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RECCid no: 9158159/07

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Record of Construction and Equipment

for Ships other than Oil Tankers FORM A
Supplement to the lntemationai Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
in respect of the provisions of Anne~ i of the International Convention for the Prt:vention of Pol!~.;t<or1 from Ships, 1973, as modiflNJ by the Prot ow!
of '1978 relating thereto (htHeinafter referred to as 'the Co·wentcon ''),
Thts term is to be used for the third type of ships as categor:zed in the IOPP Certrficate, i.e, •·ships other than any at the abcwe". For od
tankers and ships othel' ti'an oi! tankers with cargo tanks coming under regulation 1.2 of At:nex i of the Convention, Form B ~rail be u>c~d-
2. This Record sha!i be perrr.anentiy attached to the iOPP Certificate. The !OPP CerHk:ate shal! be avai!abie on board the ~hip at eii tim~·s.
Entrie! in boxes shall Ce made by inserting either a wm (X) for the ar;swer ''yes" end "applicable" or a dash H \or answers "no" .~nd "n()t
applicab!e" as appropriate_
Regulations mentioned in this Record refer to regulations of Annex I of the Convention and resolutions refer to those adopted by the
4. iflternationa! Maritime Orgar;isation.
1 Particulars of Sh<p
1 Name of )1ip BALGARKA
.u iMO number 9158159
1.2 Distrnc1i·;e numter or !etters 9KRD7
1.3 Port of registry Va!letta
Gross tCI'n-O[;e 25,065
.5 Date of Build
Not Known
'.5.1 Date of buiid1r;g contract

Date en wh~ch kee! was iaid or ship was ;;t a similar scage
.5.2 04 June 1998
of construction
Date of delivery 09 January 2004
1.6. Majot cmwersion (if app!1cable)
Not applicable
1.6,1 Date of conversion contract

Not applicable
1,6 2 Date on which conversion was commenced

Not applicable
1.6.3 Date of ccmplet,on of conversion

The sh:p has been accepted by the Ad:nini!itration as a "ship deiivered on or befote 3i December 1979" unde! reguiat,on
1 28.1 due to unfcre>een delay in de!;-:ery
2_ Equ,pment tor the corJtroi of oil discharge from machillery space biiges and oii fuel tanks (regulatior,s 16 and 14)
2.1 Carr:age of ba!iast water in oii fuel tanh:
2.1 The ship may under normal conditions carry bailast water in oil tue! tanks
X 2.1 .2 The ship does not under norma: conditions f.arry tJailast water JP o:i f;.;e! tanks
2.2 Type of oil filtering EQL:tpmem litted:
2.2, 1 Ori fiitermg (15ppm) equipment (regu!,>tion 14.6):

2.2. 1 Manufacturer
2.2,1.1 Type ano model number as per Certdicate otType Te>t

Uoyd's Reg<~;t~r Gro\Jp Um1t~d. its afflliate'i ~nd "~b$:d:afies and Weirrespettiw:- ofli(ff~. employP.P.S or ~germ, af\;, rnth:dual:y and ~Dii;xtivEiy, rf'lt'IJ~d to :n thio clcJv,~ di
'Ucyo:-, RegOotcr'. Uoyd's Hegmer ~>;;umes no and ~hilil tl~ !idm~ to any pmon tor cn'j !o~>. d~n><rge cr e~p<or~,e Cil<iONl by rei1a<K<' DP the idmmakm cr
ad•;,o:: m <h1> do::umen! m how.,oeve! provided, ;m!ass thilt pe15on has s!gn;;d (i contwct wnh th\lr0l'IWOt L!uyd's Register en!Jt}< lor We fl'Wi~!on of thi> iniolm<Jk)n o•
~dv1ce and in that case ~ny respons;tJ:I'ty or habdy is eKdu~ivelt on !n(' teim> ar.d wm:ht;or& u.1 out 1n that contract

f'orm 147B(20Hi.11)
Record no: 9158159/07
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Oiliiltering (15ppm) equipment with a:arm and automatic stopping dev:ce (reguiation 14.7):
Manufacturer Filter: DVZ Services GmbH

A!arm: DECKMA Hambug GmbH

Automatic Stopping Device: Three way valve T~pe and modei fi!ter; Oilmaster DVZ SOOOVC
nurr:ber as per
Cert:f:GHE of Type
Alarm: OMO 11
2.3 Approval Standards":
2.3.; The separat:nglfii~erir'g equipment:
2.3.1 has been approved in accordance with resoluttor; A393(Xj
X 2.3.L2 has been ilPPfC'ied in accordante with !esoiution MEPC60 [.33)
2.3_1.3 has been approved in accordance with re50:ution MEPC_1 07(49)
2 3.1 A has been approved in accordance with r<'solutfon A.233{V!I) has beer1 approved in accordomce with n<ltional 5tandarcts not based upon resolution A393{X) m A233{Vi!)
2.3.1 .6 has not been approved
The process unit has been approved in accordance W<th re~oluVcn A444(X!)
2.3.3 The oil content meter: has been approved in accordance with resolut1on A.393{X)
23.3.2 has been approved in accordance with resolution MEPC60(33) has been approved in accordance with re:miut!On MEPC 107(49)

2.4 Maximum throu~f',put of the sysern i> 5.25 rn'!h

2.5 Wcivn of regula~ion 14:
2.5.1 The requirements ot regulct:on 14.1 or 14,2 ere waived 1n respect of the ship in acwrdance wi-th regulawm 14,5
2.5.1 The ship 1s engaged excitmve!y on voyages within special <:nea(s)

The ship is certified under the intemationai Code of Safety for High--Speed Craft and engaged on a scheduled service with a
turn-around time not exc<2eding 24 hours
2.5.2 The ship is fitted with hokiing tank(s) for the total retention on board of ali oily bilge water as follows:

Tank identificatiOn Tank Locst,on

frames (lromHto) Lateral Pcs<t:on (m')

fatal Vc!urr~E {m ') 0

Iiefer ta the Ree;mmendatJOn 011 imema!ionat perfom!i!m::e aod res/ :,peoficatiorr, of oily·Vki{('f S<.-pclfating equfpnlf!fl[ amJ oif comeot meters adopteo· by 1/w
OrgamBtion on 14 November !91/ by te;ofalion A.393(Xl which supe!5eded re5o!u!fon A2J3(VIf/ fl!!thiN" teiert?~Ke 1:;: 111<!de to the G'u:delirlf!S and :;:p.,<;oftratlo/!5 !Of
polfulkm pre'lt'ntion equipment far machinery spar:e bilges adoptf'fi by lhe Mimlw Enwonmrmt ?Jolrxtion Committee of the Orpmisation by resoiatia11 MEPC60(33;,
which, effo'r.1ive on 6 July 1!}93, supersedlld !ii>solu1iolls A.393(X} ;md AA44(Xi) and to the revl<ed Guidelines and specificatk:ms fm f-'Oflut10n pre>'IHI!ion I:X/WPIIii'fJ( lor
mar:hil!f!tyspauo•J of ship5 adopted by tlieMarfoo Environment Proter:ti:m Commillee of the Organiza/i011 by resolution Ml:'PC./07(49) wlik:h, ef!ectm:: 011 I .kifiUi/ty 2005,
supewoded reso!utiam; MEPC. 60(33), A.393(X) and A.444(XI?

fcrm 1478(2016.11)
Record no: 9158159/07
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lA '1 fhe ship is required to be constwcted according to regulation 12A and cornplies with the requirements of:
paragrapt1s 6 and ei~her 7 or 8 (dcubie hui! construct:on)
pa!agrilph 11 (accidental o!i fuei outilow performance).
2A.2 The ship is not required to comply with the requirements of reguiation 12A.

3. Means for retention and disposal cf oil res:dues {slud~Je) (regui<:tion 12) and oily b:lge water holding tank(s)'

K 3_1 The ship is providd with oii residue (sludge) t2nks for n;tenMn of 01! residues (siudge) on board as toHo\1\15:
Tank idenbfiGtcn Tank Locat.on VO!Urne

frames (tmmHtc) Lateral Positron (m')

Sludge Tank for f.O. sep. 36-39 Center 2.63

S!udge Tank for LO. sep 32-35 Port 2.96
Sludge Tank 26·28 Port 7.78
ME waste LO. Tank 12-39 Center 32.15
l.O. leakage tank 19-22 ?oft 12.19
Incinerator sludge tank 14 Port us

3.2 Means for tho disposal oi oil residues (sludge) retained in oil res-due (s!udge) tanks:
K 3.2.1 !ncmerator for ad residues (sludge)
3.2-2 Aux1!iary bOiler suitable for burning oi! residues (sludge)
3.23 Other acceptable means, state which

3.3 Tht: sh1p is provided 'Nltlll1o!d•l19 tank(>) fer <he retention onboard of oiiy bi:ge water il$ fo!imvs:
Tank Identification Tank LOCiJi!Cn Vmume
Frames (frorr-J-(to) Latera! Position (rn)

Bilge Water Tank 13-22 (S) DB 46.02

Bilge Water Set!. 26 30-32 (f'} ER 10.12

TO<il'• VoiUN! (m') S624

fcm• 1478 (2016_11)

Record no: 9158159/07

4. Standard Discharge Connection {regulatiOn 13)

The: ship is prcvided virth a pipeline tor the disct';arge of resid~.;es from machinery bilges and siudges to rec.ept1011 faciiit1es, f;ttec
' with a standard discharge connection <n accordance with regulation 13_

S. Sh;pboard Q;i/MarinE" Pollution Emergency Pian (regulation 37)

K 51 Th£> ship i" provided vith a shipboard oti pciiution emergency piar. in compliance w;th regu\ation 37
The ship is provided •.vith a shipboard marine pc!iution emergency pian m compliance with reguiat:on 373
approved by
flag Administration
dated 15 January 2004

6. Exemption
Exemptions have been granted by the Admmistration -from the requirements of chapter 3 of Annex I of the Convention in
acccrdarxe wi:h regulatior1 3,1 on thme items 'isted uno'er paragraph(s) 5 of this Record
7. Equivalents (regdat',or. SJ
Equivalents have been approved by the Jl.dministrafon for cenain requirements of Annex I on those 1tems iisted under
p!ragraph\s) of this Recold

8. Compliance with ~art !!"A- chapter 1 of the Polar Code

The ship is in compliance w1th add:tlonai requirement'.; in the erwironment-re!ated provisions ot the intro(iuctmn and SN:tmr. 1.::?
of chapter 1 of part !!-A of the Polar Code
This is to certify that this Record is conect in all re<..ipects:,

issued at Varna on OS Aptl! 2017

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