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Ephesians 4:32
“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other,
just as in Christ God forgave you.”

"Kindness entails showing empathy for someone even if you wouldn't have
the vitality to do so at the time. Kindness also encompasses respect and
understanding for one another." You treat them with respect and equality,
regardless of where they're from or how you feel about them. Our presence is
created on God's creation of us.

We exist because he created us all with his sayings. We should live in

kindness as we are. Compassion should be a way of life. Compassion stems
from a willingness to experience what others are going to experience.

It is to acknowledge someone's situation and pain, and to illustrate that we

understand. Forgiveness is a world power trying to seek perfect peace. We
forgive everyone else because God is the eventual forgiver of sins committed
on our behalf.

This verse can be applied to younger people since many conflict as well as
turn into violence over simple differences of opinion or arguments, but
otherwise being kind and talking this way out by forgiving each other can
solve it much more easily than misunderstanding and worsening the

Matthew 7:12
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them,
for this is the Law and the Prophets.

Do unto others as you would like others to do unto you. Treat people with a
similar concern and kindness that you'd like them to show you.

For example, don't treat others inadequately unless you want to be treated
unfairly; if you put nothing at all in, you'll get nothing out; but if you're kind and
appreciative, others will reciprocate. It's equivalent to investing a lot of hard
work and receiving something in return to compensate for your efforts.

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