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In Search of the Definitive Brodmann's Map of Cortical Areas in Human

Article  in  The Journal of Comparative Neurology · January 2015

DOI: 10.1002/cne.23636


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2 authors:

Goran Simic Patrick Hof

University of Zagreb Medical School and Croatian Institute for Brain Research Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai


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In Search of the Definitive Brodmann’s Map of

Cortical Areas in Human

Goran Simić, 1
* and Patrick R. Hof2
Department of Neuroscience, Croatian Institute for Brain Research, University of Zagreb Medical School, Zagreb 10000, Croatia
Fishberg Department of Neuroscience and Friedman Brain Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New
York 10029

The birth of the cytoarchitectonics (in Korbinian Brod- be impossible to refer to, and the fact that Brodmann’s
mann’s own words cytoarchitectonics should be defined observations of cytoarchitecture have stood the test of
as “the localization of the individual histological ele- time. In addition, Brodmann’s map is also the closest to
ments, their layering, and their parcellation in the adult the modern definition of the cortical area (field), by
brain”) of the human cerebral cortex is credited to Mey- which an area, among several other features, is receiv-
nert, who in 186721868, by using one of the first syn- ing afferent fibers from a particular (principal) nucleus
thetic colors, Prussian (Berlin) blue (in painting, Parisian of the thalamus (Jones, 1985, 2009). Thalamic inputs,
blue, Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3, derived from hydrogen cyanide or except for the so-called nonspecific thalamic nuclei,
“blue acid”), noticed regional variations in the nerve stop abruptly at an areal border, and there appears to
cells stratification in different parts of the gray matter be no overlap between inputs from different specific
of the cerebral hemispheres (Meynert, 1868). During thalamic nuclei to adjacent fields (Jones, 1985, 2009).
the 20th century, many investigators, including Camp- Moreover, the chemoarchitectural borders, as defined
bell (1903), Brodmann (1909, 1910; for review see by a characteristic pattern of histochemical or immuno-
Judas et al., 2012), Elliot Smith (1907), von Economo cytochemical staining, also commonly coincide with the
and Koskinas (1925), Vogt and Vogt (1926), Bailey and cytoarchitecture defined by Brodmann. It is therefore
von Bonin (1951), Sarkisov et al. (1955), and others, not surprising that modified versions of Brodmann’s
have produced cytoarchitectural maps of the human map, often based on its extrapolation onto the Talairach
cerebral cortex by dividing it into a number of areas or and Tournoux brain atlas (Talairach and Tournoux,
fields. For this purpose, they were generally used the 1988), are so frequently used in neuroimaging studies
Nissl staining method, which is based on “defatting” to describe the localization of activation (Zilles and
brain tissue sections by passing through graded dilu- Amunts, 2010). In practice, however, this led to the
tions of ethanol, rehydrating through decreasing ethanol occurrence of consistent mistakes and misinterpreta-
concentrations, and staining in a water solution of a tions in relation to usage and quotation of Brodmann’s
cationic dye (such as methylene blue, cresyl violet, thio- maps and numbers.
nin, toluidine blue). The ethanol solutions act to differ- Brodmann published a series of comparative neuroana-
entiate the stain, causing myelin and other components tomical works on more than 60 mammalian species in
to lose color and be “stripped off the cells”, whereas the Journal f €ur Psychologie und Neurologie between 1903
negatively charged molecules within cell bodies retain and 1908. These findings were summarized in his famous
the coloration (Nissl, 1894). Although many maps have book (Brodmann, 1909) and extended in two chapters,
been produced in attempts to make a definitive parti- which he contributed to contemporary handbooks
tion of the human cerebral cortex, Brodmann’s map (Brodmann, 1910, 1914). The first (“original”) Brodmann’s
and especially his numerical system attached to cytoarchitectonic map was first published in one of his
cytoarchitecture is by far the most widely recognized in monographs (Brodmann, 1908a) and then reproduced
current use. The last (final) Brodmann’s map of the in his 1909 book, when he also added the map of the
human cerebral cortex is shown in Figure 1A2C, and
the list of cortical areas defined by Brodmann is pro-
Grant sponsor: Croatian Science Foundation; Grant number: 09/16
vided in Table 1.  Grant sponsor: Autism Speaks (to P.R.H.).
(to G.S.).
There is a common agreement that the popularity of *CORRESPONDENCE TO: Goran Simić, MD, PhD, Department of Neuro-
Brodmann’s numbering system is due to its simplicity science, Croatian Institute for Brain Research, University of Zagreb Medi-

cal School, Salata 12, Zagreb 10000, Croatia; E-mail:
to recall, its relatively sharp delineations of the borders
Received May 5, 2014; Revised May 28, 2014;
between adjacent areas, its detail not so exhaustive to Accepted May 28, 2014.
DOI 10.1002/cne.23636
Published online May 30, 2014 in Wiley Online Library
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
V (

The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience 523:5–14 (2015) 5

 Ć1* and P.R. Hof
G. Simi

Figure 1. A,B: Brodmann’s regional map of the adult human cerebral cortex based on cytoarchitectural analysis, as reproduced by Lewan-
dowsky’s Handbook of Neurology (Brodmann, 1910). Brodmann intentionally projected borders between neighboring fields, which are found
in the depths of sulci such as in pericentral and retrosplenial regions (e.g., areas 2, 3, 5, 6, 18, 19, etc.), on the free surface of the hemi-
sphere. C: Brodmann’s map of the insula and the adjacent superior aspect of the superior temporal gyrus as it appears in his 1909 mono-
graph (Brodmann, 1909). I. ant., Anterior insular zone; I. post., posterior insular zone; sp, posterior ramus of the Sylvian fissure; sv,
vertical ramus of the Sylvian fissure; sh, horizontal ramus of the Sylvian fissure; t1, superior temporal sulcus. D: Cytoarchitectonic parcella-
tion of the orbitofrontal cortex, extrapolated from Brodmann (1914), as it appeared in Nieuwenhuys et al., 2008 (with permission); LOS,
lateral orbital sulcus; MOS, medial orbital sulcus; OLF, olfactory sulcus; TOS, transverse orbital sulcus. Images have been graphically
enhanced for clarity.

insular and adjacent cortices of the superior temporal the 1909 book (e.g., Greenstein and Greenstein, 2000;
gyrus (shown in Fig. 1C) and grouped individual areas Zilles et al., 2002; Vogt et al., 2004; ten Donkelaar
into 11 larger (major) regions (“Hauptzonen”, Table 1, et al., 2006; Jacobson and Marcus, 2008; Klein and
second column; Brodmann, 1909). The second (and Behrens, 2009; Filley, 2011; Krebs et al., 2012; Amaral
final) Brodmann’s cytoarchitectonic map of cortical and Strick, 2013; Kandel and Hudspeth, 2013; among
regions was published in Lewandowsky’s Handbook of others). Consequently, the numbering system also does
Neurology in 1910 (Brodmann, 1910; Fig. 1A2C), in not match the map.
which he added areas 12 (between areas 10 and 11 in The second most commonly encountered mistake is
medial view) and 52 (between areas 43 and 41 in lat- that, even today, most textbooks cannot agree on the
eral view) to the first (1908) map, and subdivided area total number of cortical areas described by Brodmann
7 into two subfields (7a and 7b), apparently without (see Table 2). The reason for this is a misperception
acknowledging these changes in the text (Markowitsch, that the “gaps” in numbers 13216 and 48251, which
1993). To understand the changes made, one should are not shown on either of Brodmann’s maps of the
consult the text of his 1909 book, in which he had human cerebral cortex, occurred because Brodmann
already proposed these and many other changes to his described those areas in the primate brains but “could
initial 1908 map (Judas et al., 2012). A misquotation not find homologous areas in the human brain” (e.g.,
made in many current reproductions of Brodmann’s Zilles and Amunts, 2010). Many experts thought that,
map is that the 1910 map is reproduced, but incor- for example, “numbers 13216 are totally missing” and
rectly referred to, as representing the one published in that Brodmann had not described those areas in the

6 The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience

Brodmann’s map of cortical areas in human

Brodmann’s List of Human Cortical Areas Sorted According to Topographic Regions (First Column) According to Brodmann,
1908 (and Brodmann, 1905 and 1914, for Insula), or 11 Major Cytoarchitectonic Regions (Second Column) According to
Brodmann, 19091
Brodmann (1908), except for areas 13216 Brodmann (1909), except for areas 12
(Brodmann, 1905; Brodmann, 1914) and 52 (Brodmann, 1910)
Area No. Area name Area no. Area name Brodmann (1909) core feature
Regio rolandica Regio postcentralis
1 Area postcentralis intermedia 1 Area postcentralis intermedia Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
2 Area postcentralis caudalis 2 Area postcentralis caudalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
3 Area postcentralis oralis 3 Area postcentralis oralis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
43 Area subcentralis 43 Area subcentralis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
— Regio praecentralis
4 Area praecentralis 4 Area gigantopyramidalis Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
gigantopyramidalis (secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with reduction in
Lobus frontalis
6 Area frontalis agranularis 6 Area frontalis agranularis Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with reduction in
— Regio frontalis
8 Area frontalis intermedia 8 Area frontalis intermedia Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
9 Area frontalis granularis 9 Area frontalis granularis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
10 Area frontopolaris 10 Area frontopolaris Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
11 Area praefrontalis 11 Area praefrontalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
12 Area frontopolaris (5area Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
praefrontalis (six-layered pattern throughout life)
44 Area opercularis 44 Area opercularis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
45 Area triangularis 45 Area triangularis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
46 Area frontalis media 46 Area frontalis media Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
47 Area orbitalis 47 Area orbitalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
Lobus parietalis Regio parietalis
5 Area praeparietalis 5 Area praeparietalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
7 Area parietalis superior 7 Area parietalis superior Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
39 Area parietalis inferior posterior 39 Area angularis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(5area angularis) (six-layered pattern throughout life)
40 Area parietalis inferior anterior 40 Area supramarginalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(5area supramarginalis) (six-layered pattern throughout life)
Lobus occipitalis Regio occipitalis
17 Area striata 17 Area striata Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with increase in
18 Area occipitalis 18 Area occipitalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
19 Area praeoccipitalis 19 Area praeoccipitalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)

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 Ć1* and P.R. Hof
G. Simi

TABLE 1. Continued
Brodmann (1908), except for areas 13216 Brodmann (1909), except for areas 12
(Brodmann, 1905; Brodmann, 1914) and 52 (Brodmann, 1910)
Area No. Area name Area no. Area name Brodmann (1909) core feature
Lobus temporalis Regio temporalis
20 Area temporalis inferior 20 Area temporalis inferior Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
21 Area temporalis media 21 Area temporalis media Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
22 Area temporalis superior 22 Area temporalis superior Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
36 Area ectorhinalis 36 Area ectorhinalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
37 Area occipitotemporalis 37 Area occipitotemporalis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
38 Area temporopolaris 38 Area temporopolaris Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
41 Area (temporalis) transversa 41 Area temporalis transversa Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
interna s. anterior interna (anterior) (six-layered pattern throughout life)
42 Area (temporalis) transversa 42 Area temporalis transversa Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
externa s. posterior externa (posterior) (six-layered pattern throughout life)
— 52 Area parainsularis Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
50* Unnamed Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
(six-layered pattern throughout life)
Lobus limbicus Regio cingularis
— Subregio postcingularis:
23 Area limbica posterior ventralis 23 Area cingularis posterior Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
ventralis (six-layered pattern throughout life)
31 Area limbica posterior dorsalis 31 Area cingularis posterior Homogenetic: homotypical cortex
dorsalis (six-layered pattern throughout life)
— Subregio praecingularis:
24 Area limbica anterior ventralis 24 Area cingularis anterior Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
ventralis (secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with reduction in
32 Area limbica anterior dorsalis 32 Area cingularis anterior Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
dorsalis (secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with reduction in
33 Area praegenualis 33 Area praegenualis Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with reduction in
25 Area subgenualis (5area 25 Area subgenualis (5area Heterogenetic: rudimentary cortex
preterminalis) preterminalis) (isolated rudimentary layers)
— Regio retrosplenialis
26 Area ectosplenialis 26 Area ectosplenialis Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with reduction in
29 Area retrolimbica granularis 29 Area retrolimbica granularis Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with reduction in
30 Area retrolimbica agranularis 30 Area retrolimbica agranularis Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with reduction in
— Regio hippocampica
27 Area praesubicularis 27 Area praesubicularis Heterogenetic: striate cortex (several
secondary, further differentiated
28 Area entorhinalis ventralis 28 Area entorhinalis Heterogenetic: striate cortex (several
secondary, further differentiated

8 The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience

Brodmann’s map of cortical areas in human

TABLE 1. Continued
Brodmann (1908), except for areas 13216 Brodmann (1909), except for areas 12
(Brodmann, 1905; Brodmann, 1914) and 52 (Brodmann, 1910)
Area No. Area name Area no. Area name Brodmann (1909) core feature
34 Area enthronialis dorsalis 34 Area entorhinalis dorsalis Heterogenetic: striate cortex (several
secondary, further differentiated
35 Area perirhinalis 35 Area perirhinalis Heterogenetic: striate cortex (several
secondary, further differentiated
48* Area retrosubicularis Heterogenetic: striate cortex (several
(postsubicularis) secondary, further differentiated layers)
49* Area parasubicularis Heterogenetic: striate cortex (several
secondary, further differentiated
Regio insularis
— 52 Area parainsularis Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with increase in
13* Insula posterior — Insula posterior Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with increase in
14* Insula anterior — Insula anterior Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with increase in
15* Insula ventralis — Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with increase in
16* Insula olfactoria — Homogenetic: heterotypical cortex
(secondary transformation to six-
layered pattern with increase in
Regio olfactoria
Cortex primitivus
— Bulbus olfactorius Heterogenetic: primitive cortex
(without layers)
— Pedunculus olfactorius Heterogenetic: primitive cortex
(without layers)
— Tuberculum olfactorium Heterogenetic: primitive cortex
(without layers)
— Substantia perforata anterior Heterogenetic: primitive cortex
(without layers)
— Amygdala Heterogenetic: primitive cortex
(without layers)
Cortex rudimentarius
— Hippocampus Heterogenetic: rudimentary cortex
(isolated rudimentary layers)
— Gyrus dentatus Heterogenetic: rudimentary cortex
(isolated rudimentary layers)
— Subiculum Heterogenetic: rudimentary cortex
(isolated rudimentary layers)
— Indusium griseum Heterogenetic: rudimentary cortex
(isolated rudimentary layers)
— Septum pellucidum Heterogenetic: rudimentary cortex
(isolated rudimentary layers)
51* Area prepiriformis Heterogenetic: rudimentary cortex
(isolated laminar pattern)
The third column describes the core cytoarchitectural features of each area (homogenetic cortex means all types of cortex derived from the basic
six-layered pattern; heterogenetic cortex means all types of cortex that lack the six-layered pattern in ontogenesis and phylogenesis). A dash indi-
cates that Brodmann described but did not assign a number to a given structure. An asterisk indicates that Brodmann described but did not illus-
trate a given area in either of his maps.

The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience 9

 Ć1* and P.R. Hof
G. Simi

Examples of Variable Numbers of Brodmann’s Areas Reported by Various Authors Either in Articles or in Textbooks, With
the Authors’ Explanation
Reference No. of areas Authors’ explanation
Gorman and Un€utzer, 1993 47 “Most neurologists have some familiarity with the system of Korbinian Brodmann,
which divides the cortex into 47 parts on the basis of cytoarchitecture.”
Toga and Mazziota, 2002 52 “Brodmann’s 1909 numerical map of the human brain, based on a
cytoarchitectonic study, recognized 52 discrete areas.”
Purves et al., 2004 About 50 “Korbinian Brodmann, who early in the twentieth century devoted his career to an
analysis of brain regions distinguished in this way, described about 50 distinct
cortical regions, or cytoarchitectonic areas.”
Van Essen, 2005 46 “Brodmann identified 28 neocortical areas in the Old World monkey and 46 in the
Nieuwenhuys et al., 2008 44 “The highest numbered area in Brodmann’s map is area 52; however, because
areas numbered 13–16 and 48–51 are lacking the total number of areas in his
map amounts to 44.”
Strotzer, 2009 44 “Areas 13216 were not defined for the human brain by Brodmann” and “Areas
48251 were not included in Brodmann’s maps of the human brain.”
Olry, 2010 44 “However, it should be pointed out that Brodmann’s areas are not 52 in number
as it may appear, but only 44 because areas 13216 and 48251 do not exist.”
Zilles and Amunts, 2010 43 “The insular cortex is segregated into areas 14216 in Old World monkeys (for
example, Cercopithecus) and into areas 13216 in prosimians (for example,
Lemuridae). Brodmann could not find homologous areas in the human brain.”
Olry and Haines, 2010 44 “However, Brodmann’s areas actually are not 52 in number, but only 44 because
areas 13216 and 48251 do not exist!”
Geyer et al., 2011 43 “However, there are two gaps in the sequence: areas 12, 13, 14–16, and 48–51
were defined in lower mammals and non-human primates, but they are missing
in humans. This results in 43 areas in the human cortex.”
Loukas et al., 2011 47 “In humans, he identified 47 histologically distinct regions using novel staining
techniques introduced by Nissl, and in primates, he described 52 different
Seung, 2012 43 “Brodmann skipped 12216 and 48251. He reserved these numbers for cortical
areas in animals that appeared to have no analogues in the human cortex.”
Kandel and Hudspeth, 2013 52 “Brodmann distinguished 52 anatomically and functionally distinct areas in the
human cerebral cortex”; and map caption: “Brodmann’s division of the human
cerebral cortex into 52 functional areas.”
Amaral and Strick, 2013 47 “Based on such cytoarchitectonic differences, Brodmann in 1909 divided the
cerebral cortex into 47 regions.” (reproduced from Martin, 2003)

human brain (e.g., Gorman and Un€utzer, 1993; Strotzer, great detail, he did not put numbers 13216 on the map
2009; among others). of the lemur’s brain (Brodmann, 1908b), because “he did
The facts are quite the opposite. Fields 13216 would not want to destroy the clearness of the illustrations”
correspond to the insular cortex, and Brodmann studied (Fix, 1993). As he did not pursue the cytoarchitectural
this region in detail. Brodmann first published a subdivi- analysis of the human insula later (Fix, 1993), in his
sion of the human insula into three regions in 1903 1908 paper on the human brain (Brodmann, 1908a) he
(Brodmann, 1903); in his 1905 paper (Brodmann, 1905), simply stated (p. 244) that “insula, for which I discerned
with regard to the four insular regions that he defined in 4 areas, cannot be seen on the illustration” and restated
a monkey (Cercopithecus) brain, he specifically stated (p. the same in a similar manner in his 1909 book (Brod-
219) that “I do not hold it unlikely that, upon review of a mann, 1909, p. 146). Finally, in his legend to the 1914
larger material and with consideration of comparative- chapter (Brodmann, 1914), he explicitly stated that
anatomical features, I will succeed to establish four “human insular region contains areas 13216” (p. 101).
areas in humans too (Ich halte es nicht f€ur unwahrschein- Unfortunately, his work on the insular cortex remained
lich, dab es bei Durchsicht eines gr€oberen Materials und unfinished, with his premature death in 1918. The insular
mit Ber€ucksichtigung vergleichend-anatomischer Merkmale cortex is one of the most heterogeneous regions of the
auch beim Menschen gelingen wird, 4 Typen cerebral cortex, both structurally and functionally, as
aufzustellen).” Given that Brodmann was well aware of exemplified in pioneering comparative embryological and
the high variability in insular areas among different mam- cytoarchitectonic studies by Maximilian Rose (1928a,b)
malian species, even when describing those areas in as well as in several recent reports (Craig 2002, 2009;

10 The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience

Brodmann’s map of cortical areas in human

Butti et al., 2010; Gallay et al., 2012; Nieuwenhuys, ren aufgefallen war. Ich habe sie dort als Area retrosubi-
2012; Bauernfeind et al., 2013; Morel et al., 2013; Gu cularis (48) beschrieben)” (Brodmann, 1909, p. 150;
et al., 2013; Barks et al., 2014; Evrard et al., 2014). In Garey, 2006, p. 126).
fact, Rose (1928b) described as many as 31 cytoarchi- Area 49 was described by Brodmann as the area par-
tectural areas in the human insula. Moreover, it was asubicularis between the presubicular and entorhinal
Rose who first suggested that the insula of great apes areas (27 and 28, respectively), also as a part of the
and humans could be distinguished from that of most hippocampal region at several places in the 1909 book.
monkeys and of small mammals by the abundant pres- For example, “the hippocampal region is, with the pre-
ence of a specific type of neurons (the so-called von central and insular regions, the most absolutely con-
Economo neurons) in the ventral anterior insula (Rose, stant of the major, homogeneous structural regions in
1928b; see Seeley at al., 2012). Thus, Brodmann was far mammals. It belongs to the heterogenetic formations
ahead of his time when he envisioned that “the further and is immediately recognizable in all mammalian
differentiation of the insular region into individual brains by its atypical lamination. It includes the cortex
cytoarchitectonic areas will be the object of future stud- medial to the posterior rhinal sulcus as far as the hip-
ies (Die genaue Lokalisation dieser Einzelfelder mub pocampal sulcus, that is to say, the head of the para-
sp€ateren Forschungen vorbehalten bleiben)” (Brodmann, hippocampal gyrus or part of the piriform lobule or its
1909, p. 146; Garey, 2006, p. 176). homologues, and also the deep cortex of the hippocam-
Some authors, perhaps being unaware that Brod- pal sulcus itself; it consists of areas 27, 28, 35, 48 and
mann’s numbers 13 and 14 were in fact already 49 in our maps, as well as their subdivisions (Die hippo-
accounted for by parts of the insular cortex, have kampale Hauptregion ist neben der Regio praecentralis
unfortunately transferred these presumed “unused” und insularis das absolut konstanteste einheitliche
numbers to remap the orbitofrontal cortex, first in mac- gr€obere Strukturgebiet in der S€augerreiche. Es geh€ort zu
aque monkeys and then in humans. For example, den heterogenetischen Formationen und ist zufolge
Walker et al. (1940) designated the orbital and medial seines atypischen Schichtungscharakters ohne weiteres
parts of the orbitofrontal cortex as Brodmann’s areas an allen Mammaliergehirnen identifizierbar. Es umfabt
13 and 14, respectively. On the basis of such publica- die Rinde nach innen vom Sulcus rhinalis posterior bis
tions, some authors have recently subdivided orbital zum Sulcus hippocampi, also das Caput Gyri hippocampi
and medial prefrontal cortex of the macaque monkeys resp. Einen Teil des Lobulus pyriformis oder deren
into areas 13m, 13l, 13a, 13b, and 14r and 14c (e.g., Homologa, ferner die Tiefenrinde des Sulcus hippocampi
Carmichael and Price, 1994) and described their selbst; sie setzt sich in unseren Diagrammen aus den
“counterparts” in humans (e.g., Ong€€ ur et al., 2003), Feldern 27, 28, 35, 48 und 49, sowie deren Unterabtei-
bringing further confusion to the map for comparative lungen zusammen)” (Brodmann, 1909, p. 150; Garey,
studies. 2006, p. 177).
As with areas 13216, Brodmann also worked on Area 50 is probably the least described area by Brod-
areas 48251 in the human brain but did not illustrate mann (Markowitsch, 1993), presumably because “in the
them on either of his maps, presumably because of temporal region one encounters the greatest difficulties
their small size and to increase clarity. Although the with structural homologies. In the accompanying map
textual description of these areas is scarce, careful (Figure 104) I include areas 20, 21, 22, 50 and 36 in
reading of Brodmann’s 1909 book indicate that he ana- this region (Bei der Regio temporalis begegnet man mit
lyzed these areas and assigned them numbers 48251 der strukturellen Homologie den gr€obten Schwierig-
in the human cerebral cortex as well (Markowitsch, keiten. Ich rechne auf der beigegebenen Hirnkarte (Figur
1993). 104) zu dieser Hauptzone die Felder 20, 21, 22, 50, und
Brodmann named area 48 the area retrosubicularis 36).” Then, after another sentence, “it is not at all pos-
(postsubicularis): “At the caudal end of the perirhinal sible to decide which of the three areas 21, 22 and 50
area (35) and lateral to the presubicular area (27) one correspond to the middle and superior temporal gyri,
can also differentiate another special structural type in and thus the middle and superior temporal areas, of pri-
man, which I first recognised as such after it had struck mates (vollends gar nicht zu entscheiden ist es, welches
me in lower animals, in which I described it as the ret- von den drei Feldern 21, 22 und 50 der mittleren und
rosubicular area (48) (Am kaudalen Ende der Area peri- oberen Schl€afenwindung, also der Area temporalis supe-
rhinalis (35) und lateral von der Area praesubicularis rior und media bei den Primaten entspricht).”
(27) k€onnte man auch beim Menschen noch eine beson- (Brodmann, 1909, p. 1862187; Garey, 2006, p. 161).
dere Strukturformation abtrennen, welche ist erst als Another reason for the scarce description of area 50,
solche erkannt habe, nachdem sie mir bei niederen Tie- which remained unnamed in the human brain, could be

The Journal of Comparative Neurology | Research in Systems Neuroscience 11

 Ć1* and P.R. Hof
G. Simi

the fact that Brodmann was undecided of its actual 1926), as functional subdivisions are recognized within
affinities: “whether area 50, lying at the upper border areas by new techniques such as evoked potentials and
of area 13, should also be counted in the insular region microelectrode mapping, receptor autoradiographic
I cannot decide for the present (Ob das am oberen mapping (e.g., Palomero-Gallagher et al., 2013), and
Rande von 13 gelegene Feld 50 auch zur insul€aren functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion
Hauptregion zu rechnen ist, vermag ich einstweilen nicht tensor imaging (e.g., http://www.humanconnectome-
zu entscheiden)” (Brodmann, 1909, p. 150; Garey,; Seung, 2012; Van Essen et al., 2013). As
2006, p. 1642165). an example, Palomero-Gallagher and collaborators
Finally, Brodmann defined area 51 as the area prepiri- (2013) demonstrated a rich diversity of receptor binding
formis and descibed it as a part of the olfactory region: patterns (such as for kainate, benzodiazepine, sero-
“in most mammals the region consists, apart from the tonin, N-methyl-D-aspartate, and a2-adrenergic recep-
amygdala and the olfactory tubercle, only of a single tors) in Brodmann’s area 32, which plays a crucial role
area (51) that is not further differentiated (into subfields in emotional processing and memory consolidation, that
a, b, c, and d) (bei den meisten Mammaliern besteht die provided a pharmacologically specific context to map-
Regio auber dem Mandelkern und dem Tuberculum olfac- ping efforts based strictly on cortical architecture. It
torium €uberhaupt nur aus einem einzigen nicht weiter dif- can be concluded that such modern imaging studies
ferenzierten Felde (Area 51a2Area 51d))” (Brodmann, are uncovering new functional localizations (areal acti-
1909, p. 228; Garey, 2006, p. 1962197). vation “centroids” in terms of peak voxel coordinates)
The early motivation for cytoarchitectural studies with hopes that, eventually, molecular-genetic markers
came first from phrenology, then from demonstrations will be discovered ultimately to determine a reproduci-
of the electrical excitability of the motor cortex and ble parcellation of the cerebral cortex on the basis of
from the recognition of the dependence of vision on both structural and functional properties. It will then be
posterior regions of the cerebral cortex. Later, areas safe to say that the definitive Brodmann’s map of the
with somatic sensory, auditory, association, and other human cerebral cortex is established.
distinct functions were, in turn, described. The identifi-
cation of cortical fields and their borders thus became, CONFLICT OF INTERESTS STATEMENT
and remains to this day, a search for areas of the cere-
The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.
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Brodmann, the cortical areas were the ‘‘organs of the
brain”, each with a set of specific functions. Unlike
Flechsig (1896, p. 97), who distinguished four “psychic Both authors equally contributed to this work.
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