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The King and Royal Monuments

Third Dynasty
● Decorated palettes + maceheads ceased to be produced
● King’s funerary complex was built entirely of stone (instead of mud brick w/ stone elements)
● Third Dynasty king Djoser’s funerary complex was built of limestone located at the Step Pyramid of Saqqara
○ Elements form Early Dynastic royal burials were reworked into new configuration
○ 14 entrances w/ only one functional entrance on the east side (recalls Early Dynastic funerary
enclosures at Abydos)
○ Elements of Early Dynastic palaces include large open area w/ raised platform + set of crescent-shaped
○ was-sceptre frequently held by deities
■ was translates to ‘dominion’ + encompassess concept of power associated w/ kingship
○ ankh-sign is the hieroglyph for ‘life’ closely associated w/ divine kingship
■ ‘life’ = gift from deities to the king
○ medenbu (‘limits’) + crescent-shaped stones represent extent of kings rule
○ Long broad beard cut square at the end w/ horizontal lines running across it was associated w/ the king
○ King statue has R arm across chest + L arm on thigh (reversed on Khasekhem’s statues)
○ King’s feet placed on series of nine archery bows
■ Enemies of Egypt were traditionally called ‘the nine bows’
○ Inscription on front of statue base includes king’s Horus name + the name of high official Imhotep
● sed-festival - held after king ruled for 30 yrs in order to renew his kingship
Fourth Dynasty
● Complete change in layout of king’s funerary complex
● Superstructure of tomb was built in form of a true pyramid w/ smooth sides instead of steps
● Complex set out as series of elements in linear sequence on east-west axis
○ No longer in middle of large enclosure oriented north-south
○ Entrance in the north face, funerary temple situated on the east
● Changes associated w/ increased emphasis on relationship btw the king + sun god
○ True pyramid shape symbolized sun (relate to sacred benben-stone)
○ North side of pyramid related to eternal life promised by imperishable northern stores → replaced
w/ east side oriented towards rising sun (eternal cycle of renewal ; rise/set)
● Kings began to call themselves ‘son of Ra’ (sun god)
● First example where estates set aside to supply king’s cult were depicted
● Khafra’s pyramid include more elaborate funerary temple w/ entrance hall, open court, five statue niches,
offering chamber, and storage rooms
○ These elements became standard in funerary temples of Fifth and Sixth Dynasties
○ 2 types of statues:
1. King sits on high-backed seat w/ figures of lions forming the sides
2. King sits on simple block seat w/ no back
■ King wears nemes-headdress + looks straight w/ both forearms on thigh, right hand clenched +
left hand lies palm down
■ No two statues look the same (Egyptian art dislikes absolute repetition)
○ Sema tawy motif flanked by plants of Upper/Lower Egypt symbolizes union of 2 parts of Egypt
○ Horus falcon spread around king’s head symbolizes king is under protection of Horus + also
manifestation of god on earth

Non-royal Tombs
● Mastabas - high elite tombs w/ rectangular superstructures built of mudbrick that were plain on the outside w/
2 offering niches on east side (one at north + south end)
● Painted scenes of everyday life became more common during Fourth Dynasty
● Staff (left hand) + sceptre (right hand)= symbols of authority + status of an official
● Small room built into superstructure communicated w/ corridor only by slit in the wall → house statue of
deceased where his or her ka could dwell
● False door - door linking this world and the next
● Horizontally held arm ons statues went out of fashion in course of the Fourth DYansty

● Third Dynasty forms link btw formative period of the first two dynasties + classic pyramid age of the Old
Kingdom initiated in the Fourth Dynasty
● Elite tombs continue to be built in older mastaba form
○ Follow own line of development w/ evolution of decorated tomb chapel + scenes of everyday life in
addition to images of deceased receiving offerings
○ Form of royal + elite tombs diverge sharply
● Gap btw power of king + elite was never greater than in the Fourth Dynasty
● Step pyramid = true solar pyramid at beginning of Fourth Dynasty

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