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general vocabulary

A. There are several words in this passage which are spelt incorrectly. Can you find and correct

Apart from condemming tobacco companies and rising the price of cigarettes,
the goverment's anti-smoking campain has failed to have any long-term affects,
and the only people bennefitting from it are the Inland Revenue departement.
Meanwhile, persistant smokers are being denied treatment by the NHS.

These words are spelt incorrectly These are the correct spellings

1. Condemning
2. Goverment Government
3. Campain Campaign
4. Persistant Persistent
5. Departement Department
6. Bennefitting Benefitting
7. And Are
8. Affects Effects
B. Instructions as above.

It is argueable whether good pronounciation is more important than good grammer

and vocabulery. Consientious students balance their aquisition of these skills,
hopeing to acheive both fluency and accuracey. Teachers should encourage there
students to practice all the relevant language skills.

These words are spelt incorrectly These are the correct spellings

1. Argueable Arguable
2. Pronounciation Pronunciation
3. Vocabulery Vocabulary
4. Acheive Achieve
5. Consientious
6. Aquisition Acquisition
7. Grammer Grammar
8. Hopeing Hoping
9. Accuracey Accuracy
For reference, see the Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 0 7475 6624 3)
general vocabulary

C. Instructions as per previous page

It is becomming increasingly difficcult for many to find decent acommodation in

London at a price they can afford. To put it simpley, most people just don't have the
neccesary funds. Organiseations such as Home Front can offer advise, but it widely
agreed that the situation is no longer managable. The fact that city councils are
building cheap, tempory housing for lower-paid profesionals is the only official
acknowledgment of this problem.

These words are spelt incorrectly These are the correct spellings

1. Becomming Becoming
2. Acommodation Accommodation
3. Tempory Temporary
4. Organaseation Organization
5. Neccesary Necessary
6. Manageable
7. Profesionals Professional
8. Dificcult Difficult
9. Simpley Simply

For reference, see the Easier English Dictionary for Students (978 0 7475 6624 3)

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