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Task 2 Observational Practice Step 1 Observation Matrix

Instructions: Choose at least 1 observation individuals (learners), in the different classes where you have
been developing your observation practice and analyze the following criteria in each of them, without
identifying their names.

1. Universal features of the L2 learner and the L2 learning process that determine the nature and route of
acquisition (e.g., age and critical periods; cross-linguistic influences; the role of the environment and
environmental triggers of acquisition; cognitive contributions; interlanguage variability vs. systematicity
and developmental stages and sequences);

2. Individual influences related to the differential rate of acquisition and ultimate success in an L2 (e.g.,
aptitude, motivation, and effect);
Task 2 Observational Practice Step 1 Observation Matrix

Learner 1

Universal features of the L2 learner and the L2 learning process

Analysis Criteria Pros Cons
Critical Periods
Cross-linguistics influences
Influence of the environment
in the acquisition process
Cognitive Contribution
Interlanguage variability vs.
systematicity and
developmental stages and
Individual influences related to the differential rate of acquisition and ultimate success in an

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