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Theory of Evolution

Darwin’s Theory
Darwin’s theory states that organisms evolve as a result of natural selection. Darwin realised that organisms best
suited to their environment are more likely to survive, passing on their characteristics to their offspring. (through
genes) Gradually, species change over time.

Charles Darwin was born in 1809. In that time everyone believed in God. In 1831, he joined a scientific expedition to
the Galapagos Islands. He read Lyell’s ‘Principles of geology’. This suggested that fossils was actually evidence of
animals that had lived millions of years ago.

Alfred Wallace, scientist, also worked on this own theory. They read each other’s unpublished work and checked it.
Because the ideas were so similar, they joined together and published the theory of evolution in a scientific paper.
A year later, 1859, Darwin published his own book ‘On the origin of species’. This book was controversial- it went
against the view of God that he created all life on Earth. People learnt that humans were simply a type of animal that
had evolved from apes.

This a picture saying

that humans evolved
from apes.

The evidence for this theory:

Fossil Records- this provides evidence that
organisms have changed over time.
Changes that been observed in
microorganisms. Populations for example,
the development of antibiotic resistant
Extinction- species that do not adapt to
environmental changes die out overtime.

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