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School : SMP BC : 3.6 dan 4.6

Learning course : English Topic : There is… and There are…
CLass / Semester : VIII / 1 Time : 15 minutes


3.6 the act of giving and requesting information regarding the whereabouts of people, objects, animals, in accordance
with the context in which they are used. (Note the linguistic element there is / are)
4.6 Compiling a very short and simple oral and written transactional interaction text that involves the act of giving
and asking for information regarding the whereabouts of people, objects, animals, by paying attention to social
functions, text structure, and linguistic elements that are correct and in context.
Learning Method : PBL (Problem Based Learning)
Media : WAG, Google Form Google Drive, Google Meet
Tools : Laptop, SmartPhone, Headset
Learning Sources : Buku Penunjang Kurikulum 2013 Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris When English Rings The
Bell, Kelas VIII, Kemendikbud, Revisi Tahun 2017; English Dictionary; Google; Youtube


OPENING ( 2minutes)
- Conduct opening activities by greeting and asking for news (Hello / Good morning / How are you?) Virtually
through Google Meeting. Then invite students to pray from their homes, as a form of religious attitude.
- Checking the attendance of students, then sending an attendance link via WAG, and asking them to fill it in as
a form of discipline.
MAIN ACTIVITY (10 menit)
- At the Google meeting the teacher informs the learning objectives, the PBL learning model
Orientation that will be used and notifies students in groups of 3, as well as the benefits of following this
learning through PowerPoint media
- The teacher shows a picture as a problem in the form of a class situation through the ppt slide
and tells the students “how many girls in this class? how many teachers in this class? "
Learning - The teacher briefly explains the material "there is and there are" with a PowerPoint on google
Organization meeting.
- The teacher informs what students will identify with the problem (picture) given on the slide /
worksheet, students will start working and divide the assignment with their respective groups
- The teacher guides students in groups (3 people) to discuss the assignment of the teacher,
Guiding namely identifying in depth the images displayed on powerpoint slides or on worksheet
Identification document files
- The teacher guides students to record each animal and plant found in the picture, then makes a
sentence that contains there is and there are based on the picture.
Development - The teacher guides students in making the arrangement of the results of the identification of
&Result pictures / problems into paragraphs by asking about the progress of each group
- The teacher asks the students to discuss with their respective groups to determine which
Presentation group representatives will display the results of the identification of the image / problem
- The teacher asks the classmates to deliberate to determine which group will present the results
of problem identification on google meet.
- After completing the presentation, the teacher asks other students to be active in providing
Analysis & feedback and assistance with the results of problem solving / identification of the group
Evaluation picture presentation. through discussion the teacher directs students to conclusions
- The teacher asks students to collect all group results in the WAG
CLOSING (3Menit)
Learners are involved in making summaries/conclusions related to the material that has just been discussed.
The teacher assigns a task in a document file to be collected on google form within max 2 days
The teacher presents the material at the next meeting.
The teacher concludes the lesson with a closing salutation

Attitude: Observation during web meeeting

Knowledge: Student assignments that are done in pairs (Student Worksheets)
Skills: Homework of Identifying problem /picture given

Singaraja, 06-03-2021
Head of Junior High School Course Teacher

Ni Komang Julia Dewi.


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