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Ceh師cate of Entry - Owne「s Entry

Shlp llame / IMO n○○      GERHARD SCHUしTE I 9328481

Gross tomage         35,991
甘ulit / FIag I Pon / Ciass    2006 / Hong Kong / Hong Kong / Korean Register of Shipping

The Ship named herein is ente「ed in Gard P. & l. (Bemuda〉 」td. (the aAs∞Ciatonき〉 fo「the ac∞unt Ofthe
named Assured(S〉・ The entry is suPjec書to the Associaton’s Statutes o「 Bye-しawsi aS the case may be, RuIes
fo「 P&I and Dofen∞ ∞Ve「 fo「 Ships and othe「 froathg strucfures (the.RuIes“)什Om time to time in fo「∞. to the
Associa的n-s standard deduc館bles and any o請e「 tems as may from time to time be cirouIarised, but subject
aiways to the speciaI tems and ∞nditions (if any) endo「Sed herein.

This entry shaiI comiTlenCe On 2Oth February 2021 noon GMT and sha=
appIy un刷20th February 2O22 noon GM丁, …Iess the entry ceases o「 is
teminated in a∞Ordan∞ With the RuIes o「 a new CeH師Cate Of Entry is

P&I Cove「

Collision Iiab冊ty (RuIe 36.1.a.i)

Fixed o「 floathg oPjects (RuIe 37.a)

A8su調d(8) Bemhard SchuIte Shipmanagement (China) Company Limited (Sub-

Bemhard SchuIte Shipmanagement (し〉しimited (Manage「)
Hanseatic Chartering Ltd. (CommerciaI manager)
JaIioo Pa巾e「S 」.P. (Bene凧oiaI owne「)
WeaIth Crown Limited (しegai Owne「 )

WeaIth C○○wn Limited

RM. O8, 26/F, K Wah CentJe,
191 Java Road, North Point
Hong Kong

JoInl and severaI ‖abl皿y書ol AIi perone andbr ∞mPanlies named as Assu「ed(S) and/Or Co-aSSu「ed(S)
p調調Ium in this Cerl師∞te of Entry sh訓be jointry and severally l治ble fo〇割SumS
due to the Assoc治tion in respect of this entry pursuant to RuIe 79.1.

Genora○ ○olId削One and Reference is made to the Rules w請…Bgard to ∞nC閥OnS for, Iim他面OnS On
ilml屯tIone otc. on cov○○ and exceptions from the ∞Ver. but partiou厄「 attenticm is drawn to the


Dutv of disdos"inE! aite惰tjon af risk and cfassification and certification of


lt sh訓be a ∞ndition ofthe ∞Ver that the As別red(S) ∞mPljes w肌訓

晦qui鴫mentS in Rules 6, 7 and 8 regarding dufy ofdiscIosure, a博eration of
巾Sk and c軸on and certification of the Sh心respectively.

0= oollution - Iimit of insIIranCe

¶re ∞Velafbrded fo「 oiI pollution is limited pursuanl to RuIe 53.1 ofthe
RuIes to USD l b晒On (USD l ,000,00O,00O) each incident or occu同enCe
each Owne「s EntIγ. and is su囲to such tems and ∞nditions as are sct
out in Appendix川to the Rules.

Passenaers and seamen - Iimit of insurさnce

¶1e ∞Ver a簡)rded fo「 passengers and seamenIcrew risks ∞mbined is

Iimited pursuant to Rule 53.2 to USD 3 biIIion (USD 3iOOO,000,OOO) each
Sh小any one event.The ∞Ver afforded for passenge「 risks sha" fu巾「er be
Iimifed to USD 2 billien (USD 2,OOO.00O.OOO) each Shゆany one event.
1Tre ∞Ver for passengers and s飽men化rew risks is subject to such temrs
and ∞nditions as are set out in Appendix IV to the RuIes.

日間れclai 〃∞pOn8Ib間ty claueo This Cerl帥cate of Entry is eviden∞ Only of the ∞ntraCt Of lndemnfty
insu噂n∞ between the above named Assured(S) and the Association and
Sha= not be ∞nSt調ed as evidence of any undertaking, fuanciaI o「
Othe「wise. on the part of the Aes∞iation to any other party.

In the event that an Assu「ed tenders this Cerl輸cate of Entry as evIden∞ Of

insurance unde「 any appIicabIe Iaw reIating to血anciaI responsibiIity, O「
Otherwise shows o「 Offers it to any other party as evidence of insuran∞,
Such use ofthis Certificate of Entry by the Assu「ed(S) is not to be taken as
any indication that the Association thereby ∞nsentS to aCt aS guarantO「 O「
to be sued di「ectry in any j叩Sdiction whatsoeve「. The Association does not
Asslg nmenl The Assured(S) ∞nsent to the ∞ntJaCt(S) of insu噂nce evidenced by this
CeIl師∞te Of Entry being assigned to
Assuranceforenlngen Gard ・ gjensidig - PurSuant to the Faiisafe
Ag「eement upon伽e happening of a designaled event as defined lherein.
The Ass∞iatIO= has the fuIi ppwe「 Of attomey to execute such deeds and
documen(S On behalf of lhe Assured(S) as a「e necessa「y to fuliy effee=he
assig nment.

しO88 PayabIe cIause

it is noted that


Dすれmすれ(e SkIbsk○○dlt A/S ( p巾O“fty l )

Skt Aいれ露PIads 3
1250 Copenhagen

瞳向鴫int印ested as Mortgagee(S) in the Ship and that by an assIgnmenl in writing a= benefits unde「 the
C劇的鵬of Eれtry have been assigned to the Mortgagee(S)・ CIaims payabie he「eunde「 sha= be payable to the
O物nlざO・to請eI「 orde「, untiI such lime as noti∞ in writing is re∞lVed from the Mortgagee(S) tha…e Owne「 is in
dI曇葵教unde「 the above mentoned Mortgage. AII re∞Veries thereater sha= be payable to the Mortgagee(S). o「
b劃輸Ict o同er provlded atways肌at the Asscofafron is free to make payments in discha「ge of any guarantee
│9〇回h G調u「Oflhi「d parties and furthe「 to make payments dileCtly to a third party in discha喝e Ofa ciaim

モ五三't O細ne「 and/O「 the Association.

Ttl' _s)’nghts agalnSt the Associa的n shaii not exoeed the rights of the Owne「 unde「 the Certificate

The above undertakIngS are giVen Subject to the Ass∞iation’s ilen fo「 ca=s o「 P「emlumS and sub」eCt tO the
Association’s nght of can∞IIatlOn肌defauIt of payment of any caIIs o「 PremルmS Howeve「, the AssociatiOn
undertakes no=o exe「CISe SuCh nghts wthout giving yOu fourteen (14) days’notice in Writing of ltS I∩tentIOn tO
do so Furthemore, SuCh rlghts wI= not be exerciSed if, Within such llme, any balance of caiIs o「 p「emlumS IS Paid
(o the A§SoCiation.

The Associa筒on aIso undertakes to nofty you promptly ifthe Ship ceases o「 WiII ∞aSe to be entered in the
Association o「 if instructions have not been received for the renewaI of the entry the「eof.

ArendaI, 15th February 2021

Gard AS
As agent oniy fo「

Gard P. & I. (Bemuda) 」td., Norwegian Branch

B」のm F「emmerlid


Co請CatOれumbe'         2021 501O37 5 1

This d∞ument ∞nfims tha=he fo=owing nsks are lnCIuded -n the ∞Ve「 ProVided by the ∞ntraCt OVerleaf

(attached) and a「e covered in accordance with the tems set out in that contracし

Rlsk8 COV〇〇〇d:        Ca喝o cIaImS

Wreck 「emovai
PoIiution cIaims

This d∞ument is intended purely as a summary ofsome of the principaI risks ∞Vered and does not constitute a
∞nt確Ct Of insu剛∞ and shaiI not be ∞nS廿ued as eviden∞ Ofany undertaklng, financiaI o「 otherwISe, On the

Part of請e Assocねtion to any othe「 Parly

In録e even…at a Member tende'S this summary as eviden∞ Of insu「an∞ unde「 any appliCabie law reIating to
佃tark±al responsib=ity, O「 Otherwise shows or o簡ms it to any other party as evidence of lnSu「an∞, SuCh use of

伽i$ Sl細mlary by the Membe「 is not to be taken as any indication that the Association thereby consents to act as

g咽で喜東r o輸to be sued directIy in any jurisdiction whatsoeve「. The AssoclalIOn does not so consent

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