the dining hall 9. at midnight

4, in the raurning 10. atGo'clock

5. in the afternoon 11. at7:4ñ

6. in the evening 12. at 7:45 in the morning

EXERCISE C Listen and repeat the tiialuy. i hen mark the intonation pattern.

Hank: Do you eat lunch in your room?

Stephen: No, I eat in tho mesa hall.

Hank: I eat in the dining hall, ton.

Stephtm: Fm hungry now. Let's go to lunch.

Hank: Okay. I'm hungry and thirsty.


EXERCISE D Look at the plctures and read the paragraphs.

It's 4:25 in the afternoon- This

is Ms. Fox. She Is Pvt Garcia's
teacher. Ms. Fox is at the búa
stop at the BX. Khe's early.

The bus comes at 4:35 every

day, But it's 4;50 now. Ms. Fox's
bus is late.

EXERCISE E Write sentences with early or late.

EXAMPLE BilTs class is at 7:30 in the morning. He goes to dass at

J3JN aoes to class early.

Tom's class is at 7;30, He goes to class at 7:35.

2. Labisatnoon.Thestudentfi go to the ¡abat 11:45.

3. Jim goes tobedatmidníght.

4. Mr. Flint goes to the base at 6:00 evury morning.

EXERCISE F Wrlte what you do at difieren! times of the day.

T shave. I go tx> bed, It's 1600.

I go to clase. It s 7 a,nx Ifs midnight.
• I watcb TV. I get up. I study.
I go to sleep. It's 7 p.m. I eat dinner.

in the morning in theaftemoon Intheevenlng at night

EXERCISE G Write sentences about what your classmates do and don't do.

sleep in the morning

dont swim at noon
doesn't in the evening
istudy at night

Number I is an exampie.

1 They don't share at midniaht.






Díalog Making suggestions

Hank: Do you eat lunch ín your room?

Stephen: No, I don't. I eatin the mese hall
Do you eat in your room?
Hank: No, I eat in the dining hall, too.
Do you swim after dass?
Stephen: Yes, I do. I swim after I eat a
snack, I go swimming at 4:00.
Hank: Well, it's noon, and I'm hungry
now. Let's go to lunch.
Stephen: Qkay, let's go. I'm both hungry
and thirsty.

EXERCISE Listen and repeat.Then role play a dialog with a partner.

Number 1 is an example.

1: Dialog 2;
y Are you hungry?
S2; S1: Fm hungry. Let's eat lunch.
4: Me5 toa. Let's go to the snack bar. S2: Okay Tjet's go ki the dining hall.
^: OtLet'sgo.
Dialog 4: Write youron'ir dittlog.

¿ Let's go to the meas hall.

: Not QOW, I'm not hungry.

j: ltTs 11 o'clock, LetTs go at noon.

Grammar Making simple present tense yes/no questions

Stephen and Hank in the mese hall

Stephen and Hank in the mese hall

Do go to fche gym?

V Use do lo make queslions with /, you, we, and

EXERCISE A Read the statement. Then write a yes/no queslion.

Number lia an example.

1. Po the etudgntg egt breakfaat e^ery day?

The students eat breakfaat every day.

You go to the library on Friday.

Pvt Garcia'a frieiids study in the barracks.

Hank and Stephen drink coffee uvery afternoon.

The students sleep at midnight

Hank and Stephen get up at 6:00 every morning.


V Use does to make questlons with he, she, and it

In the mesa hall

¡ntl}& mess hall

Does ahe go to class?

EXERCISE B Read the statement.Then write a yes/no quution.

Number 1 is an example.

1. Does Fvt García eat breakfast every day?

Pvt García eats breaicfast every day

Hank gets up at 6:00 every morning.

Pvt García studies in the barracks.

Betty drinks coffee every afternoon.


Pvt Garcia's teacher takea the bus to class.

The bus goes to our school.

Grammar Simple present tense long and short answers

Mi I PIJ tfi thp T>vm

ft^-f 1AJ Lj±^k_- {_ 1 JL1j
he goes i u class.
Va u
Yes, ñhe
• we
do. it does.

I do not does not

go to the gym. he go to elass
they don't doean't
No, No, she
i j 11 don't. ít docsn't.

EXERCISE Give long and short answers to the que&tlons.

ile bofh negalive and affirmatiue answers. Nitmber 1 is an cxample.

Do you drink coffee?

I don't drínk No. I don't.

YesJ drirk coffee. Yes. I do.

2. Does Stephen study every night?

3. Do Hank and Stephen study in the barracks?

4. Does Jan eat dinner eariy?

Grammar Talking about food for drfferent meáis

Hank: Today I want chicken for lunch.

Stephen: Not me! I don't eat chicken, beef,
or fish, I want a salad fur lunch-
Hank: Salada are good for dinner. Hey,
thors?'a a tabica Lül's sil uvur
Stephen: Okay, What do yfiu want to Hrink
for lunch?
Hank: It's a hot day, and I'm very tliirsty.
1 jost want to drink water.
Stephen: I'm just goíng to drink water
today, too-

EXERCISE A Re peal The sentences.

1, They eat eggs for breakfast. 3. The men drink water for lunch,
Thcy don't eat eggs for lunch. They don't drink juice for breakfast-

2- Stephen eats fruit for breakfast. 4. Hank cats salad for dinner.
He duesn't eat beef for breakfast. He doesn't eat salad for lunch.

EXERCISE 3 Write sentences using food and a meal or snsck.

ineat / dinner toast / breakfast chicken / lunch

fruit/ a snack salad / lunch





Reading 1Wordskills

These words belong to the same These w ords do not belong to the
category. saine category.
luí tch lunch
din oer dinner
brea dast desk
Oc.e word is different.
They are meáis.
Llesk is nota meal.

i:=:r|pMkU-B Gírele i he word that doesn't belong.

i. beef lamb clock chi^n

2. Tuesday Friday Wednesday Air Forcé

3. man wífe girl daughter

4. barracks homework meas hall BX

5. dime nickel quarter thousund

6. our my the their

7. orange juice eggs coffee milk

8. Mr. Mra. Mías ME.

9. father women son brother

10. child barbcr doctor teacher

11. Monday Mrs. Wednesday Thursday

12. early late time shower

13. does who what when

14. fifty sixty seventy quarter


EXERCISE B Alphabetize the words.

1. 2.

after evening
before doesn't
late morning
claas afternoon
morning shower
4. 5. 6.
Performance Check Reviewing new vocabulary

Complete eoch sentente with the. correct word.

library 1. I eat eggs for

snack 2. John studies in the .
befare 3, Fm . Let's have lunch.
hungry 4. IwatchTV I go to bed.
breakfast 5. I eat fruit for a
gets up 6. Hank wanta aome water.
thiraty 7. have fish fbr lunch.
Lefa S. Pvt García at 6 a.m.
H !..' . !

EXERCISE A Match what John does with the time of

1. Johnshaves a. in the evening.

2. John studies b. at night.
3, Johnswims c. in the morning:-
4, Johnsleeps d. in the afternoon.

EXERCISE B Write the word you hear


2, 1.

3. 8.

4. 9.



They speak English.
VOCABULARY: StudyingEnglishatDLJELC 27

GRAMMAR: Asking simple present tense questions with ivho ,-.—29

PRONUNCIATION: Saying thc namca of languagcs 31

GRAMMAR: Reviewing simple preaent yes/no queations 32

Asking present tense information questiona 33
VOCABULARY: Making travel plans,- - 38
Making statementa and questioaa with ímue —...40
PRONUNCIATION: Stress end intonation patterns 41

GRAMMAR: Using adverbs -ativays, sometimos, rieuer 42

READING: Wordskilla.. ...44

PERFORMANCE CHECK: Preparinga questionnaire 46

Preview What's new In Lesson 2?

Nouns Otlier words
airplane Russian always
Arabic Spanish how üfttn
car taxi never
Chicago train on (day of week)
C hiñese truck sometí mes
English when
French Verba
French fríes has
hamburger have
Italian hear
Japanese know
Korean learn
language leave
Loa Angeles say
New York see
plañe speak


Who studíes English? What language(s) do you speak?
What do Ms. Miller's studenta study? take a taxi
What does Mark study? have a hamburger íbr lunch.
Where does Mark study English?
When does Mark go to class?
How often does Mark speak French.
Mark never speaks French in dass.


Vocabulary Studying English at DLIELC

Mark is a student at DLIELC (Béfense

Language Institute English Languoge
Center). It's a language BchnoL Mark
learns Englíeh there. He gnes to hia
clasaroom at 1:20 in the morning. He
says, "Good moming,"tu bis; tcochor,
Ms. Miiler. He greeta the atíldenla in bis
clasfí, too. Ma. Millor has ten studcnU,
They alwayñ speak Engliíh in her
classroom. They never apeük their own
languagea there.

Mark studies one new lesson every day,

A lesfínn has twenty new words. These
are words the students don't know, Ms.
MiJJer teaches the students the new
words. She writes every word on the
board and says it, Her students see,
hear, read> and repeat the words.

At 2:35 in the afternoon, the students

say "goodbye" to Ms. Miiler. They
leave the classroom. Mark goea to his
barracks. His friends go to the hbrary.
Somctiraes they go to the Learning
Center to study on computers or to the
library to listen to English-Eanguage
tapes and CDs. They often study until 8
o'clock at nighL
EXERCISE A Read the sentences. Wrlte T for true and F for false.

1, MK. Miller's students always speak Englísh in their classroom,

2* Mark goes to his classroom at 7;3Q in the raorning.

3, Ms, Miller's atudents soy goodbye to her at 2:35 in the afteraoon.

4. Mark doesn't learn 20 words every day

5, Sometimes Mark goes to the Learning Center.

6. Ms. Miller writes new words in her n.otebookr

1- Her students never say new words.

8. Mark says good morning to Ms, Miller.

9. Me, Miller has ten students in her class.

0. Her students Jisten to CDs in the Learning Center.

EXERCISE B Listen and write the missing words.

Mark goes to his classroom at 7:15. He "£ood

morning" to Ms. Miller and to the students. The students never
their in Ms. Miller's classroom.
Mark studies a new lesson day. Ms. Miller writes 20 new
on the board and says thenx Her students and
the words. Then, they them after her, They
the new words.
At 2:35 in the afternoon, the students the classroom. Mark
goes to his , and his friends go to the


Asking simple present tense questlons with who

Mark day

Who etudies day

H¡8 clasematee etudy day

V Who- questlons «Ith BE use te or are.

EXERQSE A Read the answer. Then write a question with who.

1. Mark studies every day.

2. Ms. Miller writes words on the boartl
3. The students learn new worda.
4, Mark goes tu the barracks,
5. The students listen to recordings.

EXERCJSE B Read the answer. Write questions with Who is and Who are.

Th?$e sentences use the verb BE.

1. Ms. Miller is Mark'a leacher.

2. The students are Mark's friends.
3. Mark is a studenl at DLIELC.
4. DLIELC studenta are speakers of English.

EXERCISE C Write w/io-questíons in the boxes.

With yotii- team, write 3 questions for each ofíke 4 categorías. Give each queation a dallar
amount: $200 for easy questions, $300 for médium questiuna, and $400 for difftcult questÍQiif>.
Your teaeherwül íheu tellyou hnw topiay tkegame.

Language I Food | Family | Activities 1


Who spaaka Frene h?

\ \
Who sats larnbfar _Mlo haeJtLñiatflCfi
Lp at


$200 $200 $200 $200

S30Q $300 J S300 $300

$400 $400 $400 S400


Fronunciation Saying the ñames of languages

Listen and repeat each word. Then itrriíe the wurd in the column wiíh iís stress paltam.

Arabic Japaneae fíussian

language English Korean French
Chínese ítalian Spanish

* A *


EXERCISE Listen and repeat. Follow your teacher's intonation.

Ornar: What language do you speak?

Kim: Korean and Chínese. How about


Ornar; I speak Arabic.

Kim: What language does Alfred s

Ornar: Spanish,

Grammar Reviewing simple present yes/no questlons



V To make a yes/no question, put tío or does in front ot the subject and use Ihe simple
form of the verb

EXERCISE Write a yes/no question on the une aboye the statement.

Mark goes to the claasroom at 7:15 in the morning.

Mark says "good morning" to his teacher-

The students alwaya speak English in class.

The students go to the barrackíi or to the libraiy.

The students go to class from Monday to Fríday.


Grammar Asking presen f tense information questions

EXERCISE A Write questions. Use what, where, when, or how often.

EXAMPLES: Where does Ms Miller teach?

What does Ms Miller teach?
When does Ms Miller teach?

Mark goes to the classroom at 7:15 a.m.

Mark saya "good morníng" to hls teacher in the morning.

The studenta go to the barracks or the library after clasa.

The students speak English in class.

&XERCISE B Write a yes/no question.Then wrlíe a questionwíth what
Numíier 1 is an example.

L JJoes Mark eay "good momina"?

Yes» he does. (Mark says "good morning.")

What dogg Mark eay?

Good moming. (Mark aays "good morning,")

Yes, they do. (Ms. Miller's students alwaya speak Eoglish.)

English. (Ms, Miller's students alwaya speak English.)

Yes, he does, (Mark studies a new lessun every day.)

A new lesson. (Mark studies a new lesson every dayj

Yes, they do. {Ms. Miller's students learn 20 new words every day.)

Twenty new words, (Ms. Miller's students learn 20 new words every day.)

Yes, they do. (Mark and his frienda study their English lesson.)

Their English lesson. (Mark and his fnends study their English lesson.


EXERCISE C Write a yes/no question. Then write a question with when.

Yes, he does, (Mark goes to his classroom 7:15.)

At 7:15. (Mark goes to his classroom at 7:15.)

Yes, he does, {Mark says "goodbye" to Ms. Miller at 2:35.)

At 2:35. (Mark says "goodbye" to Ms. Miller at 2:35.)

Yes, they do. (Mark and his classmates say goodbye to Ms, Miller ut 2;35.)

At 2:35. (Mark and his classmates say goodbye to Ms, Miller at 2:35.

Yes, they do. (Mark and hia friends go to the Learning Center in the aftcrnoon.)

In the afternoon. (Mark and his friends go to the Leaming Center in the

EXERCISE D Write a yes/no question.Then write a question with where.

Yes, he does. (Mark goes to his classroom at 7:15.)

To his dassroom. (Mark goes to his dassroom at 7;15.)

Yes, she does. (Ms. Miller has ten students in her clasKroom.)

In her classroom, (Ms. Miller has ten students in herclassroomj

Yes, she does. (Ms. Miller writes new words on the board.)

On the buard, (Ms, Miíler writes new words on the board.)

Yes, they do. (Mark's friends go to the library at 2:35.)

To the library, (Mark's friends go to the library at 2:35.)

Yes, they do. (Mark and his íriends sometimes go to the Learning Center,)

To the Learning Center, (Mark and his friends sometimes go to the



EXERCISE E Look at the plclures. Ask 3-5 questions per picturc.
Number 1 is an exampie.

Who is Mrs, Lee?

Where is Mrs. Lee?
What cloes Mrs, Lee do?
When does Mrs. Lee go to the mess hall?
How often does Mrs. Lee go to the mess hall?

1, Mrs. Lee

Janet and Joan 3. Sue and Elizabeth Lisa

6. Ms. Grey and Nick

S, Kurt 9. Mr. Fredrickson 10. Rick

Vocabulary Making travel plans

car taxi


truck train plañe

Janet: Helio, Do you have a bus to Chicago?
Clerk; Yes, wedo.
Janet: When can I take it?
Clerk: It Leaves at noon.
Janet: How often dees it go?
Clerk: A bus leaves for Chicago every 6 hours.

EXERCISE A Ask and answer questions about the aehedule.

New York Chicago Los Angeles

Buses - from 6 a,m. evary 6 hours every 2 hours every 4 hours

Trains-fromG a.m. every 8 hours every 8 hours every 12 hours

Planes -from 6 am every 4 hours every 6 hours every 6 hours


Student A Student B

Read the schedule and answer The time is now 8:30 B.m.
your partner's questiang. You want to go to New York,
Chicago, or Lúa Angeles. Ask


EXERCISE B Match the number and the picture to make a sentence.

Number 1 is an exampie.

1- Jan / 2 / Los Angeles

Jan takea a plañe to Lo& Angeles.

2, Mrs. Smith/2 /New York

3, Jotn / 1 / hospital

4. David / 3 / Dallas

5. Helen / 4 / Chicago

6. Mr Wilson/1/office

7. Kim and Jill / 3 / school

8. We/4/Houston
Vocabulary Maklng statements and questions with have

On íke train to Dalias .

Mark; Let's have a hamburger and Frenen fríes

for dinner in Dallas.
John: No, not hamburgers,
I want a steak and salad.
Steve: My brother has a restaurant in Dallas.
It's a steak house. He has steak and
Mark: Okay» lel's eat tiiore.

an apple.
three oranges.
have a radio,
two aístertí.

EXERCISE With a partner, mahe questions and answers with have or has.

Does Ms. Miller have 9

students in her class?

No, she doesn't She ha&

10 students.

Do you have English

lessons in the eveningj


Pronunciation Stress and intonation patterns

in the morníng

EXERCISE A Listen to the phrase and wrlte It under its stress pattern.

EXAMPLE: in the morning


stressed syllabla

EXERCISE B Listen and repeal the dialog

After repeatiíig the diaiog, mark the prLmary stress.

Ornar: What language do you speak?

Kim Korean and Chínese. How about you?

Ornar: I gpeak Arabic.

Kim: What does Alfred speak?

Ornar: He speaks Spanish.

Grammar Using adverbs - always, sometimest never


100% 50% 07»

EXERCISE A Read the sentences.

1. Mark and his classmates always speak EnglishiaMs. Miller'a class.

2- Mark is always in his classroom at 0715.
3. The students never speak their own languages in Ms. Miller's class.
4. The students sometimes speak their own languages in lht> diiiing hulL
5. Mark is always in his classroom at 0715.
6. Mark's sometimes in the library, and he's sometimos En the barracks.
7. The students are never in Ms. Miller's classroom after 1600.

Tríese adverbs go beíore mosl verbs, bul after BE veros.

EXERCISE B Answer thñ questiona. Use always, sometlmes, or never.

1. How often do Ms. Miller'a students speak Engliñh in her class?

2. HÜW uften do Ms, Miller's students speak thetr own languages in her class?

3, How oflen does Mark go to the library?

. How often is Mark in the classroom at 6 in the aftcrnoon?


EXERCISE C Read Mark's answers to Ms. Milfer's questionnaire.


How often doyou... always sometí mes never

do your homework?

go to the library?

come to class late?

study in the ]ibrary?

pass the book quia with 90?

study with a desámate?

speak your own ]anguage?

EXERCISE D Write questions and answers about Mark. Use How ofton ,.,?
Nambcr 1 is an example,

1. How often does Mark gpeak Englieh?

He alwaye speakg English,




AlfiÍLübtiíize the ivords.

and Runfian
daughter English
homework Arable
commissary Spanish
never Itíilíím

Circle the word that is the ñame of the group,

Nurnber 1 is an exampie.

1. eggs food) bread beef


2. milk tea drink ^^.

3. base barracks BX dmpenRE

4. fruit apple banana orange

5. beef lamb chickcn meat
6. man woman people child

1. pilot job mechonic cook

S. day evening afternoon morning

9. nickel penny money dollar


EXERCISE B Giróle the word that doesn't beFong in the group.

Niímher í in cin example.

1. beef lamb chicken door

2- coffee bread lea milk
3, bus taxi pilot train
4. teacher mother father daughter
5, table chaír hed radio
6. Suoday tomorrow Monday
7. son father family husband
8, barber dining hall dispensary hospital
9. nickel d:¡iir quarter thfuiKand
10. door wall snack hnr window

Performance Check Preparing a questlonnaire

With a partner, pick a topicfora qttestiünnaire. Write questions thafyuu maní to fisk the
xtiidents iit your class. Later, use your queslionnairf to gatfier informa,tlon fram ííieir
answers. Yon may want to ahaw your results on a bargraplt.

QUESTIONNAIRE Student's ñame:

How often do you always sometimos never

1. D D
2. D




EXERCISE Use your questionnaire to ask your classmaies questions.

How often do you watch watch TV

TV on Saturday? on Saturdny.

I never atudy study on Sunday?

on Sunday.


Where are you f rom?
VOCABULARY: Meeting students from different countries 49
The twelve months ofthe year 52
GRAMMAR: Aeking questions withHoiv many + noun + BE 54
Askíng questions with how many + noun + do/does. 55
VOCABULARY: Talking about time and schedules 56

PRONUNCIATION: Sayingthe sound/A/ 58

GRAMMAR: The past tense of BE - ivas and were 59

Asking yes/no past tense questions with BE verbs ...62
VOCABULARY: How to study English for Ihe bouk quiz 64
Talking about dates and time 66
READING; Recognizing words ,..,.„..... ,.,.. .„„,„„ -.—„ 69

WRITING: Spelling and dictation 70

READING: Scanning and categorizing words 71

Prevíew Whítf'&newín Lesson 3?

Nouns M&nths Other ivortls
answer sheet January/Jan.
booklet February/Fcb. lost
Canadá March/Mar. huw
China April/Apr. nüítt
country May ycslerduy
dictionary June/Jun.
Egypfc July/Jul.
England August/Aug,
France Sfcptember/Sept,
hour (hr.l October/Oct.
Japan November/Nov.
minute December/Dec.
quiz Verbs
Russia choose
Saudi Arabia look up (find in a book)
second mark
Spain memoriae
test booklet select
the United States (US) was
Venezuela were


How many students are in yotir class? Where (are yüu) from?
1 waa in Spaín last year What country (are youí from?
I wasn't at the BX today. It wasn't bad.
Were you in lab yesterday? in ía month)

Vocabulary Meeting students from different countries

Lee: Hi. Are you going to English class?

Hay: Yes, 1 am, My name's Ray. What'3
Lee: Hif Ray. I'ro Lee. Where are you
Ruy; Venezuela, What country are you
Lee: l'm from China.
Ruy: Nice tomeetyou.
Lee: It's nice to meetyou, too.

Ray: This is my claasroom.

Lee: GK. My class is in the next roorn.
Soe you later.
Ray: Yta, see you.

Lee: How was your class?

Ray: It was good, How was yours?
: It waKn*t bad. H[>w rnany students
are in your clasa?
Ray: Eight
Lee: What countries are they from?
Ray: Saudi Arabia, Japan, Egypt,
KUSHÍEI, und Spain. Our teacKer's
from Canadá.
Lee: Canadá! My teacher's from the
Unitod States.

EXERCISE A Listen and repeat. Practlce the intonatjon pattern.

Lee: Hi Ray, I'm Lee. Where are you from?

Ray: Venezuela. What country are you from?
Lee; l'm from China.
Ray: Nice to meet you.
Lee: It's nice to meet you, too.

EXERCISE B Listen. Wrile each word ¡n the column with lis stress pattern.

Egypt China Venezuela tingland

Russia Canadá J&pen
Arabic Chínese Spanish country
Russian Engtish Japanese

*** Ñames of countrles and languages always start with a capiUl ierter.

* *

: i . - , . - - , i ¿ble

V Bonust Mark the stress for tito United States.

EXERCISE C Listen. Write the ñame of each person's country.

Coro Jean
1. 2.

Mohammcd Ali Paco


EXERCISE D Complete each sentence with a word from the li&t.

Arabic French Spaniah

Engliah Japanese

1, Ali is from Saudi Arabia. He speaks ,

2. Goro's father is a pilot in Japan. He speaks

3. Mr. Tucker's parents are from Canadá, and they speak

4. Ray's children are in Venezuela. They apeak

5. Jean's a mechante in France. He speaks

6. Ray's mother and father are from Spain. They apeak

Vocabulary The tweive months of the year

2 3 4 3
6 T 6 V 10 TI 12
u u is 14 ir ifliu
1 1 3 í 5 6 7 20 íl Z2?3?d?5?G 1 2
' B B 10 II 1213 H J77&7B3Q31 '. ¡ t 5 6 i a 9
'15151710 IB Z O Z l [ ID II lili 14 15 16
! I? I) 24 ¿5 ?62'?fi 171&1B zo Ji ¡2:2
i 2&3031
Í 2t2S2k2T¡S

i i
3 Á 5 ft í H 9 3 4 5 & 7 B B
1011 12 1314 1516 1Q 11 lí II Id 1? Ifl
2Q 21 -¿2¿-, I 7 I S I 9 2UZ1 2223
\ 2' SB 20 3(i ?4 ir, íi,:: ?i ?a i(\

A])i 11

1 2 3 1 i í * S fl
i a g IOIMÍ One year has 12 months. 7 4 fl 10 II ti 11
14 15 IQ 17 Ifl Ifl Tfl
21 22 21 2J 25 2B
, Z'ÍB
2 ¿9M3! ¿RXÍ3U

í í r j 6 10 11
.131415 16 17 l&
7&?S 30 31
- -i-rt-ii r T rii •

I 2 3
J 5 fl í fl 9 !Q
II 1 2 1 3 1 * 1516 17
IE 1B2D?I 2? 21 24 July
1 í 3 A 1 *
7 e í 1011 13 13
HI5I0171B 19 »
¡1 J?2J

*** The ñames of the months always start wlth a capital letter.

EXERCISE A Write each month in the column wlth its stress pattern.



EXERCISE B Match the month and lis abbrevlatlon.

1. April a. Apr.

2. August b. Qct.

3. Decembcr c. Aug.

4. February d. Dec.

5. January e. Jan.

6. July f. Jun.

7. June g. Mar.

3. March h. Sept,

9. Qctober i, Feb.

10. November j. Nov.

LL September k. Jul.

12. Ñame the month with 3 letters and no abbreuiatíon.

EXERCISE C Write the months in calendar sequence.

1. 7.


3. 9.


o. 11.

Grarnmar Asking questions with How many + noun + BE

Hciw many students are in your class?

Eight students are in my cluas.

*#* Por BE verba, usa a plural noun after how mafty.

EXERCISE A Ask your partner questrons about the months. Use ttowmany.

In each question, spell ttie complete ñame ofthe rttanth, Number 1 is an example.

Jun. 1- How mariy days are in June? Answar: 5O

Dec, 2.

Aug. 3.
i - .i '
Sept. 4.

Feb. 5.

EXERCISE B Ask and answer questions. Use how msny.

How many desks are in this room'.

How many students are hcre?


Grammar 1Asking questions using How many + noun + do/does
How many students they eee?
does she

EXERCISE A Write questions wilh How many + does-

Number 1 is an example. After writing the questions. ash anotfier Rtudent to anstuer them.

May 1, How many_day6 ¿Joca May have? Anevver;

July 2
November 3, —
March 4. ,

EXERCISE B Write questions wlth Howmany. Use door does.

1. letters / the alphabet / have

2. dollars / you / have

3. meáis / yau / eat / a day

4. languages / your brothor / speak

5. French words / you / know

Vocabulary Talking about time and scheduíes

Lee: What's our class schedule?

Mr. Turncr: Classes are from 7:30to2;30,
Every claüs is 50 minutes, 0730 -DB2Q l'crlofl 1
The book quiz is on Wednesday.
0830-0920 Period 2
Lee: What time is lunch? 0940 -1030 Period 3
Mr.Turner: It'sat 11:30, 1040-1130 Perlod4

Lee: Is it 50 minutes, too?

1130-1230 LUNCH
Mr. Turner: No, Lunch is 60 minutes. Thafs one
hour. Be at your desk befare 12:30. 1230-1320 Períod5
Just one second afler 12:30, and 1330-1420 Period 6
you're late.

EXERCISE A Listen and repeat Mark the stressed syllable in each phrase.

6C secones are in a minute.

60 mínutae are ín an hour (Hr.).
24 hours are En a day.

Number 1 IR an example.

1, in a second 6. sixty aeconda in a minute

2, in a minute 7, sixty minutas In un huur

3, in a week 6, sevendays in a week

4, in a month 9. four weekfl in a mcmth

5, in a year 10. twelve months iu ayear


EXERCISE B Write questions for the answers in the gray box. Use How many.

Number 1 is an exampie.

52 weeks 1. How many are in a year?

365 days 2.
i.ii• j.j i P '
fiO seconds 3.

24 bours 4.
Tdays 5.

30 days 6.
• •x

60 minutes 7.

12 months 8.

EXERCISE C Write your own questions lo ask classmates. Use How many.

Numhers 1, 2, and 3 are examples.

Your ansiuer Your question

1&0 esconde _ 1. How many are ín 5 minutes?

240 hours _ 2 How many hourg ara In 10 dayg?

120 minutes _ 3, How msny minutgs are ín 2 haure?

Pronurií^ñMM|M Saying the sound M

Up MOnday cOUntry

mOhey ILJnch brOther

V* /A/ isa sound in these words. Tris sound /A/ is spelled En dlfferent ways.

EXERCISE 3 Listen. Gírele Sfor same and D for difiere nt.

EXAMPLES: hut/hut ( D
hut/hot S 3

1. S D 6, S D

2. S D 7. S D

3. s D 8, S D

4. S D 9. S D

5. s D 10. S D

EXERCISE 3 Listen. Gírele the number of the word with the sound IrJ.

EXAMPLES: cut cot cot fl) 2 3

cot cut cot 1 © 3

1, 1 2 3 6. 1 2 3

2. 1 2 3 7. 1 2 3

3, 1 2 3 8. 1 2 3

4. 1 2 3 9. 1 2 3

5. 1 2 : 10, 1 2 3

Grammar The past tense of BE - was and were

I am not
'm not
is in the US today.
Tt *s not
_L ij

was not in Spain last ycar.

are not
You in the US now.
're not
We were
You were not in France two day*s ago.
They weren't

EXERCISE A Lisien lo the word.Then make senlenoes like the pattern.

Number 1 is an exampie

Tueaday 1. Today is Tueeday. Yesterdavwas Mondav.

Friday 2
Wednesday 3
Sunday 4.
Saturday 5.
Thursday 6
Munday 7.

EXERCISE B Change the verb to was or were. Write negative statements.

Number J ¡sanexampíe.
1. Bob is a student today,
Bob vvaen't a student

2- My cías s is good today.

3. Eight students are in my class today.

4. Sam and Joe are happy today

5. I'ra sick today.

EXERCISE C Listen to the word.Then make senténces like the pattern.

Numbers 1 and 2 are

r Thisis June, Laetmonth wae Mav. it waen't July.

2. Thie is 1996. Laet year ^as 1997- It wasn't 1999.

1 March:! -, -. 3,
2001 4.

August 5.

1990 6.

May 1.

Monday 8,


EXERCISE D Make a past tense sentence. Use the word ago.

Numbers I and 2 are examples.

1. This is December I was in the hospital in June.
I wae in the hospital g rnonths ago.

2. This is 2002. John and Alien were in China in 1990.

John and.Allen were in China twelve ygars ago.

3, This is Tuesday. My friend was in the library on Saturday.

4. This is September. Jack was in Saudi Arabia in March.

5. This is the year 2000. Toni was in Florida in 1987.

6. It's 4 p.m. I was at the BX at noon.

7, This is September. Alice was in New York in May*

8. It's 6:20. The bus was at the bus stop at 6:15.

9. This is Thursday. Tcd and Steve were in class on Monday

10. This is 2000. Mr and Mrs. Frank wero in Egypt in 1992.

Grammar Asking yes/no past tense questlons wlth BE verbs

V Move the verb In front of the subject to make a question.

Was he n yestetáay

V Pul a question rnark (?) at the end of the question.

Waa in clase two days ago?
Were yon in cías s last month?

EXERCISE A Read the answer and write a past tense question.

Yes, Mr. Tucker was at the library yesterday

No, Harry wasn't in Egypt lasl wcek.

Yes, the stuáünls were in dass at 7:30 a.m.

No, the students weren't late on Friday.


EXERCISE B Repeat the sen ten ees.

1. Was Linda happy yesterday?

Yes, Linda was happy yesterday.
Yes, she was.
2. Were Bob and Dan in the dassroom?
Yes, Bob and Dan were in the claasroom.
Yes, they were.
3. Was Mrs.Wilsonsick last month?
Yes, Mrs. Wilaon was sick last month.
Yes, she was.
4. Was Mr Wilson a teacher two years ago?
Yes, Mr. Wüson was a teacher two years ago.
Yes, he was.
6. Waa Linda angry yesterday?
No, Linda wasn't angry yesterday.
No, she wasn't.
6. Were Tom and Bob in the BX yesterday afternoon?
No, Tom and Bob were not in the BX yesterday afternoon.
No, they weren't.
7. Were you in your country last year?
Yes, I was in my country last year.
Yes, I was.
8. Was yesterday Thursday?
No, yesterday was not Thursday,
No, it wasn't.
9. Were you in the building this morning?
Yes, I was in the building this morning.
Yes, I was.
10. Wc-rc you tired last night?
No, I was not tired tast night.
No, I wasn't.

Vocabulary How to study Engíish for the book quiz

test hooklet answer shect marking the answer sheet

EXERCISE A Read Mr.Tucker's instructions for studying English for a qui?.

1. Do your homework every day,

2. Don't look up words in the dictionary in class. Li^ltn uiid ask questions,
3. Review Lcssons 1 - 4 the nighl before the test.
4. Don't memorize words. Review the dialogs and readings.
5. un the quiz, read every question carefully.
6. SeJect thu corrcct answer.

EXERCISE B Listen. Wriieeach word In the column wiih its stress pattern.

aoawer sheet quia choose memorize

select booklet mark
test booklet test look up dictionary

• * *


.r- 1 -"--': • ih -


EXEflCISE C Match the words and their defimtions.

Nuntber 1 is an example.

£] 1. quiz a, paper for marking answers

2. answersheet b, book with questions insidí?

3- mark c. find a word in a book

4. test booklet d, learn very well

5- memorize e. a book of words with their meanings

6. look up f, choose

7. dictionary g. put a line / drcle / dot on paper with a penciJ or pen

8. select h, tóst

EXERCISE D Complete the dialog. Use the words from the gray box.

meraorize Spanish Chineae

mark look up dictionary

Ray: Lee, do you nave a

Lee: Yes. It's an English / dictionary.
Ray: Oh. I want an English / dictionary.
I don't read Chínese,
Lee: Do you words from the lesson?
Ray; No, I just look up new words I don't know.
Lee: T always words from the lessons in my
dictionary with a pen.
Ray: Do you those words?
Lee: No, T read the lesson to leam their meaning.

Vocabulary Talking about time - days, weeks, months, years

This year is 2003.


Last year was 2002, Next year is 2004.

.2002 2004

The year before last year was 2001. The year after next year is 2005.


EXERCISE A Read these sentences.

1. This month is January, Last month. waa Deceraber. Next ntonth is Februnry.
2. This month is January. The month before last month was November.
3. This month is September. Next month is Qctober. Last month was Aviguat.
4. This month is September. The month after next month is Novembcr.
5. Today is Monday. The day before yesterday was Saturday. That was 2 days ago.
6. Today is Monday, The day after today is Tuesday. Ifs tomorrow.
7. Yesterday was Friday- Thursday was the day before yesterday. It was 2 daye ago.
8. Last night, I was at the movies. I was at the movies three days agof too.
9. I was at school yesterday. I was at school the day before yesterday,
10. Tomorrow is the weekend. The day after the weekend is Monday.

year last year this year next year
month laat month this month next month
last week this week aext week
day yesterday today tomorrow
night last night tonight toinorrow night
euening yesterday evening this evening tomorrow evenine;
yesterday afternoon this afternoon tomorrow aflernoon
morning yesterday morniíig this roorning tomorrow moroing

EXERCI5E B Use the chart tc> complete the sentences below.

1. Yesterdsy was Wednesday. What's today?

2. Last year was 2005. What's this year?
3. Sunday was the day before yesterday- What's today?
4. Today is Friday. What was yesterday?
5. This month is May. When was April?
6. It's June. When's July?
7, Yesterday was Saturday- We saw a movie _ night.
8, It's February. Four months ago waa
9. It's 2010. It was 2009 , year
10, Today iñ Saturday When was Friday?

EXERCISE C Make sentences witi i your ciassmates.

Last month was June. ) C This month is July.) f The month afler
July ia August.
EXERCÍSE D Say each sentence In the past tense. Than write it.

Use the past time expression in parentkeses in your netv sentences, Number í ie an

1. We are in Lab 5 at 8:30 every morning. (laat week)

We were in Lab 5 at &:50 every morning last ivaak.

2. Lt Lee is a student this year, (iast year)

3. Twenty-eight days are in Febmary thiR ypar. (last year)

4. The students in Ray'a class this week are from Japan and Egypt. (last week)

5- Yon are in the United States this year. (last year}

6. Lee and Ray are not in the same class this week. (last week]

EXERCÍSE E In groups of three, ask queslions with wa$ and were.

Use past Unís EQÍTe8BÍ0rt& .

No, I wasn't. I was in Japan two yearaN

Were you. in the US ago. Was our teacher sick
two years ago?

Reading Pecognizing words

Look at the flash card. Then circle ífie letter oftíic same mora. Nutrí Lur 1 is un

1, a. marry 7. a. hamburger
b. more b. hnur
c.} mouth c. hungry
d. money d. homework

a- all right 8. a, hnnr

b. airman b, ungry
c. airplano c.. hungry
d. always d. hamburger

a. taxi a. children
b. train b. civilíon
c. truck c. circus
d. thirsty d. aailor

a. quarter 10. a. shampoo

b. quiz b, shower
c- puts t-,
d- gets d. shave

a. son 11. a. study

b. sick b. shower
c. short c. snack
d. shave d. speak

6. a. children 12, a. officer

b. chalkboard b. airplañe
u, calendar c. class
d- class d. office
Wríting Spetling and díctation

Svy lítese words alona. All haue the voivel sourtd / n / , bul the spelling difiera.

Sunday young brother nothing

lunch number month
country month Monday come

Gírele and write the correct letters to spell the word.

Use the words in the box ttbove ifneceasary. í is an

1. un on oun S _ un day 6. un on oun M duy

2. um om oum n ber 7. un on oun m th

!, uth oth outh br er 8. uth oth outh n ing

4, un on oun 1 9, um om oum o e

un on oun y 10. ud od oud at .y

Listen and write.


2. S.




6 12.


Reading Scanning and categorizing words

Theae words do not belong

Thcae words belong to the the same category.
same categoty
lunch dinner
dirmer desk
wordÍB Hifferent.
They are meáis. Dcsk is not a meal.

EXERC1SE A Look al 4 words. Circle the word Itíat doesrVt belong.

1. breakfast dinner fríend lunch

2. morning sñernoon month evening

3. taxi car truL'k plañe

4. commissary barracks EX

5. box month day year

6. beef pork lamb

7. door window bread desk

8. chickcn child beef lamb

9. Italian Russian French Venezuela

10. speak language see hear

11. Tuesday May March July

12. Saudi Arabia China Japanese



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l'm in the Army now.
VOCABULARY: Qfficers., enlisted men and woinen, cívilians ,..,,.. 75

Using expréssions: Rere it is! There they are! 79

GRAMMAR: Using adjectives to describe people, places» things ,..,§Q

WRITING: Completing two dictations S4

PRONUNCIATION: Discriminating between similar sounds - .,.85

GRAMMAR: Using want to + verb fifi

Askingyes/no que&tions with want ío * vurb 88

DIALOGS: Getting to know each other 91

READING: Scanning words and identifying categc-ries 92

GRAMMAR: Past tense questions - Who + BE 94

Past tense questions - What + BE 95

Past tense questions - \Vhere + BE 96

Pasl tense questions - Wken + BE 97

PERFORMANCE CHECK: More qoestions about the past 98

Prevíew What's newin Lesson 4?

Nouns Verbs Other
ainncín drive all right
Army fly had
walk enlisted
cjvüían want to good
driver work here
mililary in (the Army)
marine new
Marine Corps right now
officer tal!
sailor there


We were in Canadá two montha ago. Here it is./Thcre it is.
Who wfls in Canadá two months ago? Here they are./Therethey are.
What were you doing in Canadá?
When were you in Cenada?
Where were you two months ago?
I don't want to go to the BX.
T want to go to the new library.


Vocabulary Qffícers, enlisted men and women, civilians

Read tkese sentences aboiít people working at an Air Fvrce base.

This is Colonel Jones. He's in the Air Forcé.

He's an officer, and he's a pilot. He flies airplanes
for the Air Forcé.

Thia ia Prívate García, He's soldier ín the Army.

He's an enlisted man.

This is Mr. James. He isn't in the mílítary, but

he works in an office at an Air Forcé base. He's a

EXERCISE A ReatJ the sentences about enlisted military men and women.

These men are in the Army, They*re soldiers.

This woman ia in the Air Forcé. She's sn

This man is in the Navy. He's a sailor.

This man is in the Marines. He's a marine.

EXERCISE B Listen. Write each word ¡n the column with its stress pattern.

military Navy sailar officer

Array soldier marine
enlistad Air Forcé annan cívilian

EXERCISE C Write the letter of the sentence that matches each picture.

a. He's an üfficer,
He's ¡n the Air Forcé. 4t«H

b. She'g an officer.
She's in the Navy.

c. She's an airman.
She's in the Air Forcé.
d They're civilians.
They're not in the
e. He'fl a sailor.
He's enlisted,

f. They're
They're in the Army.

EXERCISE D Listen and repeat. Mark the stress e d syllable In each phraae.

Number 1 is an example.

1. in the Army 4. in the Marine Corpa

2. in the Navy 5. in the Air Forcé

3. in the Marines 6. in the military

EXERCISE E Readlhe dialog.

Jim: Hi, Do yuu work here?

Ben; Yes, I do. My name's Ben Smith,
Jim: Fin Jim Jones, I'm new here.
Ben: You're enlisted in the Air Forcé, right?
Jim: No, I'm a aailor in the Navy.
Ben: Well, it's very nice to meet you, Jim.

EXERCISE F Tell your classmates aboul yourself. Use the new vocabulary»

in the Army a -,i 1 1 1 1 1 enlisted

in the Navy a soldier an officer
in the Aír Forcé a marine a civiHan
ín the Marine Corpa an airman in the military

T'm not in the military

in the Army Fm a civilian.
m an officer,

I'm in the Air Forcé.

Fm enlisted.


Vocabulary Using expressions: Here ít is! There they are!

Where's my letter?

At noon.

EXERCISE Lisien and repeat.

1. Here itis!
2. Here they are!
3. There itis!
4. There they are!
5. Where's my book? Here itis!
6. Where'a the map? There it is!
7. Now where's my pendí? Oh, here it is!
8. Where's the calendar? Oh, there it isl
9. Where's my desk? Here itis!
10, Where's your chair? There it is!
11, Where are my penciis? Here they are!
12, Where are your books? There they are!

Grammar Using adjectives to describe people, places, things

The man is tall. He's a tall man.

The woman is short, Shc's a short womun.

EXERCISE A Listen to a sentence.Then changa It like the example,

Nuntber 1 is on

1, The coffee is hot.

It's hot coffee.

2. Those children are small-

3. That car is oíd.

4. That man is angry.

5. That buildingis tall.

6. The woman ia young.

EXERCISE B Read these sen ten ees.

This picture is good. It's a good piclurc»

Thia picture is bad, It's a bad picture.

Tiiis car is oíd. It's an oíd car.

Thia car is new. It'a a new car

EXERCISE C Write the opposile word.

Number 1 i$ an example.

1. wrong right

2. short

3. oíd

4. differeut
5. bad

6. young

7. hot

8. small

EXERCISE D Listen to a sentence, then change it líke the example.

Number 1 is an example.

1. The boy is sad,

He'g a sad boy.

2. The man is tired.

3. The woman is oíd.

4. The man is sick.

5, The caris new.

EXERCISE E Look at two sentences. Combine them into one sentence*

Number 1 is an example.
1. My brother has a car, It's new,
Mv brother has a new car.

2. A sailor is in the library. She's young.

3- That man is my friend. He's oíd.

4, Mr, Fleet is a teacher. He's good.

5. Jane is talking to a man. He's tall.

6. She's reading a book. It's new.

EXERCJSE F Make sentences with the words in the word bank.

Number I is an exomple.
happy 1, My mothgr

tal! 2.
new 3.

bad 4,

gwd 5.

short 6-

EXERCISF G Listen and wrlte the phrase.











EXERCISE H Listen and write the missing

Jim Brady has a young son. His is Jeff. Jeff is a etudent,

and his is a pilot. Jim Brady flies planes
for the Air Forcé. Jeff wants to be a , too. He wants to do
his dad doea.


Fronunciation Discriminating between similar sounds.

Soy these words with M/<md /a/.

Words with /A/ Words with /a/

hut hot
nut not
gut got
dull dolí
shut shot
rut rot

EXERCISE A Listen. Crrcle the number of Ihe word wilh the sound /A/.

Numbers 1 ond 2 are examples.

cut cot cot 1. (1) 2 3 6. 1 2 3

Cüt L'Ut COt 2, 1 (j) 3 7. 1 2 3
3. 1 2 3 3 . 1 2 3
4. 1 2 3 9 . 1 2 3
5. 1 2 3 10, 1 2 3

EXERCISE B Listen for the sound lt\l. Do you hear it? Circlo yes or no.

EXAMPLES: hut © no
hot yes moj
1. yes no 6. yes no
2, yes no 7, yes no

3. yes no 8. yes no
4. yes no 9. yes no
5. yes no lü. yes no

Grammar Usíncj want to + verb

I eat.
You drínk.
want to
They walk.
He swim.
She wants to watch.
It learn.

I eat.
You drink.
doat want to
We gu_
They walk.
He swim.
She doesn't want to watch.
It learn.

*** Use want to H- verb.

EXERCISE A Listen and repeat the sentences your teacher says.

1. I want to study that lesson. I don't want to study this lesaun.

2. You want to go to the barracks, You don't want to go to class.

3. We want to speak Englishr We don't want to read.

4. They don't want to have egga for lunch. They want to have meat.

5. He wants to read that boak. He doesn't want to read this book,

6. Sbe doesn't want to write a new book. She wants to read.

7. It doesn't want to eat now. It wants to drink water.

8. They don't want to study. They want tu sleep.


EXERCISE B Make sentences with the words in the word bank. Use want to.

Use ivant to, manís to, doesn't maní to, don't want to.

learn write watch

eat study drink Bwira
shave read









EXERCISE C Teti your partner what you want to or don't want to do today.

Jhke notes. Then íell thecloss what your partner wants to ordoesn't want to do.

I want to play aoccer this afternoon,

I don't want to atudy.

Grammar Asking yes/no questions with want to -i- verb

Do want to eat in the diníng hall?

Yes, I want to cat

in the dining hall.
No, they don't want to eat

*** Use do to make questions with L you, we, and they.

EXERCISE A Read the answer.Then wrlte a questlon for i. you, we, or they.

Yes, I want to go to the library

No, I don't want to go to the BX.

Yes, they want to work at a hospital.

No, we don't want to have lunch in the mess hall.

Yes, we want to learn Engliah today.

No, we don't want to watch TV this afternoon.


V Use does to make questions with he she, and it.

Does she want to swim this afternoon?

Yes, he wants to Swim

she this affcernoon.
it doesn't want to swim

EXERCISE B Read tne answer Write a question for he, she, or it.

No, she doesn't want to buy a new car.

No, he doesn't want to get up earFy Saturday morning.

Yes, he wants to learn Engliah.

Yes, it wanta to go outside.

EXERCISE C Wilh a partnerT ask and answer questlons. Use want to.

Do you want to No, T don't. Do you want to

at the Jibrary^ study in the barracks?

That's okay. Do you

want to atudy now?

EXERCISE D With a partner, read and recite the dialog.

Bill: What do you want to do?

JefF: I want to read my new book,
Bill: Whereisit?
Jen: Hereitis!
Bill: Where do you want to read it?
Jeff: I want to read it here in the libraiy
Bill: When do yon want to read it?
Jeff: I want to read it right now.
Bill: Okay, Til get my book and read, too.

EXERCISE E Read about Jeff Pratt.

Jeff Pratt is a young man. He works in a library. The work ¡n the library
is all right, but Jeff doesn't want to work there all the time. He wants to be a
doctor, and he wants to work in a big hospital He wanta to have more money,
and he wants to do good work. Jeff doesn't have a car. He walks to work, But
Jeff doesn't want to walk. Ho wanta to buy a nice, big; car. He wants to drivc
his own car to work every day.

EXERCISE F Read the answer.Then write a question.

Jeff ia a student, and he works in a library.

No, he doesn't want to work in a library all the time.

He wants to work in a big hospital

He wants to buy a car.

He wants to dríve to work in his new car every day.


Getting to know e&ch other

1. Jim; Do you work here?

Ben: Yes, I do,
Jim: I do, too. My ñame is Jim,
Ben: Hi, Jim. I'm Ben.

2. Jen: Where do you work?

Kay: AttheBX
Jeff: My brother works at the BX, too. Do you know him?
Kay; Yes, I do, He's very nice,

3. SaJly: Are you a student?

Bob: Yes, I am,
Sally: I'm a student, too. I want to be a teacher.
Bob: Oh, me too.

4. Frank: Where are yon from?

Mary: England.
FVank: I was in England last year.
Mary: Where were you?
Frank: In London.
Mary: Oh, I'm from London.
EXERCISE Select a situation. Role play it wlth a partner.

teachers meet at the BX. Two peopie meet at a social activity.

* Teacher X is from the US and teaches • Person X is an AF pilot from
atDLI. Madrid, Spain.
Teacher Y is from Prance and is a Person Y is a Navy pilot who was
student at DLL in Madrid last year.

o peopie meet n i line at the snack bar. o peopie meet.

• They are meeting for the first time.
• Both work at the aame library,
* Person X ÍB a langvege etudenl
• Person Y is from a country where 1
that language is spokon.
Both are studying Ruasian.




EXERCISE A ¡ Look at the flash card. Gírele the word you see.

a, short 2.a. truck 3, a. officer

b- soldier b. train b. office
c. shower c. hears c, Outober
d, shave d. their d. orante
a. talk 5.a. mouth 6, a. dock
b. test b. mark b. cióse
c. take c. many c. class
d. taxi d. Mart* d. chose

EXERCISE B Gírele the ñame for each group.

building meat drink dsy

. ... i... i.
::::. meal country

1. juace 2, building 3. brcaktust 4, Friday

tea BX lunch duy

drink hospital dlnner Tucsday

coffcc mess hall meal Satorday

5. apple 6. month 7. lamb S. England

fruit July beef Spain

orange April meat Canadá

banana January chicken country

Grammar Past tense questions - Who 4- BE

Frank in England last year

was in England last

EXERCISE Listen and repeatThen write, afik, and answer a questlon.

Mark waa in his roorn last night at 9:00.

Ben and Jim were in the military last year.

Sally was late to class this morning.

Mr. Tucker waa my teacher last week.

TUchard wasn't in cl^ss yeaterday.

Mr. Tucker wasn't in the library last night.

Captain Rice was in the Army ten yearg

Sally, Richard, and Ben were studenta three years ago.

Grammar Past tense questions - What + BE

The díctíonary W35 on the tabfe *

Was the dictionary on the table ?

What was on the table ?i

*** Use the same pattern to make questions wlth what, where, and wh&u.

EXERCISE A Repeat the statement, the questfon, and the short answer

1. A new book was under the deek yesterday.

What was under the deak ycsterday?
A new book.
2. A bíg orange wes in the box this morning.
What was in the box this morning?
A big orange.
3. An oíd clock waa in the room lest night.
What was in the room líist night?
An oíd clock,
4- The new schedule was on the bulletin board.
What was on the bulletin board?
The new schedule.

EXERCISE B Read the answer. Then wríte the question.

The new words were on the board yesterday.

Our homework was Exercise A and Exercise D on pege 52.

The answer to Numbcr 7 was $15.95.

Grammar Past tense guestions - Where + BE

John was at the líbrary last night •

Was John at the líbrary last night ?

Where ivas John last níght ?

*** use the BE verb form was for /, fie, she, and it.

They were atthe &nack bar last híght •

Were they atthe snack bar last night 7

Where were they last nlght ?

V Use the BE verb form were for we, you, and they.

EXERCISE Repeat the statement, the questlon, and the short

1. Her brother was in Saudi Arabia last year.

Whero was her brother last year?
In Saudi Arabia.
2. My class was in room 17 lastweek.
Where was yoxir claas laat week?
tn room 17.
3. My two friends were at the dispensary yesterday
Where were your two friends yesterday?
At the diapensary.
4. Mr, and Mrs. Reed were in England last month,
Where were Mr. and Mrs. Reed last manLh?
In London,


Grammar Past tense questions - When * BE

John was atthe library last night ¥

Wae John atthe library laet riíght ?

When was John at the library ?

Use the BE verb lorm was with /, he, she, and i't.

They were atthe snack bar last night

Werc they at thesnack bar last nl^ht 7

When were they at the énack bar ?

V* Use the BE verb form were wíth we, you, and fhey.

EXERCISE A Repeat the statement, the question, antí the short answer.

1. Her father wgs in Venezuela last year.

When was her father in Venezuela?
Last year.
2. My sister was in the hospital last week.
When was your sister in the hospital?
Last week,
3. My büoks were at the library yesterday,
When were your books at tho library?
4. My daughters were in the dining hall at lunch yesterday.
When were your daughlerfí in the dining hall?
At lunch yesterday
EXERCISE B Fill in the chart with Information about people you know.

FUI in the chart about people you know, the coiífiíriea they travaied lo, und ivkcfi
trttueled. 7*hen uriíh your partner, ask and ansuter queKiinns about the infurmaUon inyour

EXAMPLE: Queation. Where was your brother in 1975?

My brothgr wae ín Vaneguala ín 1975,


frlend Venezuela 1975


teachar 5 vears atio

US last vear

EXERCISE C Write quesllons for the answers. Use who, what, when, where.

Mr. Tucker's wife was in France three nionths ago.

Mr. Tucker and Ms. Tucker were my teachers last year.

My homework was on Mr. Tucker's desk this morning.

Mr, Tucker was in the library yesterday afternoon.

EXERCJSE A Writo the correct words uncler the plctures.

getup listen in class

•• •+
i i
luok up a word speak to a friend swim
have a mea I slecp 1akt a train

1, 2. 3.

4. 6.

7. 8.


EXERCISE B Wrrte the correct words under the plctures.

buy a snack drive a truck fly a plañe

walk to the barracks mark the calendar take a test
take a shower go to bed review a lesson


4. 5.


EXERCfSE C Choose a, b, c, or d to complete each ¿entonce.

1. Tira is in the Army He's .

a. a soldicr
b- an airman
c. a civilian
d. asailor

2. Sallas in the Navy, She'a not an oflicer. She'a

a. an airman
b- an enlistad
c. a soldier
d. a civilian

3. Lisien to the question. the correct answer.

a. Have
b. Leave
c. Select
d. Speak
4. I want to drink some water. Fm
a. late
b. bungry
c. tMrsty
d- early

5, Wego tolab the aftemoon.

a. in
b. on
c. at
d. or

6- SchooJ children eat lunch noon.

a. on
b. ín
c. at
d. or
7. AI wants to leave hís country March,
a, in
b- for
c, at
d- on
8. Mike was in Canadá year.
a. laat
b. beforc
c. after
d. next
9. Today is Tuesday. was Mond&y.
a, Now
b, Yesterday
c, Tomorrow
d, There
10. My father eats dinner at 6:00 every
a, morning
b, evening
c, midnight
d, noon

11. This month is March, Next month is

a. May
b. June
c. Febru ary
d. April
12. Jae is always in our dasaroom before class. He comes to class
a. late
b. after
c. before
d. early
13. do your friends swim?
a- Sometimes
b. How many
C, How often
d, Always
14. Thatman isn't short, He's a _ man.
a. new
b. small
c. young
d. tai]
15. 1 want a big dínner. Tin _
a. angry
b. hungry
c. thirsty
d. tired
16. Cirde a, bT c, or d on your answer
a. letter
b. test
c. number
d. sheet
17, The letter c is the letter d in the alphabet.

18. Let'a gota the BXr

, let's go now,
a. All right
b. When
c. Alwaya
d. Never
19. Last month was November. This month ia
a. October
b. December
c. September
d. January
20. Do you eat breakfast every day?
Yes, I eat breakfaat.
a. always
b. sometióles
c. right now
d. noon


EXERCISE D Complete the dialog. Practlce Intonation with a partner.

Sally: Excuse me, sir, are you from?

James: from Russia.

Sally: What do you spcak?

James: and Engliñh.

EXERCISE E Write each word In the column with the same stress pattern.

Korean Arabic louk up

always Japanese Chínese Rnglish

* A. •


¿itf &9eri

meraorize enlisted the United States

dictionary Venezuela roilitary yesterday


unsiressed syllable

EXERCISE F Read the pin ases. Mark Ihe stressed sytlable ineach phrase.

1 is an example.

1. at 6 o'clock 7. takeatrain

2. atnight 8. in a year

3. go to bed 9- aevendaysiu a week

4. take a shower 10. get up

5. atthemovies 11. in the military

6. Air Forcé Base 12. in the Marine Corpñ

l-A-!;(^'-^i^l Listen. Circle the number of the word wlth thfl aound /A/.

EXAMPLES: sob sub sob 1

© 3

sob sob sub 1 2

1, 1 2 3 6. 1 2 3

2. 1 2 3 7. 1 2 3

3. 1 2 3 8. 1 2 3

4. 1 2 3 9, 1 2 3

5. 1 2 3 10. 1 2 3

FT^M^LlH Circle the word that doesn't belong to the group.

i. plañe car truck taxi

2. soldier sailor airman civili an
3. lunch breakfast salad dinner
4. ha If do llar fruit dime penny
5. pen drive fly walk
6. commisaary dassroain barracks BX

7. month minute day lesa on

8. England United States Army Canadá
9. dictionary revíew memorize Loara
10, July September Thursday May

m EXERCISE 1 £n£ le the ñame of each group.

1. today yesterday days tomorrow

2. women sister daughter motber
3. cent dallar quarter money
4. day time week year
5, men huaband son brother
6. dispensary dining hall buildings BX

7. United Statea coun tries Canadá England

8. October January months April
9. food French fríes hamburgor banana

10. morning evening afternoon time

600 K S LES SON 5

EXERCISE J Complete the dialog with words from ihe word bank.

snack night hungry

lesson always early review

Capt Lee: Doyougetup every morning?

Lt. Kim: Yes, I do. I don't want to be late for clafifi. T'm very
in the ntorning, and I eat breakfafit.
Capt, Lee; I just eat toast for breaki'ast. 1 want to have time tu revitw the
before class, I eat a luter.

Lt. Kim: I usually the lessun at

EXERCISE K Complete the dialog with words from the word bank

teaches here
Lookup meraorize mark

Lt. Kim: Do you like our teacher?

. Lee: Yes, he wcll. Now I don't words, 1

listen, read, and speak Engliah. I Icarn words that way. I dnn't
every word in the dictionary. I
new words in my book,

Lt. KJm: He's a teacher. Fm learning a lot

EXERCISE L Complete the dialog with words from the word bank.

right nüw have bad

walk all right

Capt. Lee: Say, do yüu want to to the mess hall

Lt. Kim: . That'& not a idea. They

good food there.


EXERCJSE M Complete the dialogs.

1. A: Hi, Tm Ph.llip,

B: I'mJoe,
A: France.

2, A: Where's the dispensary?

B: the teacher She knows.

3. A: Where are you going?

B: To Chicago, I'm flying.


B: AtG:00.

4. A:
B: No, it doesn't. It goes downtown, Take Bus 547 to the base.

5. A: You're here now!

B: Anhourago? I wasat thegym.

6, A;

B: I drink it every morning.

EXERCISE N Categorlza these words under the times of day.

Add same actiuities thatyou do.

have lunch go to cías s get dressed

eat eggs go tobed ñhavc
sleep take a ahower getup
speak to friendo swim go to the gyra
buy a snack watch televisión do homework



s CJl






EXERCtSE P Use the scrambfed words to write questions.

Ntimber 1 ix QJI example.

L you/do/breakfafít/for/eggs/eat
Poyou eat eaae for breakfaat?

2. what / for / snack / a / do / have / you

3. eat / when / do / you / lunch

4. he / rice / have / dinner / for / does

5. language/do/speak/you/what

6. do / eat / you / where / lunch

7. country / from / are / you / what

8. how / days / week / in / a / are /

9, are / your / who / friends / new

10. does / plañe / leave / the / Houston / when / for


EXERCISE O SeJect the list with words in alphabetlcal order.

EXERCfSE R Select the list with words not In aíphabetical order.

Listen and wrlte.


4. 10.


EXERCISE T Wrlte the month, its number, and abbreviation.

a. rayujan

li. laipr

c. rcoboet

d, tuuasg

e. dcmeberc

f. nuej

g, ahmcr

h. bemepcstr

i. ybrfreau

j. erbneomv

k. lujy

1. yam


after 1 February/Feb 3
aílernoon 1 fiy 4
ago 3 for (meal) -- - 1
airman/airmen . ,, .4 France 3
aírplane 2 French 2
all right - - 4 French Mes .2
always . .2
a.m 1 get
answer sheet 3 get up
April/Apr. 3 go to bed
Arable . . , . 2 good
Army 4 H
at ímidiiighth night, noon) 1 hamburger 2
August/Aug. - , - - 3 has 2
B has (food) for (meal) ,2
bad 4 have 2
befbre 1 have ífood) for (meal) 2
booklet 3 hear 2
here - 4
Canadá 3 Here it iñ! 4
car 2 Hcrc they are! 4
Chicago -- -- 2 hourthr,) 3
China 3 how many 3
Chínese 2 how ollcn - ,... 2
choose , , - - - -3 hungry 1
civiíian .4
elees 1 in (3 month) 3
coJonel..,, - - 4 in (the afternoon) ,1
country 3 in (the Army) 4
It wasn'tbad 3
December/Dtic 3 Italian 2
dictionary 3
do 1 January/Jan 3
doea 1 Japan 3
doesn't 1 Japaneae 2
don't 1 July/Jul 3
drive , , - - 4 June/Jim, -- ,,.. 3
driver ., 4
know 2
early (adj)íadv),,, 1 Korean 2
Kgypt 3
England 3 language ,-2
Engliab 2 last (montb) ¿3
enlisted 4 lale (adjXadv) 1
evening 1 learn .2
every 1 leave . .2

lessun - 1 snack 1
look up (fifia ni a book) . . . . . . . . . . . 3 soldier 4
Los Angeles 2 eometimes 2
M ñpain 3
March/Mar. 3 Spaniab ., 2
marine - .,..., 4 speak 2
Marine Corps 4 swim 1
mark 3
May 3 take a (bus) 2
memorize , 3 take a shower - . , , . . 1
midnight ...1 tall 4
military 4 taxi 2
minute 3 test 3
month 3 ttsL bouklet 3
morning 1 there 4
N Thereitis! 4
Navy 4 There thcy are! 4
never - -. . 2 thirsty 1
new 4 train 2
New York 2 truck 2
nñxt (month) 3 U
night 1 (the) United States (US) 3
naon 1
Nnvember/Nov -...3 Venezuela 3
October/Qct 3 waik 4
oflker 4 want 1
on (day of week) ,.. 2 wnnt tu 4
was 3
plañe .2 were 3
p.m - 1 What country (are yon) frora? 3
What langiiagels) do you speak? . . . . 2
quiz wben 2
Where (are you) from? 3
revíew ......................... 3 wurk (n) (v) . .4
right now .................. .... 4 X
Ruesia ...... . .................. 3 Y
. .............. - . . .2 year 3
yesterday 3
aailor ...................... -...4
Saudi Arabia .............. ..... 3
say ............................ 2
secand (time) ............ . . . . . . . 3
see ............... . ........ . . . . 2
aelect ...... . ................... 3
September/Sept .............. -r . . 3
shave .............. - ........... 1
sliort .......................... 4
shower (n) (v) ...... . . ........... 1
sleep ............ .............. 1


APPENDIX El Structure List


Adjective Descriptivo It's a amall book. 4

Adverb Adverbs of always, sometimos, never 2

Adverb Interrogativo how How often is John late? 2
ofteií How often does Bill swim?
Adverbs Interrogative how How many months are in a yearV 3
many How many pencils do you have?

Pronoun Interrogative who, When was .she in class?

what, where, when Where were you yesterday?
+ past BE paltern
Pronoun Interrogative who, Where doea she study?
what, where, when What do you study?
+ present tense

Prepoüitian for (purpose) I eat eggs for breakfast. 1

Verb Simple present Hegets upearly. 1

tense for verbs We get up early.
other than BE
Verb Simple past tense He was a student last year. 3
for BE verbs We were student s last y car,
Verb wattt + infinitive I want lo go to thy librury. 4



APPENDIX c HirwrTiv^^^^M^^^^^^^^^^^^^HJ
Bk 3 1:1 cías s Bk 3 4:6 good
Bk 3 1:2 early Bk 3 4:7 here
Bk 3 1:3 get dressed Bk 3 4:8 marine
Bk 3 1:4 get up Bk 3 4:9 officer
Bk31:5 hungry Bk34:10 sailor
Bk 3 1:6 late Bk34:ll shorl
Bk 3 1:7 shave Bk34:12 soldit-r
Bk 3 1:8 ahower Bk34:13 taU
Bk 3 1:9 shower Bk34;14 waik
Bk31:10 sleep
Bk 3 1:11 snack
Bk31:12 ewim
Bk 3 1:13 thirsty
Bk32;l airplane
Bk 3 2:2 bus
Bk 3 2:3 car
Bk 3 2:4 French fríes
Bk 3 2:5 hamburger
Bk 3 2:6 plañe
Bk 3 2:7 taxi
Bk 3 2:8 train
Bk 3 2:9 truck
Bk 3 3:1 answer sheet
Bk 3 3:2 hour
Bk 3 3:3 look up
Bk 3 3:4 mouth
Bk 3 3:5 quiz
Bk 3 3:6 review
Bk 3 3:7 select
Bk 3 3:8 test booklet
Bk34:l airman
Bk 3 4:2 bad
Bk 3 4:3 civilian
Bk 3 4:4 drive
Bk 3 4:5 fly
3ENDIX D 1 The English Alphabel



A a A a /? a-
B b B b á &
c c C c 5 c-
D d 0 d 2> é
E e E e £ e
F f F f 3 i
G i G 9 Q ?
H h H h j/ ¿

I 1 1 i 2 /
P j
J J J 1
K k K k f ¿
L 1 L 1 I /
M m M m M «
N n N n A ft
0 0 0 0 0 *>
P P F P P ?
Q q a 1 2
R r R r ñ *
S a B 0 $ tí

T t T t 7 £
U u U u ft- K-

V V V V V V.

W w W w W t»

X x x X '/ f

Y y Y y V r
Z z z z 3 í



APPENDIX E American English Sounds

English is not spelled phonetically. The same sound is spclled several different
ways, For this reason it is helpful to asaign sepárate symbols to each sound. The
followíng is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) system. Twenty-four (24)
consonant symbols, eleven (11) voweí symbols, and five (5) symbols representing
diphthongs are used to represent the significan! sounds of American English,
These charts are only aids and not to be memorized. However, the studcnts must
be aware of the difíerent sounds represented in these charts. They must be able
to rccognize and repeat them accurately.

Symbol Examples Symboí Examples
/'/ he, meet, teach, chief /P/ past, stop, put, paper
A/ in, ís, sit, big /b/ bed t baby, barbert Jab
/ei/ day, malte, train, veín, sleak fff tüke, senth ten, gentle
/£/ met, let, aaid, bread /d/ date, student, do, hord
/'K/ cash, half h laughÉ hand /h/ car, chemícal, recorder, book
/o/ father, far, heart > pot, not /9/ gas, eggst dog, cigar
fa/ atl, eaw, bought, caught /">/ arm, myh numher, from
/ou/ go, know, coat, tow, pole /n/ no, linet findt noon
/u/ book, took, goodh should /O/ sing, long, wrong, rank
/u/ food^ blue, blew, do, soup /!/ well h laboratoryh always, Jet
Í*i cup, son, sun, enaugh /r/ read, course, for, write
/oif I h nice, tie, buy> byh write m fanner, affirm, phone, Jaugh
/3i/ noise, boy, point, oil M very, give, live t seven
/ao/ out, now, town, mouth f&f thnnk h Thuraday, hath, north
/a/ ago, alphabet, listenh student /fl/ the, this, these, weather
I*Í her, birdh doctor, earn A/ see, thia, leason, tapes
/Z/ zero, roseh blows, dozen
/// ship, natíon, should, push
/3/ pleasure, meaaure, usual
/h/ have, he,how, hot
/t// chair, teacherh picturej march
/di/ judge, bridge, page, July
/w/ we, walk, wish h away
/j/ yes, you, yesterday, young



APPENDIX F List of Contractrons

aren't fare notl we'll (we will / we shall)

can't (cannot) we're <we are)
couldn't (could nott weVe (we have)
didn'l (did not) what'a (what is)
docsn't ídoes notl whcrc'a - íwhere is)
don't (do not) whn's (who ie / who haa)
hasn't (has not) wnn't — not)
haven't (nave nnt} wouldn't - not)

he'd fhe woulcí / he had) you'd (you would/you had)

he'll (hewül) you'll (yon will)
he'a (he is / he hasí you're (you are)
how's (how ist y o u've íyim hüve)
Fd llwould/Ihad)
I'm ílaral
(I nave)
isn't (is not)
it's íit is / it has)
let's ílet ua)
mustn't (must not)
she'd (she would / she had)
(shewill /she shall)
shc'e 1she is / ghe has)
shouldn't f should nuü
that'e (that ia)
the/d ithey would / they hadj
they'll íthey will / they shall)
ihey're (íhüy are)
theyVe (they havo)
we'd (we would / wo had)



ER( ;ISE A |
Gírele the word with the finaí sound pronounced fez/.

a. aleeps 2, a. asks 3. a. gets 4, a. exercíses

b. opens b. dances b. Ulks b. showers
c. swims c. atudies c. clases c. doce
d. watchea d. answera d. spells d. swims

£Rt:I5£ B Wrltedon'f
i or doesn't.

EXAMPLE: drink coffee at night.

1. Tbm swim before class.

2. We_ go to the lab at 2 o'clock.
3. yciu have a pencil?
4. She cat eggs for breakfast every morning.
5. I _ watch televisión every night.
6. Jira take a shower afler breakfast.
1. I_ sleep in class.
S. Pvt García study English after
9. We drink iced tea for lunch.
10, the bus stop here?

11. You swiin at night.

12. I go to the movies every day.

13. My teacher speak Chineae.
14. he drink milk every morning?
15. They eat fruit for dínner.
EXERCISE C Write long answers to the questions.

1 is fin example.

1, Doea he talk to hia teacher every day? (yes)

Yes, he talkg to hifi teacher every day.

2. Do they watch TV in class? (yes)

3. Do the Lees eat dinner in the roorning? (no)

4. Does he drink tea every morning? (no)

5. Does she listen to tapes in the lab? Eyea)

EXERCISE D Write short answers to the questions.

Number 1 is an

1. Doea he aleep in class? (yes)

Yes, hedoea.

2. Do they run in the afternoon? (yes)

3. Do they sícep at the library? (no)

4. Does she eat in the mesa hall? (no)

5. Does he write in hia book? (yes)

EXERCISE E Underline the corred form of the verb.

EXAMPLE: My friend ( study , síudies ) after class.

1, My friend and J ( am , are ) students at DLL

2, My friend (get up .getsup ) early every dayr

3. Idon't (get up ,gets up ) early I (getup ,gets up > late,

4, My friend ( shower , showers } befare breakfast.

5. I ( sftoíuer , showers ) before bed

6, My friend t eat, eats } dinner in ttio mesa hall.

7. I ( eat, eats ) breakfast in my room.

8. V¿e( study ,studies } every evening.

EXERCISE F Read the statement.Then writeayes/na questlon,

Niímber 1 is an cxample.

, ^oee John aoto béd

Yes, John goea to bed early.

Yes, I eat breakfast every morning.

Yes, we swim every afternoon.

Yes, I eat rice and chicken for lunch every day.

Yes, they study their lessons in the evening.

Yes, Mary comes to class late.
EXERCISE G | Wrlte eacn word in the column with Its stress pattern.

evety thirty-five repeat

after twenty-one seventeen
correct afternoon before
^ . .^ • • A

EXAMPLES: classroom tüdéiy seventeen REY

^L sliassed &yllaLle
V "-.-,-.---.- 1 gyllaDle

EXERCISE H , Circle the word that ¡s different.

I- teacher library barracks dispenaary

2. Monday Tuesday Friday toraorrow

3. hungry evening afternoon morning

4. car truck plañe hamburger

5. son friend father daughter

6. swim sleep short shower

7. daas shave student lesson

S. eat sad sick tircd

9. his and their yrjur

10. in at do fcir
EXERCISE I Complete the dralogs.

1. Sam:

Don: Yes, I am. Are you hungryf too?


Don: Okay. Let's eat in the mesa hall.

Sam: .

2. Paula;

Nancy: No, I study after clasa.


Nancy: No, I eat dinner after I 3tudy.


Nancy: No, I go to bed early.

3. Ray:

Jack: I want to drink coffee. And you?


Jack! What do you want to eat?


Jack: Not mel I don't eat salads for breakfaat.

EXERCISE J Match the sentences on the left with those on the right.
Number 1 is att example.

1. Do you eat toast for breakfast? a. No, I drink coffee.

2. What do you eat for a snack? b. No, I eat late.

3. What do you eat for lunch? c. Let's sit here.

4. Do you eat a big dinner? d. No, T catcggs,

5. Do you eat early? e. Let's eat there,

6. Do you drink iced tea? f" I eat chicken and rice,

7. There's the snack bar. g. I eat fruit.

3. Here's a table. h. No, I eat a small meal.

EXERCISE K Alphabetize the words.

EXERCISE L Read the schedu le. Complete each senté n ce wlth earfyor late.



Tías T.O5 7:30

1. The bus ús at the bus stop at St. Mar/a & It is

Commerce at 7:10,
2. The bus is at the bus stop at Commerce It ia
& 24^317:20.
3. The bus is at the bus stop at Coramerce It ia
& Gen. McMullen at 7:30.
4. The bus i&at the bus stop at HWY 90 & Itia
Militar? Drive at 7:50,
5. The bus isat the KEL-LAC Park & Ride Itis
at 7:55-
EXERCISE M Choose words from the boxes to complete the sentences.

1, sleeps gets dreased swuns

doesn't early
hungry thirsty shaves

Captain Banks late on Saturday morning. After he

gets up, he and . Captain Banks
. study his lessons on Saturday afternoon. He
. at the gym. After swimming, he is and
., Captain Banks doesn't go to bed on

Saturday night. He watches TV until midnight.

2. m nuon p,m.
anack before
at after a.iv..

Pvt Williams is hungry morning, noon, and night. He eats

breakfast at 5:00 . Then he eats a
aíler he goes to class. Pvt Williams eats a big lunch at ,
At 3:00 , he is hungry again. He eata some fruit
the afternoon. Pvt Williams eats dinner
he sludies his lesKons. Pvt Williams
goes to sleep, he has a snack. midnight, Pvt Williams
gets up and drinks a glass of milk.
EXERCISE N Write the letter In the blank.

EXAMPLE: G 0 T 0 & E P
7 15 20 15 2 5 4

A JL _2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

7 5 20 21 16 5 1 18 12 25

1 6 20 5 18 12 21 14 3 8

19 12 5 5 16 12 1 20 5

5 1 20 19 14 1 3 11

5 22 5 18 25 14 9 7 8 20
EXERCISE A Unscramble the letters to write the word.

Number 1 is an example.

when ncver learn hamburger
taxi train English
' •-
- W I Ij .
always leave language

1. mabgrhreu hamburaer

2. vreen

3. kepsa

4. gluagnae

5. ywlasa

6. aolrn

7. ginelhs

8. wnko

9. hwne

10. xtai

11. rtina

12. aelve
EXERCISE B In each box, select the word that matches the stress pattern.

1. 2. 3.
a. Rusaia a. Chínese a. airplane a. sometimos
b. Spanish b. always b. before b. afternoon
e. know c, speak c. after c. leave
d. langnage d. getup French frica d. hamburger

EXERCISE C Fill in the blanhs with words from the gray box.

see have leave

has want know suy
hear learn

Numher 1 ís an extimple.

1. I have a sister.

2, I Captain García. She's my trlend.

3. Tomrny, please "helio" to Mr Miller.

4. Whatdoyou for lunch?

5. The teacher ís speaking. I her.

6. The teacher is coming. I him.

7. When does the teacher the classroom?

8, Edward hamburger for lunch every day.

9. How often do you _ new vocabulary?

10. She four languages.

EXERCISE D Write questions. Use who, what, where, or when.
Nnmbers I and 2 are examples.

1. Who knows the answer?

¿$£ knows the answer.

2, WherLdoes John gtudy?

John studies at 6 p.m.

Pete is in his rooir.

Tom speaks Spanish.

Henry eats ñ'shr

Sara studies English at DLT,

Alien eats lunch at the snack bar.

Paul sees Alice on the weehend.


Mary studiea in the library.
|l">-Í<"!¿(Hí_T3p'^p| Gírele the word that is different.
Number 1 is an example.
1. daughter wife sister (brothe^

2. nickel dime dinner quarter

3. plañe truck taxi train

4. Friday Monday Saturday wcckend

5. our their where your

6. thirsty every hungry bnred

7. bus commissary barratks Süfmsw

8, banana cherry hamburger orange

9. learn early hear speak

10. oíd young short alwaya

EXERCISE F E7T2 the answer. Use sometimes, aíwnys , or never.

Number 1 is an example.
L How often do you have cggs for breakfast?
1 eomet\me& haveeeaas.

2, How often do you come to clasa late?

3, How often do you study your les&on?

4. How often aro you tired in class?

Circls the ñame of each group.
Number I is on exantple.
1, desk books board

2. Mary Ben ñame Jerry

3. apple food banana eggs

4. language French Chinóse Russian

5. always never sometimos hüw often

6. man child person woman

7. number zcro nine thirty

S. milk drink water JUÍCÜ

9. who where what question

10. nocm night time morning

EXERCISE H |£¿jite sen ten ees. Use sometimes, afways. or never.

Number 1 is an example.

library 1. _LfiomeEimeg go to the library.



plañe 4.

meas hall 5.

movic 6.

taxi 7.

homework 8.


EXERCISE I Alphabellze the words.

when train speak

friend leave Icarn
library airplane know
always plañe havc
taxi car want
1. 2. 3.

EXERCISE J Write questions with howoften.

1 is an example.

1. How often does Mark take a taxi?

Mark never takes a taxi.

I sometimes eat pizza.

I am never sick.

I swim every day of the week.
EXERCISE K Answcr the questions.

Numher 1 ¡san exomple.

1. Whereisyour English class? a. In the evening.

2. Who knows the answer? b. In the lab.

3. When do ynu study? c. After claas.

4. What time do you have class? d. In Room 2\m.

5. Where is your teacher? e. It'sMr.Tucker.

6. What Languages doyouspeak? f. Ido.

7. When do you go home? g. At 7:30 a.m.

8. Who is your new teacher? h, English and Frondi,

EXERCISE L Choose words from the box to complete the

have takes gays

learns speaks loavea

Lee is from China- He English at a language school in

San Antonio. Tim is Lee's friend. He's in Dallas. Lee goes to Dallaa
weekond to Tim. Lee doesn't a car. He
the train there. He always. on Friday
aftemoon. Lee aees Tim, he _ in Chínese to him. He
, "Helio, Tinií How are you?" Lee happy
when lie is with his friend, On Sunduy afternoon, Lee takes the train
back to San Antonio.
EXERCISE M Complete the dialog.

Agent: Guad afternoon. May I help you?

Pvt. James: Yes, do you have a bus to Houston?

Agent: Yes» we do. We hüve two every day.

Pvt. James:

Agent: At 8:00 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m.

Pvt. James; .
Agent: It's twenty-five doilars to go there,

Pvt. James:
Agent: Here's your ticket for tomorrow. Have a good trip.

EXERCISE N Mark the word that gets the primary stress in the phrase.

1 is an example.

. learn English 6- know the

2. take a taxi 7. inthemonüng

3. have fríes for lunch S. thirty dullars

4. go to the mess hall 9. leav*3 for class

5. speak a language 10. on the weekend


EXERCISE O Write the number of syllables fn each word.

1, sometimes 6. Japanese
2. hamburger 7. language
3- Sparush S. French
4. Jeave 9. never
5. taxi 10. hear

EXERCISE P Write the word ¡n the column with lis final sound.

gets dances speaks buys

hears fcnows drinks doscs
• r -

wanta learna says

lea ves sleeps eyercises goes

Heeats./s/ He reads. /// He watches./az/

EXERCISE O Readthesentencesabout DLI.WriteTlortrue or Fforfalse.

EXAMPLE; DLI students always eat in class.

1. DLI students never speak EngLish in class.

2. DLI students have a quiz after studying the book.

3. DLI teachers always come late to class.

4. DLI students always do homework in the lihrary.

5. DLI students sometiraes take thc bus to Houston.

6. DLI students sometimes eat in the mess hall.

7. DLI students nevyr do homework.

8. DLI students ulways sleep in class.

9. DLI teachers always speak Spanish in class.

10. DLI students aometimes speak their own langunges.

NOUJ write the false statements as trae síatemeitís.

EXAMPLE. _Py_students never eat in

EXERCISE A Label each calendar wlth the ñame of Ihe month.

Number I is an example.

1 2 3 4 5
9 1011 12 • 8 9
13.14115 16.17 18.19 1011121314 1516 12 1314 15 16
' 20 21 22 23 21.22.23
~ 24 25 26 17'18 1 9 ' 2 Q 2 1 2223 282930
¿25 26 27 20.

6_7 8 9 10 11 ?2 3 4'5 6 ' 7 Í 6

12131415161718 - 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
19 2021 22232425
27 20 29 30 31

151617181920 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 17
21 2223.242526"27 19 2C) 21 222324 22232425262728

10 11 12

2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2,3 4 5 I 6 _ 7
6 7 9 1QÍ11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 9 10I11/Í2T13 U
•113 141516 17 16 19 10 11 12 1314 15 16 }15;16J7J18 19 20,21
.2021 2223242526 171819 20212223 f 22 23 24 25 26' 27^28
"2728293031 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 293031. \ \ \
EXERCISE B Write a question about time for each of the numbers.

Letter a is an example.

7 a. __How many daye are ln a week?

• L
+ X I I H
b, ,
365 c
62 d
168 e.
24 f.

EXERCISE C Circle the word that ñames the group.

1. pendí test booklet answer sheet

2. Egypt France Japan cauntries

3. money nickel penny quarter

4. frisa food fruit salad

5. time hour minute second

6. raother father famíly brother

7. ninety thirteen nineteen nuinbers

8. days Tucsday yesterday Thursday

EXERCISE D Select the stress pattern that matches the word.

second dictionary ago yesterday

1. a. A 2. a. a. 4. a.
I.. A * b. b. b.
c. • ^ c. c. c.
d. A * d. d. d.
EXERCISE E Choose words from the box to complete the sentences.

marking listening studying

iooking up doing
speaking reviewing selecting

1- I am in the library now. I am foi' Ihc (juiz Lomorrüw. I

am words in the dictionary and tlxu
les son, I am my homework, too.

2. I am taking a qvtiz now. I am to the questions and

the correct answers, I am only ono
correct answer on the answer sheet. I am not with

my friends.

EXERCISE F Write questions for the answers.

I'm from Canadá.

I speak English and French.

My mother and father are from Korea,

Students from Egypt speak Arabio.

My family lives in Cairo,
EXERCfSE G Writc new atatements in the past tense.

1. The class isn't bad.

2- I am a good student .i 1 DLL

3. You are a good student, too.

4. The students aren't tired of humework.

6. Ms. Scott is a good teacher.

EXERCISE H Complete the dialog wlth the missrng questions.


Jon: Germany.

Jon: I speak Germán and English, Oh, you're from Egypt,

Jacob: Arable and English. My children speak French, too.

Jacob: Three. They uve in France,


EXERCISE I Complete the sentences.

1. This month is May. month is June. mnn th

was ApriL

2. Today is September 10. September 3 was one week

4. 17 is week.

3. Today is Wednesdav. was Tuesday. Monday was two days

4. was Saturdav. is Sundav. is


£XL-IRCISE ,J Circlelhe word that doesn't belong.

i. desk teat bookLet answer sheet

2. Lab Lunch hbrary classroom

3. next atudy review memorize

4. hour minute second yesterday

5. ten toast twenty thirteoo

6. day year dock month

7. child father mother student

8. lamb bread beef chiclten

EXERCISE K Write wasn'tof weren't.

1, John and Jacob in class yesterday.

2, They inthelab,

3, Jana in the Itbrary this marning.

4, She in her room.

5- Our instructor happy

EXERCISE L Write long answers to these questions.

1. Are you in claas now?

2. Were yotí in dass yesterday?

3, Are you studying English this year?

4. Were you a student in yoar country last year?

5. Were your fríends hcre this morning?

6. Is your famíly living in Texas now?

EXERCISE M Choose verbs from the gray box to complete the sentences.

memorize mark choose

look up reviow
listen selcct ask
' i'.. .
*•»>••. do read


1. Always in class and questions.

2- Don't new words. Use them in class tu Icarn their

3. new vocabulary in the dictionary.

your horaework every day-

5. the lessons thti night before tlie quiz.

all questions on the quiz carefiílly.

7. the correct answer and il on the answer sheet.

8. only one correct answer

3 Clrcíe the correct letters to spell the word
i. un on oun m ey

2. un on oun c tryM

3. un on oun S dayv

4. un on oun m th

5. un on oun 1 ch
EXERCISE O Tell what language people speak.

Number 1 is an example.

1. My friend is from California.

She speaks

2. Joe and Maria are from México,

3. Ahmed is an officer from Egypt.

4, My parents carne tu Lhe US from Canadá.

5, Monika is a teacher in Germany.

6. Lee lives in China.

EXERCISE P Write the full ñame oí each month.

Apr. Jim.

Aug. Mar.

Dec. May

Feb. Nov.

Jan. Oct.

Jul Sept.

EXERCISE O Choose the answers. Use them to complete the crossword-


2. ¡s after October. 1. is cold in Canadá.
a. July c- April a. April c. July
b. November d. August b- December d. August
4. The month after Augustis . 3, The month with 28 daya ÍR
a. July c. June a. February c. August
b. March d. September b. October d, July
7. The month before July is , 5. is before April.
a, Jarmary c. June a. March c. October
b. April d. February b. November d. July
8. is before May. 6. It ia not cold in Egypt in
a. June c. Deceniber a. December c. March
b, April d- November b. July d. January
9. The month before June is .
a, May c. July
b. August d. October
EXERCISE R Find the words in the puzzle and cítele thenv

Words can go down ¿

answer a d d q u I z o o b

m i n u t a m P 1 o
a o

e c e i c X e n
i '

y t X m o n t h 0 k
! t w u c 0 s u 1
mgnth a O t a n s w e r e
i i • n

r n e m t c y c u t
• *• * 11
second 1 a s t r a h o u r

i • j
i r t b y n s n o o
t y

yeaterday n y e s e r d a


i^iiv^i'^^B Circle ihe word thatis dlfferenL

1. hour minute second evening

2. fly walk drive claas

3, tall both small ahort

4. DLI Navy Army Air Forcé

5. yesterday tomorrow aü right r¡ght now

6. drink study review look up

7. sailor soldíer ai riñan civilian

8. driver teacher mechanic memorize

JP^ÍI^ -lelilí Change the sentences like the example.

EXAMPLE; 1, The house ia big.

It's a b\a house.

2. Tho students arenew.

3. The room Í3 hot.

4. Thia meaJ is good.

5. The boy is hungry.

EXERCISE C Look al the picture, then clrcle the best answer.

Number I is tm example.

1. Tora isa , He's in the

} saüor, Navy
b. airman.Air Forcé
c. soldier, Marines
d- soldier, Army

2. Thismanís . He'a
a. works, tired
b. tired, driving
c. working, tired
d- tired, work

3. These students to the barracks. They

do their homework.
a. are walking, wanta to
b. going, want to
c. is walking, wants to
d. are walking, want to

4. Ms, May in. the DLI library She is a

a, work, aoldier
b- working, officer
c. working, teacher
d. works, civilian

5. Pvt Lewis has a test tomorrow. Right now ahe
study. She doesn't sleep.
a. want to, want te
b. wants to, want te
c. want te, wants to
d. wants te? wants to

6, Thereare buildings in New York. I

want to _ to New York to seü them.
a. here, drive
b- there,drives
c, tall, drives
d, tall, drive

7. You don't drive planes, you. them-This

is not a dvilian plañe, it's a . plañe.
a. fly, military
b. flyíng, military
c. drivirtg, Air Forcé
d. are flying, Navy

8. Pvt Rice is hungry. He is eating in the meas

hall . His meal isn't bad, it'a
a. Ester, all right
b. later, tonight
c. rig-ht now, all right
d. yeeterday, all right
EXERCISE D Select the stress pattern that matches the word or

1. in a week 2. soldier 3. cí vi lian ufficer

a, a. A • .! A * 1 A *

b. b. • A * b. • A * b. • A •
c. c. * • A c. " " A .. * * A.

d. d, A » * ,1 A » * d. A. * •

EXERCISE Match the questlon with the answer.

1. Where's my book? a. Thereheis.

2, Where's Mr, Oliver? b. Hereahe is.

3. Where are the students? c. Hcrc it is.

4, Where's Ms. Young? d. There they are.

EXERCISE F Choose a word to complete each senlence.

sailor officer soldicr

enliated airman civilian

1. Mike Í3 a mechanic. He'sa in the Army.

2. My brother isn't in the military. He's a

3. Lt Rivas ian't an enlisted man, He'a an

4. Jake wants to be a in the Navy,

5. Asergeant is an person.

6, Linda is an in the Air Forcé.

EXERCISE G Match (he words and Iheir definitions.

1. ríght now a, enlísted Army pcrson

2. sailor b, go by car
3. walk c. goby plañe
4. airman d, enlisted Navy person
5. drive e. fine, okay
6. soldier f. gobyfoot
7. fly g. at this time
8. allright h, enlisted Air Forcé person

EXERCISE H Look at two sentences. Combine them ínto one sentence.

EXAMPLE: 1. John is a soldíer. He's good.

John fe a aood soldier.
2. Tom ia a atudent, He's angry.

3, The Sears Towcr is a building. It's tall.

4. Mr. Fleet is a teacher. He'a

5. She*s reading a book. It's oíd.

6. Canadá is a country. It's big.

1. Sergeant Smith is a man. He's enlisted.

8. I am watching a movie, It'a bad.

3Ü3E9I Circle the ñame of the group.

1, October February month April

2. bread food apple ^ÍTfís

3, English Arabía language Spanieh

4, time evening morning aftemoon

5. water drink tea coffee

6. Army Navy Air Forcé military

7. buildiBgs barracka meas hall dispensary

8- penny nickel money quarter

23E33M Write answers to the questfons.

I is <tn

1. Who was here yesterday? (three students)

Jfhrec gtudents were here yesterday.
2. When was Tom in the Air Forcé? (two years)

3. Where were the studenta last year? (their countriea)

4. What was your father ten years ago? (a captain)

5. Where were you two years ago? (in Venezuela)

6. When were you in my country? (laat year)


EXERCISE K Use the words in the gray box to wrlte sentences.

Nitmber 1 is an example.

young 1, My sister le a young girl.

short 2,
bad 3.


happy 6.

EXERCJSE L Write answers to the questlons*

Number 1 is an example.

1- Do you want to buy a new car?

Yes. I want to buv a new car.

2. Does your friend want to learn English?

3. Do you want to go to the snack bar?

4. Do you and your friend want to watch a movie?

5, Do you want to work late?

6. Do you wanl to study now?

EXERCI5E M Alphabetize these words.

year walk
second soldier
evening rallitiiry
minute civiliaiL
hour .officer
1. 2. 3.


4. 5. G.
EXERCISE N Write questions. Use who, what, where, or when.
Number 1 is an example.

1. What was on thfi buTletin board?

The fichad aje was on thc bulletin board.

The students were in clasa yesterday.

Ms. Joños was in Russia

Your nntebook was on Lht? desk.

Colo_ng_T _KglIy and Colonel Rañdolpjl were at the BX.

The soldiers were in the mesa haíL

Ms. King uame to class late.

The next book quiz is on Wednesday.

There it is.

lere they are.

EXERCISE O Gírele the correct letter to speJI the word.

1. u o h ._ sband
2. u o m nth
3, u o c . mmisaary
4- u o h ngry
5. u D fficer
EXERCISE P Choose words f rom the gray box to complete the sentences.

civilian mechanic wants to Air Forcé

work flies worka Army
soldier enlistad happy rightnow

. Paul is astudent be a pilot. Paul's father

is a pilot, and he. military planes. PauVs fathi^r wants hinl to
be in the ., too.

2. Susan is a in a military office. She with

and enlisted men and women. The is all right? and
is to work there.

3, Joe is in the , He is not an officer He ¡s .lie

works as a . Joe ís a fine
EXERCISE A Listen. Select the stress pattern of the word you hear.

1, a. A 2. a. A 3. a. A 4. a. A
h A b, A * b. A * b, A •
c. * c. * A c, * A c. • A

• b d * * A. il. * * A, ;i * * A

EXERCISE B Listen. Gírele the number of the word with the feíí sound.


a. d. 1 2 3
b. e. 1 2 3
c. f. 1 2 3

EXERC1SE C Alphabetlze the worcls.

noon anack fnr

pencil thirsty class
calendar morning evening
answer hungry dressed
letter late before
1. 2. 3.
EXERCISE D Circle the stress pattern of the phrase.

1. go to class 2. don't go 3. go swim 4. m my room

a. A a. A a. A a, A
b. A • b. A • A »
C, • A c, • A C. • A c. * A
d, • • A d. • » ék d * " A d. « * A

EXERCISE E ¡' Circle the wordthat Is dlfferent.

1. evening afternoon midnight late

2. swim salad sleep shave

3. class les son morning teachcsr

4, shower snack lunch dinner

5, late every carly time

EXERCISE F [3 Underllne the corred form of the verb.

1. I (get up , gets up ) late on Saturday,

2. My friends and I (go ,goes ) swimming after breskfaat.

3. My friends ( eat, eats ) a late lunch.

4. I ( don't, donan 'i ) eat lunch on Saturday.

5. After swimming, I (walk , waiks I to the cominissary

6. My friends and I ( eat, eats } dinner at the snack hnr.

7. In the evening, my friends and I ( watch , wn^hea ) TV.

8. Do you C watch , watches ) TV on Saturday night, too?

EXERCISE G Complete the dialog with questions.


Tina: No, I sleep late on Saturday,


Tina: Yes, I awim in the afternuun,


Tina: No, I eat dinner at the snack bar.


Tina: Yes, I go to bed late.

EXERCISE H Write short yes/no answers.

Do your children eat apples for a snack?

2. Does our teacher gwim after class?

3, Do you ahave every day?

4. Do you eat Frenen fríes for breakfast?

5. Doea your friend speak EngJish?


EXERCISE I Selee! the best answer.

you eat a snack at night?

2. The students eat lunch at

3. Jack goes to the mess hall

4. 1:00 p,m, is in the

a. night
b. noon
c. morning
d. aftemoon
5, Jan and I


7, It's 11:00 .- I'm going to bed.
a. a.m.
b. p.m.
c. time
d. tired
8. I come to class late.
a, am
b, are
c. don't
d. doesn't
9. Rick is buying iced tea at the snack bar. He is
a. late
b. early
c. hungry
d. thirsty
10. Jim gets up at 6:00- Tom geta up at 6:30. Jim gets up Tom.
a. before
b. after
c. early
d. late
11. JefT sieep late every morning?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Arcn't
d. Wasn't
12. The movie is at eight o'clock. Jim comes at seven o'clock. He comes
a. before
b. after
c. early
d- late
13. Captain Smith is a student. He goes to class day.
a. in
b. every
c, at
d, a.m.


14. I get up at 7:00 a.m. Then I _ befare I go to clsss.
a. goto bed
b. get dressed
c. go to sleep
d. go early
15, Every night I study my
d- leas orí
b. class
c. library
16- We eat breakfast in the __ .
a. noon
b. evening
c. mormng
d. afternoon
17. TDIJI doosn't eat breakfast. At lunch time, he's
a. sad
b. angry
c. tired
d. hungry
18. Steve goes to bed at midnight. He goes to bed
a. late
b. early
c. after
d. before
19. Do you __ before noon on Saturday?
b. getup
c. gets up
d- gettingup
20. Tbm after he.
a, shave, shower
b. shaving, showering
c. shavea, showers
d, shower, shave


In each box, select the word that matches the stress pattern.

i. A • 2. 3. 4. A • •

a. French a. Korean a. afternoon

b, language b. hamburger b, ftalian
c, excuse c. Saturday c, Arabic
d. belong d. sy Hable d. Japanese

EXERCISE B Selecl the word with the final syMable pronounced

2. 3. 4.
a. watches a. wantñ a. Jtnows
showers b. sleeps b. clones b. gcts
c. writcs c. chooses c. loarns c. leavea
d. does d. d. d. dresses

EXERCI&E C Writc the phrases you hear.


3. 8,


5. 10.


EXERCISE D Make sentences. Match thejeft phrase with the right phrase. j

•Number 1 is an exampte.

1- Arabic is a. the busto DLI.

2. I domy honiework b. arefood.
3. Theteachers c. fly planes.
4. I know d. in clase.
5. Never sleep e. are learning French
6. Frenchfries f. the answer.
7. Itake g. alanguage.
B. I don't know h. are teaching dass.
9, Pilota i. atnight.
0, The studenta j, your ñame.

EXERCISE E Circle the corred tetters to spell the word. Wrlte the letters.

1, sh ch Fren fríes
2. sh oh Spani
3. sh ch inese
4. sh ch ower
5. ah ch Engli
6. 8h ch lun
7. sh ch air

s. sh ch
9, sh ch wat
10. sh ch ave
EXERCISE H Select the best answer.

1. We're our grammar.

a. knowing
b. walking
c. learning
d. speaking

2, What languages do you

a. has
b. epeak
c. saying
d- learning

3. Richard Mark.
a, know
b, knows
c, apeak
d, speaks
4. Every morning, Mr. Tucker "helio" to the claaa.
a. says
b. hears
c. learns
d. speaks
G. Who is in the cJassronm?
a. T don't know.
b. They are late.
c. Ttis time for cíass.
a. ItTs in this bxiilding.
1 always do my homework.
a. T have no homework,
b. I never do my homework.
c. I do my homework every day.
d. My fnend does my homework

7. Do you teach Spanish?
a. Yes, I hear Spanish.
b. Yes, T speak Spanish.
c. No, I am teaching Spanish.
d. No, I am learning Spanish,
8. When do you go to the coramiasary?
a. I walk there.
b. I alwaysgoon Saturday.
c. I never walk to the commissary.
d. I want to go to the commissary.
9. Thcy swim .
a. to class
b. for Sunday
c. atthe library
d- on Wednesday
10. Mark and Pam two cars.
a, has
b. have
e. having
d. doesn't have

11. Let's take the bus to Dallas.

a. Who knows Dallas?
b. Where is the taxi stop?
c. What time does it leave?
d. Whoae bus is it?

12. Where ís your friend, John?

a. He has a new friend.
b. He's learning English.
c. He wants a hamburgor.
d. He's studying in the library.
13. Does John have your book?
¿t. Yes, I do,
b. Yes, he does.
c. No, Idon't.
d. No, you dun't.
14. The train leaves at noon,
a. It goeaat 12:OÜ p.m.
b. It comes at 12:00 a.m.
c. It goes in the afternoon,
d. It comes in tht? afternoon.

16- Sgt Smith never eats French fríes.

a. He eats French fríes.
b- He is sating French fríes,
c. He often eats French fríes.
d. He doefin't eat French fríes.
16. IIow often do you go to the lab?
a. We never do homework.
b. Wesometimes goto class.
c- We go there every afternoon.
d. We always go to the library.
17, Do you have a truck?
a. No,Idon't,
b. No, he doesn't,
c. Yes, he has a car,
d. Yes, I want a truck.
18. What do Mr. Tucker's children study?
a. class
b. dinner
c. French
á. afternoon
19, Ms, Scott is a DLI teacher. She English, and her studenta
a. teaches, learn
b. teach, loarna
c. teaches, teach
d. learns» teach
20. When do you leave for class?
a. Lateatnight.
b. Early in the morning.
c. I go to the library every day.
d. We alwaya eat in the dirúng hall.


EXERCISE A Lisien. Choose the stress pattern of the word you hear.

1, a, 2, a, 3, a. A 4. a. A
b. b. b. A b. A •
c. c. c. " c. * A
d. d. d. • d. * •

EXERCISE B Lfsten. Ciicle the number of the word with the /AÍ sound.


a. 1 2 3 d. 1 2 3
b. 1 2 3 e. 1 2 3
c. 1 2 3 f . 2 3

EXERCISE C Tell what language people speak or where they are from.

1. Qur instructor is from the United States.

2, Tony and Michael speak Russían

3. My parents carne to the US from France.

4. Capt Hasaan speaks Arabic.

5. My wife is from Japan.

EXERCISE D Select the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. Peter from Franco.

(is, was)

2. This year he in Texas.

(is studying, was studying)

3. John happy to be a student now.

(is, was)

4. He always to class on time.

(come, comes)

5. He words he doesn't know in the dictionary.

6. He his leasons every night.

(review, reviews)

7. Today Peter numbers.

(¿s memorizing, was

8. Peter. a book quiz tomorrow.

(have, has)

9. Sometimos Peter the wrong answer on a test-

(mark, marks)

EXERCISE E Clrcle the word that ñames the group-

1. apple fruit orange banana

2. barracks commissary buildings mcss hall

3- January June months July

EXERCISE F Circle the word that doesn't belong.

1. beef banana pork lamb

2. couutry teacher student classroom
3. library lab classroom barracks
EXERCJSE G Select the best answer.

1. new words in your dictíonary

a. Hear
b. Anawer
c. Look up
d. Listen to

2. There are sixty minutes in a ín)

a. huur
b. week
c. month
d. secónd
3. Whcn you study for tho book quiz, eacb
b. select
c. write
d- re vi e w

4. A book quiz is a
a. test
b. lossoc
c. review
d. dictionary

5, Choose and are the same.

a. write
b. select
c. look up
d. memorize

6. Today is Tu esday. was Monday,

a. Tomorrow
b. Yesterday
c- Next week
d. Last month
7. Do not in your test booklet.
a. put
b. mark
c. learn
d- memorize

8. „ studentó are from Egypt?

a. Do you
b. Where i a
c. How many
d. Are sixteen
9. What country are you ?
a. to
b. frora
c, living
d, working
10. The meaning of a word ia in the ,
a. lab
b. calendar
c. dictionary
d. test booklet
11. Learn and speak English ín class. Don't vocabulary words.
a. cali
b. talk
c. listen
d. memorize
12. You will üave 50 to finish the test this morning.
a, hour
b, time
c, seconds
d, minutes

13. Was John in class yesterday?

a. Yes, hedoes,
b. No, heian't-
c. Yes, he was.
d. No, he didn't.
14, Were you at home last night?
a. No, Fm not.
b. No, Ididn't
c. No, I wasn't,
d. No, they weren't.
15. Today is Wednesday.
a. Monday was two days ago.
b. Ycsterday was Monday.
c. Tomorrow is Tuesday.
d. Sunday is today.
1S, Today isThursday
a. Friday was yesterday.
b. Tomorrow isTuesday
c. Yesterday was Tuesday
d. Yesterday was Wednesday,
17. When is the book quia?
a. It wasn't bad.
b. It'a in the lab.
c. It was early.
d. It'a today at ten o'clock.
18, Your test is next hour,
a. It was last hour
b. It's ina minute.
c. It's in 60 minutes.
d. Itwas 60 minutes ago.
19. How many are in a month?
a. weck
b- time
c, days
d. hour
20, The instructor is giving us the test booklets.
a. It's time to go home.
b. We're having a book quiz,
c. He's reviewing for the test.
d. We're lookingup the answers.
21. your answera on the answer sheet.
a. Learn
b. Draw
c. Mark
d. Le ave
22. This week Mr. Black ¡s my tcacher. Last week Mrs. my tepcher.

a. is
b. are
c. was
d. were

23. How was the movie?

a. I am cold.
b. Itwasbad.
c. I was sick.
d- It was yesterday.
24. I was in Japan last year,
a. Tm there now.
b. I was there one year ago,
c. I'm going there this year.
d. Tm going there next year.


EXERCISE A Listen. Select the stress pattern of the phrase you hear

1. a 2. a. 3. a, 4. .i A. 9
b. b. b. b. * A,

c. c. c. c. " »
d. d. d. A *

EXERCISE B Listen. Circle the number of the word withthe/A/sound.


a. 1 d. 1 2 3
b. 1 e. 1 2 3
c. : £ 1 2 3

EXERCISE C Wrile the phrases you hear

L 6,




5. 10.
EXERCISE D Combine the two sentences into one sentence.
Number 1 is tm exaniple.

1. ThiiS is a car It'a new.

Thig isa newcar.
2. The sailor waa on the train. He was tall.

3. The man was late to class. He'a young.

4. Jane is reading a book. It's good

5. Ms, Flint is the teacher She's new.

EXERCISE E Look at tfre underUned word and write a questlon about it

Numbers 1 ¿fi an example.

1. JVho wag Jn Spain two years ago?

Jgck was in Spain two years ago.

Mary was at thcmess hall fifteen minutes ago.

r. Dean was in China in 1998.

Dr. Runneís was at the hospital yesterday.

Qur teacher was in the classroom this morning.

Your notebook was on the table.

Yoor notebook was nn the_lable.
EXERCISE F Select the best answer.

1. Who was in the classroom this morning?

a. It was the teacher.
b. It's the teacher.
c. There she is.
d. Here he is.
2. How are you?
a. And you?
b. Yes, I am,
c. No, I'm not.
d. Fine, thanks.
3. Where were the students?
a. Here they are.
b. There they are.
c. They were here.
d. They are here.
4. It's time for lunch.
a. I want to eat,
b. I'm ñne, thanks.
c. Are you going thore?
d. Do you have the time?
5. I don't have my book today.
a. Do you want my pencil?
b. Do you want to go to the BX?
c. Do you want to look at my book?
d- Doyou want to learn English?
6. Are you a student here?
a. Yes, I am. I'm atudying Englísh.
b. Yes, I am. I work in this office.
c. No, I want to buy a car.
d. No, Tmnot. Fmhappy,


7. She's enlisted in the Army.
a. She's acoloneL
b. She's in the Air Forcé.
c, She's a marine,
d, She's asoldier.
8. Where was Paul three months ago?
a. He wanted to go.
b. He is living in Japan.
c. He was living in France,
d. He wanted to learn English,
9. Is the car oíd?
a. Yes, it'a rightnow,
b. Yes, it'a tall.
c. No, it's a taxi.
d. No, it's new,
10- I don't want to study now.
a, When is your next dasa?
b, Whtín do you want to study?
c. Where do you study English?
d. Where do you want to study?
11, Were you in Houston last week?
a. Yes ( lam.
b. Yes 3 Iwas.
c. No, I don't.
d. No, Fm not.
12. _ in the lab?
a. Who's
b. What
c- When
13. Hi. My name'a Sam. Tm new here.
a. It's cold here,
b. Fine, thanks. And you?
c. Do you have a new ñame?
d. It's nice to meet you.

14- When were you in France?
a. Fnitaking the bus.
b. He was there lastyear.
c. I was there ten years ago.
d. I'm gciing to France tomorrow.
15. She doesn't work today.
a. has
b. wants
c. want to
d. wants to
16. Mike doesfl't eat hamburgers.
a. He wants to eat chicken.
b. Heis hungry.
c. He eats in the mess hall.
d. He walka to the snack bar,
17r Where were you yesterday?
a. Itwaa at night.
b. I am going to the libraiy
c. 1 ivas at the library.
d. I am at the library now.
18, What was the airman's ñame?
a. It was PaulJones-
b. I'm Paul Jones.
c. I was in the Air Forcé,
d. I'm ¡n the Air Forcé.
19- My sister is short. Shc wants to be
a. oíd
b. good
c. tall
d. here
20. you drive a car?
a. Are
b. Does
C, Doesn't
d. Do


21. Mike is a caloñe! in the Air Forcé,
a. He's a soldier,
b. He's an airman^
c. He's an oflicer,
d. He's cnlisted.
22. you in Canadá this year?
a. Was
b. Were
c. When
d- Where
23. Where's my pen?
a. Qh( there it is.
b. Oh, here they are.
c. Oh, where were they?
d. Oh, they were there.
24. Are you in the military?
a. Yes, Tm acivilian,
b. No, Tro a civilian.
c. Yes, I'm going.
d. No, I'm asoldier-
25. Do you know her?
a. Yes, I know him.
b. Yes.Iam.
c. No, I'mnot.
d- No, I d<mt.
American Language Coursc

The American Language Coi-irse is a comprehensiva, multilevel

programforadults thaltoaches Engüsh for vocational and professionaJ
purposes. Tile ALCisdcsignedprimanlyfonniensiveEnglishlanguage
training In a classroom setimg. but ii can be adapted for si oiver-paced
mstructon. A significan! fealure of trie ALC 15 rhe inclusión oí basic
mihtary lopics and vocabulary
Usmg iraditionalmefhods oí language'eaching as wellas confemporarv
communicative approaches. Lhe ALCS presenrarion is syslemalic and
carefully sequenced lo ensure Ihat learnera can build on previously
gcquired kno^ledge. Pnolographs. ilJustraiions. chartsr and labies
onplain vocabulary and grammsr, while dialoga and student-centered
aciivifiea introduce and remforcé Janguage íunctions and skills. Each
boofc LS supplemerned by an inslrucliunal package Ihal mcludes Ihe
-• Insliucior Text
Siudent Text
• Audio record inga
Language Laboratoiy Acnuilies Insiruclor Te>I wirh audio scripia
Language Laboratory Aciiwiliea Sludenl Texl
• Compuler-delivered Inleraclive Multimedia Instruciion (IMIJ
Ouiz kil
• Optional trainmg aids
Tho ALC a aecond edition leaturea a compJetely revised sludent lext
with an accompanying insfoiclor lext. Inslructor notes oftcr Oetailed
guidelmes for presentmg classroom exercises. supplemenial activmes.
¿ind periinenl cultural informalion A vanely of teachmg sfratcgics are
providod [O keep siüdents motivated and enhven Ihe classroom.


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