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Assignment : PRACTICE
Student ID : B21040025

A time people help each other in a pandemic. This also happens in our country. Our country
has reached a period of one year and three months hit by the covid-19 epidemic which has caused
various effects to Malaysians such as affected income, disruption of learning and teaching system,
rising unemployment, health threats including mental stress and so on. In fact, there are also bad
incidents such as suicide due to the stress of life.

Nevertheless, the spirit of humanity and unity shown by some Malaysians is very proud.
In this critical situation, the group is always ready, brave and sacrificial in providing assistance to
those in need regardless of race and religion. Even though they know that the virus cannot be seen
with the naked eye infects humans so quickly through touch, ventilation and so on. This is their
pure effort in ensuring the well -being and comfort of those in need. Those who consist of non-
government organizations or individuals continue to provide assistance and their contributions
such as basic goods, spending money and so on a regular basis even though the government has
provided various assistance incentives. In addition, the contribution of government employees or
frontlines is also highly appreciated when they are willing to sacrifice their time, family, health
and lives in order to carry out their responsibility to the country to end the spread of covid-19.

In conclusion, despite the various adverse effects that have been hit as a result of covid-19
not only in Malaysia but all over the world, it still leaves a good impression through the values of
humanity, concern and love for each other. In addition, the spirit of unity was also strengthened.
Since then, no more big issues like racism are happening today. Therefore, all Malaysians should
work together and be responsible in stepping up efforts to end the spread of covid-19 and introduce
existing values and spirit to ensure that Malays continue to be peaceful, peaceful and free from

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