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Training report on c and c++

Prepared By: Sumit Batra 2809203

Overview of C
 C is developed by Dennis Ritchie

 C is a structured programming language

 C supports functions that enables easy maintainability

of code, by breaking large file into smaller modules  Comments in C provides easy
readability  C is a powerful language
Structure Of C Program
Execution Of a C Program
Executing a C program involves following steps:

 Creating the program  Compiling of Program  Linking of Program  Execution Of

Operators & Expressions
 Operator: An operator is a symbol that tells the computer to
perform certain mathematical or logical operations. C supports a set of Operators.
There are various Operators in C as Follows: 1. Arithmetic Operators 2. Assignment
Operators 3. Increment/Decrement Operators 4. Relational Operators 5. Logical
Operators 6. Conditional Operators 7. Bitwise Operators
A Function is a self-contained program segment that carries out some specific,
well-defined task. Each C program consists of one or more functions . One of these
functions must be called main. Execution of the program will always begin by
carrying out the instructions in main.
Types Of Functions:
C functions can be classified into two categories:

1. Library functions and 2. User-defined functions.

An Array is a collection of identical data objects which are stored in consecutive
memory locations under a common heading or variable name. The objects are called
elements of the array and are numbered consecutively 0,1,2,3 and so on. These
numbers are called Index Values or Subscripts of the Array. Types of Arrays:

 One Dimensional Array  Multi Dimensional Array

• A pointer is a variable that contains a memory address • Typically, a pointer
contains the address of a variable • Addressing operator (&) calculates the address
a its operand.
&x /* expression value == address of x */

CS320 - C Programming

• Declaring a pointer
int *iPtr; float *fPtr;

– iptr is a pointer to an integer – fptr is a pointer to a float • initializing

int idx = 100; int *ptr = &idx; OR ptr = &idx;
CS320 - C Programming 10
swap the value of two variables
Storage Classes
• Determines where the memory is allocated and how long it remains in existance •
storage classes: o auto o extern o static o register
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auto Storage Class
• Default storage class for variables declared in the body of a function • Memory
automatically release on exit from control block • Example:
main() { int age; auto int idx;

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extern Storage Class
• Default storage class for variables defined outside a function body. • Memory
allocated for the life of process • Initialized to zero or initial value. • Visable
to functions that follow definition • Example:
int age; main() {...}
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static Storage Class
• Memory allocated for the life of the process • Initialized to zero or initial
value. • Visable to containing block • Maintains value over invocations • Example:
myfunc() { static int age;

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register Storage Class
• Compiler recommendation use CPU register • otherwise set to auto • can only be
part of control block
myfunc() { register int age; }
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Classifications of Data Types
• Built-in data types
– Fundamental data types (int, char, double, float, void, pointer) – Derived data
types (array, string, structure)

• Programmer-defined data types

– Structure – Union – Enumeration
• An aggregate, user defined data type used to represent non-simple, abstract data
• Example:
struct person { char name[50]; char dob[11]; int height; int weight; }; struct
person aPerson;
CS320 - C Programming

/* mm/dd/yyyy */ /* in inches */ /* in lbs. */

Global and Local Variables
• Local Variables
– These variables are declared inside some functions. – Life time of a local
variable is the entire execution period of the function in which it is defined. –
Cannot be accessed by any other function. – In general variables declared inside a
block are accessible only in that block.
/* Compute Area and Perimeter of a circle */ #include <stdio.h> float pi = 3.14159;
/* Global */ main() { float rad;

/* Local */

printf( “Enter the radius “ ); scanf(“%f” , &rad); if ( rad > 0.0 ) { float area =
pi * rad * rad; float peri = 2 * pi * rad; printf( “Area = %f\n” , area );
printf( “Peri = %f\n” , peri ); } else printf( “Negative radius\n”); printf( “Area
= %f\n” , area ); }
Global and Local Variables
• Global Variables
– These variables are declared outside all functions. – Life time of a global
variable is the entire execution period of the program. – Can be accessed by any
function defined below the declaration, in a file.
/* Compute Area and Perimeter of a circle */ #include <stdio.h> float pi = 3.14159;
/* Global */ main() { float rad;

/* Local */

printf( “Enter the radius “ ); scanf(“%f” , &rad); if ( rad > 0.0 ) { float area =
pi * rad * rad; float peri = 2 * pi * rad; printf( “Area = %f\n” , area );
printf( “Peri = %f\n” , peri ); } else printf( “Negative radius\n”); printf( “Area
= %f\n” , area ); }
An Overview of C++
• C++ is the C programmer’s answer to ObjectOriented Programming (OOP). • C++ is an
enhanced version of the C language. • C++ adds support for OOP without sacrificing
any of C’s power, or flexibility. • C++ was invented in 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup
at Bell Laboratories in Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA.
What is OOP?
• OOP is a powerful way to approach the task of programming. • OOP encourages
developers to decompose a problem into its constituent parts. • Each component
becomes a self-contained object that contains its own instructions and data that
relate to that object. • So, complexity is reduced and the programmer can manage
larger programs.
Sample of C++ program #include <iostream.h> int main() { /* program code */ return
0; }

Classes: A First Look
• General syntax class class-name { // private functions and variables public: //
public functions and variables }object-list (optional);
• Every object we create will require some sort of initialization. • A class’s
constructor is automatically called by the compiler each time an object of that
class is created. • A constructor function has the same name as the class and has
no return type. • There is no explicit way to call the constructor.
• The complement of a constructor is the destructor. • This function is
automatically called by the compiler when an object is destroyed. • The name of a
destructor is the name of its class, preceded by a ~. • There is explicit way to
call the destructor but highly discouraged.
C++ Program
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class programming { private: int variable;
public: void input_value() { cout << "In function input_value, Enter an integer\n";
cin >> variable; } void output_value() { cout << "Variable entered is "; cout <<
variable << "\n"; } }; main() { programming object; object.input_value();
object.output_value(); //object.variable; Will produce an error because variable is
private return 0; }
Thank You

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