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Outdoor Comfort

of Pedestrians in Cities


climatologist and meteorologist, Environmental Impact Planning
Corporation, Sun Francisco, Calif. Edward Arens is now with the
Architecture Research Section, Center for Building Technology,
National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C.

ABSTRACT.-The outdoor comfort of pedestrians has been neg-

lected by architects and planners because of difficulties in deter-
mining comfortable and uncomfortable climatic conditions and
predicting the climatic characteristics of a planned urban site.
Available information on comfort in a cold environment is sum-
marized. The mechanical effects of wind on comfort are better
understood than the thermal effects of climate and have proved to
be practical criteria for assessing pedestrian comfort in designs.
Climatic-prediction techniques and a procedure for determining the
probability of discomfort on a proposed site are described.

-- COMFORT is determined climatic data and data from wind- tun-
by many factors, both psychological nel and sun-shadow tests on a scale
and physiological. Some of these factors, model. A procedure f o r designing f o r
such a s acoustics and indoor climate, outdoor comfort by controlling wind and
have a n extensive history of quantifica- sun ( t h e most important and most
tion and control. The existence of stand- easily varied factors) is presented.
a r d s f o r these variables requires t h a t
they be considered in design. INFLUENCES OF CLIMATE
Other factors, such a s outdoor visual ON COMFORT
effects (light, surface, forms) and spa-
tial relations (enclosure, security), Mechanical Influences of Wind
though not quantified o r standardized, Wind influences comfort through
a r e of concern to the architect and a r e pressure effects and particle transport.
intuitively incorporated in design. Wind pressure affects comfort through
T h e effect of outdoor climate on com- disturbance of clothing and hair, resist-
fort, however, is often ignored by t h e ance to walking, and buffeting of t h e
architect o r planner. I t has been ne- body and carried objects like umbrellas.
glected t o date because of difficulties in Comfort is also affected when t h e wind
(1) determining what climatic condi- lifts dust and g r i t particles to eye level,
tions a r e comfortable o r uncomfortable, o r drives rain Iiorizontally into the eyes
and (2) predicting t h e climatic charac- or beneath clothing. A t higher speeds,
teristics of a planned site. wind can also interfere wit11 walking
In this paper, available information and cause safety problems.
about discomfort due to wind effects is These different effects begin a t differ-
summarized and tentative design crite- ent wind speeds. Their thresl~oldveloc-
r i a a r e presented. A model describing ities suggest the onset of various types
pedestrian cooling in a cold climate is of discomfort and perhaps the basis f o r
also given, and its shortcomings in de- some wind-comfort criteria.
fining design criteria a r e described. De- A summary of wind effects in terms
sign criteria from these two methods of the well-known Beaufort scale (table
a r e applied to a n urban site, using 1) is taken from a land-effects version
prepared by the British Meteorological Ap is projected surface area normal to
Office, with additions by Penwarden wind, found to be 0.3 total body sur-
(1973). Most of the included effects face area for frontal winds ( P u g h
have been observed by ourselves and 1971).
others in the natural wind and in wind- C,, is a dimensionless drag coefficient,
tunnel experiments ( A r e n s 1 9 7 2 ) . experimentally determined to be be-
Although the Beaufort scale is tween 1.0 and 1.3 ( P u g h 1971).
commonly used to describe velocities cos 8 is a term reflecting reduction of Als
averaged over perhaps an hour, our with lean.
observations show that the wind effects Total body surface area (Au,,) is ob-
listed for each Beaufort category cor- tained from body height and weight by
respond more closely to the wind veloc- DuEois formula :
ities observed as they happened. The A D ,=0.203 W0.425 h0.72Ci
averaging time might be on the order in which W is in kilogram force (kgf)
of, say, a minute and includes the ef- and h is in meters.
fects of small-scale gusts and lulls but Assuming a man of 75 kgf, 1.8 meters
not large ones. Therefore an hourly height, total DuBois surface area of
averaged wind in one Beaufort category 1.93 m2, and drag area of 0.84 m2, the
will probably include gusts that cause relation between wind speed, drag force,
effects ascribed to higher Beaufort and angle of lean can be calculated
categories. (fig. 1 ) .

Wind pressures in steady winds Energy required to walk

The wind pressure on the human body against a steady wind
and the angle of lean needed to counter- The rate of performing external work
act it a r e summarized in the equation is the product of the wind force and
~ e n w n r d e n 1973) :
(ufteP walking speed :
Y2p u2 Ap CD/W = tan B/cos 8 Work rate = p ( u + V ) ~ Ap CDV
in which 8 is the angle of lean from the in which V is the velocity of walking
vertical to counteract wind. into the wind.
The total increase in metabolic rate of
wind force
tan 8 = the body M resulting from the work of
body weight walking into the wind is
W is body weight. A M = p ( u + V ) ' Ap CDV/17
$i2 u2 Ap Cu equals wind force. in which = mechanical efficiency, or
p is the density of air. (work rate) / (metabolic rate), which
u is wind speed. Pugh ( 1 9 7 1 ) found to be 0.44 for walk-

Figure I .-Wind forces and equilibrium angles.

'p 2r 2f 310 3f Drag on body kg.f

5O 'Po '15" 2P0 Equilibrium angle

Adapted from A D Penwarden 1973

Figure 2.-Work rates of walking against the wind (Penwarden

-- 5
Relative Windspeed (u+V)rn/sec

10 15 20
Equivalent Slope, %
25 30

ing against the wind and 0.33 for climb- Effects of turbulent winds
ing hills. Penwarden (1973) presented Wind a t the pedestrian level is ac-
these data in a diagram (fig. 2) in companied by turbulence, which is per-
which the metabolic rates required for ceived as a varying velocity, a s gusts,
walking into the wind a r e compared to or as eddies. The intensity of turbulence
those for walking uphill. The metabolic for any given windspeed varies from
rates a r e expressed in watts and in place to place but tends to be greater in
watts/m2 for the nian mentioned above. urban or built-up surroundings than in
Penwarden (1973) suggests that, if the open countryside.
upper metabolic rate limit for average To learn the effect of most natural
unathletic people is taken as 220 watts/ winds on comfort, i t is necessary to
m2 (equivalent to walking 4 mph in still quantify the influence of the turbulent
a i r ) , walking speed into the wind is component of that wind. This informa-
reduced as follows : tion has not been available until very
W i n d speed Walking speed recently.
(m/sec) (m/sec) (mph) In a n exemplary study, Hunt and
others tested subjects in both steady and
0 1.8 4
turbulent winds in a wind tunnel ( H u n t
9 1.35 3
14 .9 2
~t nl. 1976, Poulton et al. 1975). They
also tested the effects of wind variation
21 .45 1
over a short distance, such a s when one
These values may be compared to the walks out of a doorway into the wind.
subjective estin~ates in the Beaufort They assessed wind influence on com-
scale (table 1 ) . fort, disarrangement of clothing and
Table I.-Summary of wind effects

EGE: Description

0 Calm 0 Calm
1 Light a i r 0-1 No noticeable wind; direction shown by smoke.
2 Light breeze 2-3 Wind felt on face; newspaper reading becomes
3 Gentle breeze 4-5 Wind extends light flag; hair is disturbed;
clothing flaps.
4 Moderate breeze 6-7 Dust, d r y soil, and paper raised; rain and sleet
driven ; 2 hair disarranged.
5 Fresh breeze 8-10 Force of wind felt on body; drifting snow
becomes airborne; limit of agreeable wind
on land.
6 Strong breeze 11-13 Umbrellas hard to use; difficulty walking and
standing; wind noise in ears unpleasant ;
windborne snow above head height (blizzard).
7 Near gale 14-16 Strong inconvenience felt when walking.
8 Gale 17-20 Generally impedes progress; great difficulty
with balance in gusts.
9 Strong gale 21-24 People blown over by gusts; slight structural
damage occurs; slate blown from roofs.
10 Storm 25-28 Seldom experienced on land: trees broken or
uprooted; considerable structural damage
1Rounded from knots in the original scale. ( 1 m/sec=l meter per second ~ 1 . 9 4
knots = 2.2 miles per hour).
2 Our observation.

Table 2.-Summary of wind-pressure effects on people

[Symbol <
denotes 'should be less than']
Wind and effect Criterion
Steady uniform wind:
F o r comfort and little effect on performance
For ease of walking
For safety of walking
Non-uniform winds (if u varies by 70% over a
distance less than 2 m ) :
To avoid momentary loss of balance and to be able to walk straight
F o r safety (for elderly people this criterion may be too high)
Glisty winds :
For comfort and little effect on performance
Most performance unaffected
Control of walking
Safety of walking
*Note: us is not the "peak gust" a s used in engineering.
Source : H u n t and others (1976).

hair, eye watering, performance of compare turbulence effects to other wind

tasks, and balance while standing and effects, an equivalent steady wind is
walking. Quantification was based on defined :
subjective verbal assesments by the sub- +
u,=u (1 3 turbulence intensity)
jects and on physical measurement of in which
task performance and of wind forces us = Equivalent steady-wind velocity.
while walking a s transferred to a n in- u = Mean velocity.
strumented floor. turbulence intensity = (root mean square
These findings show people to be very of the
sensitive to turbulence in the wind. To instantaneous
deviations from scale, dust and loose papers a r e de-
the mean scribed as being lifted a t velocities be-
velocity) /u tween 5.5 and 8 m/sec.
The limiting velocities have been sum- A physical formulation of this process
marized (table 2 ) . depends on a number of unresolved fac-
tors such as the minimum particle size
Wind-driven rain and particles needed to cause irritation in the eye and
A pedestrian may also be inconveni- on the skin, the mechanisms of particle
enced by rain or grit blown into his lifting from urban paved surfaces, and
face. Blowing grit may well be the most the extent to which moisture cements
unpleasant single effect of the climate particles together.
on a pedestrian. The lifting mechanism is described by
The suspension of a solid or liquid Bagnold (1941) and Chepil (1965) in re-
particle requires an upward a i r velocity lation to desert sand and soil particles,
equal to the terminal velocity of the respectively. Bagnold shows t h a t par-
particle (table 3 ) . A horizontal wind ticles begin rolling a t around one-
equal to or exceeding the terminal veloc- seventh the velocity needed to lift them.
ity will cause a particle to descend a t This suggests that grit traps (lawns,
an angle of 45" or less to the horizontal. gratings, and water) might be useful in
It can be seen that a horizontal wind reducing the supply a t the surface.
speed of 7 m/sec will cause large rain- Lifting requires vertical velocities
drops t o descend a t 45". This value is that are inherent in a boundary layer
used by building climatologists for over a surface or that a r e caused by
driven-rain data; however, fine drizzle obstructions protruding from the sur-
will be driven a t 45" by velocities as low face. When the eddies a r e caused by
a s 1m/sec. surface friction, Bagnold shows that a
The size of droplet and angle of fall horizontal velocity a t 1.5 meters of 8 t o
that individually and in combination a r e 14 m/sec will lift 0.1-mm grit from flat
considered unpleasant a r e unknown. It surfaces.
is probable that flatter angles of descent Near wind-deflecting vertical obstruc-
a r e acceptable for smaller droplet sizes, tions, the vertical velocities close t o the
since wetting by rain takes time. This ground for a given mean wind speed are
might allow us to define a single limit- much higher. These vertical velocities
ing velocity for rain. We do not have n ~ a ybe in the form of vortices in fixed
information a t present, but it will be locations relative to the obstruction.
between 1 and 7 m/sec. Examples are eddies behind lamp posts,
Wind-lifted dust has a major impact near building corners, or in streets near
on human comfort. In the Beaufort moving vehicles. Although these local
eddies may lift dust and paper when the
winds a r e light, they are often not per-
ceived because the dust supply in their
Table 3.-Terminal velocities o f airborne particles
immediate area is exhausted.
Diameter Character Wind between 5 and 8 m/sec will
of particles of particles probably cause pedestrian discomfort by
~n,/sec mm blowing dust, paper, or rain.
10-2 0.01 Dust
10-1 .03 Extremely fine sand, d r y snow
0.6 .1 Fine sand Design criteria: mechanical wind effects
1 .2 Medium sand, snow, sleet, fine rain The British Building Research Estab-
2.5 .3 Average sand in the desert
7 1.0 Large raindrops* lishment recommended 5 m/sec as the
10 1.0+ Sand to pebbles, great rain, hail design wind velocity under urban out-
Sources : Bagnold (1941), Reidat (1970).* door conditions (Wise 197'0). As de-
scribed above, recent results by Hunt that comfort results from the thermal
et al. define this design value more balance between the body's heat pro-
closely in terms of the steady and tur- duction and heat losses to the environ-
bulent components. ment. These models assume equilibrium
With a design value in hand, the de- heat flow, which in reality occurs only
signer must judge what percentage of after 1 to 2 hours' exposure to constant
the time (or how often in a year or surroundings. The physical and psy-
season) it may be exceeded. For com- chological response of people to chang-
fort, 10 to 20 percent may seem reason- ing thermal environments has been
able. For safety, lower exceedance studied only for nude subjects in indoor
percentages (say 1 percent) should be laboratory conditions (Gngge e t al.
applied to the higher design values. 1967).
Davenport (1972) has suggested accept-
able exceedance frequencies for a vari- Model for heat loss to
ety of activities based on a 5 m/sec a cold outdoor environment
design windspeed; the reasons for the The following describes a model of
suggested frequencies a r e not given. thermal comfort used to assess the en-
Penwarden (1974) analyzed cases of vironmental quality of buildings in the
shopping centers that had caused wind cool San Francisco environment. Total
complaints. He found that in centers heat loss from the body is the sum of
where 5 m/sec was exceeded 20 percent dry heat loss (convective, radiative, and
of the time or more, the owners invari- conductive) and insensible evaporation
ably spent the money to add protective from skin and lungs. Evaporation is
screens or roofs. Centers with frequen- roughly independent of atmospheric
cies of 10 to 20 percent caused com- humidity and represents a roughly con-
plaints but no remedial action, and few stant 25 percent of the body's heat loss.
complaints were heard in centers with It has not been possible to demonstrate
frequencies below 10 percent. Pen- any difference between the popular "wet
warden's study gives the most concrete cold" and "dry cold." Conductive losses
evidence in support of specific design a r e low in pedestrians and a r e ignored.
criteria to date. The dry heat loss is thus defined a s :

A person's thermal comfort is influ-
enced by the surrounding a i r tempera-
ture, wind, radiation, and humidity, a s
well a s his clothing insulation and activ-
ity level. Thermal comfort has been
studied extensively for indoor conditions in which :
(see Fanger 1970). Q is total heat loss from body.
Because of the increased range of k is the fraction of non-evaporative heat
climatic variables outdoors, investiga- loss (0.75).
tors have not been able to quantify the A,, and A,, a r e the surface areas of cloth-
perception of thermal comfort versus ing and exposed nude skin, respectively.
climate in outdoor environments. See A,),, is the DuBois total nude surface
Penwarden (1973) for a summary of area (see previous definition in section
such work. on "Wind pressures in steady winds.")
Most attempts to define the effects of T, is body core temperature, normally
climate on people have used thermal 37" C.
budget models in which it is assumed T:, is mean radiant temperature, the av-
erage temperature of a i r and radiant ing, 0.43 for white skin, to 0.16
surroundings. for black clothes or skin.
Rb is the insulation of body tissues com- If we let I (1-a) = S, then the net d r y
monly assessed a s 0.09 m2 deg C/watt. heat loss equals
R, is insulation of clothing itself.

R, =------ -
h, he 4.3 12uO.5
+ +
RI, Rc Ra
where h, and h, a r e the radiative and
convective heat transfer coefficients; h,
has a minimum value of 4 watts/m2 O C
in still air.
Insulation of clothing is commonly Solar radiation influx includes direct
given in "clo" units, equal to 0.155 m2- beam, diffuse sky, and reflected com-
OC/watt. Clothing insulation is usually ponents. The proportions of the total
quantified by measuring the power con- body surface A,,,, exposed to these
sumption of a dressed heated mannikin streams have been calculated and meas-
in still a i r and describing the resulting ured (Blum 1945). Body surface area
insulation as uniformly distributed over exposed normally to the direct beam
the entire body surface. Because this varies from 7 percent A,,,, to 30 percent
method does not allow for the dispro- A,,,, a s the sun moves from the zenith to
portionate influence of wind on nude a s the horizon. In practice, the increased
opposed to clothed surfaces, the above area exposed to low-altitude sun nearly
formula treats the two surfaces a s par- compensates for the decreased intensity
allel heat losses. The value of R, must of the direct beam. One-half of AD,, is
be selected to represent the garments assumed to be exposed to the diffuse
themselves. F o r example, 1 clo tradi- radiation from the sky vault and t h e
tionally represents the insulation of a other half to the radiation reflected from
business suit distributed over the entire the ground. These exposure proportions
body, whereas the insulation over the of the total body surface a r e assumed to
clothed area itself is 1.2 clo. apply to the clothing and exposed skin
Solar energy absorbed by the body surfaces as well. The sky and ground
counteracts heat loss. The incoming may be assumed to radiate a t uniform
radiation's effectiveness in heating the intensities for the purposes of this
body is proportional to the amounts of model.
insulation within and without the point An equivalent treatment can be ap-
of absorption; i.e., solar heat gain QI is plied to longwave radiation gain or loss
greater for nude than clothed surfaces : when the temperatures of surrounding
surfaces a r e substantially different from
Ra a i r temperature. I n these cases a i r
For nude, QI=----- I (1-a) temperatures would represent the sur-
Rb +Ra roundings and a is 0.05. The differences
Ra between the a i r and outdoor surface
For clothed, QI = I (1-a) temperatures a r e usually too small to
R,+R,+Ra warrant this refinement.
where I (1 - a) = Absorbed solar radia- Thermal balance exists when the net
tion a t the surface. heat loss (Q-Q,) is equal to the meta-
I = Total solar influx on the body bolic heat production M (table 4).
surface, watts/m2. "Comfort curves" (fig. 3) can be drawn
a = Reflectivity of clothing or skin, for heat loss versus wind and tempera-
ranging from 0.8 for white cloth- ture f o r various sun and clothing levels.
Table 4.-Metabolic rates heat loss influences the psychological
perception of comfort outdoors.
Activity rate M/AD,,
Sleeping and digesting 47 The designer should consider outdoor
Sitting quietly 59 comfort early in his design. Because the
Standing 71
Strolling-0.7 m/sec (1.5 mph) 107 relationship between the physical form
Level walking-0.9 m/sec ( 2 mph) 116 of the design and the climate and com-
Level walking-1.35 m/sec ( 3 mph)
Level walking-1.8 m/sec (4 mph) 150
220 fort around it is often complex, he may
Level walking-4.5 m/sec (10 mph) 590 have to follow a climatic design process
Sprinting-10 m/sec (22 mph) 2,400
in order to find a satisfactory solution.
The process is basically to: ( A ) deter-
mine the climatic characteristics of the
Figure 3.-Sample comfort curves for a range
site and the preliminary project, partly
of temperature and winds eed. M/AU,= 150 by model tests; (B) assess its effects on
watts/m2, equivalent to waking 3 mph. Direct
sun on horizontal surface=285 watts/m2.
outdoor comfort; and (C) modify the
project design and test the climate and
1~111~insun i n s h a d e comfort again until a solution is reached.


Solar radiation and wind are the most
important climate information for com-
fort prediction. Of the various climatic
elements, these have the greatest varia-
] 2clo tion across a site of architectural or plan-
ning scale. They a r e also the climatic
elements over which the designer has
most control. Elements with less site
variations and importance to comfort
analysis are longwave radiation, a i r
Windspeed m 1sec temperature, and air humidity.

Solar Radiation
These have the following shortcomings : The important facts about sunlight
1. They assume thermal equilibrium, are its duration and its intensity. These
which requires 1 to 2 hours' con- a r e influenced by both the geometrical
tinuous exposure to the outside and meteorological nature of the site
environment. This is rare for pe- and its location.
destrians. Regional scale. - Daily possible solar
2. They show no effect of wind penetra- duration is readily available in standard
tion o r infiltration of clothing. There meteorological tables and is a geometric
is a serious lack of experimental data function of latitude. Solar duration is
on clothing performance in wind. further influenced by the meteorological
3. Clothing resistance is not easily de- probability of sunlight or cloud. These
fined for any civilian population, due data a r e readily available from the
to the extreme variability of clothing Weather Service as seasonal o r hourly
worn a t any time. The curves a r e values of percent cloudiness, percent of
sensitive to the chosen value of R,. .
possible sunshine, or number of hours
4. There is virtually no experimental of cloud.
evidence describing how physiological Solar intensity is influenced by lati-
tude (atmospheric path length) and at- of topography, vegetation, and struc-
mospheric turbidity. Solar intensity is tures must be carefully considered in
not widely measured and, if available, this extrapolation. If possible, wind-
is usually in the form of daily total recording equipment installed on site
energy per unit area. should be run synchronously with nearby
A most useful method of obtaining weather stations for a suitable period
average hourly solar intensities is given of time to establish the relation between
by Liu and Jordan (19 6 0 ) , based on ob- winds a t the two locations. This is ex-
served constancy between daily and pensive and time-consuming, however.
hourly values in regions of equal atmos- The meteorological data base should
pheric clarity. provide information necessary to deter-
Local Scale. - On the site itself, solar mine the amount of time that pedestri-
radiation is described by its extent and ans will be uncomfortable on the site.
by the amount of time it is either on o r This requires hourly wind data, prefer-
off. The surrounding buildings either ably in conjunction with data on temp-
obstruct or admit light to the pedes- erature and sun. The most useful wind
trian areas. There is little variation in summary is a cumulative frequency dis-
the intensity of direct sunlight in most tribution providing the percentage of
outdoor spaces. Local exceptions might time that each wind velocity is exceeded
occur in places screened by thin vegeta- for each wind direction. This data for-
tive canopies o r near highly reflective mat is rarely available and must usually
surfaces. be calculated from the station's raw
Sunlit and shaded areas may be pre- data.
dicted from a model with a light source Loccil scale. - Winds a t pedestrian
representing the sun. The daily sunlight level will often be strongly affected by
characteristics of a n existing site a r e the building, planting, and grading con-
conveniently determined by use of a figuration of the project. The wind pat-
globoscope or of fisheye photographs of terns over the pedestrian areas of a
the sky hemisphere overlain with ap- site a r e f a r more difficult t o predict than
propriate sunpath diagrams. An excel- the presence or absence of sunlight. If
lent description of solar geometry pre- a yet-unbuilt project seems likely to be
diction techniques for designers is given windy, it should be tested in model form
by Burberry (19 6 6 ) . in a wind tunnel. This technique is
A computer program has been de- also useful for defining winds on exist-
veloped a t the Department of Architec- ing sites, since the flow strength, stabil-
tural Science, University of Edinburgh, ity, and direction can be controlled dur-
to integrate shadow areas over any ing the tests. Physical modeling with
period of day and present these shadow limited field verification is most desir-
durations in contour form. We have not able.
used this technique, although it could be Physical modeling requires the use of
useful in the eventual preparation of a specialized wind tunnel that repro-
daily "comfort contours." duces the boundary-layer conditions
above the actual site. Both the velocity
Wind and the turbulence intensity profiles
Regional scale. - Wind records a r e should be modeled to scale. The most
available f o r most locations; recording satisfactory means of achieving this a t
stations a r e commonly found a t airports present is to generate the boundary
in open terrain. F o r most sites wind in- layer with turbulence generators and
formation must be extrapolated geo- long lengths of roughness similar to that
graphically from the recording station of the terrain upstream of the project
to the vicinity of the site. The effects site.


Figure 4.-Nondimensional wind speeds obtained from

wind-tunnel tests of a scale model. Shading indicates
areas of high wind speeds.

Wind speeds measured in the wind face, representing pedestrian height a t

tunnel a r e nondimensionalized and a r e model scale. Separate tests a r e made for
expressed as a percentage of a reference each wind direction, the number of di-
wind speed. The reference wind speed is rections normally corresponding to the
that measured a t the reference height, number of points of the compass con-
often chosen as the height of the wind sidered in the meteorological wind data
instrumentation of the weather station base. An example of wind-tunnel data
providing climatological wind data, By for a downtown San Francisco site is
relating wind-tunnel measurements to given (fig. 4 ) .
climatological data, wind-speed fre-
quency distributions on the site are Temperature, Longwave Radiation,
defined. Humidity
Measurements of wind speed a r e nor- Air temperature, longwave radiation
mally made a t a network of grid points from the ground and atmosphere, and
within and around the project model. humidity are important heat-transfer
A hot-wire anemometer is used to meas- mechanisms; however, they vary little
ure wind speed and turbulence a t each across normal architectural sites.
grid point. Its small size allows it to Temperature. - At a regional scale,
measure within millimeters of the sur- one should consider microclimatic effects
when extrapolating a regional air temp- Thermal comfort prediction method
erature value to the site. Temperature For each measurement point, the time
may be substantially modified by frost of day, day of year, expected type of
pockets and urban heat islands, for ex- human activity, and expected level of
ample. On the site itself the variation is clothing a r e specified. The average tem-
usually much less. perature for this period is then found.
Longwave radiation. - I n comfort The first step in the calculation in-
models, a i r temperature and the tem- volves defining the "discomfort thresh-
perature of the surroundings a r e either old wind speed" from the comfort curves.
assumed equal or averaged into a "mean Separate threshold values are defined
radiant temperature" that is used as the for sunny and shady conditions. If the
ambient temperature. Since surface point of interest is shaded by structures
temperatures usually do not differ from o r topography, the calculations need
a i r temperatures by more than a few only consider the sunless case. If it is in
degrees, the difference between long- the sunshine, separate calculations must
wave radiation contributed by the sur- be made for the sunny and shady cases.
faces on site and that of surroundings a t The nondimensional wind speeds ob-
a i r temperature is very small. In light tained in the wind tunnel a r e then used
of the accuracy of the thermal model, to specify the reference wind speed cor-
calculation of surface temperatures and responding to the threshold wind speed
longwave radiation flux is not justified. on the site for each wind direction; i.e.,
In hot environments, where the thermal the threshold wind speed is divided by
requirements for comfort a r e more the nondimensional wind speed.
closely quantified, local surface tem- The frequency of reference winds ex-
peratures and radiation exchange a r e ceeding the specified level is then ob-
important design characteristics. tained from cumulative wind-speed
Humidity. - Humidity has no quanti- frequency curves, again separately for
fied role in cold environment heat loss. each wind direction and for the sun
I n hot environments, humidity plays a and shade cases.
critical part in determining comfort. The result is the probability of dis-
comfort occurring during wind from
each direction. These probabilities a r e
then weighted by the probability of each
The complicated interaction of clima- wind direction's occurrence. For a point
tic variables that determine comfort can in the sun, two separate discomfort
be handled best statistically. A logical probabilities a r e calculated. They a r e
and simple measure of comfort is the then weighted by the climatological
percentage of time that comfort or dis- probabilities of sunshine and clouds and
comfort will occur on a given day a t a combined into a single probability.
specific time. Care should be taken in Calculated discomfort frequencies for
selecting the proper season and time for a downtown San Francisco site a r e
the analysis of comfort so that the shown as an example (fig. 6 ) . The cloth-
period of greatest use or sensitivity to ing level chosen is light but corresponds
discomfort is considered. to our estimate of average men's and
We have used two different criteria women's clothing a t this time of year.
defining uncomfortable conditions in our The pattern of discomfort frequency
analyses, based first on the thermal and seems reasonable in that shaded areas
then on the mechanical effects of climate. exhibit a much higher discomfort fre-
The computation process for determin- quency than areas in the sun. The ab-
ing discomfort probability is different solute values, however, a r e extremely
under these two methods (fig. 5). high, especially in the shaded areas. The
Figure 5.-Calculation process in determining discomfort frequency.



For each point o f

define discomfort Avemge temperature,
interest define discomfort
threshold windspeed, sun-shade patterns,
thresh0 Id windspeed
either 5m/s or equivalent comfort curves
i n sun and shade

For each wind direction
For each wind direction NondimensionaI wind- compute reference wind-
compute reference wind-
speed corresponding to
4 speeds and turbulence > speed corresponding to
fmm wind tunnel threshold windspeed for
threshold sun and shade
Record frequency of wind
Record frequency of winds
greater than computed
reference windspeed
4 Cumulative windspeed
frequency distribution * greater than computed
referenced windspeed
for sun and shade for each
for each wind direction
wind direction

Weight each direction Weight each direction

by directional frequency
and sum overall direc-
4 ,
Wind direction frequency
* by directional frequency
and sum overall direc-
tions tions

Weight by frequency of
Percent possible sunshine
sun and shade

*See Table 2
u Frequency o f discomfort
0 Frequency of discomfort
Figure 6.-Frequency of discomfort based on thermal in-
fluence of climate. The analysis i s for the first day of
s ring at I .m. with a temperature of 15°C (61OF). The
8scomfort requencies are for a person walking 3 miles
per hour, wearing clothing with Rc= l clo, averaged as
0.8 clo over the entire body.


uniformity of the frequencies within the discomfort threshold wind speed. In

shaded areas is unexpected considering shady areas the model is so oversensitive
the variation of windspeeds over these to wind that almost any wind will cause
areas. discomfort, resulting in discomfort fre-
The explanation of these discrepancies quencies uniformly approaching the
lies in the assumptions of the thermal climatological probability of non-calm
comfort model. As a steady-state model, winds.
a period on the order of 1 hour is re-
While providing poor estimates of
quired for a person to come to thermal
equilibrium with the environment. The comfort in pedestrian areas, the thermal
average duration of a pedestrian trip is model may be useful in other applica-
more on the order of 5 to 10 minutes, tions. The assumptions of the model
however, so that the steady-state condi- apply to outdoor sports arenas and
tions would never be reached. theaters, picnic areas, and beaches; and
Applying the steady-state model to a the model could provide usable discom-
transient situation underestimates the fort estimates for such areas.
Comfort prediction method based Discomfort frequencies calculated by
on mechanical wind effects using mechanical wind effects criteria
The inaccuracies of the steady-state a r e lower than those calculated by ther-
thermal model a r e avoided by basing mal prediction (fig. 7 ) . There is also
comfort prediction on mechanical effects considerably more variation over the
of the wind alone. The computational site, reflecting the varying strengths of
requirements of this method a r e also f a r the wind.
less. The mechanical method will, of While ignoring temperature and sun-
course, underestimate the discomfort shade effects, the mechanical method
frequency by neglecting discomfort provides a reasonable estimate of dis-
caused by thermal cooling. comfort due to wind. Although the ab-
In the computation (fig. 5) the dis- solute values a r e known to be low, the
comfort threshold speed is now set a t 5 pattern and relative values a r e both
meters/second (11 miles per hour), re- reasonable and useful. Sun-shade plots
gardless of temperature o r sunshine. If a r e included in the analysis to provide
turbulence is considered, the equivalent a n intuitive judgment of thermal com-
steady windspeed us is calculated f o r fort a s well.
each point of interest and used a s the
discomfort criterion (table 2). The re- IMPROVING SITE COMFORT
maining steps a r e similar to those in the The comfort-prediction process de-
thermal prediction method, except t h a t scribed above estimates the levels of
sun-shade effects a r e ignored. comfort to be expected a t a site and

Figure 7.-Frequency of discomfort based on mechanical

influences of wind, for same conditions as fiaure 6.

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A c k n o w l e d g m e n t . The authors thank Nancy
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