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1. What kind of job do young people prefer?

I think that nowadays, youngsters usually tend to be white-collar workers.

They mainly are officers, teachers, doctors, … Because they are usually characteristic of
the stability and help people to earn a living with great ease thanks to worthy salary level.
2. What kind of jobs do young people not want to do in your country?
Almost all local people don’t want to do manual work. This work type includes
builder, farmer, mechanic, … .This is easy to understand because most of these jobs
require people’s health, sometimes having to work under harsh conditions with many
difficulties of lacking both things and minds. Besides, it’s more difficult to have a good
salary than white-collar works.

3. Which do you prefer, physical work or mental work?

If choosing for myself, I will take mental work. Because I think simply that it is
suitable for me and able to help me making a stable life instead of working heavily and
exhautedly in poor conditions, even dangerous for myself. While, I can bring home the
bacon thanks to become a white-collar worker. I think that mental work can bring to me a
peaceful life that sometimes I don’t have to worry about it.

4. Which do you prefer, family firms or non-family ones?

In my opinion, I prefer non-family firms than family ones. Because, I see that
non-family company has many benefits. Firstly, this type of company create condition for
people to make a job, earn a living; so that this helps to reduce the unemployment state in
the modern society. Additionally, the model of non-family company also helps itself to
develop and innovate thanks to potential external human resources haven’t been explored
yet. Those are the reasons that I love non-family firms’ model.

5. Which jobs would you say are most respected in your country?
It springs to my mind many jobs when you mention this topic but I choose two
of them: teacher and doctor. They are highly appreciated because the local people care
much about knowledge. Vietnamese believe that these two jobs can make the basis of
human beings: knowledge and health. Besides, because of their characteristic that they
are mental works; the salary level is stable for a stable life. Therefore, becoming doctor
or teacher is a dream of many people since they were small.

6. What changes in employment have there been in recent years in your country?
The soiecty develops everyday, it is increasingly modern. Therefore,
Vietnam’s unemloyment condition also become positive. There are many new types of
works are imported to the country, so, youngsters have many chances to try to discover
themselves and choose a suitable one. Besides, human resources in Vietnam are young,
dynamic and also more skillful and have potential for employers. Those are two things
that I see are highlights in Vietnam’s job market.
7. If there are a limited number of jobs available who should be given priority,
young people or older people with more experience?
If I can, I will give the chance to young people. Because I trust them. The
young generation although doesn’t have experience but the job is a chance for them to
develop themselves and discover their potential together with foster experiences.
Besides, with me the most important thing is young people can show me the long future
while the older can’t.

8.What are some of the important things a candidate should find out before
accepting a job?
Before working, first important thing that candicate should notice is research
again clearly and fully information of the company where they will work for. Secondly,
people should think carefully about the last decision, shall they be ready for a job or is
this the best choice for themselves. And lastly, it is necessary that they should prepare
their mind if accepting the job.

9. Could you recommend some effective strategies for governments and

employers to ensure people have a good work/life balance?
In my place, I think that the governments should bring about a promoting non-
family companies create job chances because this type of company create condition for
people to make a job, earn a living; so that this helps to reduce the unemployment state
in the modern society. Additionally, the model of non-family company also helps itself
to develop and innovate thanks to potential external human resources haven’t been
explored yet.
10. What are important factors in making a company successful?
There are many criterias to evaluate the succeed of a company. With me, the
first thing makes a quality company is its sustainable development, a company that has
location in people. Besides, a company that can bring job satisfaction to their staffs is
also make a successful company. Because, only when staff work in comfortable and
happy environment, they will work at their best.

11. What kinds of qualities should a successful businessman have?

What emerging industries do you know?
I think successful businessman often have 2 things in common, and they are
all not very strange qualities. The first thing is being creative in problem solving.
Because always being sharp and calm to deal with everything around help them to
become steady to overcome difficulties to make the company increasingly develop. The
second thing is determining to success. Every good businessman has been experienced
challenges. They believe that those are chances for them to get valuable lessons.
Turning obstacles into opportunities can be easily, only need faith and optimism and
strong determination.
12. Why do some people decide to set up their own business? / What are the
advantages of having your own business rather than working for someone
There is a part of most of youngsters decide to start bussiness. I think the
reason is they want to look up success by themselves. They want to assert themselves to
people and create their own opportunities and stable jobs.
If I set up my own bussiness. I think it helps me to not worry about finding job chances.
It also makes me not to suffer from pressures which are usually come from the boss if I
work for them.

13.Some people say it’s better to work for yourself than be employed by a
company. What’s your opinion?
I think I will uncompletly agree with it. Work for myself can make me to be
under self control. I can work whenever I want and wherenever I am. Besides, I don’t
have to be affected by someone or suffer from pressures that come from anybody.
However, being employed by a company help me to have motivate to work. And
working for a company also make me to feel my effort for this work is deserve to me.

14.What are some of the dangers involved in starting a business?

Firstly, starting a bussiness can take lots of money for investing. It includes
many types of costs like building, marketing, employing staffs, organizing company.
Besides, lacking of experiences can cause big risks to the new company with new start-
up. People can be trapped with great ease if completely trust in someone or make
dangerous mistakes.

15. Why do people use imported products?

There are many reasons to explain this. It’s because many people believe that
imported things have good quality. They can bring to people good health and better life.
Additionally, imported products make local consumers think that they are deserve to
them, those things can make them seem to rich and luxurious when they buy it. More
one reason, sometimes the lacking of domestic products or they have low quality make
buyers to choose imported ones reluctantly.

16. Do different places have their own popular products?

I’m not sure about that. But in my country, Vietnam - there are many types of
local products represent for each region from food to goods. Like in the North, Hanoi is
famous for Pho; silk or ceramics. In the Central, most of Vietnamese know the conical
hat of Hue. Therefore, with ancient regions that have thick culture, there can be their
own products but with new region or culture or knowledge still undevelop yet, it’s
really difficult to find their own popular products.
17. Do you think people prefer to receive gifts instead of money? Why?
I think this depends on people’s thinking and their emotion. Therefore, I’m not
really sure about that but most of people I’ve met love being given gifts. Because, may
be that amount of money will be used for a short-term, the recievers will forget it fast.
Besides, money can’t show all of giver’s emotion and thoughts to the receivers as gifts.
Sometimes, giving money even shows giver’s disregard and insensitivity with people
who are received.
18. Do you think parents should teach children how to save money?
I agree with this opinion. I think that teaching children how to save money
benefits them very much. Because this make them to become inpendent people, teach
them to learn to save and spend money appropriately. At the same time, saving money
also help them to understand and cherish money.

19. Do you usually use cash or a credit card?

With me, cash is an important thing in my life. I usually use cash in dealing
and exchanging with sellers. I spend money in buying food, school things and every
other thing. However, sometimes I hope that I have a credit card for myself, it’s more
useful than money, very convinient and portable. Instead of bring too much money, I
can carry on a credit card for paying without worry about how much money I have.

20. What are the advantages of having a credit card? 

Credit card is very useful and convinient. It’s to small and available to carry on
wherever and whenever I want. Likewise, with a credit card, I don’t have to worry about
how much money I have to pay for the items that I will buy. And it helps me so much in
online shopping instead of using cash inconviniently. It’s one of my hope for the future.

21. Do credit cards have drawbacks?

I’m surely agree with you about this. In someways, credit cards aren’t good
choosing. It can’t be sure that the data of credit cards . Sometimes, because it’s too
small so it can be lost at everytime if users are not carefull. And the redoing procedures
are cumbersome and time consuming.

22. Do you think cash will be replaced by credit cards in the future?
I don’t think so. Credit cards can be handy, modern and useful but they’re only
fit with adult or someone able to make money. It isn’t suitable for children or who don’t
have much money. Instead, money can also survive with cash.

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